ITT: Movies you couldn't finish

ITT: Movies you couldn't finish

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I'm not a mentally ill zommer so that never happened.


If you can't follow watch it with subtitles.

youre a weird one mr.user

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Eraserhead. Sorry, it's not creepy, scary or engaging in any way whatsoever

>he can't handle spykino

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because you lack imagination and intelligence to engage with it

Thin Red Line. The pretentious, melodramatic voiceovers were too much. Couldn't take it after half an hour.

Transformers, the... I dont even, it was probably the fourth one, the one with marky mark.

I mean I watch anything. I was watching this alone at home, no reason to do anything else and when some action started in some city. I just... couldnt... the badness was so overwhelming....

tits or gtfo

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Same, could make it past the first hour, complete snorefest

this, shit sucked

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this lol

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>Queen of the Damned
Left the theater immediately after the unbelievably cringey numetal video intro
>30 Days of Night
Cant remember when exactly, but at some point i kept thinking there were a million plot holes and left
>King Arthur (2005ish?)
Made it about 20 minutes and left
>Fifth Element
I was already disgusted by Chris Tuckers character, but as soon as the blue alien chick started hiphop dancing, i had to leave
>Thin Red Line
Thought it was gonna be a cool war movie. It was just shit.
>Indiana Jones and Crystal Skull
As soon as shia leboof starter swinging on the vines with the monkeys, i couldnt handle it anymore

i admit that i am too dumb for Tinker Tailor Solder Spy, just like 99.8% of the population

blade runner 2049

Why was the protagonist ok with being a cuck and letting her wife cheat?

that scene where they were eating ramen together did me in

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What did user mean by this?

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being on Yea Forums for a while, no this doesnt surprise me at all.. I bet you love the prequels now right?

Mulholland drive

I tend to sit out even the shittiest movies, but I couldn't help but walk out of the latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie. That wedding scene was just the cake

You saw the fifth element at the theater? Fuck off grandpa this is a webzone for young folks

happened the same thing to me. fell asleep watching, when i woke up it already ended. never bothered watching it again

drink cum

latest avengers

I think those are the only two movies I walked out on

And? You want an award or enough replies to justify that you're not a pleb?

Ive been here since 2004 and i dont plan on going anywhere. Eat shit you literal child.

Apocalypse Now
that fucking 1h french scene

Jesus H.Christ that scene... I mean the whole thing is weird as fuck, but I fucking hate french

deer hunter didnt even make if past the wedding

The Italian Job (2003) left theater after 15 minutes or so--was just bored and went over to a girls house that I had a crush on.

That's right you stinky little NEETs, I went over there without calling. Just showed up and started hanging out. You cowards.

>The Italian Job (2003) left theater after 15 minutes or so--was just bored and went over to a girls house that I had a crush on.
>That's right you stinky little NEETs, I went over there without calling. Just showed up and started hanging out. You cowards.

>cringing at a true story.

You seem really autistic

That what you get for not watching the theatrical version you retard

>>cringing at a true story.
Who are you quoting?

>My father went to the rental store to pick up movies, so he brought This THING.
>I took the DVD looked at the name After Earth,
"Hum must be something apocalyptic, I hope it's good"
>2 min movie: Oh there's Will and his son LOL
>5 min movie: Ok that awful
>15 min movie: this movie is one of the worst movies I've seen
>30 min movie: Please stop...
>Jaden Smith jumps off the mountain and starts to fly like a flying squirrel: Ok that's enough!
I could not and I do not want to finish

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while you didnt get fucked
i watched a good movie

Stop talking like a fucking 13 year old faggot, get the fuck out


Understandable. I just watched it once, but it was tough.

NEETs seethings xDDD

go back to 9gag

>*Wake up by RATM starts playing*
left the theater right then and there

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I'm an English teacher currently travelling through Mexico with my Girlfriend.

>left the theatre
My parents refused to let me see this is theatres. I was so mad.

>stinky little meet slinks out of his bedroom at 1pm
>he is very happy to have the house to himself, mommy and daddy away at work
>this creepy little wimp tiptoes downstairs--piss jar in in hand brimming with warm yellow urine
>as the coward approaches the kitchen to drain his jar in the sink he hears:
>"look who's out of his cave!"
>"It's alive!"
>he forgot, it was Saturday, and the whole family is over for a his mommy's birthday party
>"hey user, how's the job hunt going? hahaha"
>"user, how's it going with those online movie reviews?"
>the simpleton feels awkward and avoids eye contact with any human being
>he retreats upstairs just in time to reply to an anonymous poster on "the chan"
>he spazzy little weirdo furiously types, "go back to 9gag" feeling satisfied for a fleeting second before putting his head down and whimpering as he hears his family laughing at him downstairs

Dunkirk was absolute dogshit. Oh sure, it was quite the thrill, but that was fucking it. Read Brave New World, fucking faggot, or simply study some history.
>the feelies, BNW
>ancient bloodsports and orgies

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Pretensious is such a zoomer word. Malick has a PhD in philosophy. He’s allowed to do voiceover.

I find this and Get Carter so watchable just because I like watching Harry Cane do stuff.

Pretentious perfectly describes the pseudo-intellectual nonsense that was the start of that film and why I couldn't continue.

you're a cunt, your dad probably asked the clerk for a good "father-son" movie

you disgust me