Finally left my room

>finally left my room
>went out with friend
>a girl he knowns mentions how all his friends seem to be so unattractive
Films for this feel?

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blade runner 2049

did you reply how all the women he knows seem to be sluts? you should have done that, then laughed after you spoke before she got a chance to respond, and corrected yourself saying "what am I saying, ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES"

shes fucking one of them behind his back

This. Women don't say this unless they have something to hide.

>doesn't bother to exercise or look after himself
>waaa girls don't like me

>Caring what strange women think

no wonder you're acting like a loser, dude. Not only are you ugly, you're also a total pussy.

OP here, why does everyone insult me at every opportunity? I just want frens.

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But I do?

Nice projection

probably because you're making yourself an easy target, user
also checked.

After being a NEET hermit for years I finally worked up the courage to get a job and within a month of working there a girl made a comment that I “look like a virgin”. I wish I was fucking joking.

>Films for this feel
The Elephant Man

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How am I making myself a target?

read more books. when you read a book your brain sends the same signals as when you listen to someone talk, and if you choose good books you'll get a better idea of what it's like to talk to someone who isn't an abusive fucking moron.

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>look like a virgin
this is great. i know you won't and i understand why but i really wish you would post a pic of yourself, user

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>has a friend
fuck off, normalfag.

that's what you get for not dressing sexcore, m8

surprise junglecunt

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how the fuck am i supposed to answer that? i don't know you. i haven't met you. i'm just assuming.
most of the instances where this shit happens, that's the reason. take a look at yourself in the mirror. do you look way different from everyone else? do you dress much different? act very different? have weird hobbies?
figure it out, bro.

when you're weak, meek, and pathetic people try to bully you to death to take out the weak link in the pack

I had the opposite
>go to friend's party
>meet girl, she asks me who I know
>tell her I went to school with friend and those other guys
>she says wtf why is everyone from [hometown] so good looking
She was very cute. Like an ayy lmao ginger girl. If she was an actress you fags would love her

I almost killed myself that night after work. I spent years with an anxiety disorder basically hiding from the world, and after convincing myself it’s “all in my head” I finally decided to try something and all it did was confirm all of my insecurities. The world is completely brutal.

They don't but I got you fren, it's all in your head. You can get out of it, it's called cognitive distortion.

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people behave like this to try to get you to grovel to them even more. it means they're insecure: you were probably being quiet and they were worrying about it because you were an unknown quantity.

insulting them back implies they hurt your feelings. so just laugh.

How soft are you? Literally every male friend group I’ve had going back to 1st grade would rip on each other mercilessly. It’s just part of being a guy and having friends, learning to laugh at yourself, and where people’s (especially your own) limits are. If you can’t handle banter, then that’s probably a huge reason you’re lonely. Unless these people are complete strangers insulting you in-person, and not online, my guess is you’re just being a little bitch.

Again, I stopped caring about people being “nice” around kindergarten dude, which is also around the time I started preferring company of other males over girls, which is natural till you hit puberty.

>cleanly shaven

yeah, right

Just be more aggressive you cuck. No one would insult you if you shut them down. They'd think you were weird but they'd stop hurting your feelings.

Yeah bro just be exactly like everyone else bro you deserve to be humiliated and insulted if you’re not exactly like everyone else.

You should go to war and reset your entire mindset.

you got moged hard friendo. Also if she said you look like virgin she was hitting on you. You dum dum.

what does that mean?

She didn’t say it to me she told someone else that and they told me.

Weak men inspire disgust, hatred and revulsion. People like pic related get more respect than you.

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You don't know the plight of being an eternal babyface even in your late 20s. Strangers call you "boy", females can't imagine being sexually attracted to you.
You trying to be angry while being a babyface will only make them laugh even more

Why didn't you roll with it and say something like "How about you change that?".

Women love witty men.

literally shut up you cunts, get laid or buy a realgirl and stop fucking posting
you wanna be in a real relationship?
guess what, it's exactly as grueling as what you're experiencing now, just in different ways
don't @ me you fucking losers I've been there and back again literally three times
fuck off

If woman would say this to me i would get instantly erect.

It's often strangers.

You should have said: "Yeah, you fit right in."

How is this not illegal. Neither of those girls is 18

women are whores and want to be raped so when they don't see you as a potential rapist the get mad

don't do this, if you are insecure and anxious to begin with this will lead to the most embarrassing moment of your life

not him, but it's not "softness", it's the autistic learning disability that works like a social version of dyslexia affecting the ability to grasp the role of context in conversation.

friends shittalking each other doesn't mean what "virgin" comments directed at a stranger means. some people don't grasp the difference quickly enough so they don't end up with friends they can practice on. of course it can snowball and turn people into recluses, but it's only "soft" in the same way that being subliterate at 40 because dyslexia meant you literally never learned to read properly means someone is "dumb".

>telling autistics to join the army

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She made the comment to a small group of girls after one asked what she thought of me. Next time I came across them they were all laughing and told me what she said. It was like one of those hyperbole filled Yea Forums posts that I didn’t believe actually happened, I couldn’t believe it. And having barely interacted with other people in years I couldn’t come up with anything witty to say so I just kind of mumbled and walked away.

Ssshh, don't say that to Jona-

I mean, OP.

nice cope

Having a “baby face” is a net positive if you’re not a manlet (6’+). You’re more approachable, but so long as you work out, you’re still masculine and attractive, and also tend to show show age less till your 40’s or so. Every guy I know who’s in their 30’s and looks like you describe is dating some girl 10 years younger than them, even if they don’t have their act together.

>yeah so what?
easy response friendo

next time just laugh and rape the woman where she stands, if you're with good friends they'll laugh too and probably join in

It doesn't apply to that situation. "Mogged" means you've been physically or aesthetically outdone. If you're a short, ugly guy standing next to a tall handsome guy, that guy is mogging you. It stands for alpha (m)ale (o)f (g)roup. It's a misc or /fit/ meme

No need to say anything. Jump into them and do pic related. They will get wet as soon as you touch them.

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i'm sorry you were/are going thorugh a hard time, but you're right. the world is brutal. no one ever told you it would be fair and pleasant. if you keep putting yourself out there, you'll improve socially. pick up on social cues and learn how to not come off as such a weirdo. it's not hard, it just requires a little bit of effort.

>le exercising gets you laid meme
Cmon bro have u ever fucked a girl before in your life

>not taking the opportunity to playfully fight with her about what she said
turn that hurt into flirt

as fucking stupid as this sounds, they thought it was funny, so they assumed you would too. normies learn social behavior by LITERALLY copying other people, i.e. mirroring. if someone doesn't react in a way that matches your reaction you know they're not part of your "tribe". there's nothing complicated going on that's beyond your understanding, it's just that it's all counterintuitive to you.

if you'd treated what they were saying like a joke they probably would have revised your notional virginity.

neurotypicals are little more than apes. if they sene something off ybout you they'll attack you. i worked in office and in construction jobs and everywhere they attack the strange, shy or odd people without provocation. if you show weakness the normie animal will attack you

you got rekt

Hahaha. what do you mean, what does sexcore look like

Having a baby face is the literal opposite of being "masculine". No girl ever calls you attractive or handsome, at best you're "cute" and that's it.
Also that meme of "you'll magically become a handsome men in your 30s" is largely a meme. When you have a babyface you don't turn into attractive 20yo old looking turboChad model in your 30s/40s, you literally just transition from a preteen looking boy into the "possibly pedo manchild" territory.

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Sucks to be ugly bro, you can't even imagine how good it feels to be attractive and catch sluts miring. Most of the time I don't even make a move, I enjoy being desired much more than having sex.

I'll at you just because you sound like an insecure underage zoomer and I want to call you a faggot

nice strawman you've built there, retard
it doesn't change the fact that there are social norms. you have plenty of room to experiment and to "be yourself" within the boundaries of the social norms. you can even color outside of the lines here and there. stray too far outside of the norm, though, and you're going to have a hard time socially. this is undeniable.

I know how you feel somewhat, minus actually caring. For whatever reason, if I go to a place where people are relatively “anonymous” in that there are large groups of people who aren’t from around there, like a festival, I will literally get ridiculed by passerby for my clothes or hair. Dudes will go out of their way to bump into me. But for every asshole, there’s often someone good natured who sees me alone, and offers me a beer and to come hang with them and their friends. You just have to be approachable, dude. Some people are just dicks.

Rape her. Ask her if you still look like a virgin.

Because your probably dress bad, not exercise, and have poor hygiene.
I used to have a NEET friend and the fucker was simply ugly

LOL how were you dressed? Really I want to know, my first gf told me she knew I was a virgin, she just knew it. Fucking bitches

you've picked something to be the focus of your anxiety about yourself. as long as you think the problem is something that can't be changed you're going to be unable to change any of the things that are changeable.

>be chad
>dress poorly, smell like shit, act like retard

>thinking being /fit/ doesn't get you laid
fattie or lanklet detected

hes jewish tho

>I enjoy being desired much more than having sex.
Based as fuck, same here. When a woman doesn't desire me it hurts way more than it should though.

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We’re all dressed the same. I’m actually the tallest/most built/athletic looking one in the whole place, it’s not saying much but still. One issue is I would never make eye contact with people so that was likely it. I don’t even know how I still work there after that happened but mostly I just avoid people now.

@ me all you want retard you don't know shit

But she's not fucking OP


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I already changed everything I can change. I lift for 6 years now, eat better than my entire family, not dress like a manchild and take care of my hygiene. I looksmaxxed atleast 95%, what's possible without surgery ofcourse.
The only other thing I could improve is the ability to socially interact better, but I've failed horribly so many times it does not even seem worth it anymore.

I’ll bet you anything you dress nearly identical to how Steve Carrell dressed in 40 yo virgin: monochrome collared shirt (possibly pastel or light blue), light khakis/chinos, and some sort of tennis shoes that don’t match like New Balance. Maybe you work in IT, and it’s basically dress code, but you should try to be a little more sharp when you go out user.

Being chad is suffering

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This is pretty true. I have a hard time in crowds because i'm a 6'10 freak of nature, and never was the best at initiating conversations, but for every person that called me an ugly fucking gorilla, i've met someone who would buy me a drink and talk to me. It's just about learning how to reply and talk out your feelings when prompted. My grandma always said that most of our problems in the world come from miscommunication, so learning to speak your mind and thank others for compassion pays off in a big way, imo. You'll always meet faggots, but the kind compassionate sorts makes it worthwhile

>but mostly I just avoid people now.
this OP. this is the root of your problems. stop being such a little bitch. these people were having some fucking banter with you. maybe it was mean spirited, maybe it hurt your feelings. that's fine. you don't have to like it, but pick yourself up and move on. talk to your coworkers. joke with them. interact with them. be a normal human around them. if you just mope all day like a hurt puppy, don't be surprised when nobody respects you.

One of the girls asking what others think about you meant that she's interested in you. Perhaps not romantically, but there is some sort of interest since she brought you up and in doing so put herself on the line in front of her co-workers because it expressed clear interest. It's one thing if she just up and started gossiping about you, but instead she was interested in how others view you. Then, I assume she's the only that brought up the response she received to you. This was a means of her trying to engage in conversation with you.

On the opposite spectrum there's me. There's maybe a grand total of 10 people that I will talk to at work outside of greeting each other. Not one of them is female. Maybe 5 of them will engage in non-work related conversations with me every so often.

Why is it so much easier for me to talk to girls then guys in college? I don't get it, I'm pretty quiet and keep to myself, small talk just seems a lot easier with women. I just want some guy friends like back in HS.

>inb4 faggot
I have a gf and fags disgust me

That's not a baby face, that's a birdcel fat face. This is a babyface

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Huh. Wonder if I have a mild form of this

That requires CHA levels that nobody on this board possesses

Because women can only do small talk.

You sound like a faggot and your shit is all whack, that's all that needs said

>tfw no gf
>meet a girl
>only thing she talks about is her LDR and bf
>stop talking to her
I tried boyos, now im back to staying in my room all day everyday

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Fucking uggos stick together don't they

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>we’re all dressed the same
I’m the other 7 dubs poster below you. Odds are, you’re a “safe” target BECAUSE you’re tall or athletic-looking, but still dress like shit. They probably feel bad making fun of the guys who are even more nerdy and autistic than you, but still feel an urge to do so. If the average college campus is anything to go by, most men don’t know how to dress “smart”, no matter if they’re a Chad or a nerd. The few sharply dressed men I run into are invariably queer, one way or another.

>possibly pedo manchild
based. wish i was balding so i could get a combover

could be that beckie just wanted to hear what mean thing alice had to say about user, because alice is known to say crude but funny things. that's how you initiate gossip without looking like the bitch

Well but when that one girls eyefucks you it's all worth it. I wish I would have fucked her instead of playing cool like an idiot. Now it's TOO FUCKING LATE...or is it?

yea well you eat boogers and your breath smells you jerk

social behavior is the thing you were actually being held back by. putting lots of effort into your appearance is fine, keep doing that, but neurotypicals look for incongruities constantly.

best option is to try to find aspie friends via the net you can meet up with, or socialize via a group/club that does something you like rather than diving in with all the chads. part of the problem is that you're assuming more of society is "normie" than actually is. don't assume that there is a definitive "correct" personality you need to adopt, and you will be able to start actually expressing yourself, which should diffuse a large portion of the anxiety.

Maybe but I was told that the girls there like setting people up so I don’t think she had interest in me and she was fat. And let’s not forget I literally never talk to anyone there.

Not it’s literally not possible to look austistic or weird because of the clothes, there’s no room for individuality here everyone is dressed in the exact same thing, required by the job. It’s totally because of how I behave on the job, not part of the group at all and a huge target because of my bad social skills.

Here’s another good example. he’s 33, btw. Maybe not as handsome as more chiseled, masculine men, but at least he’s not Michael Cera

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you got noodle lips

>day 8765 of my life spent discussing the reasons why I'm still a kissless virgin on an anonymous online Television & Film board, again

Not funny bro

that's not a baby face you fucking retard. babys do not have facial hair.

>this is the root of your problems
ignore this retard. reclusiveness is a symptom. most people who are sociable didn't try harder than everyone else, it's just how they're wired.

oh yea well you got some weirdly placed moles idiot


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Her being fat says nothing about her being interested in you but rather you not being interested in her.

well find me someone to discuss the global jewish conspiracy and arthouse films with and we can skip the small talk


>finally left my room
heh, dumb failed normie

Is there any app for making friends? i think im going to kill myself or become an alcoholic in the near future if i can't find any friends.

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Colloquially, it means a man who has a round jawline, large cheeks, and who people will place as 5-10 years younger than he actually is. It doesn’t mean you are a literal baby with no facial hair, although most men who meet the profile tend to only grow patchy beards.

see, OP? chads are just as pathetically insecure and desperate for approval as you.

Yes, it's called

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I'll be your friend, pal

>socialize via a group/club that does something you like rather than diving in with all the chads
how exactly are you supposed to do this? the clubs on meetup don't really have any participation unless it's some sort of bar crawl. i thought about volunteering at a local museum, but the picture of the current volunteers is almost entirely 40+ year old men and women.
my loser friends have all had great success with it
granted they're still losers

anyway honestly becoming a functioning alcoholic is the best route in many of life's twists and turns

no, you will not. im tired of being alone

volunteer where all the hs students are ;)

unironically the church, I'm still kind of agnostic but the people I've met there have been nothing but kind to me.

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Neurotypicals (100% of women are NT) want you dead if you’re not normal. They see you as a disgusting animal, they see you as a freak show, they bond by mocking and humiliating you.

Memes aside I met one of my best friends through Steam and tf2. Now we meet up about once a year in the flesh

Without exception, every single friend I met as an adult outside of school has been through work, or through old school friends who introduced me to friends they met through work. It’s a sad reality that most people burn their bridges in their 20’s for one reason or another, but in the past people tended to marry around that time and start families. There’s really no easy answer here, sorry.

the fucking internet. use it.

there's also well-researched "social skills" video channels on youtube like charisma on command that could help you break down some of the things you have trouble with analytically so they're less intimidating. all you're going to get here is retards telling you to follow the Dennis system.

This guy has the right idea, especially in smaller communities. Also if you have any family around your age, you can springboard off them by getting some drinks every now and again

>becoming a functioning alcoholic is the best route in many of life's twists and turns
honestly, I figure getting hammered must be healthier than stressing out with borderline panic attacks

in the past most people didn't move more than 50 miles from where they were born, and the internet didn't exist. of course the internet itself makes people want to socialize less, so clearly there's a mixture of different factors in play.

>charisma on command
he's a psychopath I'm pretty sure, I wouldn't take advice from him

This is me but with a weaker chin hidden under a medium-short beard. I've been called cute but never hot. I guess my appearance is also divisive, since usually any girl who likes me has a friend who who thinks I'm ugly so they try to save her from me.

there's a reason drinking has been a socially acceptable practice throughout practically the entirety of human history

if she's right why does that bother you

its just banter faggot

>hurr drinking
doesn't work: massive numbers of normies fall into this trap as well.

the way to address with anxiety is to identify what problems your brain is getting stuck on and figure out how to cope with them in advance so you're not as completely paralyzed in practice.

You didn't just take that did you?tell her to fuck off

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Because it means everyone knows about my largest insecurity

I hate women Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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t. someone who has never dealt with both mental health and habitual drinking

It's not banter to pick on a stranger

I'm pretty sure he's autistic and applies some of his own rules much too consistently (like smiling, urgh). but he has actually read about what works and summarizes it pretty well.

>posted from one of the many reputable mental hospitals who prescribe a daily Bud Light.

Take her you stupid cunt women never break up until they find another man to go to like monkeys they don't let go till another vine is in hand

>who prescribe a daily Bud Light.
They might not prescribe booze but they will bury you in benzos without hesitation which are basically the same thing, so there goes your argument

Fucking kill yourself tranny

>when the doctors come round with my daily dose of Pinot Noir and loosen my restraints is when I REALLY feel on the road to recovery

good luck with that

>posted from one of the many reputable yet non-doctorate posters on Yea Forums who thinks they know what's both mentally and physically best for other people

that dude doesnt even have large cheeks or a round jawline.

Dumb fuck, I'm 34 but look 24, it's great.

What’s wrong with what they said?

I'll forgive you for your post as what you've typed doesn't even make sense in context
here we believe in second chances


are you arguing that drinking is a cure for long term anxiety? because that's definitely what the context is saying.

sounds like retarded nigger talk

And your friend didn't put that hoe in her place? Fuck him. Get better friends bud.

Sounds like me. I think everyone feels this way some time in their life.

Those cases usually end up with two parties having sex user.

No better or worse than taking benzos for anxiety which is the go to treatment for mental health professionals these days. It may not be ideal but it is practical. The thing you are talking about like figuring out your anxieties working through them is not something a shut in autist can do by himself. You would need someone who cares about you or a therapist for that, and in 99% of cases no one gives enough of a shit about shut in autists to help them with their mental problems, and getting one to go to a therapist is nearly impossible.

why does this post fill me with revulsion?

>your shit is all whack

Kill yourself zoomer

Kill yourself

What is actually the normie/Chad/healthy-functiong-adult way of responding to such a situation?
Doing nothing and just forever ignoring those people? Putting them in their place?

Hahaha, that's totally not me

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I don't agree that there's *nothing* an autist can do and that people are reliant on professionals. I think that tends to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, especially given that the whole end goal is for people to be able to cope without support. better than obsessing over having "a baby face" or other shit in this thread.

medication is a stopgap, especially all the forms you can develop a tolerance for (including drinking). most psychiatrists prescribe both medication and therapy at once because they're aimed at different timeframes. talking about long-term stuff just makes more sense on an chinese imageboard.
