Feels bad man

feels bad man

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What in the literal fuck were they thinking?

Great. It was shit.

I know that feel bro

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What an ungainly mouthful

Shame, I loved those

who else /umd/ here

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I had this

HD DVD would have sold better and it would have had a better online functionality

its a shame it got snuffed out by memestation

Oh children. If you only knew.

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HDdvd never had a chance

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>that 2005 aesthetic

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I fuggin had this.
I'm glad it was Blu-Ray that won out though.

Sony always wins baby

sup fellow CED disc bro. have a few i got from a thrift store for cheap. still dont have a player

what a deal!

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There so many dicks at the time who where convinced it would win over Blu-Ray. Only a complete idiot would think that.

Higher storage capacity, online capabilities. Better studios backing it. In the fucking console as standard.

And when HD-DVD crashed and burned they where all surprised lol. The online whiling was so damn funny.

So many toys out of prams over on the The Digital Bits forums lol

i vaguely recall circuit city being strictly an hd-dvd store and everyone thinking that was really stupid

I had one with the spongebob krusty krab pizza ep on it. Pure kinö

Same here. Though I also have some RCA magazines about the technology from back when my dad worked for the company. Not that he or even many RCA employees bought that shit.

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>Yea Forums is literally just 40 y/o PS3/360 console warriors nostalgic for 2007

Explains everything.

This kind of stupid underage poster is why 4channel has gotten so bad.

this shit died because of the ps3

Well it was a major reason. Sony pulled a good one with putting it the PS3 as they learnt putting a DVD player in the PS2 ensured DVD's took off.

Microsoft in the big rush to come to market couldn't wait.

But in the end MS has a shit ton of cash so it doesn't matter a great deal. And Sony missed a trick not putting a 4k player in the PS4 Pro

The 2000s were great. I’m not a nostalgic millennial, I’m a gen-x old man in my 40s. It was just a great time all around. Degeneracy existed but not like today. No migrants in Europe, no tranny agenda being shoved down our throat. The (((middle eastern wars))) were shit

it died because porn went with br

Toshiba and Intel went full retard and initially rejected HD DVD licensing request by the Japanese porn industry.


this meme needs to die already. literally everyone was getting their porn off of the internet at that point

I think bluray was the better option. If HDDVD won I would be more upset because it was an inferior product.

how? hd dvd's dont have those annoying commericals that play before the menu

It was never meant to succeed. Microsoft wanted it to fail because there's more money in digital.

looks like an xbox juan

and they were right, its been how many years since blu ray came out and it sitll hasnt replaced dvds

I didn't realise those commercials were unique to bluray. I'm sure they could have put them in HD DVD to milk a little more money out of it.

>And Sony missed a trick not putting a 4k player in the PS4 Pro
I can't believe they fucked that one up. Xbox One S is a fucking great 4k BR player.

it didn't hurt sales

Still have Monty Python and the Holy Grail on UMD, I should plug my PSP in some time...

You can just skip those


that samsung lookes like a ps4

It was the last decade where things seemed natural/felt they were coming from somewhere organic, by the time the 2010's came in everything started looking like it was being made by machines and being dumbed down and this fuckhuge tranny/fag/migrant push has permanently destroyed things. The Iraq war was good because 911 made everyone slighly more conservative even though the trend of the 90s was very much stepping closer to where we are now by pushing degenerate shit everywhere, the 2010's is probably the most worthless fucking decade in existence, There is no culture, no heritage, nothing good to build upon, nothing. The 2000's will be the new 80's, fucking calling it.

The 2010s are the decade of "progress"

My dad found this an a bunch of HD dvds in the trash and brought it home even though nobody in the house had an xbox. Luckily 300 was in there and it was both regular dvd and hd dvd. Fucking score.


Anything good?

VCD + PS1 = The optimal way to enjoy kino

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>The Iraq war was good because 911 made everyone slighly more conservative

But the Iraq war had nothing to do with 9/11. And it marked the shift where it became socially acceptable to welcome anyone from the region as refugees, because the West were to blame for all of their problems.

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I have a player, and watched some movies. It's like VHS, but slightly different.

9/11 gave bush an excuse to start the iraq war

that was the Arab Spring you dingus, and EVERYONE supported that because Obamus was handling it instead of evil meany Bush and his greedy oil plans

fucking hell I thought it was just me

wot m8, enlighten me

who in god's name buys porn?

>the ps4 looks like that Samsung



If you’re in your 40’s and were in 7th gen console wars you need to an hero immediately

Really while I was travelling and there was no Internet UMDs on my PSP were god tier, that was 2007-2008 vidya and kino fun

There were vcd attachments to the PS fat that can make it play VCDs. Sometimes it even comes with its own LCD screens.



I remember burning 320x240 porn videos to watch on my dreamcast.

Goddamn, what a time to be alive


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This also exist as a asian limited edition.

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Why is the Xbox One on the Toshiba shelf?


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So are those black case 4k movies bluray discs or something else?

Samsung just announced it won't be making any Blu-ray players.

Worst thing that could happen is physical media being taken away from us.

Samsung a shit, LG will take over as the reigning Korean electronics brand.