Okay user, pitch me your business

>Okay user, pitch me your business

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>I'm a brap gas suppressor prototype. Feel free to test me out right now.

>It's an app the catalogues peoples' political opinions and sexual activity. We'll use an expensive marketing campaign to convince the general public that people not using it (like those who don't use social media) are creeps. For a small monthly fee you can display a badge on your profile stating that you're a registered Democrat.

Well, first (*cries*), I just wanted to say that it was my dead mother's dream for me to get a deal on Shark Tank. She always believed in me and told me to follow my dreams.
So here's my company. It's basically eBay for women's used panties and socks. We had $300 million in sales last year.

>300 million? That’s excellent. So if you’re making those kind of figures, what do you need a shark for?

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Strategic partnerships. I'm thinking of expanding and starting a program where women get free gym memberships in exchange for wearing panties we give them and turning them in at the end of their workout session, but I need connections in the fitness and clothing industry.








pls invest ty gb

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An energy drink for asian homosexuals.

private vacation camps for jewish people

Also, our demand is exceeding our supply, so it would help to have someone who already has inroads into the Asian market. We could probably triple our revenue with access to Asian panties.

America's brap talent, me as judge

*saves america*

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4K HD VR interracial pornography. I'll need $300k to get off the ground for 49% of the company.

Milk but in aluminum cans so they get colder and are less wasteful than plastic jugs you get at mcdonalds. Also carbonated milk is another idea

i make memes that get reposted a few times then die out as they become less relevant
here is an example

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is this what a advanced case of neurosyphilis looks like

saw her literally shilling reading glasses on QVC herself. I suspect she's a 'billionaire' like DJT is a 'billionaire'.

My favorite is the dude who was trying to convince everybody he had a patent on pockets

lmfao why you still mad trump won dude

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It's like Netflix b2it for cheap Chinese imitation shoes.

it was a bait image to get (You)s retard

no shit you nigger ape

>An energy drink for asian homosexuals.

They have that it's called green tea and for that reason, I'm out.

>private vacation camps for jewish people

They have that it's called the Catskills and 90% of them are closed now and for that reason, I'm out.

>Milk but in aluminum cans so they get colder and are less wasteful than plastic jugs you get at mcdonalds.

this isn't a bad idea

>carbonated milk

this one less so

I’m in the business of givin the business, and business is good.

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I call it Bullet Ball.

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Email service that messages relatives after your death. "Lol, its fuckin hot down here"

It's a feed and seed, formerly owned by Chuck

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I seem to remember reading about an actual service like this years ago. It was something where if you didn't check in every so often, the e-mails would be sent.

Looks like it still works.

what am i looking at here?

>Let me re-explain my position in a way in which you'll understand. I have a Honduran housekeeper named Rosa, barely speaks a lick of English. One morning during breakfast Rosa walks into the dining room and hands me a handwritten note in broken English, a note which must have taken her over a hour to piece together. Rosa's only daughter just got engaged and she wanted to know what kind of wine to serve when she and her husband hosted the two families for an engagement party this weekend, within their price range of course. I signal to Rosa to stay here and that I'll be right back. A few minutes later I walk back into the dining room and hand Rosa a bottle of wine. She immediately begins to cry. Why you ask? Often Rosa works in the kitchen and she sees my chef's receipts. I have a bottle of wine with each dinner and Rosa knows that she never brings a bottle to my table that costs less than $10,000. Now Rosa is a proud woman. At first she refused my gift. I communicated to her that I wouldn't accept no for an answer and she finally agreed to accept my gift while at the same time informing me that she will not be accepting a Christmas bonus from me this year. See, Rosa comes from nothing. She and her husband Ernesto raised their four sons and one daughter on the incomes of a housekeeper and day laborer. They refused to take any form of government assistance because they believe that they owe America, not that America owes them. The day after the party, Rosa's daughter came by my home to personally thank me for the bottle of wine. She told me that the bottle was split amongst all of the guests at the party, just enough wine in each glass that each person was able to have a taste following a toast that her father gave in my honor.

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>Right now you're probably thinking, "Wow, that's a touching story, but what does this have to do with my presentation?" See, what I never told Rosa was that the bottle of wine I gave her wasn't from my personal wine cellar. Rather, it was a bottle of Two Buck Chuck that I keep in my garage because the acidity cleans the grease right off my hands after I get done working on my 1960 Porsche RS60. How was I able to get away with this? It is because I am perceived as a winner. You are perceived as a loser. For that reason, I'm out.

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I would love to smell lorries underwear

>an electrical generator that harnesses the spin of the earth. it works by taking in salt water and processes the water and leaves behind the mineral precipitates. the water vapour is delivered to a vortex chamber where the coriolis effect spins this into a hurricane which drives the turbine which makes electricity. its waste products are clean water and gold
Honestly, how could you not get that from the picture?

My unwashed dick up your ass for $250k

me want sucking ur pusy!!

What kind do you think she wears?