Goodnight sweet prince

Goodnight sweet prince

Attached: Dan+Schneider+TCA+Tour+Cable+Day+3+-HbP8_XLjk7l.jpg (422x594, 92K)

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How the fuck did he just leave and sell his house and go off the grid with no one asking any fucking questions?

My hero.

He beat the game, mother fucker got away with it and made off like a bandit

He get away with it like a boss. My guilty role model.

He's been a powerful and influential figure in entertainment for about 30 years now, it's not unreasonable to assume he has contacts anywhere and everywhere who are looking out for him.

he beat 2 things then

What a lad.

Attached: 1529084607394.jpg (1500x4795, 2.18M)

The blind items said he had dirt on a lot of higher ups in Hollywood. He probably blackmailed them all to shut the media up and cover his ass while he did a runner.

Money. She gave Miranda Cosgrove a insane (for a kids show) 180k per episode paycheck to get her quiet.

What's this guy's name, again?

who do you think owns the media

"Yes, I can" Dan

Dan the man

>that's gonna get on TV
>that's gonna get on TV


Dan "i saw, i won, i came" Schneider

Giving him Lame “funny” names is a psyop

Hello Dan

Oh will you fuck off I never touched those kids

Dan "Knight Rider but the car is a twelve year-old girl" Schneider

Too soon, user