>Three tickets for 'Captain Marvel', please.
Three tickets for 'Captain Marvel', please
gross, lets get out of here user. I know a 5/10 bookworm that would love to meet you. also I think shes a virgin just like you hahaha cmon champ
Robert RUN
based Chad, always looking out for his friends
based and chadpilled
> imagine juicing as a woman
Right > Left > Centre
>Yea Forums
>Not absolute wrecks who will destroy your life for no good reason
Not liking beef curtains is linked to pedophilia and homosexuality
His pecs are still great
Regardless of being hench, none of them are facially attractive
>it's on me ladies
In another 10 years theyll be fat, single with no ability to produce children.
Imagine going to all this effort to be about x10 more muscular than you need to be and still having a busted face
Three tickets for Alita coming up
t-thanks chad you're always looking out for me...
>You. Me. Captain Marvel. Tonight.
>1 ticket to Captain Marvel please
How much would it cost to have them take turns sitting on your face?
>Five tickets for 'Capitan Marvel', Robert.
>tfw cutie lifting gf who squats 350lbs but doesn’t bodybuild so she doesn’t look like a dyke
this is my fetish
4, fuck the rest
you can tell who juices by their hairlines
S-shes pale
>guess who just ate nachos!
and their shoulders, anavar does that to a woman
Daily reminder that if you're Chad it is your DUTY to befriend chill and friendly loners
>Want to watch Captain Marvel with me, user?
I choose 1.
This is a gross thread and you're all gross.
Ummm, guys? Television & Film???
>150 tickets for A Serbian Film
implying their busted face isn't due to masculinizing effects of hormones.
Looks like Jill.
it's not actually possible for girls to get shoulders like that is it? the mid one has to be on test
Natasha should have her own superhero movie.
No, no it doesn't.
They're all on T mate.
You're right it doesn't, sorry.
Based Chad
Thanks bro, you are my best bro
pretty positive all of them are
>call police
>yes I know three women in possession of controlled substances
>cheats on you
>3 tickets to the real Captain Marvel please
i want small chick to snu snu me
Right away, friends.
Have some popcorn on the house.
haha imagine if biological gender roles were reversed and women were generally larger, stronger and more sexually aggressive than men
if you were in a normal civilized country you'd still have to deal with women aggressively perving on you 24/7 but if you were in a shithole there would be a real risk that some woman would drag you into an alley, beat you up and rape you every time you went outside alone
wouldn't it be awful to live in a world like that
All this effort to look like monstrosities. Modern society is a fucking joke. The rat universe experiment was correct.
Imagine of one of them started jerking you off against your will but you weren't strong enough to stop them haha
2nd from the left is the only one who has the face and frame to make the musclular look work
the others still look like 6s, I don't know what they were trying to accomplish
>buff Aspen
That's a shoop
Based Chad
imagine if women had to work for men to orgasm to get their seed? all these baby hungry women trying to catch and steal semen from men....haha, imagine
Theyre on steroids
Yeah, sounds like hell haha.
sounds like heaven to me
Thank you Chad, very cool!
Unironicly thanks bro
>mfw this place is so disconnected from reality that they don't realize that chads bully betas
Those muscles look really bloated and weak somehow.
Muscle girls are gay, they're basically pre-op FtM trannies.
>she will never penetrate you with her macroclit
h-haha...yeah....sounds awfull...
then they're not Chads, they're Brads
ITT: little manchild soiboys projecting their insecurities of getting frame dominated by a woman. How weak and low-t are you that the sight of a peak amazon frightens you?
Betting none of you can even carry your groceries to your car without needing a cart. Limp wristed pussies.
They are, girls that look like this still lift significantly less than guys with similar physiques.
banter sure, but the true alpha chads have always been the biggest bros in my experience. literally brighten the mood of the room when they enter
Is this the tranny thread?
What’s this lads name?
Yeah hahah! wouldn't that be terrible haha yeah just terrible, i hope that never happens! haha
>banter sure
No, actual bullying.
I'm pretty certain people here have just made up in their head some fictional image of a chad, because none of this can be seen in reality.
before is an attractive body
Sounds like you were a soft cunt at school m8
Have you ever met an actual Chad before? They're only bullies in movies. I'm talking "Captain of the football team, soccer team, and debate team" kind of Chad. The kind that can get any woman he wants.
Imagine being chained up and repeatedly raped by this ladies. You're nothing more than a fuck toy for them to let off their stress and aggression.
Would that be heaven or hell?
>not going to see Captain Marvel with your fitfu
> women are generally larger, stronger and more sexually aggressive than men
banter can be seen as bullying when you're sensitive. unless they literally beat you up or hazed you in some traumatic way, shit shouldn't be a big deal
>today I happened across a comment from a dude on one of my posts saying I "should really stop engorging myself like a human hippo"
>...upon reading his thoughtful request, I promptly went to mcdonalds and ate a meal for three people
Watch Chadzam instead.
No, I simply laughed along with them when they mocked others, I mostly kept to myself.
But seriously, there's so many things in Yea Forums that people keep posting about real life that never actually happen that I wonder if it's a millennial thing to just make shit up to feel better or something.
maybe possible because of roid rage etc.
What do one of these creatures look like when they stop blasting bull hormones into their veins? I can't imagine they go back to looking anywhere near normal.
I would smell all those butts one after another
You can't rape me if I'm willing or have an orgasm. Just like women in real life.
this is the wheyfu cycle
Gross! That’s where farts come from!
Quite obviously got implants between 2 and 3
It was probably advice to balance exercising the rest of her body, but she purposefully got triggered because she's an insane woman.
Girly fit girls melt my heart for some reason.
I will, thank you
imagine being mogged by a woman haha that would be so humiliating lmao
they could hook me up with roid connect
theres a super cute girl who goes to my gym that asked me out a bit ago but im too retarded to follow up after we hung out
please help
RIght looks like a render
>Girly fit girls
the best kind
fuck you prick
the fuck do you mean
god, I wanna be smothered by Natasha's thighs
fuck moarrrrr
Fuck Soýzam.
Im gonna watch Captain Stacyzel instead
I'm more of a strongthicc man myself.
All musclegirls are barren angry dykes obsessing over their personal strength due to a history of sexual abuse by a stronger man in their early life.
The irony of course is that no matter how obsessively they work out and no matter how irreparably they damage their own bodies with test they will never actually be stronger than a typical man.
Fucking a girl with muscles is insanely hot. It doesn't have to be much, she just need to have enough to be firm as hell, she's still thin, but her body has a totally different weight to it. God.
You are just seething because their arms are bigger than your entire body, Merry.
>when he wore a muscle suit
Its not even real muscle. And you will never see Levi go topless in the film. For a chad, he's a PHONY.
Their muscles feel a lot softer than men, too.
There's a girl in my gym who's bulked up and she feels really squishy when she hugs me.
It feels nice.
thx bro