When does this get better I’m starting season three and it’s slow and boring and the writing is terrible
When does this get better I’m starting season three and it’s slow and boring and the writing is terrible
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kys pleb
Well when does it get better?
It took me to season 4 of the Wire before I realized its complete redditor circlejerking trash
> the writing is terrible
End your life faggot. Go watch a Soms of Anarchy episode in between TDKR rewatches.
This kys
Oh! You blow your dad with that mouth?
yea i felt the same way, OP. didn't make it past first season. and i typically like slow-burn shows like this and madmen.
I feel like this shit is going to be the same a bunch of overweight Americans talking about leadership and fucking strippers
U fucking idiot mad men was written by mathew wiener who wrote for the sopranos you fuckin duchebag
Then you know jack and shit and
Jack left town
Its abour existentialism and a whole lot more but lets face it your elementary perceptional reasoning can't achieve critical thought or have insight to know what is good from what isn't.
Basically, get fucked
Oh boy, someone doesn't like the Sopranos! Time to call him a pleb so other anonymous posters on this image board will think I have taste!
Stopped being good after ep 1. It teeters from okay-bad after.
It's a soap-opera for men, If you don't enjoy trashy guido's LARPing, just drop it now.
I have a Bachelors of Arts go fuck yourself incel
Thats not an OPINION
Its a fact, like you being a total faggot
>it's literally impossible to like one thing andnot like another, you fuckin douchebag
post your top 5 shows if you’re serious
ohh boy you have a bachelors degree, someone give this guy a medal
Threes company
Kindred them embraced
The prisoner
You can do mental gymnastics all you want cocksuckah.
During season 4 of production the actors went on strike due to pay disagreements and james gandolfini R.I.P, gave every actor a check for 33,333$ to end the strike because he was Tony Fucking Soprano
Good job, you're doing it! I bet the other anonymous posters here are REALLY impressed!
>Good job, you're doing it! I bet the other anonymous posters here are REALLY impressed
>mental gymnastics
show me where the mental gymnastics are. you're not just using that as one of your buzzwords, are you user?
>During season 4 of production the actors went on strike due to pay disagreements and james gandolfini R.I.P, gave every actor a check for 33,333$ to end the strike because he was Tony Fucking Soprano
based as fuck
Besides all the bitchiness and cuntiness ITT, Steve Buscemi directed some of the best episodes so maybe you twats can stop smelling your own farts and appreciate something for once.
But then again this is Yea Forums who am i kidding
Lets just say My conviction is that Sopranos is already critically acclaimed as one of the best shows ever made. Writers like matt weiner(mad men) terence winter and many more reasons make it good. It's validity and Exceptional reputation makes me 100% certain if you don't like it, then you just simply have bad taste.
Most of the characters are unlikable. All of them deserved to die
Manlet incel
I liked the show well enough but I disliked how often they just had new mob members show up out of nowhere without ever being seen or known about prior. Then the writers would spend all this time finishing each and every story of all these characters when they were never even introduced correctly
>Most of the characters are unlikable. All of them deserved to die
That says more about you than it does about the show and it's narrative.
Go watch "this is us" more your speed
When will someone FINALLY make a fan edit cutting out all the stupid family and psychiatry scenes and just include the mob stuff? Been waiting years for that so I can actually watch this show.
Melfi was one of the best characters you pleb
>actually caring what critics think
wow, user. is the sopranos as good as black panther? that movie is nominated for best picture, after all. these critics really know their stuff, so if they say its good, it must be.
Eh I think they did the best they could. Take Ralphie, he's the prime example of what you just talked about. They couldn't do "just got out of prison" or whatever because they just did that with Richie in the prior season (and they would do it again with Tony B., Phil, and others in Season 5).
Not just the critics lol you fucking moron, the audiences loved it.
But keep throwing your tampon at the wall, sooner or later maybe it will stick?
sneed feed and seed
I fast forward like a motherfucker. Anything involving the kids is just awful.
terrible attempts at bait
What the fuck? I don't go fishing nigga
any bait with a you wins
it really is overrated isn't it? HBO and its audience are a joke
>it really is overrated isn't it? HBO and its audience are a joke
Bunch a fucking queers ITT
zoomers were a mistake
Get Back In Yoa Fookin Hole Davey!
don't give your mom such a hard time when she tells you to wear the helmet
this is the peak of acting, you fast and furious loving cuck
Fuck why is she so hot Brehs?
the guy vito hits with his car is the worst extra in the show btw
listen to how shitty his voice acting is
his shitty acting symbolizes how Vito no longer believes his own act
he cant even fall down right
>don't give your mom such a hard time when she tells you to wear the helmet.
Not that user but, Don't give your dad such a hard time when he fucks you at night, you little whooare.
It was groundbreaking for its time, I watched the whole series as it aired with my family, it was an event show like GOT. The writing was always sub-par, it was more about the character arcs and this was still a time when gangster shows were hip like hitman movies.
Yes and no, it's not a think piece no matter what anybody says
>Its abour existentialism
middle age naval gazing is not existentialism pleb, if anything it is the opposite
Kind of true, watching it with my family we understood it as mostly satirical, they stupid goombas you laughed at but with similar problems. Years later was having dinner with wop GF's parents and I learned real quick these were basically role models for middle class cucked Americans. They could do no wrong, almost got some gobbagool tossed in my face. Don't bad mouth this show to southern italians (i.e. american italians) they think it is the Rocky of tv shows.
I don’t know what it is but somehow all th monsters can pull off pinky rings and bracelets well like no other men
someone post the vito teleport webm
Never. It’s a slow, boring “character study” about Jersey trash masquerading as kino.
Why didn't he just go around his car? Dumb fucking faggot
Tony constantly quesitons the meaning of it "all" PLEB
>all the mobsters can pull off pinky rings and bracelets well like no other men
What's the correct rings/necklace ratio if I want to look like an authentic Italian-American or Slav , Yea Forums???
>The writing was always sub-par
its not bad line delivery its just his accent
when he says who would do such a thing thats the tone you ask a question in. its supposed to be different
>The writing was always sub-par
Based user
I like you're (sic) style wop
I would say tracksuit that is nice and fitted gold necklace 20 inches perhaps even layers with a crucifix necklace or pendant that is 16 inches gold bracelet on one wrist with a pinky ring and or index ring gold watch on other wrist with wedding ring and strong smell of musk
These assmad itals, lemme tell ya
Your not bad either, for a moulinyan
Watch it user, dont go catching a cold, it's bad for your health, I hear.
Patsy a cute
>this thread
sopranos is literally one of the best series of all time, if not the best.
It is good. But it paved the way for other shows like it, so a flawed criminal protagonist and the violence and all that doesn't seem so revolutionary any more. So if you grew up when all this stuff was commonplace with the Wire and Breaking Bad and so forth it probably doesn't seem so great to you. Just stop watching it instead of talking shit about it, because it's probably indirectly responsible for a lot of shows you do like.
>Well I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
Fucking Hallelujah user, the voice of reason at long last
Again, Amen, now im gonna go try and take a shit, but any corn-holing cocksuckas that wanna say otherwise Should Fuckin Die!!!
How much time did he do
Twenty Fucking years
I Compromised, jerked off in a tissue, listened to rock the casbah and ate grilled cheeses off the radiator.
Why did he hate gays so much even more than anyone
you're gonna miss seeing all those fat goombas getting shot in the head tho
Well if you noticed he told vitos son no eating in the car, and then when tony rode him down in the SUV, phil was eating an icecream, in short, phil never gave no fucks about any rules, even his own.
>it's probably indirectly responsible for a lot of shows you do like
Very true. Also, I get the feeling that a lot of Yea Forums are fringe tier entertainment people, gophers, script readers, interns etc. All with big dreams. David Chase is like a saint to these people, he isn't just any old show runner he is the hack who worked his way up and hit it big. Just look at his IMDB profile... Paid his dues and now he just sits back and does v.o. work. he doesn't have any other ideas, he mad money off the fact he is so mundane and relatable. This was his 1 idea and it hit big. I'm sure 99% of Yea Forums wishes they were him.
>Tfw will never chase down a guy with my best friend like tony and Christopher did and be all mafioso like
> I learned real quick these were basically role models for middle class cucked Americans. They could do no wrong, almost got some gobbagool tossed in my face. Don't bad mouth this show to southern italians (i.e. american italians) they think it is the Rocky of tv shows.
If I were in a room with a loaded gun, the superpowers of evil influence in the world and YOU, I'd shoot you, twice
>This was his 1 idea and it hit big. I'm sure 99% of Yea Forums wishes they were him
Originally was supposed to be a film with a different premise and ending, one which tony kills his mother for ordering a hit on him. It got scrapped but the top HBO execs personally reached out to david chase and told him "we know that you have an incredible idea and we know it will make an excellent show". For that kind of reaction from HBO, its Crystal clear mr.Chase is very talented. Also sylvio initially was supposed to play tony but turned it down for a different, lesser role.
Ill admit the first 5-6 episodes can be a slog, even the college episode that a lot of people praise was shit other than everything tony-related but if you didnt start getting hooked by the time tony also gets killed and especially the food poisoning episode, I don't know what to tell you...the 2nd season is better though so maybe keep trying
i always thought him hitting with his car like that in public & broad daylight was way too unrealistic. it could have easily been caught on cctv or someone could have reported it
>Tfw Anglo
>Tfw will never taste sweet Italian Canadian pussy
>Tfw stuck with inferior Greek or Portuguese pussy
Oh for sure but I think everyone likes to insert themselves in a mob boss or bank robber when he is doing something cool and got away with it
Series pilot was bizarre as the show hadn't found itself, they get away with GTA antics and Tony has an inner monologue.
Tfw Anglo
>Tfw will never taste sweet Italian Canadian pussy
>Tfw stuck with inferior Greek or Portuguese pussy
We can't all be perfect user, not even us guineas
What a weird fucking thing to assume...sopranos is one of the greatest shows ever made, period. I don't care who the fuck the creator is or what he does now, mad men is the only thing that comes close to television as art while on themes like morality and family in such a humanistic way. If you just see the show as just some attempt to satirize mafia movies, you are missing the whole fucking point
Just a taste...
fucking retard
Hey Vai a cagare,
Tony loved those damn ducks like they were his own!!
what a pleb lmao
I bet you like breaking bad too
It's not meant for 90s born queers or zoomers. They're desperately trying to latch on to it, to meme it whatever but they can't understand it and their own generation can't come up with anything of worth.
>The writing was always sub-par, it was more about the character arcs
Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up.
Lol madmen again, most of madmen's writers came from The Sopranos, so I agree with you user,
but is mad men really the example you want to use?
>stop smelling your own farts
90s born queer.
>When does this get better
season 2 - 3 ish
I hope you get cancer
>season 2 - 3 ish
You know, you never had the makings of a varsity athlete.
Also s1 was great
How could you want Bobby to die, man. He was a good person, he didn't want this life, Tony forced him into it and in the end he had to pay for Tony's selfishness.
92, testa di cazzo
Its the only comparable show I can think of that goes above its face value concept and created something so much more impactful and deep. Do you have a better example?
You have to admit the first 5-6 episodes were mostly shit though...that fucking rapper episode with Christopher? That whole subplot with the preacher in the college episode? The last 3 episodes were great and the food poisoning episode is one of the most iconic in the whole series
That is a very good but subjective question, my best example would be The pacific, wire(of course), Oz is cool but it ain't hbo's best. Deadwood was cool too, Sopranos is the best because it has very little divots in quality from peaks to valleys that other shows struggle to maintain quality and plot-momentum that sopranos had.
No, Infact I very much enjoy the Pilot, might be my fav episode, also im not a mutt either so that could be why.
Bobbyfags should be lynched
You sound like a Ralphie guy
>lynching a teddy bear
Seniority doesn't mean a thing among these bands of crooks, and, as you should recall to recognize, Paulie did not outrank Bobby in the end.
Tony made Bobby his war time underboss, no matter how it sat with anyone.
As far everything else goes, you have no reason to talk about him this way. He always liked you.
she hit him
How can she slap
>Who's mommas little whooare
Ralphie C. The degenerate fuck inside all of us.
Tfw over Christmas I decided to watch all the show with my mom and that came on
>Unda da boadwalk ... wit a shlong in Jan's mouth!
Yeah my grandparents love the show too, tonys mother is spot on italian grandmother material, acting or not she nailed it.
Why are Italian women so kino?
I wonder if you have ever seen taxi driver, you seem to be a "siskel" type..
Siskel was very offended by taxi driver when it came out, questioned it's violence and morality, but ebert simply said to him
"I think what you are asking, is martin scorcese, to have made a different film"
So I'm saying that to you basically.
Siskel also eventually changed his opinion on taxi driver and ranked it in his top ten films, so their is still hope for you yet anons.
Runs in the blood, as well as olive oil.
My chiropractor's secretary, told me haitian women love italian men, and I never knew that either, still wouldn't ever burn the coal but still, every day you learn something knew i guess
Yeah I’ve seen black women liking Italian men for some weird reason here in Toronto the area North is Woodbridge and filled with a lot of Italians and they tell me about black women weird af
Here in MA, it's alot of that and justin bieber/slim shady guito mutts, wannabe gangsters, not all but alot.
I need to get this steak recipe tony tore out from melfi's magazine, It's been on my mind, i already made some bomb bracciole this week but that steak is calling, that or a hot italian sausage sub with peppers, onions. The food in the show is definitely on par with our heritage