Unironically can't fucking wait for /ourgirl/ to return bros
Unironically can't fucking wait for /ourgirl/ to return bros
Gaddot is so fucking cute christ. Glad FATfags got btfo by this and Aquamutt being the only good things to come out of DC. High hopes for Shazam noe that every retarded thing Hack Snyder wanted is finally gone.
Man of Steel was alright though.
I'm glad that crown hides her cro mangnon skull.
Ww84 will hit a billion
Skipping leg day
1 lesson for year
buy you dvd now
Why is this board afraid of beautiful women?
This is the saddest ass I've ever seen.
Trannies hate real women and most liberal men are gay.
We love beautiful women
That's not Alita in your pic related OP.
the middle one is clearly shoped
Cmon Brie. All you need to do is look in the mirror
WW 1920 worked because Chris Pine oozes charisma and elevates everything around him kinda like AJ Styles does in wrestling. Without Pine, WW 1980 will be shit.
Tthis board like curvy beautiful women.
>Why is this board afraid of beautiful women?
post none
>he doesn't know
We don't like cro magnon subhumans.
He is in it though
Second to the left has way too much ass and that’s gross negro tier garbage
The theory is a flashback or hallucination. If it's just that it will bomb.
yeah but chris pine is in it to save it again
I'm going to laugh if Captain Marvel is substantially worse than Wonder Woman. WW had kind of a bad third act but the first two acts are fantastic, and overall I like it very much.
Because it's infested with pathetic little incels who just hate women full-stop, be they hot or not.
t. nigger
Fuck FATHICCfags. Within weeks of THICC posting becoming a thing it had devolved into straight up BBWs as it always inevitably will.
Literally a Mediterranean goddess
>the "cultural milestone for women" is BTFO by Aquaman
>I have shit taste and I'm proud
Hopefully more than 5 minutes. This movie can't survive 85 minutes of KAL LEL NO!
imagine waking up to lynda riding you like that
>Queen of the Amazons
>No muscle mass and a head like fucking Roger Stone
based microcephaly poster
thanks mrs. skeleton
>by Aquaman
ha ha ha ha ha
my holes, batman
What went so wrong?
>Wonder Woman makes 800 million and some change on her first film = greatest cinematic achievement of our time
>Aquaman makes 1.1b on his first film = i-it doesn't really mean anything
I'm just glad if WW84 makes over 1 billion (hopefully it won't), it won't mean anything because Aquachad already did that for the DCEU
Wonder Woman is objectively the worst superhero flick in recent memory
Hell yeah. I'm interested in where they take things story-wise. Setting it in the past actually has me intrigued.
>0 (zero) live action roles since 2017 and next one only in 2020
I'm glad the jewish push to make her a star didn't quite work out as planned
Goddam, she's so fucking adorable.
still nothing