/orville/ general. How are you guys holding up after the BOMBSHELL last episode...

/orville/ general. How are you guys holding up after the BOMBSHELL last episode? Remember to support Orville and Orville products, and if you want a third season, let FOX know! Together, we can fund and support "Seth Trek"!

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Other urls found in this thread:


I loved the episode last week, but I gotta be honest, I'm trying REALLY REALLY HARD to ignore the little voice in the back of my head saying Isaac is going to succumb to THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP and completely undo everything in, like, five minutes next week


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ending was good, but I'm really afraid everything will end up okay (ie. shit) because of THE POWER OF LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP

>Captain, we're receiving a transmission!

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kino episode

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Me on the right.

mammarial episode

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the look in her eye, you just KNOW they banged

Lieutenant Dann is known to be THE most hung guy aboard the Orville, possibly one of the biggest in the galaxy. his cock has been described as "like a plasma rifle", with gargantual thickness that would rival darulio and locar. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed alara's pussy.

they would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting herself wet enough just so she can take it. i can just imagine her begging for it, with dann barely able to force it past the knob, and alara moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. she would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to her cervix.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with her vaginal muscles clamping down on danns throbbing monstrosity, her whole body quivering in euphoria..

i bet she still masturbates to the memory of it

>Oooo, Isaac, you gon make me squirt


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i want a corner piece

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So why do A.I citizens all need physical bodies and even then why did they need to physically touch that computer wall in order to use it?

>Ara ara, because you want a flower, Bortasu-kun?

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Because TV is a visual medium.

imagine an lt addressing an lt. commander as kun
i don't fucking think so

This ain't the USS Discovery, bro.

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it depends on the implication of the post, if they were weeabos cosplaying as japs then i'm sure it would have been a wee joke fine but if they were speaking japanese because they were culturally influenced by japan then she would have no choice but to sudoku

Why did the Kalons leave the Orville crew alive lads? Wouldn't it make the most sense to just execute the lot of them, besides maybe the high ranking officers for information?

>Isaac actor says on an AMA that the show needs more LGBTQ representation like STD

DROPPED. Should have known he was an NPC then.

If someone told me a few years ago that my favourite shoe airing would be by Seth MacFarlane I'd call them mad. Season 2 has had some amazing episodes but the last episode there was insane. I hope they can deliver on the set up.

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The dead can't appreciate your practical joke.

It's possible Isaac doesn't know everything about the Orville. He only told the Kaylon what he does know

We don't know what they're planning yet. They may use them as hostages or human shields believing the Union is too emotional to fire on their own people.

>trying to destroy organics by convincing them all to turn gay and stop breeding
Fucking (((kaylons)))

Haven't watched since she left.

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Seriously, ain't literal Gay Niggers from Outer Space: The Planet enough?

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I was really hoping Isaac's home would be one, immobile COMPUTER PLANET and Isaac's body was purely to facilitate his role on the ship. Maybe there are other Isaacs out there, in other body configurations, probing other societies!

Ultimately, I really, really want a gag where someone walks in on Isaac "Naked", and it turns out his whole suit is a protective rubber layer over mechanical components, to protect from dust and debris. Explain the obvious zipper down the back of the actor's suit by saying he's actually a robot in a suit.

Alas, it is a TV show with a TV show budget, so there's only so much they can do in that regard, and I respect that

You're missing out

You should go back, there's been 2 amazing episodes since.

So Isaac is going to redeem himself right? Doubt theyd get rid 2 character in one season granted i dont think that was the plan

Trek is based on what people in the 60s thought 'futuristic' technology would look like. The Orville is just following suit.
You see the same thing in Doctor Who all the time with the classic villains

Alara's departure was unexpected, the Kaylon plotline was there from day one according to Seth.

The only thing I've found disappointing this season is there's been less Norm. Having said that, seeing him actually appear in the flesh during Happy Refrain was brilliant. I was so fucking happy to see him.

I love Isaac but I'd be deeply disappointed if they take him back. Always annoys me in Trek how Worf can fuck off an fight in a civil war, Data can side with his evil twin, and Spock can essentially murder kirk, and by the end of the episode are all welcome back.

Seeing Norm in the flesh was brilliant, but we really do need less Yaphit. He was a great one-off gag that really has outstayed his welcome

This show is worse than the Big Bang theory. You should be ashamed.

So was this season's focus on relationships just Seth saving his CGI budget to blow all at once for his kino double-ep?

I had up until that point sort of hoped he could be cast in another role later down the line, like how Combs played so many roles. Norm's voice is probably too distinct anyway.

It really looks like it.

why didn't they introduce her as a character of a different race?

Because the scripts were already written with Alara in them.

>but we really do need less Yaphit.

Where was he during the whole boarding part of latest episode?
If you shoot him with a laser, would he melt or be unaffected?

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It always annoys me in shows how they can never replace a character with one from a different gender. Pulaski replaces Crusher, 7 of 9 replaces Kes, Jadzia replaces Ezri. Given how gender neutral their roles tend to be it always takes me out of it to see women always replaced by women and men replaced by men.

If Isaac is gone, what do you reckon his replacement will be?

He was probably in a maintenance duct that only he could fit in.

>If Isaac is gone, what do you reckon his replacement will be?

Young Spock fan service will surely fix the ratings.


>Isaac's goodbye speech was copied from someone who gave an award-winning performance
D-Does he have a sense of humour after all?

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They haven't really done much with her race since she came onto the show. They could have made her anything, really. Still, she does a good job as a security director

Yaphit is isaac.

This whole thing, including the ENTIRE character of Isaac was all a scheme to get with Dr. Finn.

They either just needed the super-strength plot device or we have another Xelaya episode coming up.
Reminder that Halston only left to not get MOCLANED

>It's a Bortus watches so much hardcore gay BDSM gangbang porn it takes down Kaylon episode

I'm calling it now, they are gonna defeat the Kaylons by uploading Bortus' gay porn virus onto their central processor or something

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I want Jeffrey Combs, he makes everything better.

If I have to watch another Bortus episode focused on his faggot ass species or his gay lover, I'm going to drop the show.

Why are they always hating on Moclans? I thought they were super future progressives and accepting of all cultures?

>So redpilled that they eliminated women entirely
>/pol9k/ still hates them

Gay porn mind

>just got boarded
>have a species on board we've seen muscle a robit before
idk lads
they taught him humour too well.

I like how ensemble Orville is, especially compared to that other show currently airing. Given Seth is the show runner he could have easily hogged the spotlight.

it was great but you know it will conclude with Issac siding with the crew and saving humanity so they can go back to him being on the bridge next episode like nothing even happend.

Moclans are faggot muslims. So pretty much like real muslims just totally out of the closet.

>"Captain, I must leave so I can shit out an egg and jerk my gay lover off to fertilize it"
>"Captain, may I be excused to go have a big gay orgy in the simulator for an entire episode?"
Bortus should be killed off

I quite liked the porn one, it's an issue Trek never discussed outside of a few references from Quark. The straight Moclan episode was really bland though.

They don't accept their own women or heterosexuals

For some reason I expected Isaac to start quoting one of Hitler's speeches.

One good episode does not make up for a season of garbage. You nerds are worse than Yea Forumsfags who use one good match/angle to justify a years long viewing of prowrestling.

You're the worst thing that ever happened to television: braindead consumers who don't care if a product is good or not.

more like SNOREville hahaha
post the elf's mams

That would have been hilarious but never would have been allowed to air

I typed this as a joke, but the more I think about it, the more sense it makes.

>Yaphit is arguably the most accomplished engineer on the ship, and we just had a whole episode about how accomplished engineers can do crazy shit
>We've ALSO had an episode about changing a character's appearence into an entirely separate species
>We know personal disguises good enough to fool sensors exist

Oh. Oh god.

Seth voices like half the people in family guy so I guess he's used to giving different characters screentime. That and he's just based.

At least moclans are cool

>I quite liked the episode focused solely on Bortus' gay simulator porn addiction
I'm sure you did

I had the exact same thought.

Honestly a pretty snappy dresser while still fitting in with the future vibes. Wardrobe is underrated in this show and especially when you consider their budget must be nothing.

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Well Talla looks like she was born a man so close enough.

They're coming to get their revenge and there is nothing we can do to stop them!

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>like nothing ever happened
They've done a good job of showing continuity and remembering things from other episodes. Mr. potato head for example. It's also a bit too early to say, like with Alara 2.0 and Bortis' husband dynamic.

>all the other Kaylons are just his bros playing along
>an army of genocidal wingmen
>if he helps defeat them he might get anal

Yeah basically every episode this season has been a continuation of S1 stuff. I don't see why it won't continue.

I was Alara could have stayed for just a few episodes more. I loved her departure episode with the two different Trek Doctors but if they killed her off in the Kaylon episode that would have been incredible.

>The next day humanity discovers that the Kaylons amputated the moon

This was the first time that I watched an episode and wanted to watch the next one immediately. This low grade TNG fanfic Thai somehow got greenlit has never landed for me and seeing people here harp on about how they audibly gasped at whatever happened in the show has always confused me. It's not as good as many commenters at saying it is.

This episode had a child seeing something they shouldn't have and then slowly raising their arm to point at the scary thing. It's trite bullshit and we deserve better.

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>finale episode called 'Blood of Patriots'
Who's dying lads?

Although I imagine this double-ep is gonna serve as the climax of the season. The finale will be far less intense

The bones were fake and it was just one giant prank. Isaac spent all the time on the Orville to figure out what would upset us the most.


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I'm more interested in this.
Looks like we're gonna have an alternate timeline/parallel universe on our hands. This could the Orville's Yesterday's Enterprise.

His species reproduces through asexual divison.
His "Wingmen" are literally all him!

It would be amazing if Alara was the one to be killed off which is why they cast another of her kind to die.

Oh right, it's not the finale. it's just the last one listed on the Wikipedia episode list so I assumed it was the last.

Still, an episode about fighting tyranny immediately after the Kaylon invasion episodes makes me wonder if this plotline is gonna last far longer than this double-ep. Maybe we see the Krill and Union finally join forces

What if Isaac was just pulling an Ozymandias all along to unite all biologicals

Was that Patrick Stewart cameo ever confirmed or just a rumour btw?

>figure out what would upset us the most.
Killed a half-dozen crew. Yeah, that would do it alright!

could be a big meme of tic tac toe
>Win and prove your superiority
>Lose and your distinction was inferior.
join or don't join.

Seeing how often they work together it's only a matter of time really, even more so considering what kinda show they are making.

You never saw Piranha 3D back in 2010 during the scene where her boyfriend sucks tequila off of her bare stomach, did you?

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What would be your ideal cameo/guest role?

They are not going to rip off Wargames.

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OK, what is with this character? She has the most sex & nudity in the entire series more than any other crew member, and she's 57 years old.
Does Seth have a thing for old black milfs or something?

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So what are all the theories so far?

>Power of friendship makes Isaac betray his race and save all his frens (pls no)
>Kaylon's fuck shit up and the entire galaxy has to team up to stop them
>Kaylons have another double-secret motive and the invasion was a final test
>Bortus disgusts the Kaylons so much with his degenerate porn that they all deactivate themselves
>It's all a prank bro

Brian Blessed. I very much doubt he's in the same circles as Seth though kek
A Red Dwarf cast member would be pretty fun too

A race of Brian Blesseds! They multiply by going out into the wilderness, laughing uproariously, and shouting "Fuuuun!"

Brian Blessed would be fun. Alien diplomat they have to keep happy and he just keeps asking for more and more outrageous shit in his bombad way.
I think llewelyns the only one who's still active, no? Craig went off to DJ and radio host and I think Jules is on Death In Paradise. Rimmer retired, I think.

Llewelyn would be great. Given their comic backgrounds any of the Red Dwarf mains would fit in brilliantly.

The Chad of Chads of course.

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>I think Jules is on Death In Paradise.
Pretty sure he's left the show. He certainly hasn't been in any of this year's episodes.

> More gay representation

> Captain already took it up the keister from that blue alien guy.

Are we just forgetting that episode?

He might have taken a break due to that dancing thing he did. I don't watch the show, personally so I have no idea what hes doing.


Tom Baker, even if its just a vocal role. If he can do Star Wars Rebels he can do Orville.

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Baker or McCoy would be cool to see

Well he was just on Big Bazinga Theory so he clearly needs the money

Seriously, she blows both Talla and Kelly (especially Kelly) the fuck out in the curves department.

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>my favourite shoe


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I could see Eccelson appearing. That'd be neat.

Is Craig still not on Corrie?

Mrs Bortus has a big fat bullseye painted on his back.

Next up, Bortus the single dad.

>Isaac is going to succumb to THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP and completely undo everything in, like, five minutes next week
Well, it might take a little longer than five minutes.

Nah, he hasn't been on that show in years. He left to make those last two series of Red Dwarf.

Nah. Orville still sucks.

>On today's shoe

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>Haven't watched since she left.

haven't masturbated since she left

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he went back to djing and melting out his gourd and hosting a jazz / soul radio show on bbc 12?

Alara Power Facts:

>Alara is cute
>I love Alara

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Last couple seasons of Red Dwarf were pretty good. Surprising given it was made by fucking Dave.

2 was the best season.

This explains why I keep seeing ads for him dj-ing at clubs. Was wondering how he could fit it in with filming a soap

Filthy boy. Alara is not for sexual.

Now that Alara has returned to her home planet, who shall I have the sexual event with?

Cringe and sexpilled

Based and wifepilled


Doctor Mommy

The double dubs of truth

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Patrick stewart as a villain would be kino

Let Tharl take the tube to your anus

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>Brian Blessed would be fun. Alien diplomat they have to keep happy and he just keeps asking for more and more outrageous shit in his bombad way.

Then they could've brought back Solana for a funeral.

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Man, I need to find those two on the left

>First boyfriend goes anti-gay
>Daughter gets changed into a boy against his wishes
>Denied his corner piece
Honestly, Bortus did nothing wrong until he took that dodgy program with its virus. None of his "lovers" were real, it was basically glorified masturbation and you can't tell me Klyden wouldn't do that from time to time. And it's the only thing that makes the poor guy smile.

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>Punished Bortus - a man denied his flower cake

I actually like her more.

But Tharl isn't on the ship either. And his trunk is attached to his stomach so he can't do anything sexual with it

Which shit filled pie am I being hit with this time?

I like her because she's not as distractedly gorgeous as Halston, to the point of making me care less about every scene she isn't in
FUCK I love her so much

Do you think in the future there is an epidemic of humans with Xelayan fever?

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Things can happen in the physical world that requires physical action to fix. If a computer breaks down something has to fix it.

My headcanon is that those robots are monitoring units that will carry out repairs in case anything goes wrong with the main computer

I want to bang my little sister. Is that normal for a Xelayan?

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And they have to straight-up use technobabble solutions to keep this guy happy

>"He wants two topless Qualic women!"
>"Aren't they the ones with four...?"
>"Yes! Where are we going to get those in this quadrant?"
>"Wait, don't we still have those personal cloaks we used to sneak abord the krill ship? The one we fried?"

I don't think there's anything wrong with using the simulator in that way. The problem was Bortus was abusing it, and using it as a stand-in for his own relationship, instead of addressing his problems with Klyden head-on

I love orville so much bros

>Mfw her boyfriend's name is Turles

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>turles has a higher chance of coming back than my nigga Cell
weebs are a curse.

Same. It hasn't gained nearly as much popularity as it deserves. I hope it gets plenty more seasons

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>It's a Talla goes to sleep after a hard day's work episode

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You're fucking weird, dude.

>Not recognizing the evian bottle copypasta
Get a load of this newfag.

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You're still fucking weird.

Beach resort episode when?

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what if Alara and Talla kissed?


Fuck, I miss Tharl takin the tube to tummytown.

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Not on Seth's watch, this is the best we're gonna get.

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>present Nude Talla to the Kaylon
>the ensuing confusion over her ugly cute face and somewhat androgynous but still appealing body causes a system shutdown and saves the galaxy

>Yea Forums is warming up to Talla
Based. Oh we'll never stop memeing about how dodgy she looks, especially next to our little angel Alara, but she ain't the worst bitch in the world.

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Dann has really grown on me.

>control+F: shill

That's impressive Yea Forums. If you so much as say you like something on Yea Forums or Yea Forums you're considered a shill, and OP is outright telling people to buy merch. This board is strange.

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because he said it jokingly

His poetry is pretty good but it is not even close to the mastery of Vogan.

I had the pleasure of seeing the original cast of the radio show (minus Peter Jones obviously) live. Man, it was fucking beautiful.

ppl on 4channel are soo creepy!

Thx Dann

Orville has blown goats all season. One decent episode is not gonna make up for all the trust lost. Or overcome the loss of a fan favorite actress.


It's keeping classic Star Trek alive. For once I get to like a show because it's Importantâ„¢ and it's The Show We Needâ„¢, not necessarily because it's objectively great. Why are you trying to take that little bit of reddit-tier thinking away from me?

Stupid is more like it.
Good thing they're in the minority, though.

>blown goats
What the fuck kind of Reddit jibber-jabber is this.

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All this fucking show does it make me wish they'd make a comedy Star Trek show that looks and feels like the original. I'm soo fucking sick of the dour, po faced bullshit. time for some Batman & Robin style fuckery!!!FACT!!!

but there has only been one bad episode this entire season

>"The Show We Need"

It's filled with gay propaganda and the feminist agenda. Just not as much as STD, but it's still not great.

I hope they don't just ignore the fact that Issac's betrayal led to the death of several security officers when the Kalon boarded

I'm assuming you're talking about the one with Locar, but I didn't think Home and the astrology episode were very good either. They had some good moments, but I was really underwhelmed by them.

>Planet Xelaya, home. At least it was before I fucked everything up.

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I stopped watching after the gay porn episode, and only watched this episode because Yea Forums said it was kino. Glad that I did, it was intense

The only goat blown all year was in the last Doom Patrol episode.

is this kino cinematography?

I don't know about any of that but what I do know is Dann would be addressed as KAMI-SAMA.

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Issac and his kind did nothing wrong. Biologicals are too emotional. They were in a fight for their very existence, so they eradicated the enemy. They knew Biologicals would never understand and they were right.

All the Kaylons short circuit.

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Not-Phlox was based.

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Orville is all kinds of awful. I'm glad it won't get a 3rd Season and will be cancelled just like Gotham.

Gotham was soulless crap

I'd lose it if he played a Q-like character that's essentially him from the Extras skit.

You are slags and cunts and Gotham/Orville is the best two hours on TV.

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I love the Orville, just not Gotham

Ok then, you may be a slag but at least you are not a cunt.

I'll accept that

He's gonna sneak around and save the ship next episode!

If they don't have Yaphit in the ducts at least mildly annoying the Kaylon I will be sorely disappointed.

Avery Brooks to play a love interest for Dr. Finn. it would be great to see those two act together again since DS9

>epic fight scene between Lieutenant Keyali and Kaylon Primary
>slouch down in my seat and yell "AY YO THIS NIGGA FINNA BOUTTA GET DABBED ON"
>crew bursts into laughter
>Lieutenant LaMarr sucks his teeth and says "you aight white boi"
>Hear "he cute!" from Dr. Finn

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a most daring synthesis

If this kino gets cancelled I hope Fox has the decency to let them know ahead of time so they can do a proper finale. This show deserves to feel complete.

I have run out of interest after the 4th episode of relationship crap and gay niggas from outer space gross out plot fixation

How are they going to get out of this one and how will this impact the show in the long run.

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They'll never piss of Seth too much, he's their golden goose


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Hitlers I have a dream speech was underrated.

I hope they bring her sister back. Didn't she want to join?


that would be awesome

because Seth, like all jews , can't help but to subvert all cultures, even an all gay/trans one

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>Haha hey Isaac remember when you and your faggot autismo robot species went full Skynet and just massacred all these people who not three days ago threw you a going away party with cake and singing haha so crazy

>its all a prank in retaliation for potato head

Payback for that was already given by cutting off the leg.

Pretty sure he means the astrology episode because it really was pointless to film. It's a "primitive alien cultures are retarded episode" and there's not an interesting spin on it whatsoever.

Wasn't that the name of the alien that shot Trip down in his shuttlecraft?

nah it was just cool scifi like another sliders episode (the one in season one where they have a world like earth but upvotes and downvotes irl)

I understand completely user. I feel like I went to sleep and woke up in some strange parallel universe, where fuckin' Donald Trump is POTUS, and my favorite shoe is made by Seth McFaggot. What the fuck is going on?

Did anyone notice that in the scene where they confront isaac about the mass graves right before. Ed walks in the two Kaylon talking to Isaac refer to him as Kaylon Prime?

People like you annoy me. Trump is the best president America has had in decades. You're all just mad because mommy lost.

really? i did not notice this but that's pretty great.

however issac was bullied during his time on the orville and everyone thought it was a joke but him. that is very sad.

>and if you want a third season, let FOX know!
How do I let them know other than watching the show?

>I get my opinions from late night comedians
The post.

Being scifi doesn't make it good

I liked the social media planet because unfortunately it's an extremely relevant topic and it's a little cathartic to point out this stupid problem we have with fiction.

Astrology planet was just a shitty allegory for don't discriminate against people who can't change something they are born with. It's even less effective because it's pure superstition and there's no apparent or measurable difference between people of different signs.

Also the ending was shit. If you're going to push this lame as fuck message, trick the aliens half way in the episode. The "bad" people live among them for a few weeks before the deception is unraveled. The aliens learn they were mistaken because when people aren't in prison you can notice they are the same.

Instead they just trick the retarded aliens and leave. Also the prison subplot was boring. They deliver a baby and shoot up the place. I like the bortus+kelly combo but this was just not interesting at all.

>Isaac sabotages them
>He knew they would come to the conclusion to wipe out all life and only pretended to go along with it so he could kill them all at once
>retakes his spot on the Orville as the last 'living' Kaylon

you probably did jump universes. it might actually work that way. there might be time travel going on as we speak.

Have you read the theories that trump is involved with time travel? its a meme but backed up by quite a lot. mainly it explains why he wins again and again even with the whole establishment and trillions of dollars at work against him.

this, but not as a response. trump is legitimately the best president.

That was "Zho'Kaan".

i think it was nice. nice message about love and not hurting eachother. not extreme or leftist just centerist. its nice

>nice message about love and not hurting eachother.

Well until they killed everyone in the prison escape

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Is that Mr. Woolsy ?

i genuinely believe seth mcfarlane is the only person watching that show and posting in this thread

t. Seth

Unfortunately, this series is already dead to me (and looking at the ratings, millions of others).

>One good episode, does not a season make.

And I will continue to let the world know how terrible this show is. Sorry.

thanks for your opinion CBS

Seth just lusts after her since he loved her on DS9

Ja'loja was the only bad episode this season STD shill

Such a cutie
Need more of her

Nah, I thought the First Contact episode sucked as well. So much stupidity packed into one episode.

If this was her outfit it would be a much better show

I have no problem at all with the representation and Important shit. That stuff is fine. I have a problem with the jokes always falling flat and everything else being shittily written. At no point has the show been of a higher quality than 'it read some fanfic that was alright but I'm bit going yo share it with anybody'.


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What the fuck are you on about?

I did find it pretty funny that the (literally white) supremacist vampires have a concept of 'goyim'

Data was near enough being mind controlled. Lore had a gadget which was beaming emotions to data and fucking with his decision making

I should clarify this a little bit; it's funny because he was trying to write an anti-white supremacy story with the krill and ended up turning them into the jews

/orville/ bros, a girl I’ve been on two dates with wants to come over in a couple of days. She’s a Latina and seems really nice. What do I do?

>inb4 the picture the kid drew saves the day

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I'm expecting them to threaten to kill the kids and Isaac will suddenly snap and save them.

ohhh that's quite possible as well

Probably something like this.
But I still think the porn virus will play a role just because other than an EMP a virus would be the only weapon capable of wiping out an army of evil robots.

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god tier if issac deactivates his entire race to save the kids. then he can use the line "i took no pleasure in killing my creators" lol

kek this is good

You should know that if these guys want to keep their job in Hollywood they have to spew that nonsense.

Rumors say that Alara is coming back at the end of the season.

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Give her the dick, user. Don't let us down.

So when's the obligatory evil parallel universe episode?


pretty much this. this is why it weirds me out when people cant tell who are sjws and who is on our side and just doing the bare minimum to keep a job.

mr potato head her at worst, dont amputate her lego

>visit unknown planet
>demonstrate capability to disable ship completely
>hey should we just send down a shuttle?
>no lets just take the whole fucking ship to the surface
>like we have never done before, and even the pilot episode the ship was docked in space and has never demonstrated the ability to escape planet gravity before?

i really want to like this show.

i love this show, watch std if you want crap

Exactly. In the case of Seth, he's an old school leftist, he doesn't cut ties to right-wing people. David A. Goodman (one of his writers on The Orville) is a big leftist who shits on Trump all-day long but when it comes to the show he tells people that even if they don't like him they should watch The Orville. I respect these people because they know how to separate their beliefs and their work.

The ship doesn't land on the ground though.

Attached: The Orville 02e08 (3).webm (900x506, 2.92M)

Same. She might not make for as good eye candy, but her character and acting is overall better. If I have one complaint it's her voice.

it actually makes sense if you think about it, the ship could easily be destroyed in space though the planet was apparently non hostile, safer for it to be in among their skyscrapers where it is harder to destroy. diplomatically it may also be a show of respect and showing off to bring the whole ship for them to see. the allience might be more likely this way

>our side
and what "side" would that be?

this is exactly how i feel too. by not being like "if you like trump dont watch out show!" like std and other sjw run shit, they respect the fans enough to leave the politics at the door.

kek found the redditor

Anyone who isnt extreme left progressive in "the kill and white people" way is on our side as the audience. Anyone who doesnt love PC culture is on our side.

There's the least hardcore version of the truth i can give an outsider like you on that one.

Actually. Here's a good marker. Most of us were probably raised on TNG and liked it a lot, we probably share values from it. Those values would have placed us on the left at some point, now they're clearly for people on the center or the right, and we will get called far right frequently for expressing these values.

That’s a pretty honest description of /pol/ if i ever saw one

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i think tolerant people as opposed to lefties

>the next episode opens with this, having replaced the crew issac continues the space adventure

Oh did she play Quark?

t. mike henry

Do you know what sucks? these threads are comfy like /trek/ generals but fast forward 1 or 2 years and we're gonna have people in here saying these arent trek threads and we cant post trek stuff cause its the orville and being autistic and making a big deal over that.

I can see the fire that awaits us as this show gets more popular and draws the reddit audience.

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Tis the nature of everything that gets popular. The key is to enjoy it while it lasts.

>draws the reddit audience
You're more pathetic than the people you're complaining about.

Maybe but its an honest feeling i'm not incapable of being self aware.

Honestly, I just hope we see more space ships. Star trek never dissapointed me when a D'Deridex turned up. best looking ship in that entire series.

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pew pew.

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I goddamn love the Krill ships. Romulan as fuck but still distinct. Same the orville and federation ships.

They really seem to understand the underlying color and geometry tropes of different folks, yet have their own distinct takes on it all. Like the orville itself is all curves and a top bridge with gray and blue but has it's own styling, especially with the triple hoop warp drive.

dude, fucking preach. STD fucking upset with all its fucking with established racial aesthetics. I would have liked to have seen a few more changes in the Moclan ship but its still distinct with its lack of hard lines compared to the krill ship and the lack of the back-tendrils.

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I want a JJ trek parody where a bad guy with a bigger ship presents himself, with gratuitous shots of the size difference, followed by an even bigger ship joining the stand off, repeated to nausea

The shape of the Orville was based on the Alcubierre warp.
There's a lot of thought put into every aspect of the show. Look at the Seleyan homeworld for example, how the buildings have a pyramidal shape because of the high gravity, the railways too are built in a special way etc.
I have not seen this amount of care since Star Trek desu.

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>it's another Yea Forums hates on you for watching but end up loving it years later episode
Everytime. Every fucking time. Where the fuck were you guys two years ago? I was alone on Yea Forums with this shit.

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Yea Forums has been saying nice things since S1 was airing. People were rightfully skeptical when it was all promotional stuff.

I was here from day 1 boi

Yeah, a whole 5 people. Threads were quickly dying and discussion was pretty rare.

You didn't have a fucking general but we all had a good time on air night. I used to fucking hang out in here when it was live, leave the thread up but not read it so not to be spoiled, watch the episode, then come discuss it.

We'd hit 300+ replies easy.

Seth gets it, whoever writes STD just doesn't. its a shame, but i'm glad they're both airing - STD can't get any better if they don't know what people want and Orville getting big will show them what they want.

>i'm glad they're both airin
And the funny thing about that is this year CBS has moved the schedule of STD, it airs 30 minutes before The Orville. They really thought that people would skip The Orville to go on their streaming platform, lol.

can only imagine they get a lot of people not watching the second half of their show.

Ugghhh, what cringe train wreak of a show.

Think of all those cancelled shows and this steamy pile of garbage rolls on.

they make std more like Orville and i'll watch it, now go away.

I don't want a third season, dropped this show weeks ago. S2 was a mistake, shame they couldn't replicate the formula that made S1 enjoyable.

Who doesn't?

This is inaccurate. He was also denied his mustache.

I'm even more impressed then

That is why it is ever more important in this day and age to trust in a paid VPN service to keep YOUR personal Data secure.

>They really thought that people would skip The Orville to go on their streaming platform, lol.
You misspelled, "steaming".

>yfw Talla dies from a can opener to the stomach

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and not to mention the ship and the allience trusts them and wants to get them to join they never expected this to happen

I think the real bombshell was that Scott Grimes has a very lovely singing voice

Ah, Gotham, another show that replaced its top Qt with... something else.

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How is that a bombshell?

Talla's nasally voice is the best thing about her.

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Oh wow, this white boi is cute.

>Jimmi Hendrix on the radio



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Based and Kaylonpilled.

wow i wasn't saying they shouldn't have i meant i didn't know they could do it.