Why are Czech movies so fucking bad? Have they made a single good movie?

Why are Czech movies so fucking bad? Have they made a single good movie?

Attached: czech.png (1280x853, 4K)

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I've watched "Marečku, podejte mi pero!". I thought it was funny.

they make movies that aren't porn?

Akumulátor 1

but yeah most of it suck

Czech my singles

Never seen single czech porn. Or pornstar which would be from Czech. Where did this meme come from?

Wish they made something like that for Japanese legends. I enjoyed that a lot but I would never show it to kids.

czech new wave you fucking dumb zoomer

Closely Watched Trains and Marketa Lazarova are two of the best films ever made, Marketa is easily in the top ten

Attached: prague.jpg (1280x600, 119K)

reddit town

the true czech kino


>Czech movies
Why did you post the flag for the Philippines?

The Cremator
Valerie and Week of Wonders
Lemonade Joe
Four Murders are Enough, Darling
The Hit
Beauty and the Beast (1978)

But everything made since the late nineties ought to be incinerated.

Attached: spalovac-mrtvol-1.jpg (1234x768, 173K)

These two are top tier kino

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They made absolute shitload of kinos, dramas, comedies, fairy tales and historical movies, you butthurt slovak.

>czechia isn't famous for models, porn stars, prostitutes, and generally just thots as a whole

mate did they have electricity under your rock? been thinking about going under for a while, society is getting to be too much

>all Czechoslovakian film
What are some Czech films, though?

Fake Taxi 1 hour compilation is my favorite

Basically the only major medieval city not fucked over by WWII

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>But everything made since the late nineties ought to be incinerated.

That doesn't leave a particularly long time period. 'Wild Flowers' was quite good, I suppose.

Why is the Czech Republic so based. Its the best parts of the Slavs combined with the culture of pre-WWII Germans.

But pic related is great. Haven't seen the sequel, though


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This, also add Daisies (1966)

Ja Olga Hepnarova

Attached: CremeFraiche.webm (720x480, 2.1M)

Also, 'Normal' was pretty neat. It had a nice visual style and an interesting moral dilemma, but the antagonist tried so hard to be Hannibal Lecter it was cringey.

wow you are fucking retarded

Attached: kladivo na čarodějnice.jpg (768x432, 49K)

Hey, Czech Gangbangs 14: The Revenge of Petr is fucking kino

Záhada hlavolamu. Both the movie and the series. Pic related gave me nightmares.

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European movies are boring as fuck. There I said it

Pic related literally won two Best Director Oscars

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Czech film and tv is good and they do well with historical costuming, Why they didn't make Witcher there is beyond me. Their small actor pool is pretty good.

It's astounding how little knowledge does Yea Forums have when it comes to film.
OP dismissed the existence of the entire Czech New Wave and is probably proud of that fact

Attached: Valerie-and-Her-Week-of-Wonders-1970.jpg (1200x866, 160K)

Because fantasy is cringe t. slav