“Mr. Burrous was with a companion in a hotel. He was engaged in various sexual activities with his companion, then he inserted methamphetamine into his rectum,” the autopsy report said.
“Later on, in the encounter Mr. Burrous inserted a second rock of methamphetamine through his anus and put on a mask and dusted the filters with ‘poppers,’” the coroner’s report said, and continued: “His companion inserted his hand through his anus. Mr. Burrous began grunting then vomited and became unresponsive.”
>with a companion yes, a companion is how I would describe someone who fists meth up your ass while you're wearing a mask dusted with poppers.
Jayden Turner
It's good that he's dead.
Camden Foster
Nothing wrong with homosexuality. Perfectly normal, perfectly healthy.
Grayson Wood
Why is this public knowledge now?
Isaac Fisher
Let me guess, young homeless black guy?
William Johnson
>he died doing what he loved
I hope I go out like that.
Landon Cooper
Sounds like he died of natural causes for a homosexual
Christian Richardson
It's pretty fucked up actually not how he died but the official who put this out and the media organ that published it. It's cartel/isis beheading tier.
Jeremiah Cox
I don't think homosexuality means shoving methamphetamine up your rectum
William Reed
That seems kinda unfair to the hotel. Sure it's "seedy" now, but was it before? I'm gonna wait for more info before I decide whether I'd take my mistress there.
He was just doing research for one of those >THE LATEST DRUG TREND SWEEPING THE NATION stories.
Jose Brown
Why would you put something like that out there, the guy has a wife and a kid. Does it make a real difference to just put "heart attack" instead of "anal meth"?
Jacob Carter
Based loveline poster
Nathan Turner
>it's good that he's getting seeded in heaven fixed
Julian Watson
These people should be shamed.
Ian Murphy
>burrous burrows burro into his churro
Aaron Johnson
tometho > tomacco
Daniel Russell
Why can't people just be normal
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Are you encouraging the media to lie?
Brandon Diaz
loving tender partners just like the straights! fisting fidelity for life! let us adopt a son, lol, we’re totally not gonna do shit to him, scoutmaster’s honor!
Christopher Mitchell
too many gays died of AIDS in the 80’s were falsely labeled as cancer. this is restitution.
Dylan Nguyen
it is 2019 you homophobe. we need to embrace and celebrate the gay culture in all it's forms!
Connor Morales
i don't do any of that shit. am I missing out?
Carson Butler
No, I'm encouraging coroners to lie to the media
Easton Hernandez
No, if you'd tried butt meth you might be dead too
Aiden Evans
Best way to go.
Ryder Rivera
imagine being this much of a pussy
Matthew Walker
People didn't really know how AIDS worked at the time
Ian Gonzalez
i've nothing against two men in a relationship sucking each other off, drinking beers and watching die hard together but for fucks sake faggots make themselves unlikable
Xavier Perry
I just like normie sex.
Ian Martin
If you're going to go out, do it with a bang. I don't condone degeneracy of this sort, but it's better than him slowly dying of AIDS like other junkie faggots.
Landon Collins
Alexander Scott
embarrassing to say the least
Jack Powell
This isn't common at all, though some people would want us to believe otherwise.
Josiah Evans
>why are all our friends dying? >lol dunno keep fucking and cumming in my ass
Carter Cox
yes no one would care if it was a heart attack
Ryder Turner
He died like a hand puppet. A fitting end for a journalist.
Can you imagine the poor hotel employees who find these corpses? >I hope I don't find another OD victim tod- >Whelp. Time to call the ambulance again.
Sebastian Cooper
God I wish that were me
Adrian Gonzalez
I called it to when they said the details of what happened originally he was found with another man in a hotel I said gay sex and drugs and sure enough.
Owen Stewart
Why would I care?
Is he a Commiefornia faggot liberal? If so, good riddance.
Jaxson Reyes
C'mon dude, 80% of the time anyone even moderately famous dies it's related to gay sex and/or drugs.
John Green
Like that means anything lmao
Joseph Howard
>when will the media blow the lid on Henry DiCarlo's possible drug and addition?
They don't just go from virgin anus to fist man, they work up to it overtime.
I mean sure if you put a fist in your ass right now you'd probably rupture and bleed to death but if you practiced over several months with increasingly large objects you'd be fine.
Aiden Howard
more so than 2 rocks of meth?
Angel Flores
Doesn't that still fuck up your colon over a long time though? I mean after a while wouldn't your asshole be permanently gaping?
Parker Gonzalez
>guy has a wife and kid Well, now they know the truth. I'd rather have media be brutally honest than lie like they always do.
Daniel Carter
Would two rocks of meth burn more or less than a box meal of Popeyes spicy chicken?
Dylan Cooper
He was a big guy though.
Anthony Cook
Could one even fit a box meal of Popeye's chicken in ones ass?
Jacob Nguyen
Well the anus is a very elastic piece of muscle, fisting is usually not enough to do any long-term stretching, but the guys who get really into it will generally end up wearing adult diapers, yeah
>tfw had hemorrhoids since I was 19 due to IBS >get jealous when people can shove a sharpie up their ass let alone an actual cock or a fist
Brayden Cox
KTLA is redpilled
Gavin Clark
>Glendale police were contacted by a man who told them “an individual he was with had passed out and was possibly not breathing.” The man he was with administered CPR before Burrous was taken to the hospital. The medical emergency occurred during a sexual encounter, the report specified. It went on to explain that Burrous had met up through the Grindr app with a male companion, with whom he had met four times previously. During the encounter, Burrous inserted two “rocks” of crystal meth through his rectum before falling unconscious.
>GHB was also found at the scene, although the report indicated it had been consumed by the other man and not Burrous.
Imagine his daughter growing up and learning that he died from not just a meth overdose, a meth overdose by shoving it up his ass, and not just that but a meth overdose by shoving it up his ass while he had disgusting gay sex all the whilst doing it behind her moms back.
Poor girl
Christian Ramirez
At least his partner did CPR for him and called 911. That fag "Mr Hands" who died being fucked by a horse was dropped off by his fuckbuddy at the emergency room already dead because they probably waited too long to seek medical attention.
Jason Cooper
>with his companion
Sebastian Nelson
I agree. I too am against hadoukening chemicalled substances into someone's asshole.
Jaxon Baker
I'll make sure she's happy and satisfied with her life if you know what I mean
Sebastian Long
>be intelligent engineer for Boeing with kids >go out by voluntarily getting dicked up the ass by a horse Mr. Hands and Goatse were my introductions into how fucked this planet is.
I read an interesting blog called "Surviving Gay" about why gays are the way they are, written by a former SoCal hyperfaggot who found Jesus
It's very graphic but it had some great insights
Brody Bennett
>GHB >The drug has a reputation for making people horny. Its relaxing effect can be used to help take things up the arse. >Less welcome is how it can make it harder to come or how it can lower your inhibitions, making unsafe sex more likely - and with it, passing on HIV, syphilis, herpes, gonorrhoea, etc. >But if you're a bit out of it - or totally dead to the world - it'll be hard to control what's happening or even remember it when (or if) you come round.
So that was the fabled ass loosing popper. Chris had to be in this hardcore gay scene for a while to be into this type of shit.
homos are always going on meth fueled benders. they ALL do it. its really disturbing
Evan Gray
So brave.
Adrian Johnson
Well what more do you think a horse could do? I think he went above and beyond by managing to take him to a hospital.
Luis Barnes
Asher Allen
GHB is not the same as poppers, poppers is alkyl nitrite
Isaiah Price
anyone got that picture of his daughter
Lucas Ramirez
>took "a syringe" (probably 15ml) of GBH and had a fist sized "rock" of meth shoved up his asshole while "rave lights and techno music were blarring" and all while his "grindr hookup" was brutalizing his anus until his mouth (which was covered by a "BDSM dog mask") was frothing and covered in vomit The wages of sin are death. I only hope he found Christ in the moments before his death.
Nolan Murphy
>about why gays are the way they are >straight guy wants to fuck some girl >no but let's talk first and buy me a drink >gay guy wants to fuck some other gay guy >yeah let's do it Not that hard
David King
Poetic. No no no, you've got it all backwards. Seth Rogan will voice the meth AND play the reporter.
Don't say I didn't warn you about how gross it gets, but it turns out gay men who have promiscuous anal sex are super gross, who knew
Angel Edwards
You don't know what you're missing, they're great.
William Evans
>hope he found Christ looking like this
Jesus, I am so sorry.
Dominic Stewart
>His companion inserted his hand through his anus. Mr. Burrous began grunting then vomited and became unresponsive God I wish that was me.
Daniel Adams
No I don’t. Enlighten me kind gentlesir.
Jackson Smith
It's not about why gay men are gay, it's about why gay culture is so much the way that it is
Sebastian Collins
Imagine bringing a child into this world and then deciding you needed to have extreme sex with other AIDS ridden homosexuals and leave them fatherless. Death to all fags.
Luke Hernandez
The day some ass pounding faggot tries to correct me on what is and wha... Save it for your obituary Hanns
Man I’ve sent so many dick pics to trannies and gotten nothing back
Alexander Parker
Hello, I'm Chris Burrous and this is Jackass News!
Angel Collins
>at least his partner did cpr
>sees guy vomit and stop breathing, pulls shit fist out of ass >needs to clear mouth of vomit, smears shit hand all inside mouth >starts chest compressions, smear more shit on his chest, tilt head back, blow air into shit filled mouth
Those paramedics stumbled upon a real shitty situation.
Matthew Turner
Sorry, just someone who is educated on the subject.
Matthew Perry
>gay culture is so much the way that it is Because they can fuck each other constantly without all the shit that women expect men to do beforehand
Levi James
That poor kid is going to be mentally fucked up. All because of the degenerate nature of homosexuals, if they weren't such selfish degenerates I wouldn't hate them.
>whoops just tripped and had 2 meth rocks slide up my asshole haha
Lucas Reyes
Yeah they weren't supposed to kill him
Cameron Thompson
Why couldn't he have paid someone to strangle him at home?
Levi Green
at least you tried
Owen Fisher
You know how it is, sometimes you just fall over ass-backwards onto an unfortunaely placed chunk of meth, sometimes it happens several times in a row
Logan Martinez
>“Later on, in the encounter Mr. Burrous inserted a second rock of methamphetamine through his anus and put on a mask and dusted the filters with ‘poppers,’”
They prosecuted that dumb bitch who accidentally shut up John Belushi
Justin Ortiz
I'm sure you are user, but I doubt any user or me included asked or care about it.
Justin Nelson
Is this what happens to repressing gays?
Hunter Young
What's the street value on that much meth? It seems like a lot of meth to me but I only take cocaine so I wouldn't know.
Adrian Parker
Why do women even marry closet cases? I thought women were supposed to be intuitive about this stuff...do they just ignore the faggy lisp, effeminate mannerisms and the total lack of sex in the relationship?
Austin Roberts
stay in school, kids
Jaxson Brown
>and put on a mask It was extremely painful
Kevin James
based Pagliacci poster
Colton Phillips
He was eating jalapeno poppers from a feedbag in the mask.
Asher Robinson
>your gravestone will never read "died by anal meth" not sure how I feel about this one, bros
Chase Wood
>dying while two meth rocks are shoved up your asshole and you're wearing a dog mask What sort of cards against humanity bullshit is this?
>stay in school kids >study for a journalism degree >graduate and find a job on local news >import asian wife and have a kid >buy loads of meth and rave equipment >use grindr to find a man to fist your asshole >buy loads of poppers so asshole gapes open Damn, I'm really missing out on the american dream huh?
Cooper Carter
he was a news anchor so karma I guess
Chase Stewart
Not true at all.
Isaac Bell
because gay men are often affluent and have successful careers
Thomas Clark
Anal Fisted Meth with Poppers
Kevin Anderson
Because he was into the "auto" part of autoerotic asphyxiation.
Ryan Allen
Doesn't anyone realize he was framed?!
Eli Morales
I suppose it's better than "Was alive, until he died" which will most likely describe the average 4channelarians existence.
Angel Harris
People who think this is common among gays are retarded btw
Jonathan Stewart
It was a million to one shot Doc, million to one!
Hudson Barnes
I think gay sex is perfectly fine and natural in some men, although it becomes degenerate when drugs are involved, along with diseases and promiscuity with no regard for their hygiene. I’m sure a lot of gays out there are regular people with innocent fetishes but men like this create a negative image of the gay community.
Ayden Kelly
I knew there was a reason I opened Yea Forums this morning.
a dull life is better than this meth filled cluster butt fuck
Isaiah Gomez
>put on a mask and dusted the filters with ‘poppers,’” I'm sorry, what
Wyatt Morris
Why did you post this image
Andrew Powell
If you think the gays are the only ones engaging in methed out, popper fueled anal sex, I have bad news for you.
Nicholas Fisher
is it?
Lincoln Rogers
>Yea Forums related Nah, redit related, yes. Why? Because you came from redit, you and a bunch of other faggots who don't belong here, just like you.
Jordan Barnes
they aid in dilation. ask /Jazz/
Evan Foster
Listen mate I've tried to find non-gay popper-fueled anal pornography for years with no results
Carter Evans
Women are dumb
Caleb Thompson
Not all degenerates are gay, but all gays are degenerates.
Brandon Fisher
Damn she found out her Husband was both a faggot and dead. She is going to be be fucked up for years.
Hunter Murphy
It does though. All faggots are perverted degenerates who do stuff like that.
Gavin King
I don't see how this has anything to do with homosexuality itself. Some people just have fucked up fetishes
Xavier Powell
I don't think they'd help Jazz, since it's not a sphincter, it's just a hole
Luis Bailey
laughing at degenerates has been a Yea Forums pastime since before you were born.
Cameron Nelson
I'm reading this now and this guy just seems legitimately retarded with how he managed to fuck up his body I've never heard of a gay man this fucked up in my life and I grew up around homos
Had a 9 year old daughter. was normal family man w/ chink wife. why would they public release such graphic detail about his death, think of his poor baby girl reading that!! Did his wife consent to the cause of death being released?
Justin Richardson
Yea Forums is the degenerates
Jaxson Cooper
Evan Gutierrez
So kids inundated with lbqtip agitprop at school can learn about what faggots really get up to.
Cameron White
Leo Gutierrez
>no you
Owen Flores
Things projecting degenerates say >every board is Yea Forums! "no"
Joshua Ward
We laugh at ourselves, too. But I can assure you, at the risk of tempting fate, I will never die due to sticking meth up my ass.
Brody Bell
>chink wife
this explains a lot
Carson Taylor
Not true
Asher Myers
No, it has been the pastime limp wristed phonefags like you since 2016, pathetic.
Bentley Taylor
>he thinks Yea Forums is filled with conservative prudes Don't act like you're not an electionfag
None of the local news stations here in LA have even mention any of this hardcore gay shit, they only mentioned he OD "accidentally" on meth. Only place that really reported the real story are these internet news articles. Honestly I'd rather hear the whole story than the sugar coated one. And if his wife was kept in the dark about his actions she has the right to know too. I doubt their daughter will be googling anything about this till she's 16yo.
Henry Scott
is it? This dude went out in such a spectacular way. If anything i want to do meth and get fisted right now.
Joseph Evans
Imagine what that faggot Smollet gets up to. Or Don Lemonhead
Lucas Nelson
>implying there aren't pedo scandals every other day with rightwingers at least this loser got meth fisted to death by someone of age
Austin Butler
>everyone from Yea Forums is a neckbeard incel
Carson Young
I bet Smollett isn't even really gay desu
Matthew Roberts
And how does that change the fact that gays are degenerate? Does the degeneracy of one group negate the degeneracy of another?
I am so fucking sick of this retarded historical revisionism. encyclopediadramatica.rs/Lol-cow Click the link, and then kill yourself. Habbo and Scientology probably mean nothing to you.
Matthew Brown
If anything this can be argued to prove their agenda of societal change and acceptance.
Evan Scott
Why do you think that is?
Levi Kelly
Schools really need to start teaching critical thinking
Xavier Hill
This is a very sad story. I feel really bad for his wife and daughter, who will forever be haunted by this sexually deviant story.
Henry Russell
>why are people who have been treated like shit at higher risk of suicide? Gee user what a mystery
Gavin Stewart
could it be that being constantly viewed as “the other” your entire life leads to depression and eventually suicide?
Leo Robinson
Then your retarded
Jace Gomez
My lady friend and I use them, but we don't make porn. She likes them quite a bit.
Eli Jackson
Daniel Moore
Discord tranny utterly humiliating himself. You are mentally ill. Deal with it.
lol if you think society will still find this behavior deviant by the time she is getting on in her adulthood. Trump's presidency was an aberration, the wheels of "progress" never slow for good.
Nolan Foster
Yea Forums you stupid retarded faggot, I'm fucking tired of mongoloids like you that come here after reading about the memes and pretend you're not new, oh and for your information, I used to raid habbo but that has nothing to do with Yea Forums so fuck off.
Look at Yea Forums now. Are the same people there? Did they all magically die? No? Then where the fuck do you think they are?
Kayden Watson
Based. KTLA is the most kino SoCal news station
Nathaniel Rogers
>tranny trend will work it's self out because they end up killing themselves anyway This is why i enable trannys and bash them at the same time because it doesn't matter because they will never be able to become a majority.
okay sure im a discord tranny can you actually adress the argument though? I thought the right was rational?
I’ll restate, how do we know these suicide rates arent because of how they are viewed in society which might have circular effects on a persons psyche?
David Anderson
I don't see how habbo raids have to do with being a pearl clutching conservative like you
Aiden Cooper
Maybe they should grow a fucking spine
Matthew Hernandez
what about that political donor who killed 2 men
Nolan Morris
>It took them two hours just to get the smile off his face
Liam Long
It's called growing up. I'm no longer a 12 year old trying to be shocking online for internet cred.
I don't care about Yea Forums go post there if you want.
Thomas Evans
why bother with schizoids
Asher Rogers
because there's no such thing and trying to force people to fit a hypothetical mold just because you're uncomfortable is sadistic and evil
Mason Fisher
Lmao poor tranny
Aiden James
do you honestly think far left people would make black avatars and spam nigger in a childrens video game?
Nolan Campbell
Because if they got mental health treatment they wouldn't be attempting suicide so much. Instead leftists encourage this behavior and it ends up killing them.
Ian Thomas
>says the anal meth freak that is 5 to 10 times more likely to kill themselves than a normal person
Jonathan Turner
Way to reveal yourself as a mental midget.
Isaiah Taylor
yes.... your self-imagined monolith of "far left" isn't as accurate as you may have hoped.
Jace Jenkins
you're probably too young to remember when people weren't obsessed with race and politics
Christian Johnson
that poor kid
Elijah Lee
>Jacking off to traps
Thomas Young
>uh getting a stranger to use his fist to cram so much meth up your ass that you literally die is perfectly acceptable behaviour, you're just bigoted
Christopher Hill
mental health treatment will never change society viewing you as alien
I mean for fucks sake that benign toilet paper commercial with two gay guys just came out and people are already spamming it with dislikes. Any representation of a gay person is seen as “shoving gays down our throats”. No amount of therapy will ever make you feel accepted if this is how people are
Aiden Taylor
who was taking the photos?
Hudson Reed
Those were literally edgy humor. All of Yea Forums was and is filled with hentai. People back then were not either left or right because it wasn't about politics and they certainly were not conservative prudes.
Jaxon Bailey
>he doesn't stick his meth up his asshole while having the best missionary sex of his life with a woman of dubious consent i seriously hope...
Jaxson Gutierrez
The fags even have a word for woken they date when they are in denial.
You dont tend to hear about the women gays date when they are playing straight because that kind of rejection really fucks with a woman's head.
I used to know a couole chicks this happened to. They spent years if thier lives thinking they were so repulsive they turned them gay.
I think it would be interesting to study how many if them end up addicts or suicides.
Oliver James
which again just fuels their argument of intrinsic societal change
Xavier Watson
mental health treatment will help you realize you aren't a woman just because you're a failed man
Justin Rogers
What's it like? Can you just go to town on the bumhole without repercussions?
Isaiah Williams
White people are gay as fuck lol
John Hall
not him but i think its mostly cause trannies desperately want to be something theyll never be, and the truth has to hit them sometime, no matter how deep in their fantasy they are. as for the gays, a large majority of media and politics are on your side now, so i honestly dont know why they still kill themselves. almost everyone telling them theyre amazing, special, not to be treated differently, and people who hate gay people generally shamed on social media, yet still they find a reason to kill themselves. its almost as if the problem lies with your inability to be happy with yourselves unless youre seen as perpetual victims who must always be coddled and protected.
>“Later on, in the encounter Mr. Burrous inserted a second rock of methamphetamine through his anus and put on a mask and dusted the filters with ‘poppers,’” Anyone mind drawing a sketch? I can't really picture this
Brandon Allen
Even in the US, outside of some exceptions, being gay is still a major source of conflict in school and in the family.
True its still strange and kinda fucked up that you can search meth and find all these videos. Yet search rape and they return no results. Our culture is fucked beyond fixing.
Landon Collins
there are medications that cure gender dysphoria but it is now transphobic to talk about it
Wyatt Hughes
You ain't one of them there fag enablers are ya?
Carson Williams
>mental health treatment will never change society viewing you as alien Shut the fuck up you retard
When I say I go to the church people give the the strange look. When I say I like Latin mass they back away. When I get asked about my political opinions, I have to shut up or defend from everyone attacking me. I am banned from expressing myself on Facebook, I can't tell my opinions in real life. I have no political voice in the mainstream discourse. I have to worry so antifa doesn't bash my skull in or get me fired from a job. And you know what? I have my in group and we enjoy life far away from normalfaggotry the likes of which you are a part of. And all is well. You can have a good life as well, but you're killing yourself because you are mentally unstable.
Austin Bell
screencaps from a homemade sex video by the ex lover I guess
Dylan Williams
Why do niggers even try on Yea Forums? I have never seen them not get BTFO
Also you fucked up ratio. If the same number of results appear. But on searches strictly gay video (about 100,000) videos and the other searches 7.5 million videoes and both return the same amount then that means gays are REALLY into meth and degenerate behavior.
the only reason there's an article is because he's a famous reporter retard. no one cares if a getto faggots offs zerself
Carter Peterson
Ryan Miller
That's why fags can't give blood you dumbass.
Kevin Reed
yeah okay
Gabriel Lewis
back to discord/reddit/whatever faggot hole you crawled out of
Jackson Collins
"Men who have Sex with Men" a.k.a homosexual men (and homosexual men in the closet)
Eli Allen
Men who have sex with men.
Gavin Campbell
mainstream media
Ryan Murphy
Main stream Media CNN = FAKE news!
Ayden White
>Gentleman, Sure, we break some balls here tonight, but I go way back. And in light of recent humiliations, it's an honor to be joined by men, and not faggot ass corn-holin' cocksuckers that fist meth up each others asses. He should fuckin' die!
This has been noted as a problem for a long time and education is the way to deal with it. Not sweeping it under the rug which is why it spiraled out of control in the first place
Jack Green
you know what else happens all the time that doesn't get reported because niggers don't matter? them molesting their kids
>hetro black women twice as likely as hetro black men & 4 times as hetro white women jesus
Nicholas Cook
Its because a lot hetero black women date closeted gay black men "on the down low" and get unknowingly infected.
Jackson Cruz
Cause hetero black women get ass fucked by closeted HIV+ gay men
Nathan Parker
its 100% true, homo. we know about the meth fueled gay orgies. its fucking gross.
Oliver Young
Why is HIV contracted more easily through anal sex rather than vaginal?
Easton Torres
>Atlanta is the gayest city in America >niggers are the gayest demographic in America >niggers, at 13% of the population get thousands of more HIV infections a year than 72% of the population Why are niggers so bad at life bros?
Because the anus isn't really meant to be penetrated, so it's more likely that there will be tissue damage and HIV is transmitted through blood.
Henry Cruz
You should probably reads some articles from that aren't from 2015, Portland is probably the most up and coming gay town in 2019. San Francisco is still the top gayest fag town.
Dylan Adams
What the fuck is going on outside? Can anyone post that photo?
David Gomez
HIV lives and thrives in semen as well as in the blood. And the anus is highly absorbent.
Oliver Moore
Are blacks just genetically predisposed to catching HIV?
Angel Walker
and they are the biggest faggots
Elijah Garcia
Why do people continue to have anal sex when vaginal sex is so much better?
Matthew Green
I've seen heterosexuals do shit twice as degenerate as this
Daniel Barnes
Calm down queen
Grayson Reed
Vaginas are ugly, assholes aren't.
Owen Wood
Because they don't use clean needles.
Daniel Morris
Chris Burrous asshole probably looked pretty ugly when it was stuffed full of meth, shit and a man's fist
Aaron Martin
>They spent years if thier lives thinking they were so repulsive they turned them gay