>Jazz Takes Amir To The Next Level
>Amir Discusses The Bonus Situation
>Offensive Billboard Removed
>No Eulogies For Jazz
>Quick Guide To Transitioning
>Jazz is Sauronpilled
>Metal Gear Pop!: The Phantom Penis
>A New Way To Be Mad
I Am Jazz General - *smacks lips* Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
inb4 discord trannies attempt to derail
>On the one hand, there is a narrative that gender identity is neurobiological – that you can have such a thing as a female brain in a male baby’s body and vice versa. To that end, there are a small number of studies that attempt to show a gendered brain, but there are many others that show that there is not.
>The other main narrative, in a strange way, is its opposite and yet it runs concurrently. It comes from queer theory. This narrative basically says that your body is irrelevant – it’s what you feel like and think you are that is the truth. So if you think you’re a woman, you are. This is where you get the ‘trans women are women’ mantra. That idea is clearly very different to saying that gender is neurobiologically hardwired in the brain.
>But none of these theories have any sound scientific backing or any body of evidence that is generally agreed. They are a series of opinions. The whole field has become entirely political.
Have the comments always been disabled on these videos or was that recently because of Yea Forums?
I still don't believe the grandma is a real person
Just rename these threads to "Transphobia General"
i doubt anyone does
i'd prefer based tranny hate general
Bros, this thread has inspired me to fuck a tranny tonight. I have two options:
Big, fake-tit pornwhore who seems kind of bitchy and requires a condom for everything. Still has dick.
Small-titted petite asian ladyboy who wants me to "fuck her hole and make it jizzy" and has undergone the surgery.
In the face they both look like chicks, but the pornwhore looks like a hot girl. The other chick is small and passes, but isn't as hot.
What do? I know Jazzbros will send me down the right path
This is Jaron changing, do you see?
I hate Jazz's mom far more than Jazz
Always fuck the one with the dick still, they're less crazy for not having mutilated themselves and probably fuck better
how about you fuck a woman like a normal person instead
Why not both?
Take your time
start with the one you think you will like more and then if you still like it go to the other
Reminder that a 'phobia' is an irrational, even delusional kind of fear.
Being scared shitless of the idea that children are being encouraged to block puberty and mutilate their genitals is not a 'phobia'.
If anything, the opposite is true.
Jazz is the biggest victim in all of this. The fame of being a Reality TV star may have gone to his head a bit but from the moment he was adopted, his mom has been brainwashing him into thinking he's a girl
>inspired to fuck a tranny
You finna don't fuck one at all, you faggot
Don't do It user
i totally see, understand and believe
there are infinite genders
please you dont have to do the thing with the burning wheelchair I'm an ally
Wow another amazing article. So this is another example of how they suppress fact and research in academia in a desperatr attempt to protect their pseudoscience.
>mfw a discord tranny tried to say being trans was genetic and cited only 1, 2002 article on the matter
They're delusional.
>phobias can only be irrational or delusional
>being afraid of spiders and heights is irrational
I get what you're saying, but wanting to shit talk something rather than wanting to ignore something means that you do have some sort of fear
>If anything, the opposite is true.
>You're scared shitless that children aren't being encouraged to mutilate their genitals
>you're on a date with THE jazz bloshinsky and she suddenly puts her man feet on your knees and starts vigorously rubbing while tonguefucking a fork
what do you do?
We dont hate the mentally ill trannies, we pity them. We hate the ideological pseudoscientists in academia and the profiteering enablers in medicine.
/jg/ needs to go back to it's horror roots.
Oh well I hate both. Trannies are disgusting and mentally ill freaks
This is Jaron reborn, do you see?
We need to bolster those the transgenderists suppress. We need to support science and truth. This is madness and a great evil.
Arachnophobia, for example, isn't simply a fear of spiders. It is a debilitating, anxiety-triggering fear; whether it's a fake spider or a black widow.
>>If anything, the opposite is true.
What I meant is that if anybody has a 'phobia' it is trans people and the delusional fear they have of accepting who they are.
How many pastas are we up to besides the Lynchian one?
its not normal for a Jewish male to behave like this
Jaron should be working at a bank or something having to do with money
I keep thinking one day Jazz will wake up and demand that everyone that turned him into this monster pay him shekels
>sue the Psychiatrist that put him on a female hormones at age 5
>sue tranny doc
>sue gook doc
>sue TLC
>and most importantly sue his parents
not an unlikeyl outcome if you ask me
This is no rabble of mindless crossdressers, these are discord trannies.
Their dilators are thick and their shoulders broad.
pic related
HMMM hm hmm hmm hm hmm hm hm
HM hm hmm hm hmm hm hm
HMMM hm hmm hmm hm hmm hm hm
HM hm hmm hm hmm hm hm
Cold: the memes and shitposts flowing
Hard: living in a Lynchian home
Push until my wound is tearin'
Feel the pain of what we popped
This: the song of discord trannies
Hide the sex of who we are
Making surgeons build my sutures
Strong, united, posting 'till we pop
Cold: the memes and shitposts flowing
Hard: living in a Lynchian home
Push until my wound is tearin'
Feel the pain of what we popped
This: the song of discord trannies
Hide the sex of who we are
Making surgeons build my sutures
Strong, united, posting 'till we pop
And I can't get stiff, and my hole leaks shit, forever, forever
Through the Jew tricks, 'till we're statistics forever, forever
>The young women that I had been hearing from said they had been drawn into trans as a kind of a movement. Many of them had discovered trans on the internet. They would spend hours online with a community of people that welcomed them. It seemed exciting, it offered promise as something that could resolve their considerable difficulties. But of course it didn’t. Then when they detransitioned, that community rejected them.
>We’ve arrived at a point today where trans has become a political entity and a political statement, aligned with identity politics and the social-justice movement. I talk to a lot of people who have incredibly strong views on trans issues, to the point where they become emotionally unstable when arguing about them. Actually, these tend to be people who have very little knowledge about what trans is, particularly clinical knowledge. And that is not good for safe clinical practice because policy is affected by this highly charged political atmosphere around trans.
This is fucking evil we have to stand together for truth no matter where you are politically.
A phobia is a debilitating, irrational fear.
>but a fear of heights!
...is not the same thing. Everyone is afraid of heights to some degree. ACROPHOBIA is when you can't function normally at a height higher than ground level, you just shut down with fear when asked to get down a two meter fence you tried to scale, for example.
For "transphobia" there is nothing irrational about any of this and it is not debilitating, in fact it provokes more disgust than fear.
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
How new are you
These threads used to be so comfy. Now they are absolutely overrun with discord trannies.
shut up tranny
I was here since the beginning user, and even posted about it on /lgbt/. It was always a discord tranny ops.
Jazz has tubular tits.
>Mein Fuhrer... Jazz's penis...
Jazzes Deformity is the one farthest on the right.
Someone do a full edit
Discord trannies just don't want normies to see shit like pic related.
It's "Jazz's".
Or this. Just be sure to do pic related.
i didn't get enough attention last thread
It's actually Jaron.
nice voice tranny. what app do you use to track your progress?
If it is, they are doing a really bad job at hiding their embarrassing shit. Literally. pun intended.
>delusional fear they have of accepting who they are
Having pyschotic episodes over assumed gender and "deadnaming" is basically as phobic as a person can get. Setting that aside, the genital mutilation and hormone abuse is closer to a type of mania, most particularly when on the part of parents transitioning their children.
It's really just one or two per thread that attempt to derail.
Last thread we had the discord tranny who tried to say we were committing treason by saying Jaron.
The thread before we had the admitted tranny who got upset about suicide rates and posted some older study.
This one we have the tranny trying to tell us we're transphobic, even though we're tranny haters.
I've never hated trannies more than I do now. I hate them more every day that I come to these threads and I hope they never end.
All trannies are mentally ill. Even Jazz, because he was brainwashed and went along with the mutilations.
i don't, i don't rly care about my voice anymore as it passes irl always.
>went along with the mutilations
>excerpt from The Gender out of Space, a prophetic short novel by H.P Lovecraft
They had uncovered what seemed to be the side of a large fleshy globule imbedded in jazz. The gender, which resembled some of the images in /d/'s strange spectrum, was almost impossibe to describe; and it was only by analogy that they called it gender at all. Its texture was glossy, and upon tapping it appeared to promise both brittleness and hollowness. One of the hospital staff gave it a smart yank from the wheelchair, and it burst with a nervous little pop. Nothing was emitted, and all trace of the thing vanished with the puncturing. It left behind a hollow spherical space about four inches deep, and all throught it probable that others would be discovered as the enclosing substance wasted away.
Stop stealing memes
did you come here from pass gen?
Good point. Jazz was forced into the mutilations.
>The trust running the country’s only NHS gender identity service for children is under fire for dismissing a damning internal report that branded it “not fit for purpose”.
>Some parents who contacted the Observer have accused the service of “fast-tracking” young people into changing gender, a charge strongly rejected by the service.
>In his report, which was submitted to the trust’s board earlier this month and whose findings were first reported in the Observer last year, Bell expressed concern that the service was failing to fully consider psychological and social factors in a young person’s background – such as whether they had been abused, suffered a bereavement or had autism – which might influence their decision to transition. Such views are dismissed by many transgender rights activists who believe they play little, if any, part in a person’s desire to transition.
Even bongs are wising up
>my hole just is shaped like another anus
based doctor dabbing on the trannies
Everything is free game when it gets posted online user. You should know this if you aren't newer than me.
Is Amir the Hunter to finally end the Nightmare?
as its impossible for children to consent?
Jaron could've been the Jewish Diego Luna if he didn't listen to his mom
no lol, it's mostly trolling you know either hons from reddit or literal cross dressers.
you'd be surprised over the underground child hrt scheme going on that forces the nhs to hand out medicated hormones to children
>So er, bit of an update on some old news. You remember that transvestite whose vagina popped and that?
No we're not doing this bullshit Karl. That was the stupidest most unbelievable thing you've ever come out with!
Hahahaha, nah I want to hear this, Rick.
Oooooh god...
>Right, so he had some more surgery done and that, and they sort of got it so that he could walk about and stuff, have a kickabout with his mates, right?
>And er somehow he found himself a boyfriend. Bit of a hairy fella.
Was he short, Karl? Did he have long arms?
>He was short, yeah.
Oh fucking hell, I wonder where this is going...
>So they're kissing in the car and that outside the tranny's house. His mum is chuffed to bits.
>Anyway, they hang out and look at dildos, then after a while the boyfriend wants to go home.
>"Would you like a lift?"
>"No thanks." And he climbs out through the window-
>He climbs out the window and swings off through the trees.
>Turns out lil monkey fella
uh, all the "trans people" or triggers as I like to call them,
>Those dead eyes and that childish makeup
I find this thing and it's mother far more disgusting than Jazz's pucci
The sad thing is Jaron had a 94% chance of growing out of it but his Munchausens by proxy mother just kept reinforcing it.
A friend of mine has a wife who has gotten sucked into the SJW cult via the internet, and now goes to protests and pretends shes a lesbian to fit in. She is also pushing her son to be nongendered or whatever. Its a combination of political Munchausens by proxy and a deep hatred of men.
>tranny voice
>you can't even get a trans girl to look at you like this
hot damn
Give me a link. Why did the governor quit? In shame or in protest?
>transgender researchers don't think 3 year-olds are too young to transition
I've been an anal researcher for the past 10 years and my girlfriend still thinks she's too tight to do anal, despite my years of study and expertise.
I wish she would just listen to the science and take my cock up her asshole.
absolute unit
She literally looks like a drag queen
>Phillip j fry
is it?
Hhahaaha how many /jazz/ karlpastas are there now? I've seen 3 and they are all excellent i dont want to miss any others
In protest
>The trust’s 15 governors, who hold its board to account, last week gave their support for it to act on the recommendations. But Evans, a psychoanalyst, subsequently resigned.
>“In my 40 years of experience in psychiatry, I have learned that dismissing serious concerns about a service or approach is often driven by a defensive wish to prevent painful examination of an ‘overvalued system’,” he complained in his resignation email.
>He added: “I do not believe we understand what is going on in this complex area and the need to adopt an attitude which examines things from different points of view is essential. This is difficult in the current environment as the debate and discussion required is continually being closed down or effectively described as ‘transphobic’ or in some way prejudicial.”
Fucking KEK
Spoilers for next season :- Pyramid Head is Jazz's new bf. Can't wait until he sits down with Jazz's friends to discuss his plans for the future and what he wants out the relationship.
if we include the musical ones, way too many
Karl has a new show called Sick Of It and its low budget kino
many such cases
file name
Imagine being so deluded and full of beast blood that you actually believe they didn't gain an audience. It's evolved into the correct kin using the most advanced blood healing methods available. Your inaccurate view of the ritual and the mindset of the transcended individual in general are so remarkably colored by frenzy that it draws me deeper into the dream.
Well hey, I can't totally throw you out of the nightmare, since I used to be a little bit like you before I gained an audience with Mergo, who was actually an ancient pthumerian stillborn fetus. Being on the journey with them throughout the Cosmos changed my world view about ligning eyes and insight as a whole. You need not find out for yourselves if it's not your cup of beast blood pellets, but I can wholeheartedly assure you that a Kin's eldritch knowledge is just as enlightening to attain as a Great One's.
Next time it pops into your Mensis Cage that people like Jazz (or some say Jazzm) are "accursed" just remember that she has to be more insightful and lined with eyeballs than many of you will fortunately ever have to be in your beastly idiocy.
I've taken the steps to advance my ideas of the higher plane and my research on yharmanites, gaining more wisdom from it I may add.
Even in the dream I know who I am. And I love who I am and shall never wake up - all I can say to you is: your move, Hunter.
They need a panel of governors
for a board
for a committee
for a workgroup
for a team
You are privy to a great becoming, but you recognize nothing. To me, you are a slug in the sun.
>we need different points of view
>removes his point of view
Yeah bet that lefteing bureaucratic mafia has some dirt on him
>on should be working at a bank or something having to do with money
>I keep thinking on
Pretty sure this is just a case of a mother hating men and a son wanting his mothers love
Cheers user, have some thots.
I've personally only made three. Not sure if there are others floating about
t. 40% unlikelihood of posting this time next season poster
When will jazz get justice? This isn't okay it isn't fair. I'm sure parents have gotten kids they actually loved taken away for less and society allowed its mother to brainwash it like this and condemn its to suffer for the rest of its life. Western civilization really has failed
Sauce? Pretty cool demonic power
this isnt going to get anywhere the recognigtion it deserves
holy shit that's brutal
silent hill I think
>Just rename these threads to "Transphobia General"
Much like the contents of Jazz's fatigued underwear, it's a leak from next season.
Nice. I want to do a The Handmaiden pasta based on webm related but cant force myself to read the book or watch the show
So brave so beautiful.
It's funny how every tranny insists on meticulously documenting every single aspect of their transition and posting about it online.
It's almost as if they have completely empty lives without anything at all to make them interesting except their transitioning.
It's also almost as if the internet was a giant mistake.
What is this from?
You mean the underwear Jaron stole from his sister?
No wonder Ari is disgusted by all this. Jaron obviously is just a fetishist
whats the story of this btw?
>fucking a tranny without the dick
nah m8
Used to be open. But they locked them before jazz threads got super popular. The comments would be full of "his parents are abusing him" and stuff.
so he coulda been dick masterson
Event Horizon but it only lasts for a frame
PTA is a hack who shouldn't do horror
That links to articles and studies countering the false transgenderist narratives
Some 1944 German reality TV program. They used original film for the colourisation. Isn't she beautiful?
"So, our son first name was Chuck, but now we call him Sneed"
eat shit event horizon is a masterpiece
and that's pwsa not pta, doofus
don't know what happened to him after that though, I imagine he's too busy fucking milla to put effort into his movies
Purify it with a holy, cleansing fire.
Shame looks glorious
Underwear, wombs, birth canals, skin grafts. That's what a sister is for, right?
Reminder this is the shit they pull and we need to stop it
This picture always gets me. It's just a joke, right? Like, someone just took a picture of two random dude friends from Facebook and posted it on reddit with that caption. RIGHT guys?
No. There reddit accounts are easily found, they post on trans boards. The white guy is pretending to be straight. The asian guy is pretending to be a woman.
>That chest hair
Is that Jazz's new vagina?
jonathanyaniv dot org
a daring synthesis
>hfw the front falls off
The child from
>"honestly couldn't be happier"
>killing himself out of crippling depression, subjected to loneliness from societal rejection
Believe it desu. The aberration on the right was close to sharing a bath with his toaster. Guy on the left is clearly a non 40%'er. It all worked out well in the end.
fucking perfect
The truth... you can never know... the truth...
your shit meme is shit and always was
Here's the thing, though - like everything else about Jazz, this is just affectation. He's already on-record saying he has no real conception of what it is to feel any sort of real sexual attraction, so what you're looking at is pure desperation. He isn't sexually attracted to that guy, he just desperately *wants* to be, but can't because he has been chemically castrated since early childhood. He has an insanely weak libido; he's asexual for all intents and purposes. He desperately *wants* this "relationship" to work, so he can stop trying. It's effort for him. What he doesn't understand is that *all* relationships are work. No relationship survives where even *one* party is just going through the motions.
Remember that scene in the car where Jazz is talking about going to a psychic because he wants to "get it right the first time?" This is why - he thinks of relationships as a "one and done," precisely like he thought of his fauxgina before the surgery. Now, he's going to find out the reality of both - they're a series of compromises, and Jazz's entire life has ill-prepared him for the uncontrollable realities that await him outside his delusions.
14:50 :- "What they're gonna do is they're gonna take another skin graft from my butt, and like put if over the area that doesn't have skin."
no i fucked it up
what is a dialotor?
I was really surprised how unnoticed this scene was. Everybody was talking about Amir.
It's blocked for me. Details?
>when the doctor said it was looking blue-ish
>what they're gonna do is they're gonna take a skin graft from my leg to cover the skin they took from my anus to make a neovagina. i'm gonna have my own leg in my asshole forever, it's so validating.
She's becoming quite the fleshmonger.
>It got popped
Basically he says that there are parts of his neovagina that don't have skin so they will remove some from his ass to patch it up. But he's already been through a procedure like that before.
(((Producers))) of the show gave it a simple three letter acknowledgement ("OMG") before moving swiftly on to more comfortable normiesque relationship drama.
It's fucking Lynchian.
>my hole just is shaped like another anus
I will laugh at this for eternity.
I still don't get it?
Is s05e04 a good jumping on point?
Why have you not arranged to cut a large section of flesh out of your nether regions then take significant amounts of pain-killers and play sports with your friends?
Again, I was surprised how unnoticed this scene was while these threads are usually about the transition surgery horrors.
Fucking hell. TLC are going to spawn more Jazz shows from the fatty shows aren't they? This has been the plan all along?
He was playing soccer this soon post-op? This screams self-sabotage.
actually makes perfect sense
pop! sells
the one without. That's way more cool. it's hardcore. it's novelty.
you raise an interesting point actually: is jazz capable of romantic/sexual attraction at all?
>jazz jennings will return...
The context of this is all wrong
In the absence of concrete evidence one way or another I think we should assume that if you have a dick and Y chromosomes you're a man. People should stop mutilating themselves and at least try therapy first
Jesus christ, these are probably the people arguing about all this shit online and causing policy affecting twitter storms. Fuck this gay earth
I’m picking up vibes from the dad he wants to pop that fresh axe wound.
Jazz is a Philip K Dick-ian 'anrdroid'.
A sexless, emoitionless automaton, incabable of any thought or emotion that hasn't been programmed into it.
Take the PKD pill.
Escape the Black Iron Prison.
Wait, but aren't all Jazz's friends "super protective"? They just want what's best. How on earth can they pass a ball around if Jazz's hypodermis is potentially chafing? Maybe you and I just take our waterproof, protective skin for granted though.
Nope. Its all faked. First as an accessory to Jaron's delusion of being a real girl and second for the show script.
I bless you madly,
Sadly as I tie my shoes
I love you badly,
Just in time, at times, I guess
Because of you I need to rest
Because it's you
That sets the test.
So much has gone
And little is new
And as the sparrow sings
Dawn chorus for
Someone else to hear..
The Thinker sits alone growing older
And so bitter
"I gave Them life
I gave Them all
They drained my very soul
I crushed my heart
To ease their pains
No thought for me remains there
Nothing can they spare
What of me?
Who praised their efforts
To be free?
Words of strength and care
And sympathy
I opened doors
That would have blocked their way
I braved their cause to guide,
For little pay
I ravaged at my finance just for those
Those whose claims were steeped in peace, tranquility
Those who said a new world, new ways ever free
Those whose promises stretched in hope and grace for me".
I bless you madly,
Sadly as I tie my shoes
I love you badly, just in time,
At times, I guess
Because of you I need to rest, oh yes
Because it's you
That sets the test.
So much has gone
And little is new
And as the sunrise stream
Flickers on me,
My friends talk
Of glory, untold dream, where all is God and God is just a word.
"We had a friend, a talking man
Who spoke of many powers that he had
Not of the best of men, but ours
We used him
We let him use his powers
We let him fill our needs
Now we are strong
And the road is coming to its end
Now the damned have no time to make amends
No purse of token fortune stands in our way
The silent guns of love
Will blast the sky
We broke the ruptured structure built of age
Our weapons were the tongues of crying rage
Where money stood
We planted seeds of rebirth
And stabbed the backs of fathers
Sons of dirt
Infiltrated business cesspools
Hating through our sleeves
Yea, and we slit the Catholic throat
Stoned the poor
On slogans such as
'Wish You Could Hear'
'Love Is All We Need'
'Kick Out The Jams'
'Kick Out Your Mother'
'Cut Up Your Friend'
'Screw Up Your Brother or He'll Get You In the End'
And we know the flag of love is from above
And we can force you to be free
And we can force you to believe"
And I close my eyes and tighten up my brain
For I once read a book in which the lovers were slain
For they knew not the words of the Free States' refrain
It said:
"I believe in the power of good
I believe in the state of love
I will fight for the right to be right
I will kill for the good of the fight for the right to be right"
>this is what weebs look like
And I open my eyes to look around
And I see a child laid slain
On the ground
As a love machine lumbers through desolation rows
Plowing down man, woman, listening to its command
But not hearing anymore
Not hearing anymore
Just the shrieks from the old rich
And I want to believe
In the madness that calls 'Now'
And I want to believe
That a light's shining through
And I want to believe
And you want to believe
And we want to believe
And we want to live
Oh, we want to live
We want to live!
Right, so monkey news then?
>you want it
Go on
Rick, you wanna do the jingle?
Ooooh, chimpanzee that MONKEY NEWS ya fff-
>right, so uh, there's this show right, in America, called "I am jazz". its 'bout a fella, who sort of, turns his tackle inside out for the show an that
>So anyway, theres this episode where the fella, well girl i suppose, has to go to the hospital for the operation
It's called a "transgender" Karl, and they feel like they should be the opposite gender, theres nothing strange about it
He doesn't believe you Rick
Right, just go on you f....
>Right, anyway, it's on the ....
Let him finish Rick
Oh god
>So it's on the operating table, and doctors are preparing it for surgery.
>Bout, 5 hours later, the doctors are finished, with no problems, the surgery was a success, and you know how doctors give you some juice and a snack an that when your in hospital
>Well the doctors gave it..- i mean him a biscuit and some juice and whathaveyou, but it was kickin up a bit of a fuss because it wanted a banana instead but there were none left
Right ok...
>Anyway he's jumping around breaking stuff, swinging from IV's, and thats when everyone noticed
>Jazz: Lil monkey fella.
Every behavior he affects is like shit he's seen on tv, things pop culture tells him girls do when they're attracted to a guy. If I sat down across the table from a chick who acted like that on a first date sort of scenario, I might fuck her, but I'd be doing it from behind a hazmat suit, because she's telling me she's got massive, massive issues and is way more comfortable with sex than actual intimacy. That's fuckbuddy behavior, not someone you look to pursue a real relationship with. Jazz doesn't understand that, because he's just play-acting.
Jazz is a woman no more than Liam Neeson is Oskar Schindler. There, I said it.
>implying I'm not a tranny advocating against ridiculously exaggerated hatecrimes
>"What they're gonna do is they're gonna take another skin graft from my butt, and like put if over the area that doesn't have skin."
This shit makes me want to cry.
what does it have then? bones?
Weep for the future, user.
Weep for us all.
Raw meat.
magine being so deluded and full of hate that you actually believe they cut it off. It's rearranged into the correct genitalia using the most advanced surgical methods available.
Your inaccurate view of the surgery and the mindset of the transgendered individual in general are so remarkably colored by bigotry that it astounds me.
Well hey, I can't totally chew you out, since I used to be a little bit like you before I met my girlfriend, who was actually my male best friend before. Being on the journey with her completely changed my world view about gender and sex as a whole.
You need not find out for yourselves if it's not your cup of tea, but I can wholeheartedly assure you that a MTF pussy is just as satisfying to eat as a cis girl's.
Next time it pops into your head that people like Jazz are "mentally ill" just remember that she has to be physically and mentally stronger than many of you will fortunately ever have to be in your whole lives.
I've taken the steps to advance my line of thinking and my outlook, becoming better for it I may add.
I know who I am. And I love who I am - all I can say to you is: your move, douchebags.
beksinskian, truly beksinskian
a shapeless congeries of protoplasmic bubbles, faintly self-luminous, and with myriads of temporary eyes forming and un-forming as pustules of greenish light all over the tunnel-filling front that bore down upon us, crushing the frantic penguins and slithering over the glistening floor that it and its kind had swept so evilly free of all litter.
>that webm
Jesus fucking Christ
someone post the webm with the CG surgery
you know the one
I love having a penis. Wouldn't have it any other way.
The fact that people pay for this shit is just...
poor tyrone
Why hasn't this surgery been outlawed?
you say that now but i you saw a bigger dick than yours you would cry like a bitch
>surgery reorganizes genitals into correct form
why should it be outlawed?
Freedom and stuff like that
Doctors don't want to classify it as a disorder, so the legal basis is lacking. I would guess if a pill comes out that cures their dysphoria there would be a much better argument to outlawing the practice.
Epic bait
The same way a Doctor would turn you away if you came to them wanted to have your arm chopped off for the superficial reason of wanting a prosthetic.There's no reason to even consider agreeing to perform it, unless the surgeons are that morally bankrupt.
yeah except it was supposed to be a vagina so the doctor is just fixing it
It's fucking surreal that we live in an age where parents are not only allowed, but applauded for letting their children be horrifically genitally mutilated
For the same reason circumcision isn't outlawed.
Land of the free, bitch
>Dora "Dörchen" Richter (born 1891) was the first known person to undergo complete male-to-female gender reassignment surgery.[1] She was one of a number of transgender people in the care of sex-research pioneer Magnus Hirschfeld at Berlin's Institute for Sexual Research during the 1920s and early 1930s. She underwent surgical removal of the testicles in 1922, followed in 1931 by removal of the penis and vaginoplasty (construction of a vagina).[2]
>Magnus Hirschfeld (14 May 1868 – 14 May 1935) was a German physician and sexologist educated primarily in Germany; he based his practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg. An outspoken advocate for sexual minorities, Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee. Historian Dustin Goltz characterized this group as having carried out "the first advocacy for homosexual and transgender rights".[1]
>Hirschfeld was born in Kolberg (now Kołobrzeg, Poland), in an Ashkenazi Jewish family
oy vey
I wonder what type of books the Nazis burned
>In May 1933, with growing Nazi influence in Germany (Hirschfeld had fled the country the previous year), a mob attacked the institute, and burned its records. Richter worked as a maid at the institute and is not known to have survived this attack
>Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
>When I said I'd like to smash every tooth
>In your head
>Oh...sweetness, sweetness, I was only joking
>When I said by rights you should be
>Bludgeoned in your bed
What a cohencidence.
>When you're tied to your Mother's aprons
I do not identify with you mere mortals. As the second coming of Christ I am commanding you, my chosen subject, to outlaw these blasphemous abominations and their sins that I died for.
I gave you this freedom and I now choose to reclaim it.
>that whole scene in episode 7 where jazz talks about wanting to fuck and learn to suck her new boyfriend to her dad
hardest scene to watch, we've come so far as a society
when is the next Yea Forums stream? I haven't seen ep7 yet
i missed the viewing party so i downloaded the episode off of tpb, it's fucking horrible to watch
Don't have to be the best, only good and kind. Not saying I'm not girthy but I'm going to be happier then whoever has that disaster.
>this thread has inspired me
Have we been posting in the same fucking general? How would any of this seem attractive to you?!
it's a discord tranny trying to manipulate the threads
how come noelle doesn't have a feminine voice
>all Jaye Davidson needed to convince the entire audience he was a girl was a dress and some makeup
>that amazing set of genetics and he wastes it by being gay
>he's 50 now, so if he was straight and wanted kids, they'd be in their early 20's
>you are now imagining how fucking hot Jaye Davidson's nonexistant daughters would look
that nig has such a bigmouf
No, Jazz is basically a child.
Why do you fantasize about cucking a red haired man with his nonexistent daughters? This is exactly why I am chopping off my dick so subhumans like you wouldn't pork my daughters and shit in my genepool.
t. red-haired faggot
>Jennings stated that she is pansexual, and that she loves people "for their personality"
Sources point to no
Red haired? Redbone means lightskinned black girls. I'm black. Are you okay?
based Bataille poster
based Bowie poster
have a *POP*
How many more sacrifices will Jazz's family need in order to ascend to daemon princes of the chaos gods
don't worry about him, he's just obsessed with cutting off his dick
Are those teeth?
It's possible for tumors in the testes, ovaries, or tailbone to grow all kinds of cells
I like how niggers just get to be casually racist and sexist. It really proves we live in a society.
You know what? Shoulda said lightskin, I just had that word on the brain because I bought Awaken My Love today. My bad.
I think the progressives on Twitter are trying to stop it, but negroes whom'st say it probably never gave a shit
>Are you okay?
Cracker DESTROYED desu.
>normal 17 year old boy
>talks about college plans, video games, latest movies, upcoming camping trip
>literally his entire personality, interests and hobbies revolve around his mutilated monster mash
Tranny are you okay?
Tranny are you okay?
the dick one
underrated post
Without the fat girl myspace angles where they have to take 100 different pictures before they get that perfect picture where the lighting is just right, where you can't see the manly muscles and bone structure, the twisted body where you can't see the hips are narrower than the shoulders, and the square features, this is what you really get in real life. Have fun user. Be sure to name your worms!
Imagine waking up hungover to a smelly man-tranny in your bed without makeup. NONE SHALL PASS!!!
One, two, three and to the four
40% Dogg and Dr. B is at the door
Ready to make an entrance so back on up
‘Cause you know we're 'bout to rip dick up
Give me the mirror first so I can *pop!* like a bubble
Hebrews and South Florida together, now you know you in trouble
Ain't nuthin' but a Teratoma, baby
Two loc'ed out trannys so we're crazy
Death row is the place that awaits me
Unfadeable so please don't try to fade this (*Pop!* yeah)
But um, back to the op at hand
Mutilation is perfected so I'ma let 'em understand
From a young T's perspective
And before me become a bitch I have to hide me contraceptive
You never know, he could be turnin' his mom
And learnin' his mom, and at the same time hatin' his mom
Now, you know I ain't with that shit, Lieutenant
Ain't no penis good enough to get save'd while I'm up in it (Yeah)
And that's realer than Real-Deal Bowersfield
And now you ladyboys and freaks know how I feel
Well, if it's good enough to get broke off a proper chunk
I'll take a small piece of some of that funky stuff
>that pic
Truly Junjian
reminder that screaming in terror until you die is the only remaining appropriate response to this phenomenon.
in other words, if you are currently alive, there is a 75% chamce you are a tranny, whether you know it or not.
do you think regular 16 year olds don't talk about their sex?
normal kids don't have their pussies explode
jazz had a man-made pussy that was destined to explode.
if you are jazz at high school and you don't want to be bullied, my advice is to keep your exploding neovag SCHTUM knowhatimene?
is this what you get for pledging your allegiance to the monster mash?
Bros i had no idea he lived in Coral Springs. I drive through there all the time. I never watch the show, I just do photoshops but I'm now realizing what I must do...
Does he really have a taretoma or ist just hyperbola?
based ESL retard
It’s a parabola, actually. Sits snug at the back end of the hole where only the biggest dicks can reach.
Based Lynchian poster
Was this on an episode?
Fuck her right in the nupucci?
It's exaggerated memes based on the fact that post-op trannies can grow hair in their """vagina""" if they don't keep it clean. Teratomas can only form on ovaries and testicles, though the really freak shit like eyes and teeth and brain matter is possible.
I'm weary,
so very weary...
This is exactly what the jews want.
Many such cases
I don't know how Tyrone can put up with that. The money wouldn't be worth his sanity and dignity
Its ironic cause Jazz couldve had sex regularly if he kept his dick. plenty of guys into traps out there.
89% of congress and senate hold (((dual))) citizenship
I feel very sorry for Jazz. You can't exactly un-remove a dick.
I want to fuck Jazz
In the Garden of Gethsemane Christ saw every sin committed of mankind meaning he saw this surgery and still decided to sacrifice himself for humanity
ass or (((puss)))?
Praise Jesus for his infinite wisdom.
Am i the only one that welcomes the acceleration towards the turning point?
You are not the only (((one))), no.
If it still had a dick, maybe. But who would ever want to fuck that mutilated wound? The thought makes me want to puke.
God used to wipe peoples off the face of the earth when they pulled shit like this. I think he gave up and left desu.
God died the moment he foresaw what your face will look like desu.
are you a total faggot? Don’t answer, I already know
>thinks being a fake girl will allow him to say nigger to a black person's face