Legit, which one is the better film overall?
Alien vs. Aliens
Alien - kino
Aliens - movie
Alien- movie
Aliens- kino
Alien, you dumbass
fuck your poll
based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled
>comparing a horror movie to an action movie
>fuck your poll
Woah there dude. Gettin kinda heated there.
>you're not allowed to compare genres
>movie quality is unique to genre
I'm not voting in your poll, OP, it's apples and oranges and I enjoy both films for wildly different reasons.
>Xenomorph is an unstoppable nightmare-inducing killing machine
>Xenomorphs are just oversized bugs who anyone with a gun can kill within seconds
>1 alien is no longer a threat, they need lots of them, aka cuantity over quality
sure youre allowed to but that would make you a brainlet
>movie quality is unique to genre
you like different genres for different reasons
Aliens is way fucking better. Alien continues to be one of the most overrated movies I’ve ever seen even after rewatches. It doesn’t have anything interesting to say or comment on, it’s just a very well made slasher film with a cool looking monster. Thin substance with a pretty exterior, meanwhile Aliens has the full package
Alien high kino
Aliens litty kino (fun film)
what a gay opinion lol
Totally agree user! Aliens took literally everything Alien had, upgraded it on a grander and more more heartpounding scale. The tension was far greater with the Aliens completely obliterating the marines and than Ripley having to face the Queen at the end. Alien just pales in comparison with it's minimalistic approach to how Ripley escapes the Nostromo and how the most important thing was a DAMN CAT!
I like Aliens better, but fans of the franchise should prefer Alien.
i think it's okay to switch genres, but "from horror to x" makes the first film look like a joke
Aliens is kinda outdated Aliens is not.
Bill Paxton who plays Hudson in Aliens said in the making of Aliens that he believed that, "the series will withstand the test of time." He was right
>the series
They are equal and both interior to Covenant.
Alien: horror
Aliens: action
both are kino don't be a faggot
Covenant was uperior to Prometheus
really hard to say, user, considering they aren't even of the same genre, both good though in their own way
I think I'd mind Aliens a lot less if it were about a species other than the Xenomorphs. It really undermines how terrifying they were in the original by making them fucking fodder.
alien is no longer a threat, they need lots of them, aka cuantity over quality
I don't understand how this is a bad thing, its just common sense. The aliens are still a threat, they wipe out a squad of seasoned space marines.
Aliens is more rewatchable. I could view it every year and not get bored. With Alien, once I know when the scares/kills are coming, it becomes more difficult to sit through without a decent passing of time (multiple years).
they were your worst nightmare, they were definitely back in 86 when I saw it in the theater with my gf, maybe not now that tons of cheap CGI monsters have been put out there and desensitized all the millenials
The puppeteering is sesame street bad mate. Especially when they're moving in masses. Less is more. Alien is better than Aliens for it and it's better than The Thing which has better puppet work than Aliens too.
>The aliens are still a threat, they wipe out a squad of seasoned space marines.
This precisely, also the fact that the marines had very advanced weapons, training that involved killing alien beings and were heavily debriefed on the history and development of the xenmorph makes the anticipation of the Alien coming onto screen THAT much more scary. The atmosphere and moments where the rain is just trickling through the gated roofs and cooridors was just plain creepy too. That moment when Hicks just over looks a coffee cup and half eaten donut with rain leaking onto them..damn still makes me creeeped out to see and feel how the colonists got killed by the aliens.
Well, I can see the problem is your patrician eyes are just to exacting to be taken in by the clumsy effects the hacks who made Aliens tried to foist on the public, funny, I feel sorry for you, because I love every bit of that flick
>clumsy blah blah
Not what I'm saying. Less is more. This has always been true. It's why Jurassic Park with its 60ish cgi cuts looks better than Jurassic World with its 2000ish cuts. If you have less vfx you have more time to get what you do right. To do it well.
Something like Alien only gives you a handful of cuts that are animatronic/puppet/composite. It's much, much better work than what's in Aliens.
Both Alien and Aliens scared me when I watched them as a kid. They have different strengths and are more Sci-fi then horror to me.
The Lone Alien killing off the crew one by one was nerve racking in Alien and the Hive shit in Aliens was horrifying.
>how the colonists got killed by the aliens.
They weren't killed user,the spookiest part is that they were all taken to the hive. They never found any bodies.
What the fuck is that thing.
It looks like someone took a cheese struck, split it and put underwear ontop
Right. I know, that was the one of the spookiest parts for sure and the atmosphere generated through the marines bulky shoulder camera equipment was unnerving itself. I thought the dead alien eggs and slimy cocooned resined walls when the marines were exploring the lower levels of the colony was scary and trippy.
They're equally good for different reasons
Alien is the better film, but Aliens has the hotter bitch.
agreed to the degree that Aliens has the hotter bitch but Aliens overall is the better film. Alien as put well but an earlier user:
>"Aliens is way fucking better. Alien continues to be one of the most overrated movies I’ve ever seen even after rewatches. It doesn’t have anything interesting to say or comment on, it’s just a very well made slasher film with a cool looking monster. Thin substance with a pretty exterior, meanwhile Aliens has the full package."