What would you do?

What would you do?


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Gatekeeping is a necessary part of any community. Prove me wrong.

>Girl gamers? They should be called girl LAMERS!
YUH! *dabs*
Thot status: YOTE

Completely agreed. So many communities have been ruined by people not gatekeeping

I agree too. We should've gatekeeped the whites out of America instead of letting them ruin these pristine lands with their SUV's, cheap houses, and tacky "culture'.

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You tried and failed, leatherface.

Yeah they should have so they would have been 100% genocided by the white's technological and numerical superiority

would have saved the US alot of time and money

is scalping 5 year olds not gatekeeping or something?

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Damn that's authentic they even got a fat bitch that looks like she stinks.

This is how it starts too.
First its ugly girls looking for attention, then its pretty girls, then follow chads, then normies, and by then it's ruined.

That's right witeboi, resort to voilence and threats. that's the onlyway your kind has ever worked.

Gatekeeping is a sign of quality not wanting to degrade to quantity
It's the reason why Yea Forums is so successful - it's the first community on the net that managed to evolve its own means of gatekeeping while also being huge at the same time

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does this ever happen?

video games is a tool of the jews to keep the White man from procreating

No. But its a kinossential part of any boomer's tv diet

good one

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are you saying that mass inmigrations is dangerous and should be avoided, or that ethnostates are desirable and help to prevent genocides and massacres

Made me think of this early Limmy gem


What if I told you men don't choose who procreates? The only people to blame for less white babies are women.

Why do shows like these always look like they're 5 to 10 years behind current trends? Do the producers sit on this footage for a long time?

What about this one guys?


women cannot resist white cock so it's the mens fault for not showing white women their white cocks