Is Falling Down the most realistic LA movie?
Is Falling Down the most realistic LA movie?
That looks like Mexico.
And to think it was made over 20 years ago
latinos are best case scenario if we're going to get flocked with immigrants
terrible post, discord tranny. try again
What, exactly, is wrong with this?
like how aids is better than cancer?
I was hoping huffing and puffing joker would appear
>shit is better than piss
no, and you're not fooling anyone pedro
>latinos are best case scenario if we're going to get flocked with immigrants
As a white man, I will burn this country to the fucking ground before letting some shitskin population inherit the greatness of this country that I and my forefathers built.
I'd rather the human species go extinct than let you soulless shitskin monkeys exist without your rightful white masters.
I have a better question.
What do you, liberal, find wrong with this.
too many white men
Bad news is you don't even know that you're being out bred as we speak. Your grandchildren will be brown, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it gringo
Nothing, but that was a different time. Things are different now and we've gotta respect that.
>Things are different now and we've gotta respect that.
>demographic change is a natural event, goy. N political change can stop the forces of nature
I watched it for the first time today
it was pretty good
I did not expect race to play such a big role
it really was a white man being estranged from the modern world and going crazy
I've already wondered how they don't get hot over all those layers
Are you saying if every shitskin wore a good looking suit, the world would be better?
Hard to believe this is a real photo of the same world we're living in today
who would you rather have immigrate here instead of latin americans?
"lol no one day of the rope" is not an answer
miami is doing great with no white people
You know nobody takes the John Birch Society seriously anymore, right user?
>yearning for an era which you never existed in
top sign of a brainlet
>t. chicano
Latinos are a fucking plague. Their women are disgusting box shaped oompa loomaps unless they're mixed with black and white and their men are violent, degenerate savages
*Tips fedora*
*Drinks Mountain Dew*
*Kisses cousin*
>inherit the greatness of this country that I and my forefathers built.
Unironically Muslims. At least then we could impose strict Sharia law and finally solve the roastie problem for good.
None. We're full fuck off to your shit tier thirdworld hell holes where cartels buttfuck your grandmas dead body on cam for drug money
>lel y do you even care? You weren't alive then
>btw don't forget to pay reparations, bigot
there would be civil war if arabs were coming in to the US in the same proportion as latinos
>hings are different now
Only because people with agendas have opened the goats to non-european people. And now our country is rotting because of it. We are at the end of the great American experiment and it's all because we couldn't control our borders and only let in people of our own kind or the very best and brightest of other lands.
You took away a bright future from my children and someday, someway you and others like you will pay dearly by perhaps not my hand, but rather the hand of the half human hordes you think you can control, you think can rise the capability of the european. they will destroy you if whats left of America doesn't get you first.
>/pol/ kiddos shitting on mexicans b/c orange man told them it's cool
predictable sheep
orange man bad!
Yeah it's a shame that not everyone can be rich
This but unironically
Wow 10 crazy people
Surely everybody you run into that disagrees with your horseshit is one of them
with none or whites out of the question I'd say some 60 iq africans would be best both for accelerationism and for preventing job displacement.
>automatically assuming my argument
keep jacking off to Hitler speeches you spazz
Incredibly based and redpilled
White Europeans, Australians, and South Africans. You fucking shitskin.
imagine being nonwhite it 2019
it blows my mind that people are retarded enough to think that there weren't always relatively nice and relative poor areas, or that things haven't been on a steady path of improvement forever
the average person lives like a god compared to a rich person from 200 years ago
Yeah imagine being the majority.
You wont do shit faggot
but the others are the "npc"
No thanks
>"lol no one day of the rope" is not an answer
You're in for a rough surprise
Muslims are polite and hard working. Mexicans are also polite and hard working. Asians are polite and hard working.
Literally the only culture that is shitty, American blacks, don't migrate into the US. African blacks even are polite and hard working.
What's wrong with wanting to share this paradise with others?
lmao if they're so great why are all their countries shit?
>What's wrong with wanting to share this paradise with others?
Well, there's nothing wrong with that if you assume this paradise is just some static and infinite resource.
Now on the other hand, if this paradise was constructed by a certain group of people with a certain set of values and norms, importing large numbers of outsiders would likely erode at the paradise itself.
I wonder if history supports that.
Can't handle the bantz, huh? As long as they are white and have a average to above average IQ I don't give a shit.
Absolutely BASED.
tbqhfam, below average IQ whites are preferable to high IQ non-whites
Damnit. We were this close to a thousand year utopia.
Our savior will come someday.
That sounds fucking retarded. Explain yourself.
>whats wrong with giving our historical enemies access to all our resources and technology
Fuck. No.
Yeah, south LA is so great
all false. Nice try leftist cuck
Those values and norms aren't static in themselves anyway. The next generation for that group of people will be different in their own ways. Besides which, there's no reason outsiders couldn't adjust to this society.
Became this
Those look like upstanding white Europeans to me.
>empathy free chinks displacing you out of jobs or labor class high empathy whites
We will see.
I still don't get the point of this scene
Wait, is this actually LA?
Oh, i didn't see the "non-white" emphasis in your post. I agree, racial purity comes before any other factor.
You don't have to invite your enemies
Average child birth rate of a non-white female in the US is 1.8. If you have 2 kids or more, you’re the one doing the out-breeding.
Where are the white people?
depends on the minority in question.
>high IQ aztecs and blacks
regression to the norm. Even if you have intelligent blacks, there children will not be as smart, and their children's children will follow the same pattern. Eventually, the "smart" black will revert to low IQ apes (while adding a few generation to the mud population)
highly ethno centric society. They have a higher than average IQ, so the problem isn't regression to the norm. IN this case it's kind of like jews. They infest and exclude. Look at Canada, gooks are buying out entire towns and pricing natives out of everything
Not to mention they're literal bug people with no sense of humanity
go back to 1960 with your relativistic bullshit
They don’t have a higher IQ. China doesn’t test the rural parts of China, selectively tests in cities, and openly encourages cheating.
This is in Hawaii you dumb bitch
Saratoga Springs looks almost the same as it did
Not enough homeless and Typhus
Empathy is a meme
All non-whites are the enemy of white races.
>Those values and norms aren't static in themselves anyway.
Yeah, if you have (((people))) that instinctively erode and degrade their host nation's society those values might change
They don't live in the big cities anymore.
We have warred with everyone including 'ourselves' the point is they have different (self centered) evolutionary goals, giving them our civilization as you would is suicidal.
t. chink
being white is basically being born on easy mode. Especially if you're a white male.
Why did we fuck this up?
yeah if you want cheap slave labor
enough with these anti right conspiracies and stop being paranoid.
diversity is strength
>empathy is the reason his race is dying
>it's not a meme
Yes, our ancestors fought to create a society where that is the case. Any non-white in a white built society deserves NOTHING since his ancestors didn't sweat and bleed to build it or them.
I you are a nonwhite and you only get the scraps that white society gives you, say "thank you sir" and crawl back into your mud hut.
American colonization fucked everything up, destabilized euro phenotype distribution and allowed Jewry to gain actual power. The colonization functioned as a selective pressure for "individualists" ie people who make excellent goys whereas Euro elites remained with their power in their own states.
Whites are their own worst enemy
Look at how values changed during the Enlightenment, that was all white people.
I wouldn't give them anything, I would invite the best of the best to help our civilization prosper.
Reminder that even if things were still like this you'd still be a outcast loser incel somehow
>anti right
*alt right
That would be Japs or Koreans retard
Christian universalism and underestimated the Jew.
Nah, i think you would rather have white south africans or the lesser types of europeans like Polacks, or Irish people.
Then non-chinese Asians(Specially Japanese or korean).
Niggers are last.
also the only reason you arent farming a rice paddy right now, once you run out of breadcrumbs to steal from our civilizations you will be back to the ricepaddy for another 1000 years
Asians so I can a healthy supply of qt schoolgirls to quell my yellow fever
Shut was actually way more polluted back then
Weird how America started going down the drain when all the Jews from Europe fled to America before World War 2 kicked off. The Jewish population in America skyrocketed and immediately started to do the same shit they were doing in Europe that caused the German people to attempt to kill them all.
The question really is, when will the American Holocaust begin.
What Mexico city is this?
you aren't white muttcuck
Is this post supposed to be pro-empathy or anti?
>Whites are their own worst enemy
Jew's aren't white.
America was at its peak post WW2, when the rest of the world was rebuilding their shit and the European empires were falling apart.
The eternal reich will have an unlimited supply of asian qt sexbots so beta genes don't spread
Non-American here and I would like to ask:
Would you rather live in a neighborhood of 90% latinos or blacks?
>/pol/ not filled with self-hating mexicans
take your libtard gold to reddit
As long as they come in legally, m'pede
i'd rather kill myself
Being white is easy mode everywhere on the planet though
Not many jews fled to the US, user. That was kind of the point and why so many died, countries didn't let them in. Only after the border was closed and the holocaust was happening in the 1940s did ambassadors of countries like Sweden and a few others try to save as many as they could.
How long does it take to plant roots in a new country you reckon?
At least I don't step in shit on the streets anymore
>We were invaded and we just have to lay down and accept that fact
Chill out cleetus, you Irish heritage hillbillies aren’t white either