all that and he dies like a fucking chump
and people swear by this movie
All that and he dies like a fucking chump
It's almost like he was supposed to be a real human bean whose repeated mistakes finally caught up to him.
he tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it didnt even matter
how to spot a zoomer, the thread
>por favor... lonestar
Word my dude, he should have gone and get a fucking m16 and kill'em all, right? And jump from a helicopter or something. Now THAT I'd give an oscar to
have to at least give him credit for watching a movie that's more than 5 years old. most zoomers would never do this
>yea dude why didn't he just kill all the bad guys that would've been sick bro OOF yikes senpai
>Llewellyn dodges all the Uzis matrix style
>cartwheels towards the mexicans and kills them all with one bullet like in deadpool
>Tom Bell shows up
>"Holy shit... I guess this is No Country For Old Men..."
thanks OP you really made it better
i love how he dies. Main character snuffed off screen like its nothing. Its edgy. My only complaint is OP's image. This angle of him isnt the greatest, unless you remember the exact shirt he was wearing and hat. His face is forshortened, I first thought it was just some mexican guy.
That's why I don't watch movie... jews are disgusting with their subliminal imagery..
reckon thats why they did it like this though. he became the everyman, just another corpse to put on the truck with the improperly secured load
It should have been Lew and Sugar fight each other to a stand still and Sugar does the coin flip and Lew wins so they team up and Lew will give Sugar the money if they break into the cartel hq to rescue Lews kidnapped wife.
They win through the power of friendship and there is a sequel hook.
this is your brain on capeshit
Why didn’t he just transform into Thanos
sorry you didn't get your marlel ending where llewellyn has a dance off to distract sugar while he gets dabbed on my tommy lee jones
i would have accepted Lou Ellen to have been killed if they actually showed it but to have him die by some spics off screen is something the coen hacks would do
no wonder Yea Forums loves this garbage
you think youre going to be there to see everyone you love die?
typical coen frauds apologist
dont @ me
Kill yourself
can't believe the cowboy policeman let sugar get away at the end
>Main character dies
He's not the main character, Tommy Lee Jones' character is.
but the sheriff is the main character
Damn, true... that bar has been set real low.
>he seriously thought some trailer trash bum was the main character
There will be blood should of won best picture
It's almost like Llewellyn isn't the main character.
ain't got no Lone Star
>hurr no make fun coen brothers movie
>hurr coen brothers movie equal good
peak Yea Forums
I cringed audibly
Unironically yes
mega cringe, my man
i was sheriff of this county when i was 25 years old
hard to believe
my grandfather was a law man, father too
me and him was sheriffs at the same time, him up in Plano and me down here
I think he's pretty proud of that, i know i was
some of the old time sheriffs never even wore a gun. lotta folks find that hard to believe, jim scarbough never carried one, that's the younger jim. gastin borkins wouldn't wear one up in comanche country.
I always liked to hear about the old timers, never missed a chance to do so.
You can't help but compare yourself against the old timers. Can't help but wonder how they'd operate in these times.
There's this boy i sent to the electric chair at Huntsville a while back, my arrest, and my testimony. He killed a 14 year old girl. paper said it was a crime of passion but he told me there wasn't any passion to it, told me that he'd been planning to kill somebody for bout as long as he could remember. Said if they'd turned him out he'd do it again. Said he knew he's goin to Hell... be there in about fifteen minutes.
I don't know what to make of that. I surely don't.
The crime you see now, it's hard to even take it's measure. it's not that i'm afraid of it, i always knew you had to be willing to die to even do this job, but i don't wanna push my chips forward and go out and meet something i don't understand.
man would have to put his soul at hazard
he'd have to say
I'll be part of this world
>MFW everyone ITT is too much a brainlet to understand Cormac McCarthy
Even I could of written a better ending
He wounds Nigur and escapes but its implied Nigur will keep chasing him and he'll never get to use the money
Call me a pleb, but I really would have liked to see him get shot at least. I mean I get why they didn't so it's more the cops perspective and his side of the story just showing up to the scene, but I like seeing shootings in my entertainment.
>michael rooker as holden
hmmm... maybe?
Sounds like shit
based, based!!
Nah bruh.
This guy as Holden
I didn't even recognize him the first time I saw it.
Movies can even make Tom Cruise look average size. It should be the least of your worries.
There is only one man that could ever truly embody The Judge
First time I saw this I thought that was a random Mexican.
Ryan johnson wishes he could subvert expectations this good
Its not an action movie. Why would it have a huge climactic gun fight at the end?
Holden is written as near 7 feet tall, pallid, and hairless. Kind of like the Engineers in Prometheus. Even as a Manlet, I acknowledge they need to cast someone much, much larger to portray him, movie magic be damned.
neither are giant baby types
He ain't the man character. He is just a dude caught in the trail of violence and blood.
The real mc is Tommy Lee Jones.
Would have been fine if the movie wrapped up shortly after. Instead you have to listen to the cop who did nothing the entire movie ramble about a bunch of bullshit that no one cares about. As if anyone cares about the random nonsensical dreams he had the night before.
Nikolaj was kino in Shot Caller.
I do not recall him dying in no country for old men.
Slightly off topic, but can someone recommend some modern westerns such as this?
lol you sound like my gf
Give me her number so she and I can initiate the 4th Reich.
he sure was
Shot Caller doesnt fit the bill exactly but youll like it
Sicario is a neo-western if you mean Western in a contemporary setting.
If you mean set in the wild west then Bone Tomahawk is good.
Wtf I could have sworn that the movie ended with Moss evading Chigurgh only to receive a phone call from later right before he was about to do the coin flip scene with her, then Moss is the person driving the vehicle that runs over Chigurgh at the end, am I tripping or was there an alternate ending?
josh brolin is in sicario lol
Who, dude. Geez, how about a spoiler?
Wind River
>Western in a contemporary setting.
That's a better way to describe what I meant. I want Ford Broncos, not horses.
Yeah, this was the only alternative to what they did. You are correct.
In all seriousness, the character deserved an on-screen death. They built a shitload of tension and then they didn't resolve it in a satisfying way. I guess that's cool, you're trying to be different, sure, but it's still dissatisfying.
Hell or High Water is a good neo-western.
Man I really wish Bridges would do some more westerns
Remember that time they let Cormac make a movie? Shit was jokes.
this is just funny. i've never been afraid of someone under 6 feet tall.
>llewellyn dies
>yasss realism
>anton dodges bullets when llewellyn ambushes him
>yass dopey spic hitman le randominity personified!
it's more rural but Blue Ruin has a similar tone and style and is one of the most underappreciated genre films of the last decade.
He's death, war, and destruction personified you brainlet.
Who was in the wrong here?
Great pick, forgot about this kino
The movie isn't really about Moss, he's just a pawn in the whirlwind of chaos surrounding the Sheriff. It's all about how the Sheriff feels overwhelmed with the sheer violence and unpredictability of current society. Probably didn't have to explain this since OP is likely just shitposting.
then it's poorly written
>neither are giant baby types
You can make anyone look fleshy. You can't elevate a TV actor's talent though
put your phone away when you are watching kinos
Similar to a plot twist, this film tried to be different. It failed. Yes... ooohhh, aahhhh, mysterious dude with weird haircut and accent kills people with a bolt gun... wow, so good.
The only thing I genuinely like about this flick is the setting and the entire motel scene and chase.
unironically one of the best opening monologues in film history
Yeah, who cares about the arc of the main character, which is only the entire point of the story?
Cormac only wrote it. Ridley Scott directed but his brother jumped off a bridge during production.
>all these action movie plebs who get filtered by the movie
Checking these quads
Yeah, it was a bit different in the book, but they rewrote it slightly formthe screenplay to make it absolute fucking kino. They had fantastic source material to work with though. I highly recommend any fans of the film read the book, its a very wuick and fun read that even a Yea Forums autist could get through in a night
>main character
>did nothing the entire movie
Sure thing
>did nothing
>a real human bean
and a real hero
Is this the most soulful film in of the XXI century or is it There will be blood?
>all that and he dies like a fucking chump
He's the main character, and if you had paid attention, you'd understand that the theme of the movie is "shit was always bad and it remains bad"
Get The Rock to throw some baby powder on his face and act serious
No, There Will Be Blood was not even a competitor. It's a fine movie, but vs No Country for Old Men, what the fuck?
YEah man. I love contradiction of expectation! Especially when it’s as disatisfying as a ruined orgasm!
I love the scene where the one hillbilly gets sniped by another hillbilly - played by Buzz from Home Alone.
Stick to capeshit, faggot
Just because you’re a dumb faggot with shit taste doesn’t mean I like capeshit.
Tommy Lee Jones nailed the delivery on this, too.
>a real human bean
what did they mean by this?
it's funny you say that because javier bardem is like 1 centimetre shy of 6ft.
Hell or high water
Something unusual happened in a movie? I hate it!
King of manlets
>doesn't show death
>people act like it's some super high brow avant garde director choice
he actually gets a girl killed in the book along with him. honestly don’t think it should have been adapted into a movie; the things that make it a good book don’t translate to film.
>por favor
>nacho fries
What did he ask for?
baja blast
Hi-C Ecto Cooler
>por favor... double cheese enchilada, with extra spicy sauce and a side of nachos. on the pronto!!
Un aqua de horchata por favor
A churro. He needed the sugar
don’t you mean chugar, esse?
>the sheer violence and unpredictability of current society
ah okay so you didn’t pay attention either
except conservatives have been predicting this shit for decades
Everything this guy does is certified 100% fresh kino. Half the time you think there's not enough dialogue but I've learned to trust him in that he lets the entirety of the scene and film convey the necessary information.
I want his third film to be "RED HOME"
Can you imagine Drive but they replace The Goose with Marty Feldman?
Fucking damn it
This but it's Chigurgh, not Sugar
>third film
uhhh you know he's made three already and they're all awesome
Why didn't Bell just use his coffee-powered alien powers to kill Sugar?
>he thought hold the dark was kino
Yeah no buddy
it's a great film though
Extreme Prejudice. Near perfect for what it is and the cast is amazing. Directed by Andrew Vajna.
Big boy Ben is a fucking bro.
you're tripping
Don't know if qualifies as neo western but: Winter's Bone. Pretty good movie.