
ffs lads edition

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things that go bump in the night?

It won’t stay up if people only post once an hour. I bump every 20 minutes when I can but everybody has to put in some effort. I was the last bump in the last thread

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I was too busy chatting with trannies on discord sorry

Why are you posting a series that ended on 13th of May, 2010?

is this pic from an episode? don't remember DeaNN being a fan of turn left

Right I'm going to watch Who We Are instead of fannying about on Yea Forums

Did they show you their girlpenis?

It's a different timeline, buddy

Yeah but it was caged

That's hot, but then it's "hard" to give a blowjob.

I wonder what Dean thinks of traps?

fuck sucking gurl peen you fag lol
I think he prefers ladyboys

>I think he prefers ladyboys
Yeah that would seem logical.

What the hell is going on here

Odd for such a tumblr show they're okay with Dean a white man fetishizing Asians.

when Tumblr had porn, the most visited ones were about Asian chicks who fuck white dudes
pretty Tumblr to me

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>the most visited ones were about Asian chicks who fuck white dudes
pretty based if you go on /gif/ it's all gay and blacked shite and gay blacked shite

tumblr was more based in that way?

it was, but it was the only way it was based
there was this one site I remember where it was filled with nothing but yellow chicks taking white dick, black chicks taking white dick, any color you could imagine taking white dick, then (((they))) shut down all the porn
really makes you think

It was also full off "white degradation", sissy hypno, animated ork and monster porn and furry shit.

This site has gone to shit under Hiro

It was contained in its own bubble though unlike on here

Kek what is this thread

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I hope Crowley isn't actually dead
>Who We Are
Kino episode Sam gives a good Oorah speech while leading the troops while Dean goes inception with his mum

>All Along the Watchtower
The last episode of season 12, looks like another big showdown. I hope they don't play the titles song that the end, cuz dats cheese

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They don’t play it. How are you liking s12 so far? You’re almost done

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like you were never curious

You know the Leviathans were the only good thing to come post Season 5

Terrible show, one of the gayest most boring shows ever

season 11 is kind you pillock

>How are you liking s12 so far?
Pleasantly surprised, I thought it would be jokey corny slop and that I would hate the BMOL evil brits gimmick but overall season 12 has been solid, great MOTW with a good season arc.

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Actually wait, one other thing was good post Season 5: The Scooby Doo episode

When I'm marathoning supernatural his accent gets annoying as fuck.

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Based. I like season 12 too. The next pleb filter after season 7. The espionage aspect is a welcome change

>not liking Eve
>not liking Amara
>not liking Baby and Scoobynatural
At least I can’t fault you for liking the leviathans

>The season finally intro recap wayward starts

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I like it
Does the show get better or worse?

>leave action scenes to me
What did she mean by this?

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thanks for not spoiling you total cunt
*gags you*

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FUCK Ketch and FUCK Asmodeus


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I think it remains steadily good
SPOILER it for the catch up anons!


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Trapfags begone!

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>All Along the Watchtower S12E23
all the sidekicks get got which is a shame. I liked their dynamic and alternative shithole Bobby looks like a soiboi hipster but at least Crowley had an honorable seppuku death, Dean would have been proud
Knowing the show they will deus ex machina it which makes it less impactful.

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>someone saved my edit
>Knowing the show they will deus ex machina it which makes it less impactful
checked and which deus ex?

>deus ex?
Deus ofc, alternative people or the Nephilim

yeah but HOW is what I meant. How will those become deus ex?

By using them as plot devices to bring back all the sidekicks, Cass, Crowley, Rowena, Mummy etc

oh shit you know what I actually forgot all the deaths in the finale of 12. Your guess is only half correct


>Lost and Found S13E1
Rocky start, Dean gets all soppy and gives up hope while Sam plays uncle for the spawn

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Ya it’s not spectacular but season 13 builds up really well and falls flat on the finale

Goodnight bong mcleod

I'd post more but since it's not a Buffy/Angel thread as well I won't be very welcome here :(

>Season 47
>Castiele still a faggot
>Sam still a faggot
>Dean still a faggot
>Bobby still a faggot
>Lucifer still a faggot
>Story line is a bout demons and Angels again
Scooby Doo for roasties.

Do it anyway

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gets me every time

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>The Rising Son S13E2
A decent episode which sets up the relationship with Jack and the brothers.
Now I know what your tattoo means.
Goodnight user leaf?

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If you had to write a season revolving entirely around ghost lore, how would you do it?

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I don't mind so long as you don't spoil Buffy, who's the pale redhead sidekick in Buffy? she's in American Pie too.

>who's the pale redhead sidekick in Buffy?

A cute!

Speaking of which, is there any waifu material on supernatural? All the women on the show just seem trashy and 'liberated'. Where's the Willows and Freds?

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What are the most kino episodes?

nice trips

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Night night fellas
