Why did Hank never threaten to kick Cotton's ass? He deserved it and it would've made Cotton proud.
Why did Hank never threaten to kick Cotton's ass? He deserved it and it would've made Cotton proud
How many times have you punched your dad in the face?
you got a fat neck boy
No one would punch their own dad for a gay insult like that. My dad used to beat the eveliving shit out of me and it took me until I was 15 to fight back. It's not an easy thing to do. You are just a fucking pathetic faggot who wishes they had the balls to fight.
I think because his dad was an injured war hero that was half his size as a teen.
Could you beat up your fucked up injured dad with no shins?
A couple but it was my fault for being a shitty son
Only a man with a narrow uretie would come up with an insult like that.
few times but he's an alcoholic
I could, the movie Hot Rod prepared me for it.
It's a metaphor for the good son never being appreciated by a cranky dad who alienates everyone around him.
This but I'm
except I was there alcoholic though... at fifteen
That's not how a metaphor works, ya jackass.
cotton isn't as cool as you think he is. he likes to kill nasis. did you know nasis were the forces of germany under adolfs rule?
not so "based" is he, now?
Imagine if Cotton found out that Bobby was moderating a shitty mongolian pot-firing forum for no money whatsoever.
He only ever fought in the Pacific theater against the Japanese.
Now that you mention it, I wasn't aware of the Nazis' relation to the Hitler-man.
How can I continue to advocate punching Nazis when Hitler was and is irrevocably my boy?
Then how did he have Hitler's canoe?
>muh shins muh fiddy men
Cotton was an ass but I did like how his relationship with Hank wasn’t just throwaway stuff.
Raimi's short lived career as a comic book artist at Marvel
I've put him in a headlock several times, but punching him in the face would be nice too.
It's not THAT difficult. I could kick my dad's ass by 15. Most kids can, it was the main thing we talked about at Boy Scouts. Maybe you're just a total pussy?
Because of the Fifth Commandment you jackass, this is a Christian household.
>I'll call him Hank
>dad thats what you named me
>then I'll call him Good Hank, GH for short!
of course a dad who would let their pussy son join some girl scout troop could get his ass kicked