A form of protest that requires me to do exactly nothing and to keep my money

>a form of protest that requires me to do exactly nothing and to keep my money
is a form of protest I can get behind

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/filename/ 1524515862760/

And when someone made this exact thread a few days ago it was over 50%.

it will bomb

what are you protesting lol


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remember when you incels did this with black panther?
then it became one of the most beloved movies of all time and won best picture
this time will be no different

>its a rotten tomatoes gets bomb threats from disney to take down its user scores episode

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You will never be a woman

Imagine making an account and logging in just to say that you don't care
If you're not interested, just don't fucking watch it. It's surprisingly easy you know, and takes even less effort

Shitty movies

you can bring it down to 0% and it wouldn't change a thing. people really overestimate RT's importance

You underestimate your impotence discord tranny

black panther had something this movie didnt

can you guess what it is?

>(its a extremely expensive and radical racial marketing campaign)

I hope so. It would be a dream come true if it kills Marvel like Snyder killed DC and Rian Johnson killed Star Wars.

Thats very intolerant of you

I don't care if it makes a lot of money, or if it makes none. I won't see it either way. More power to those who do see it. I don't give a shit.

how do you post a review on this shitty website? i clicked my rating and entered some words and it said it posted, but it's not showing up.

>haha don't see this movie guys
>what movie?
>this movie, this movie I keep showing you, haha, don't see it btw
>why not?
>oh some out of film things somebody said, I'm too stupid to realise it's paid for exactly for idiots like me to post around and screech at
>yeah I'm just not going to see it...
>No... I just don't want to see a Marvel film and don't care about what they did or did not say


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well disney is truly finished now. once it drops below 40% they'll declare bankruptcy

ITT shills and trannies absolutely seething

is this tranny thing a meme? or is it some schizo posting? i keep seeing it.

The latter

remember when it didn't drop this much because there weren't as much people pissed and black panther had fans to counter the mass votings?
Carol doesn't have any fans so this is what happens

Thanks. Fucking hell Yea Forums get worse and worse.

>Hey user, you coming to the party saturday
>Sorry, I gotta stay home and F5 the rotten tomates page for a movie that triggers me in case it drops another 1% so I get to make an autistic OH NO NO NO thread

>of the most beloved movies of all time

>ITT: le 46% face

Except the fact only retarded fanboys and autistic faggots give enough of a fuck to go on a website and click a dumb button to say if they want to watch a movie or not. Both groups together make up at best 20% of the potential audience, which is something a studio can live without.

>then it became one of the most beloved movies of all time and won best picture

That's a bit of a stretch even for a Disney shill. And let's not forget they ran charities to get lots to donate money, whcih padded the numbers.

Joke's on you cuck, as soon as it reaches 40% I will get a white gf and all non-whites will disappear from Europe

Nah its real

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The fuck is this shit?

Huh. Still, I doubt everybody he is replying too are one of those dickheads.

wow this seems like a really accurate gage of the general audience's feelings towards this movie, OP

nobody has been called a discord tranny for saying they don't care what she said but aren't seeing it anyway

Its called proof

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however it's going to get 134% approval by critics no matter what's in the movie

>Sass admin
>Saz post
I'd bet they're the same person and the guy just renamed channels for lulz.

you realize screenshots can be faked right?

No, I mean this whole fucking discord lol. Clearly I've missed something. Is this some Yea Forums faggotry cope or something? Legit don't know.

How come Americans get excited and flock to movies where niggers are the main characters and the message is "Fuck White People" but when it's an all female cast and the message is the same they don't?

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Americans didn't get excited. The earnings were padded by charities getting tax write-offs to promote going to see BP as a matter of social justice.

Because there's a difference around the movies.

Take Black Panther, every shitty "woke news" outlet was praising it left and right etc, however, none of the people that worked on the actual movie talked shit. They produced it, slapped the Marvel logo and earned the 1bil. Movies with blacks aren't immune to bullshit from it's producers, but it's rarer. When the movie is about women, very few people can actually shut up and just let the movie it's course. With Captain Marvel, Brie straight up is insufferable with nothing to back that up.
>muh oscar
Shittier actors got oscars (and shittier movies)
She is a 6/10 at BEST with all the pro makeup etc
Not actually bad, but not good. It's just bland, which is much worse imo

>fags trying to turn robots into trannies on /r9k/
>a completely different discord of commies saying trump is bad on /pol/
>this is supposed to be 100 percent proof that trannies are conducting 24/7 raids on Yea Forums

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Don't forget those screenshots are years old, if they're even real.

You MotherFuckers. Fucking stop! You haven't even seen the movie and given it a chance yet!

This is getting called out already by the media, they are not going to let you and your Russian Troll accomplices Fucking get away with this shit!

Really. Don't hate till you see the film. You guys really are a bunch of Incel nazis.

Holy fuck how does one person get this assmad?
archive.4plebs.org/_/search/filename/ 1524515862760/

Senpai Hitler promised me a pure waifu, so I must. Get fucked commie.

It's worth doing this just to see redditors SEETHE and cope.

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>gets called out for autistic behavior
>reddit! shill! seething! epic buzzwords!

Delusional imbecile.

A discord with less than 20 users shit up other boards instead of the board with 250k+ daily users

Why can't you people stop talking about this movie if you hate it so much?
None of my friends have even talked about it beyond saying it looks nice?

Ok, I get that Brie Larson is an annoying cunt, but why would dropping the RT "want to see" rating make any difference?

No one who wants to see the movie gives a flying fuck about that rating. The vast majority of people will never pay it any attention whatsoever.

>The fake Rotten Tomatoes review onslaught continues for Captain Marvel, giving the film the lowest-rating of all Marvel Cinematic Universe movies on the site nearly two weeks ahead of its release. As of this writing, Captain Marvel now has a 52% Audience Rating, a whopping 18 points below the next lowest MCU flick — 2008's The Incredible Hulk.

Why do they keep calling them fake? It's just people saying they don't want to see the movie for one reason or another. That's literally what the feature on RT is for. How are these reviews fake? If you don't want to see this movie you're a racist, incel, alt-right, russian bot etc?

It just proves SJWs right so they can continue writing their clickbait articles about manbabies

Then why can't you just stick to futa hentaï and feel the need to shit 40 threads a day about something that you don't like?

then why are all the media vehicles going crazy about it?

Niggers watched BP. Niggers dont give a ahit about this

>it looks nice
get new friends

clickbait because you fags hand them all the evidence they need in a silver platter

If you only care about positivity, I suggest Reddit or HIV.

because they can use that in their political agenda and because Disney love free adds, that's why

It's not like the media started doing articles about it when it was just a handful of votes and was like 80% and it only got worse AFTER the triggering

It is all part of the fucking promo
>Hire a radical feminist mouthpice
>Make her talk
and they'll get hundreds of youtubers making videos about this shit and maybe even the news

Yep. She's gonna be fighting their own imaginary foe just like the patriarchy.

>Implying they don't come here and shitpost themselves just so they can write articles about it

You can always tell who the shills are because their grammar is awful.

>autists don't realize all marketing is good marketing and sales will be through the roof because nobody can stop talking about it
if it isn't Marvel who is behind this the people are just retarded then

Unfortunately not
but Kevin feige deserves

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This is something like

>No ass land territory

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Remember when /tvpol/ denied doing vote manipulation?

Good times.

The only sane person ITT

Because they want to get clicks from hysterical trannies like you.

Make sense now

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Get ready to cry in 2 weeks MCU faggots.
Don't forget to get your back tracking letters ready.

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Manbaby incel alt-right nazi misogynist toxic racist sexist!

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What a faggot

>that's not what we are doing
We know that

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there's no way you're actually that invested in the...what, 20th? installment of fucking capeshit


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Why do roasties complain so much about women "sexualized" in movies, yet men never complain about shirtless chads literally everywhere

>Hey user, you coming to the party saturday
Where do you think you are?

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I don't even really consider it a protest, just profound disinterest. Pulling this bullshit out at the eleventh hour doesn't feel like some epic twist/reveal. It just feels lazy. So Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. had a direct line to someone more powerful than the entirety of the Avengers and just never mentioned it or thought it might be a good idea to bring her in till now? And the one time they *do* call her, there was an even 50/50 shot she'd been snapped out of existence, but not only has she not been, but the precise original lineup of the Avengers all survived as well? WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS?

They're already asking the audience to suspend their disbelief *enough* just with the concept of superheroes and infinity stones. Stacking lazy-ass writing/plotting on top of that was the deal-breaker for me. I also feel like having her and the cat involved with the Space Stone is lazy as shit, too.

Men know that it's their own fault that they don't look that good.
Women think their disgusting fat asses should be considered perfectly healthy and attractive.

>yet men never complain about shirtless chads literally everywhere
roids and gym and you could be just like that in 1 year

Lol, I'm sure they're scared. Dude, when it comes to Marvel versus DC, Marvel always wins. It's been proven for 10+ years, just get over it.

Fucking this. What the fuck happened to common sense? If you have to "log in" to give your opinion, then go fuck your mother. Nobody actually gives fuck one about your stupid opinion
Just don't watch it, it's that fucking simple.

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What happens first: does it crack into the 30s, or does the mouse get a bunch of "not interesteds" pulled?