What is a battle angel anyways Yea Forums?

What is a battle angel anyways Yea Forums?

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dunno lol

someone who stands by the presence of evil

a qt

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She is a beserker- a special forces android from a past war.

A brain in a purpose-built military combat robot, basically.

The nickname "Battle Angel" is one she got from the announcer at the rollerball tournament she was in.

a qt who fights

mecha lolicon for weebs


>She has the face of an Angel and body made for battle!

Literally walked out of the cinema right there

Bye-bye, and thanks for the $12.50!

(because an announcer at a sports competition would NEVER say anything like that!)

A valkyrie

someone who's favorite food is chocolate

its like a mechanical doll that incels can fuck instead of molesting a similarly specc'd child

Jokes on you faggot I paid $26!

a deh

t. roastie

a shit meme movie being shilled to a heretofore unheard of degree

She is my wife

La luz extinguido...

dunno why they didnt hire maisie williams and save in CGI