ITT: The biggest H*ly Sh*t moments in TV history

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damn...we suck. we can fucking do better

That's it. I'm moving to Venezuela.

>liberal claiming moral superiority




>Republicans are the devil
>Democrats also suck because they don't push their agenda hard enough
"Wow it's so smart to criticize both sides" -Democrat

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That's embarrassing.
And there's this retard

this scene really opened my eyes

>speech about how you can't just sit jerking yourself off to the flag and have to work hard to make your country as great as you know it can be
>"Hurr durr man said America not great. Downvited!"
Why does this happen every time?

>we stood up for what was right
umm no sweetie

are there any other moments where tv tells us about our messded up sociaty?

all those other countries have better stats because they have less brownies

Posting this to reddit rn. I hate myself and the USA

I can't get over how big of a hack Sorkin is. You can just feel him jerking off as he wrote this scene

Fuck this triggers me bad when they do this

And no blackies and became great when high IQ ethnically homogeneous countries.

damn if only the smart people were in charge

>"rigged elections"
For real, though, agreed with about 90% of this. Though scenes like this always feel strangely masturbatory to me.

So should they instead pretend their own side is perfect, like you conservatives seem to do? Because that makes you look even more fucking retarded. Admitting your own faults shows maturity.

>stevie chowder

>steven crowder
no thanks lmao. lost any respect for him when he got btfo by that other kid at his own show while being arrogant as shit

No surprise you missed the point of the post.

What happened to writers being able to tell a good narrative without jerking themselves off during the process?

So tell me what the point is then

Sorkin himself did it for a long time

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>Look at side [x]
>Ain't they a bunch of just really evil morons?
>I mean really you'd have to be terminally brain dead to support [x]
>Of course we're no better
>We have the perfect plan, but we're just so gosh damn bad about finally doing it.
>We need to step up, and throw out democracy so our perfect view of the world can happen.

Does that actually sounds like someone critising both sides to you? Oh wait you're brain dead. Does that actually sounds like someone critising both sides in the same way to you?

Kill yourself.

Is The West Wing good?

why is he mansplaining her? fucking sexist

>should they instead pretend their own side is perfect, like you conservatives seem to do?
Republican voters consistently talk about how Bush's Iraq War was a big fat mistake, its one of the reasons Donald Drumpf got popular in the primaries because he consistently stated how much of a bad idea it was.

>Ain't they a bunch of just really evil morons?
>I mean really you'd have to be terminally brain dead to support [x]
said no one

Don't worry. Eventually all the dumb white Drumpf supporters will die off and we'll be an enlightened, social democracy.

What makes you think your side is equal to the other?

Living under a rock or willfully ignorant?

where are you getting these quotes from? You sound like you have no idea what you're talking about.

That shit happened over 10 years ago. It's an easy fault to admit and gain points dude. And you're really going to point out Trump as a mature speaker? Lmao.

No, just not a sensitive snowflake.

But I'll humour you, link me to that WW scene where a character describes Republicans as terminally braindead, evil morons. Which episode was it?

>WW scene
*Newsroom scene of course

>10 years ago
If you think 10 years is a long long time then you've got some growing up to do, that's still very recent history that's within living memory and affects foreign politics today, its not like talking about something hundreds of years ago like the civil war.

Who said it was a newsroom scene? Also PS I am not a republica

This thread is about The Newsroom and its opening scene. You (I assume it was you) responded directly to OP complaining about how Dems and Reps are talked about in the scene.
>Also PS I am not a republica
And I'm not a Democrat

yes its very good, its about democrats before they lost their fucking minds

but really it's just great storytelling, almost every episode stands alone and is very satisfying

Why does Yea Forums hate Steven Crowder?

>that video you posted features someone well know for making videos
>kill yourself REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
trumptards are cancer

Alright I'll give you that, but doesn't that trigger you as well? The fact that republicans criticize themselves to appear more "intelligent"?

Hey I admit Republicans mistakes. They don't seem to recognize that liberals are domestic terrorists and the biggest enemy we face as a nation. They shoulda declared martial law and started putting them in FEMA camps years ago.

Nice bait

I'll give it a try. I prefer self contained episodes the older I get.

He's cringe as fuck

Rest of the show was comfy until the last couple of episodes.
>tfw the clip of him looking directly at the camera and talking about how Jews run banking and are overrepresented in Congress keeps getting deleted from y*utube

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It's kino. Don't watch past Season 4. It's downhill from there ( I think Sorkin 100% left in 5?)

>Ain't they a bunch of just really evil morons?
>I mean really you'd have to be terminally brain dead to support [x]
>said no one

>We changed...time zones?

Shows like this are just catnip for middle class liberals.

I know what you mean

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>Americans talk about freedom but get arrested if
>they drink in Public LOL Nice freedom. But yey,
>they got guns. Greetz from Germany

Also Germany:
>Go to jail for mean posts on Facebook
>Go to jail for denying holocaust
>Go to jail for owning Nazi memorabilia
>Go to jail for defending family from Somali rape gangs
what did the euronigger mean by this?

start at 7:04 or something
>has an open debate where he has random people come on to argue solialism
>only has one mic
>has the one mic in his own hands the entire conversation, so that he can pull it away from the opponent if he becomes a bigger threat (like he does multiple times in the debate with yousef)
>constantly deflects opponents solid arguments
>tries physically intimidating towards the end there
>constantly cuts opponent off
I can go on forever man, this Steven Crowder guy's just not legit!

No one in the show. Since everyone in here is talking about the show. Not literally "no one", no human being ever in the history of mankind and cosmos.

This thread is about the Newsroom, why are you trying to steer it off topic?

wow i fucked up my quote there. that was meant for the OP from the first comment of the video.

You've never been to Germany and it shows.

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>break leg and get huge debts
>get shot by neighbour because your mattress was in the wrong dumpster
>get shot up because you were in school at the wrong time
>all for freedom
I'd like sources on those accusations you threw at the germans too, when did anyone go to jail for mean posts on facebook?

All of the other republican candidates excluding Rand Paul refused to criticize Bush for Iraq. Trump was also expected to lose voters for his anti-Bush statements in that primary debate by most pundits. Now that it's clear that nobody actually likes Bush in the Republican base it's easy to shit on him but back then it took balls.

are you implying that the news stories in Germany are fake news?

wtf I hate america now

This poster was not just referring to the show.

I am implying "based" Youtubers and /ptg/ are bad new sources.

Holocaust deniers being jailed is true however. Not that I personally find anything wrong with it.

I see but he should have mentioned that at some point because this is a Newsroom thread, not a "world outside the Newsroom" thread.

hmm weird because all those stories about how 22-year-olds get tried in juvenile court and refugees getting off with 2-3 years for gangraping jailbait, those stories I saw from mainstream German sources
not to mention the reporters who have been caught lying in favor of liberals
fucking pathetic dude

But thank god I have the nanny state to take care of me when I get hurt :^)

>when did anyone go to jail for mean posts on facebook
Just going off of google and
And I dont recall ever getting shot growing up in the states, or actually knowing anyone that got shot. And I didnt go into life debt for breaking an arm!

I'm implying selective news gives you a skewed image of a country. Are there school shootings every day in America? Are you all fatties? From an outsider's perspective it seems that way.

>throwing /pol/niggers in prison
Fucking based. Zero tolerance for degenerate genetic deadends.

I really like Sorkin's brand of "we can do better" fan fiction. It's very inspiring and relaxing. Of course, he's a filthy kike propagandist completely out of touch with reality and human nature and the ideology he's peddling should be disregarded. I'm on the complete opposite political spectrum as him yet I still really appreciate his work.

everyday school shootings? no
everyday accidental gun deaths? yes
you're also comparing apples and oranges, American news is way more sensational and unique tragedy-obsessed

>22-year-olds get tried in juvenile court
This is wrong lol.

The only ones "reporting" this are Daily Mail and Breitbart, guess why? Because it's not true.


we can surely all agree on this?

>YOUR news ISN'T true
>MY biased news is the BEST

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Being one sided is fine, going
>See they have criticism for both sides
When there criticisms are
>These guys are fundamentally wrong
>We're not good at admiting how great we are
Is not.

Perpetrators were adolescent at the time of the crime so they're bound to appear in juvenile court for the first session, then the judge makes a decision whether this is a case for juvenile court or "adult" court. This process is being applied in all cases, it has also been applied to the Herne-Mörder, Marcel H., who was subsequently tried as an adult. He was white as a sheet btw.

This is German Law 101 but you're such a braindead nigger that I guarantee your only reply will be some bullshit memes. Because this is all you've got.

For the record: They're not being tried in juvenile court because that decision hasn't even been made yet.

> We built great big things, made ungodly technological advances, explored the universe, cured diseases, and cultivated the world's greatest artists and the world's greatest economy.
>And then we let the shitskins in.

Wow, Sorkin is based

Whoa...if only we made cow farts illegal and taxed everyone making more than $75,000 at 85%.......

To add to this, a murder case with a perpetrator in his late teens actually making it to juvie court is extremely rare. Off the top of my head I can only recall one case, where an 18-year-old german raped a girl and dumped her body in a canal.

so you're saying it took 4 years for your government to charge the rapist? what?
btw, nobody gives a shit about the specifics of G*rman law anyway
especially not the refugees you lot are trying so hard to integrate lmao
you should expect common sense understanding from foreigners on Yea Forums you fucking nerd

how do you think your pension fund will be doing when you retire? lol
not that social security is doing much better, but at least we're welcoming an invasion for slave labor that doesn't even work

>so you're saying it took 4 years for your government to charge the rapist? what?
This is standard procedure in any functioning Western country.

>btw, nobody gives a shit about the specifics of G*rman law anyway
You don't. Everyone else does.
As I predicted, you lash out with memes, which makes me think you're an asshurt non-white. Are you?

>You snotty little bastard... You want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! We live in a world that has cattle, and the cattle has to be herded by men like us! Who's gonna do it, you? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. A responsibility to the deep state, to the FED, to the military-industrial complex! You thought we exist to protect you, to protect your nation? We only exist to serve Israel! You think you have freedom of choice, freedom of thought, freedom of speech? You use words like liberty, democracy, the American dream, words we use to brainwash you so you don't realize you're slaves to zion! We own all the different sides, all the medias, all the parties! Your neighbors turning into queers, the spics and the spooks raping your wives, your daughters turning into whores, the banking cartel's debt racket stealing the fruits of your fathers' labor, your sons dying in the middle east, who do you think is behind it all? You own nothing! I don't give a damn what you goyim think you're entitled to!
Jesus Christ Sorkin...

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>standard procedure for the law to be this lax

I thought you Germans were supposed to be efficient
doesn't take 4 years in 'Murica

>everyone else does


just give it up, Hans

Ignoring my quip about your skins makes me think I struck a nerve. So what's it like being brown?

I don't get it, this would make more sense in Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia, where women could not drive until a couple of years ago.

Not even this ironically, OP, you raging faggot.

>G*rman more focused on race than the ineptitude of his countrymen because he got BTFO multiple times


When people talk about their country being great it's largely in reference to the country's values and achievements being something they feel some pride in.

It doesn't mean the person sees the country as a utopia where nothing needs improvement, but if someone is wanting to act like a fedora wearing teenager then they act like that was the claim. It just means they're framing what is a general statement of pride into some absurd absolute to deride.

It's similar idiocy to what you can see with Ann Coulter if you check out instances of her debating or answering people's questions at talks. Or even Ben Shapiro.

Most of them just know how to rattle off their talking points no matter what the other person is saying. Like with Ann I ended up thinking there was no legal rationale for the president to use executive power to build a border barrier, because whenever she was asked about it she'd argue like the president could govern by slogan "the army defends the country so they can build it" "the president is commander in chief so he can command it be built", she never cited any statute and when people started citing statutes she actually got upset and started saying the law was irrelevant.

These talking heads are a bunch of idiots.

>doesn't take 4 years in 'Murica
Not true. It took 3 years for Shkreli to get convicted.

>36 people accused of hateful postings over social media, including threats, coercion and incitement to racism.
I personally don't see the harm of apprehending people who make threats on social media. People should know that the shit they say (and mean) on the internet has real life consequences. This isn't some /pol/ fuck the jews banter we're talking about.

Also I would rather live in a world where I should worry about what I say online. Instead of having to worry about getting fucking shot and dying from it, of living and having to pay through the fucking nose in hospital bills. Thank you.
And I haven't been thrown in jail for all the stupid shit I've said on this devil site either. I guess because I'm not from Germany (Netherlands instead), but pretty similar countries. I don't know anyone else who has either.
Also just because you haven't landed huge debts in hospital bills doesn't mean it doesn't happen in your country. Go look up any kickstarter/gofundme healthcare related pages from the US. That shit shouldn't even be necessary.

yep that's cringe

Answer the question. What's it like?


was not a child rapist

Yusef blows this stupid motherfucker out so hard that he starts whipping out SJW language policing tactics to shut him up.

It took 3 years for Gacy to get convicted, and another 14 (!!!) years to get executed

Why are Americans so lax when it comes to rapists and murderers?

because you're innocent until proven guilty and the burden of proof is extreme when you put someone on death row
it's so ridiculous that death row cases actually cost more to prosecute than just imprisoning the motherfucker for life
the first guy you brought up was a rich white collar criminal
the second guy you brought up was a fucking serial killer put on death row
is the third guy going to be a corrupt politician? going for the gold in irrelevant comparisons?

>because you're innocent until proven guilty
You know Gacy confessed to 33 murders the night of his arrest, right?
>the second guy you brought up was a fucking serial killer
*child rapist and child murderer

You have no idea what you're talking about and it shows.

>get shot by neighbour because your mattress was in the wrong dumpster

Are you talking about the guy that tried swinging a bat at a couple guys holding shotguns?

>break leg and get huge debts

Yeah nah. Hospitals have to treat people so things like a broken limb or needing stitches will get treated no matter what, where people get fucked is on things that need continuous treatment like cancer.

Where people get fucked is when they're retarded and say they'll pay to get something done at the hospital rather than say they can't afford it and letting the hospital eat the cost. My brother did this and ended up with some hospital trying to charge him a thousand dollars or something until they finally gave up since he had no intention of paying.

>Hospitals have to treat people so things like a broken limb or needing stitches will get treated no matter what
Who pays for it? Is it free of charge?

so? death penalty still demands extreme legal examination. the STATE is legally killing a motherfucker

>you have no idea

yeah I'm the guy comparing a foreign child rapist in Germany to someone who killed 33 people in America

>death penalty still demands extreme legal examination.
He confessed right away and his cellar was full of bodies, why is the American law system so lax that even with evidence like that they need 14 years to carry out their sentence?

>yeah I'm the guy comparing a foreign child rapist in Germany to someone who killed 33 people in America
Gacy was also a child rapist in addition to killing people. He didn't murder all of his victims, some were only raped.

If the comparison seems weird to you it's because you know nothing about Gacy, you uneducated spastic.

The hospital does, likely with some government funding too as nearly everything gets subsidized.

It's why there have been issues in the past with hospitals trying to get ambulances to drop off people needing help at other hospitals, that way their own hospital didn't have to eat the cost.

Even had stories about it getting referenced in TV shows.


dunno, it's just fucked up like that
your whataboutism is cute, but I'm not impressed, we were talking about your country, not mine
btw the fact that I didn't know shit about some shithead that nobody gives a real fuck about doesn't mean I'm an uneducated spastic
like, what's your point? that Germany is better because it does more to protect foreign rapists than America does to prosecute native serial killers? the fuck?
everyone is ignorant of 99% of things
stupid g*rman, night fag
maybe do something to stop the invasion of your country, start tomorrow

That's good to hear because I had the impression that in America, when you need to go to the hospital = instant 100,000 dollar bill

I'm very anxious about my health and run to my hospital for the dumbest shit (they are open 24 hours to all people) I thought if I was American I'd be millions in debt by now

Content of the rant aside, that was pretty well delivered.

I don't mind this scene until he starts listing off ranking statistics like a fucking autist

Maybe come visit sometime, you'll find out that it's not near as bad as /pol/ makes it out to be, in fact it's better here than anywhere else in Europe, we have no recession, no strikes, no tourist traps, immigration is down, unemployment is at a record low, it's paradise compared to the shitshows that are happening in the rest of the world right now. One day you'll come over and see. Have a good night you faggot


. . .
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. .
According to this graph: Yea Forums's site traffic went up by around 33% following the 2016 election, as a result of r/the_donald posters migrating due to the sites association with trump and the alt right.
Assuming many of these posters have stayed, as well as taking into account new people are still joining regularly now with the sites increased popularity...
About 1/3 posters in this thread are redditors.
Let that sink in.

>anecdotal evidence proves I'm right


Kys retard

>tripfags are finally gone
>redditors replaced them
I don't know if I should laugh or cry

it's in the thread already

please kill yourself

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That's some interesting formatting.

t. redditor

>anecdotal evidence

Pick one (1)

A lot like this website actually

i hate trump but mass repliers like you are actual cancer

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>Steven Crowder

Attached: 9QUIKZ7.png (299x299, 95K)

hey everyone this guy is giving out free (You)'s!


not anymore

I visited a few cities for a week. There were a lot of homeless schizos hanging out in Nuremberg. Also your beer was overpriced and mediocre. Good chocolate though.


lol yeah that just doesn't happen unless you say you will take on that debt.

It's not to say it's all wonderful here, because if you wanted to get like a regular checkup then like for myself I can find myself paying $70 for it. For a slightly unrelated example, I went to a clinic to get diet pills and it cost a total of $100 to get looked at and get the prescription, with about $35 at the pharmacy for the actual pills.

There's all sorts of misinformation about our healthcare here (probably exacerbated by foreign countries wanting to praise their own healthcare systems by shitting on ours). Which ends up making it difficult for us to get any changes put in place like Trump's Repeal and Replace that basically would keep all the nice parts of Obamacare while making some side changes like letting people buy insurance from other states. It's kinda funky since essentially what Democrats are attempting to do is to let the entire insurance system go to such complete shit where no one can afford it so people will feel forced to get medicare (the public option offered to old people or the poor).

First 4 seasons are good, goes off the boil a little after that

I dont fucking know newfag its pretty obvious that this was a /pol/ bait thread.

To answer your question though, maybe that scene in mr robot season 3 where elliot thought he saved one building from blowing up but instead blew like 50 buildings up and killed hundreds of people.

It's too bad the rest of that episode was shit. I have watched several dozen HBO shows and that was the only one I didn't bother to watch past the 1st episode. I was even considering to stop watching 30 min but decided to keep watching because why not, another 30 minutes wasted in the night wouldn't make a difference. And the reviews even said the show gets worse after 1st episode lol

>I'm very anxious about my health and run to my hospital for the dumbest shit
you are like the niggers

>Americas might not the number one in everything
*completely blowns boomers mind off*

Kek, what in the hell were americans learning in school.

>shit on Germany for due process
>kraut points out by your very own standards burger due process is far worse

holy shit the 56% amerishart memes are all true

Hey at least you put James fields away for life for driving near a heart attack while white, great job faggots. Can't wait til AOC is selling your organs to finance her green new deal under Comrade Bernie 2 years from now

Crowder is worthless after dodging potholer