

Attached: PBB cast CIA aidan.jpg (1028x1000, 251K)

>that cheeky smile
he definitely knows

is that a *wink* towards us?

his fly is undone

for you

I laughed out loud

Attached: bane CIA valentine.jpg (703x704, 149K)

dubs? no way!

Attached: 1533066646900.jpg (606x642, 126K)

what if it was him who invented that pose and not Nolan?


guy on the far right is going for the Orange Man Bad look.


Attached: vein.gif (128x150, 398K)

That's Neal McDonough you fucking pleb.

He didnt FLY so good

big fan of this show but i wish they would have went full gratuitous lesbian sex with the wife and spy

Was getting caught part of your invasion plan?

Attached: CIA PBB edit.jpg (3840x2160, 633K)

this thread is b l e s s e d

Attached: 1536455512649.jpg (243x249, 9K)


dammit who does this look like?

Dr Pavel
Im P L A N E

Attached: dr_pavel_im_plane.png (1920x1080, 1.87M)

CIA guy

First one to talk gets to stay on my spacecraft.

oh well aren't you just a fucking wisenheimer


All men know.

Attached: bigguys.jpg (1920x1920, 2.93M)

Attached: 1550358370615.png (346x524, 389K)

Not just men.

Attached: 1503896948269.png (1366x768, 982K)

why does he like that stance so fucking much

>why does he like that stance so fucking much

It's a non-verbal form of asserting authority

Attached: tory power stance.png (1231x572, 831K)

Attached: MV5BOGM4OWJlM2QtNzYzZC00YTgyLTg3YjktYWIwNjkxNmM2ZDY2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjk3NTUyOTc@._V1_.jpg (1024x576, 56K)

Princess Shansha, I’m finger

Was killing me part of your plan?

Attached: 1550358204841.jpg (550x300, 34K)

They're close but not quite there.

Attached: dy650tmz05l11.png (485x700, 226K)

Attached: Aidan CIA.jpg (464x1000, 121K)