This is, by far, the best Star Wars movie since Jedi. Disney should round up the guys who made this movie and have them remake the Anakin Skywalker trilogy.
This is, by far, the best Star Wars movie since Jedi...
its unironically amazing but for some reason its overlooked and treated like shit
its how disney should actually treat star wars
small stories in the universe that fill in blanks
Agreed. We don't need any more CGI recreations of dead actors though.That was completely unnecessary and I worry about it becoming more common in movies in general.
Space battle at the end was really good. I liked Krennic and some of the visual shots like when they test the death star.
2nd act where they go to find Jyn's father is a mess though and an obstacle on rewatches.
I agree it's usually in bad taste but apparently Tarkin's wife/family approved of it.
why does anyone like this lifeless pile of shit movie?
i saw it in theaters and i still can't tell you a single character trait of any of the characters, any of the major plot points, and any memorable action scene aside from some asian stereotype space sumurai sacrificing himself for some reason
that said, i think all the other star wars movies are garbage too, i just don't know why this one gets a pass
I enjoyed Felicity’s butt
I'm sure they love the concept of a movie tied to a big brand that lets them kill the protagonists at the end so they have little reason to return and ask for more money.
Are you joking? This has to be the single worst movie ive seen in the theatre ever, and ive seen ghostbusters 2016. The characters are completely devoid of life, you cannot describe their personalities let alone their names. The story makes no fucking sense whatsoever. The empire needs hannibal to design the death star but if he refuses they make it anyway so they actually dont need him? And the hole was designed by him? Like he expected someone with the force to lob a torpedo in the tiny hole someday at the cost of trillions upon trillions of lives? Thats like designing auschwitz but cutting a 10cm hole in the fence. Also the stormtroopers have guns but instead of shooting the chink with the stick they just walk up to him instead of just shooting him from a safe distance? This pile of dogshit was also waaaaayyyy too long, final fight scene was retarded beyond belief and it literally cannot be cannon because that would mean everyone in ANH completely forgot about the giant battle including the empire as grand moff tarking clearly states he was testing the death star on alderaan and everyone was shocked it was fully operational.
Fuck this movie and fuck everyone who likes it. Drop dead
this is great post
>i still can't tell you a single character trait of any of the characters, any of the major plot points
I agree. I really like the guerilla warfare parts of it. Makes it feel like an actual rebellion that has high stakes. But most ppl here seem not to like the film.
great b8
It was boring shit
How can kids sit through that garbage?
Maybe because this is the only one that wasn't intended for children?
Literally the only good part of this shitfest is the last 2 minutes, and they could have just released that as a special feature on the next ANH bluray release.
>how to spot a pleb
A guy who thinks Rogue one was good.
because RLM said it was bad
Krennic was in charge of the operation and he wanted Hannibal because he knew he was a good designer, better to work with who you know.
The laser was never fired on full power/planet destroying mode until Alderaan so it was unclear if the thing could actually destroy a planet or not in ANH.
I only watched it for Felicity Jones running.
ROTS - Rogue One - ANH is arguably the perfect Star Wars trilogy
> posts a deleted scene
Lucasfilm is so ashamed of this movies reshoots that they won't release a single full deleted scene but fucking Solo that was shot fucking twice got its cut scenes on the Blu-Ray.
I was annoyed they deleted such a crucial running scene.
This movie wasn't good at all. None of the new ones really are.
this and solo
>I can't come up with my own criticisms of the movie so I'll just pretend it not capturing my ADD mind is some legitimate criticism. Not evidence that I'm a retard who can't follow basic plot and dialogue points.
Name one original character from the movie, you literally can't. It was a complete snoozefest and didn't even feel like a SW movie. Utterly pointless and nothing would change if it didn't exist. Worst of all, the acting was complete garbage. Where did they find these losers?
this film introduced me to Felicity Jones so my ding dong gives it a out of 10
if it wasn't for the dead dad bullshit it would have been like a perfect movie. It was the prequel I wanted when I was 13 and went to see Phantom Menace.
The last act is like literally my childhood playing with Star War and GI Joe toys turned into a movie. Everyone fucking dies! It's fucking perfect.
so they filter out emojis now, hmm