/ABAG/ - Alita: Battle Angel General - #30 - Dark Angel Edition

This is thread for general discussion of Alita: Battle Angel.
Post and discuss your thoughts on the movie, pics/gifs/webms related and relevant info/rumors/news.


Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 59% Audience 94%
IMDB - 7.6/10

Production Cost and Box Office Sales Numbers

Conversation Starters:
>Have you seen it?
>What did you think?
>Who is planning to see it?
>What do you expect?
>Who won't be seeing it?
>Why not?

Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/troll /start/2019-01-31/end/2019-02-9/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/shill /start/2019-01-31/end/2019-02-9/

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If this gets a sequel we'll all get an Alita gf bros

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>no octopus lips
Worst adaptation ever.

its happening

the tide has turned, and now all the rats will drown

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It will probably get a sequel, and an anime reboot.

I think she's referring to Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, but I might be wrong. I'm not a big expert on the Roman empire.

>$700 mi in China and Japan alone

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>Alita's favorite chocolate flavor is my favorite chocolate flavor

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Too 1980's. You don't want your lead cutie looking like she is fish-facing for a selfie all the time. :/

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Even if it flops James Cameron will DEMAND the sequel be made immediately.

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>last avengers movie
>main interesting mcu timeline ends
>marvels movie relevancy is out of the water
>alita releases on netflix
>netflix fags come across it and watch it
>like it and demand a sequel
>alita, with no capeshit competition, gets a sequel 2020/2021
>movie makes 500 mil worldwide

Alita is fine

So is the sequel green lit or not?

He knows he can get the execs to give him the money since he will make billions with his Avatar movies.

>post yfw someone somewhere has seen Alita and as such has now decided to dedicated their life to advancing cybernetic robotics to the point that it truly becomes a reality in the near future
>post yfw cyber gf's will soon be a reality in our lifetimes
>post yfw it was all because James Cameron decided to raise the bar

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in boatmans mind, yes

>Alita needs a minimum of $900 million at the box office to break even

Not announced... which is a good sign, actually.

Announcing a sequel is "in development" is often a panicked marketing move.


Its definitely cincinatus. she forgot the part where he comes back, saves rome again then tells them to fuck off a second time.

>implying anyone can say no to this man

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900 million? Wasnt it 100 trillion?

i thought it was 6 gorillion?

90 billion, user. You dropped a few zeroes.

>ywn sit next to her and watch the sun set

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>financed by netflix

this will mean alita gets blacked by someone darker than wesley snipes. you really willing to take that gamble?

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>mess with Cameron, get hammered on

Yes and "in development" is almost meaningless. It just means at least one person is thinking about making a movie at some point - up to active work taking place, but which might still not end up with anything.

For example Weta and ADV were doing active concept designs for an Evangelion movie, but that never got off the ground due to lack of financing.

pretty sure user meant put Alita: Battle Angel on netflix, not make a shitty series doomed to fail

>that disappearing burrito
wtf was that shit? couldn't they have caught it in the cutting room and fixed it?

Not financed by Netflix, user. Netflix is simply where most normies will see the current film.

That meme is not working, user.

I've watched it yesterday with my normie cousin. It was fine. wasn't good, but wasn't bad either. I expected more from the bounty hunters, the doctor, etc. Everyone was kinda just getting jobbed by Alita. And she didn't get hurt much. I kinda wanted her to get completly destroyed, then rebuild with her good body later. My cousin also noticed how she didn't get hurt much in fights and how the Hunters were weak.
I never read the manga, my friend did. He really liked it and recommended the manga to me, so I was expecting the story to be interresting, but it was bland and uninteresting. It's okay. I wanna watch the dog movie I saw on posters though. Dog looks cute.

Saw this movie for the 3rd time today. What's happening to me?

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its painfully obvious that you're the only one posting this over and over again

please stop, its embarrassing

Based fucking boatman. How does he do it, bros?

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you're breaking the conditioning

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Its not a meme. It happens. Post the webm and prove me wrong. ProTip: You won't because the burrito does disappear.

You're leading a life where you no longer accept anything less than true love.

She was completely destroyed in her second fight. Were you in the john... or did you not actually go see the film?

>Alita didn't get hurt much in fights
You haven't even seen the movie you tard.

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This! : )

He lives by his own rules, man!

I’m heading out soon for a 6:30 pm showing

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Oh yeah, with the big dude. You are right, I completly forgot. The only thing I remember about that scene are the dogs. You are right.
Still, movie was alright.

Everytime I see Alita smile on screen, my nutbladder explodes.

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You must be one heck of a dog lover! x)

I'm going at 6:45. God speed user.

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Nah it's just my cousin kept mentioning that scene to me. We were really expecting more from that sword dude and the other hunters. I wanted her to struggle more, I think.

Not only kicking themselves, but doing so for missing it in IMAX theaters where it belongs and they'll never re-create that experience. Buy all the high end shit you want at home, unless you put like 100 grand into a home theater, you can never replicate the cinema.

I haven't seen the IMAX myself yet, but I plan to next week. Already saw a standard showing on a decently large screen.

I could crush your nutbladder

like a grape

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Heard an interview where Cameron said that essentially the movie was fully covered with his deal with Fox to make Avatar movies. As long as he determines that there is an interest and a following, it will be made

>You're leading a life where you no longer accept anything less than true love.

Ironically that is what the whole incel/feminist counterculture represents. The obsession with the ideal. We have literally begun to enter the age of pygmalion.

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>but I plan to next week.
Will it still be in IMAX? Isn't Captain Bitch face coming out soon?

but user it's actually canonical

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Well, majority of people that ACTUALLY watched the movies loved it, hell theres even 30 general threads and counting here. Theres 100% gonna be a sequel

Exactly. Cameron has Clout and I don't think any execs can deny him his waif- I mean his life's work. But seriously, he's worth $700m himself, I think he could even fund his own sequel.

i literally have to travel to another country to watch IMAX, and the closest LieMAX is over 80 miles away

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>I wanted to see her destroyed.

The movie begins with her in pieces in a scrap heap. I mean they give it to you right away. Then she gets chopped like a vegetable. What more do you want?

What faggots who say this really want is to see her defeated and give up which she does not do because she's motherfucking Battle Angel Alita and survivor and a sincere warrior with a determined heart that can feel true love.

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>found a hooker called Alita
brb anond

Tough break. I have a LieMAX across town, and an IMAX only 5 miles away. Oddly, I've never seen anything in their IMAX, just their FDX screen which is already LieMAX-y.

The problem is... she is advanced military tech with special forces training. Only the Blade dude was a real threat, because of brains... the street thugs are really not in her league.

Zapan (the sword guy) might have been able to give her a good fight against her old body, finally knowing what he was up against. She is too advanced for him now- too quick.

And she has he sword.

>she does not do because she's motherfucking Battle Angel Alita and survivor and a sincere warrior with a determined heart that can feel true love.

Cringed so hard a sharted.

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yeah, he might even direct it himself after the Avatar sequels are done just to make sure it won't flop under any circumstances

I need a sequel with Norton-Nova and Zapan revenge arc.

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True love isn't "ideal" love, faggot. It's love without denial or evasion of the facts as you experience them and the truth as you know it.

Ask Romeo or Juliet if their situation was "ideal."

Get that checked out m8. Might me incontinence.

That's an Okinawan Jap.

>We can see this live action one day

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tfw true IMAX screen and a Dolby Cinema both within 30 min so I get to see all my favorite movies in first Dolby then IMAX 3D

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Maybe not that poster... but I think you have a point.

Some want her humbled... and then might allow her a redemption arc.

They resented her "only" getting chopped up physically, without being broken internally.

The same losers that love that silent movie The Passion of Joan of Arc. Same voyeurism.

Just got back from watching Alita in glorious IMAX 3D. Not GOAT, but I had a great time. It felt a bit fast paced. The movie gets going right away. Alita was beautiful and never came across as unbelievable for person with such large eyes anyway. It's a good thing the movie revolves around her because she really was the best thing about it. Action was top quality and I was glad I didn't see the trailers since I was told some of the good parts were shown. I was able to make the obvious calls about the plot, but then a couple twists caught me off guard. The romance angle really didn't do it for me, but I didn't hate Hugo. Not really. Also his death didn't come when or how I expected it to. I decided to go into the movie without reading the source and I'm glad I didn't. Now I'm off to start the manga.

While I understand that in-universe she should breeze through this movie without much efford, it still left a little wanting.
But those are my only complains really. The story didn't had any major plot hole, the actors were all decent and the CG was good. I'm looking forward towards the sequel, it'll probably have what I wanted for this movie.


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People cringe when they're afraid.

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true love IS an ideal shit for brains. because it doesn't exist. you said it yourself "without denial or evasion" and that doesn't exist with women.

Given that it's a film meant to be in IMAX, short of being 70mm, it's the proper place for it to be at least for a month.

>Aga Mbadi

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I didn't like the romance plot on first watch - I liked the bromance more then. On second watch I was more on board with the Hugo arc - he sees Alita as his ticket to Zalem while she has the puppy love thing going for him at the beginning. Then it becomes more of a true love thing when he finally gives up his dream of Zalem.

Tanji is still best boy though.

Not me. I cringe when a fanboy says something gay, retarded and embarrassing all at once.

And they're dead serious, like they're saying something truly impressive.

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And here's next week. Which is superior, the IMAX or Dolby?

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Real funny, user! >:(

(ok... so it is funny)

And the sweet pea scene too.

Then cut to her body and head destroyed...just a brain and a few mangled pieces of plastic and metal that used to be her face and head.

Zalem issues it’s ultimatum: become a tuned agent if you want to survive.

Then commence the best arc of the manga.

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>those eyes
Guys, I think I am in love.

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you in here bro?

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reporting in

Has James Cameron ruined Yea Forums?

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Imax is a screen size. Imax has a larger screen and the movie is cut with a wider field of view.

Dolby refers to sound standard. It means the theatre achieves a certain frequency response and decibel level.

I guess for me, it was that she fell so hard for him and didn't calm down too much from it. Kind of like how she said it was all or nothing with her. Didn't really have a problem with Hugo's arc. It made sense for his character and the romance facilitated his change of heart.

I only saw it in IMAX 3d (twice), hands down the best 3d movie I've seen. So you can't go wrong with imax. The sound in imax is also terrific. In all 10x better than when I saw it in 2d.

I suppose the IMAX will be the more impressive experience, I've been in that FDX screen for a bunch of movies and while it sounds nice, the seats are so far back from the screen that the benefit of the screen size are lost compared to a normal large screen. Plus, IMAX will be cheaper by 50 cents.

Yeah I really warmed up to the romance on the 3rd viewing.

Even still it's so hard to do a real romance in a 2 hr movie with so much else going on. Romance is better in tv shows where you get 10+ hrs to develop characters.

This wasn't meant to show a deep lasting romance, its really her being naive to love, and him having ulterior motives. And both learn a lot

terrible flick
like a fucking tv movie

It's true 3d like Avatar. If you don't watch in 3D you won't get the intended experience. This is honestly one of the few movies worth watching in IMAX 3D.

Even if it did exist with women, it wouldn't necessarily elevate it to an ideal state. It could still be surrounded with extraordinary inconveniences that make it disruptive, challenging, or very difficult to pursue.

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What's cringy about a survivor warrior? They even put in a flashback for people like you who would cringe at that scene.

You are weak and afraid of thoughts. They are a burden to you.

This movie is glorious in IMAX, movies like this is why movie theaters should still exist.

These read like shills trying to fit in on a board they just joined


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There's a couple of Kinuba things I noticed on my rewatch:

- Looks like Hugo is a Kinuba fan. He's wearing a shirt with number 55 in the scrimmage scene.
- Then he cuts his arms off
- Nurse Gerhad is wearing Kinuba merch when Alita is getting ready for her tryout. On my first watch I wondered if she shouldn't be wearing something to support Alita - but on the rewatch I noticed that it was Kinuba merch, so I guess she's doing it to honor him.

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What's your theory for why shills are always newfags? How come shills are never experienced? Do they have high turnover?

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I guess this would be really easy to make into a trilogy. Have second part be about Alita's rise as a hero of Iron City in the motorball competition and then crush it with rebuilt Zapan arc, then go all Mad Max in the final part (which is where it would probably feel really weird and bad because teen flicks like Hunger Games and Divergent and Maze Runner sort of end up there as well) and then you could wrap it up with a neat bow like the original manga does, with Alita reborn as a normal girl using whatever nanotech bullshit, but since they used some notions from Last Order I don't know if that's fully viable.

Well, not that it matters.

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Just got back from IMAX 3d (2nd time). I looked really closely at this, the orange, and the chocolate.

The burrito does seem to dissapear between when Hugo grabs Alita from the centurion and when she goes back in for the dog, but it isn't super clear (maybe it gets stuck on the centurions foot?).

It also seems that at one point the chocolate goes from being 3x bitten on the right side and 1x on the left, to only 1x bitten on both sides, and back to 3x bitten on right and 1x on left as they shift shots when shes getting back on the bike with Hugo, but again it's hard to tell.

And there's no teleporting with the orange, she mentions food then the scene shifts and the rest of the orange scene they're at the kitchen table.

I don't even know how you'd notice burrito or chocolate on casual viewing. It doesn't take away from the movie, and its hard to believe they'd make mistakes like that so for chocolate I think it's just a different angle making the bites look smaller.

Why do you Alita troll posters always reek of newfag and reddit?

>every single image talking about how many times they've seen it share a february 2019 unix timestamp that has 0 results

Yes but did you sneak any into the theater?

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yeah its almost as if people actually like this movie

>I don't even know how you'd notice burrito or chocolate on casual viewing.
I do, autism.

They literally said the other day that they just didnt have the budget. Even if they did a sequel wouldnt make sense
>zapan arc
Yeah okay

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archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/troll /start/2019-01-31/end/2019-02-9/
Why did troll have uptake in results as "insults" against posters when Alita came out?

Yeah it seems exceedingly obvious that Cameron just saw the OVA and wanted it to bring to a big screen and didn't plan much before that which makes blatant sequelbait all the more frustrating.

people not from this board/newfrogs*

People who sperg about reddit are reddit posters who come to Yea Forums to have a break from reddit and are thus more sensitive to reddit because they want to get away from it whereas people who don't go to reddit are less sensitive.

Simple mathematics. Crying more won't change it.

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no, I smelled chocolate though at one point, I like to think someone brought some. I just brought my sour patch kids (theater got my money from their $6 soda)

Watched it yesterday, here is my verdict. Never read the manga btw:
+ Great world building
+ Great actions scenes
+ Servicable CGI
+ Decent acting
- Terrible script
- Story is a bit too all over the place - lacks focus
- pacing issues
Overall a 6.5/10 sounds about right. Certainly has more soul than the average hollywood capeshit blockbuster that comes out nowadays. Would love to see a sequel.

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/shill /start/2019-01-31/end/2019-02-9/
Why did shill have uptake in results as "insults" against Alta fans when the movie came came out?

Also the go to pleb rebuttal
>189 before
>236 since release


Gonna do this when I go back, maybe some orange chocolate bar.

SPK are the most patrician candy.

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People here tend to worry when unnatural and forced generals like OP are made when they're almost never made otherwise.
It's very simple to understand, which you should if you were you know actually here?

Ive never actually seen the movie I just wanted to argue with you about something I knew nothing about. I dont know what youre talking about

most of the posters that have been talking about how many times they've watched the movie either didn't post a picture at all, or a picture of their ticket which would of course have a recent timestamp

Just came home from the theater. Bland CG for 2 hours.

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>watching Battle Angel at the movies
>intense fighting scene between Alita and Grewishka
>slouch down my seat and yell, "YO, THIS ROBONIGGA BOUTTA DABBED ON"
>no one laughs
>fat guy rubs his neckbeard and says, "tfw no cyborg gf"
>Hear "He weird" from one of the girls

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>doesn't know about /FFG/
Who's the newfag?

>bland cg

Did we even see the same movie

>+ Servicable CGI
I have never seen a better CGI. It's 10 steps ahead of anything made to this day.
t. projectionist

Hello Rotten Tomatoes critic.

Based JC wearing the Alita shirt while directing Avatar.

He's not letting go of the sequel. He's gonna tell this story to the end of his screenplay.

>People here tend to worry

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Apparently you if you think thats natural or Yea Forums
Remember the autist who would spam the board with threads about who was behind those and the horror generals? The german retards? Or was that before your time?

yeah, and not enough cultural/sexual representation as well i assume

>implying a bunch of shit I didn't post about
Did you respond to the wrong poster or are just implying a bunch of shit off the top of your head?

These threads are run by literal shills and they're obviously not fooling anyone with their "I just saw this movie for 9th time, match me!" bullshit, most of us here are lonely autists who are attracted to a cute cyborg waifu, and probably a good few are GUNNM fans from Yea Forums who are happy to finally be able to talk about GUNNM because nu-Yea Forums is underage dumpster that only ever talks about isekai, shoneshit, romcoms and other zoomer shit.

Just saw it for the first time. My biggest issue is actually to do with the post production:

1: What the fuck is with the ADR in this movie? It literally sounds like the audio engineers recorded the ADR lines and then set no filters or changes to what they got from the booth. In the scene where Alita and the dude make out in the rain there should be all sorts of impacts on what their conversation sounds like, yet it only sounds like it happened in the ADR booth. There is very little depth to the environments because it always sounds like they are speaking right into a microphone.

2: What the fuck was up with that score? The world is set far in the future after a multi planet space war where everyone lives in either a utopia or a giant trash heap, so then why the fuck does the score sound so generic? It could work for literally any war or action movie and there is no distinct style to any song in the entire movie. I can't even hear a reprise or identifying theme to the movie when I think about it.

Other than that I enjoy it, the pacing is a little frenetic and the order of the scenes could have been changed to illicit a little more tension out of what they shot. One of the better anime adaptations but it certainly isn't pushing the boundaries.

I don't know? Pretty sure mine had a cyborg girl but the rest of it could have been taken from any Marvel capeshit movie. Other than some nice moments between the doc Ido and Alita it was all pretty... forgettable.

Take your meds. Your autism is showing.

actually the score stood out to me as being way less generic than your usual blockbuster fare, so you’re just a pleb

No, it's not.

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also *elicit you illiterate retard

You implied /ffg/ is natural when it's the same guys that tried forcing the horror general. Again you should know this but you don't because you're new

"Pushing the boundaries"would be suicide in the current market, user.

Sad, but true.

ok name something better, for the lulz.

here's my attempt at summing up the movie for people who haven't seen it but might.
>cute psychopath girl fights the powers that be in a movie that stops just short of being guro and doesn't have any ending you might expect

>shitty cookie cutter romcom is only 1mil behind Alita
Fucking kill yourselves burgers, you worthless pieces of shits.

>I know who is who on this anonymous Salvadorian Drug Smuggling image board
>I have say over who has the right to post and what they get to post about

or any ending at all


Again yous should because he spammed it every where for about 5 years straight in almost every thread
But you don't because you're either a shill or a newfrog

Black Panther, and Wandering Planet! ; )

(Wandering Planet is darned good storytelling, by the way)

If I remember correctly, the only in-world music we hear is the Motorball PA music and the prog-as-fuck busker in the beginning.

The score itself was fine - nothing particularly remarkable.

There's not necessarily anything "better". It's just at around the same level as anything else Hollywood puts money behind. Not more impressive than your average capeshit. It's not "ten steps ahead" that's for fucking sure.

not been on this general in a couple days
give me the quick run down alita bros, is china on track to save us?

You must be blind, user. :/

We are beyond salvation. The movie is a flop and you're all deluding yourselves if you think otherwise.

It doesn't matter how long you've been here you are still a newfag with that attitude of yours.J ust shut the fuck up and go bump a thread about crusty boomer movies like you do every day of your sad life.

Yes. The trolls are enraged about it. : )

>stood out to me as way less generic

I will admit that I've never seen a Marvel movie, nor have I seen a Disney movie in almost ten years, so I may be out of the loop on what 'generic' sounds like. But, standard strings and horns are not the kind of soundtrack this movie needed. 'Oh, this is an action scene so lets get those soaring chords with this little moment of tension so you think she might lose, but then lets bring it right back up as she is saved by Ito and that dog guy' and 'oh they're talking about their feelings so lets slow it down and make a soothing moment where we let the string instruments release the tension between them' is to me what I would call generic scores.

Compared to legitimately good scores from the past two decades this one hardly holds up. Take something like 2049 or Arrival, both are science fiction or at least beyond the every day, and the scores reflect that with these unsettling sounds that define the environments around them and really help to build the world. Or look at Ghost in the Shell, the movie is bad but the score fits the world and has identifiable themes.

The only song I can remember is the credits theme...

Motorball was the best part of the movie aside from waifu-bait the girl. I'd watch a whole movie about corrupt motor ball teams. aka the live action speed racer movie.

I love Alita and I want to hug her in a protective and paternal manner.

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>getting this defensive after being proven wrong about when you got here
Are you now admitting you weren't here or is right about you being a shill

It's an ending like ESB.

We get some resolution of characters (Hugo), we set up that Charin is now a brain in a jar, and Nova is the puppet master. The mini-villain of Vector was resolved but it is somewhat anticlimatic, which is fine because it's only half of the story, you have to see the sequal for the conclusion. This isn't unusual in good films.

At the end we see Alita re-establishing herself, she is emotional over her loss but she is resolved on her quest to finish the mission she was made for, and take revenge for those who were lost along the way.

It isn't a non ending, it's a cliffhanger, maybe an art that has been lost on an ADHD generation.

>There's not necessarily anything "better".
Yeah I confirm, there's nothing better.

>Not more impressive than your average capeshit.
Get your eyes checked, and I mean it seriously, many people don't know they're myopic.

doesn't even deserve a (You), the CG in black panther was bad even by Marvel standards.

He probably saw an early camrip. x)

we're going to make it and the disney shills are scurrying back to their marvel threads

we are winning user, just like we said we would - just like we knew we would. All we had to do was to put our fate in based boatman.

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I have just came out of the cinema. Why the fuck are you shilling for this?
It is so fucking shit and cringeworthy. Every single scene is shit as fuck.

is that an official poster because it looks too dope.

haha nice try

now go watch the movie please

He wanted a lol response, user. I just gave him one- BP's CGI was mediocre.

I don't think so. This one is however.

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>it's a cliffhanger, maybe an art that has been lost on an ADHD generation.
It's not really lost because every single show on TV feels the need to end every half-a-season with one. It's just fucking frustrating because having satisfying conclusions IS a lost art, especially when producers aren't certain if they're gonna be tell the rest of the story, or if they even have it planned (happens all the time on television these days). Fuck that wishy washy shit, OVA had an emotional conclusion despite showing even less by not doing vague setups for absolutely no reason.

Cringy tryhard detected
94% audience score

JC will make it, and Disney will pay for it (ironically).

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>china getting all the kino posters now too

Can we just put something in the OP of these generals already saying not to reply to these faggots unless they want legitimate discussion, there are too many of these retards getting (you)s and it just encourages them

They're shills

why bother? they're bumping the thread and get BTFO:d every time

if it helps us to spread the word of Alita, then I will make that sacrifice

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If Alita is literally a superhero who owns everyone, why the fuck did her kind lose the war?


anyone else get chills during "I will not standby in the presence of evil" ?

this movie was so goofy it had no business being this good

we need a safe space which is why we made this general in the first place as the regular posters on this board were shitting on it in the other threads

They have material for at least 9 movies

holy shit i thought the Alita shills were the retarded ones

Because Nova is super smart and put spinnies on his pipes

> If I remember correctly, the only in-world music we hear is the Motorball PA music and the prog-as-fuck busker in the beginning.

Replying to myself to add the jukebox at the bar. "Kansas" or "Kentucky" or something like that.

Why did the shill cunt stop replying after being exposed again?

>who owns everyone
"Everyone" are some hobos that live in a literal dumpster.

I legit get goosebumps, not sure why. Actually there are quite a few moments that really affect me physically, like motorball gives me a legit adrenaline rush. I don't normally get that when watching films

They're more or less always accurate.

They just have enhanced bodies, it doesn't mean they have the best weapons.

false flag

nice try

because the Earth Orbitary Federation was anything but pushovers during the Terraforming Wars

Because it is a manga adaptation, and 30+ kissless virgin waifufags have an erection watching it. If it would be a random westerner story everyone here would hate it.

It was "Guadalajara" actually.

She was the finest weapon of the Techno Union, Technarchy , whatever - I doubt they had expendable amounts of them. They seemed to be basically special forces.

>safe space
Not at all, legitimate criticism and discussion is fine

Dark Angel, you say?

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She hears it in her head as a lost memory from her training, than repeats it out loud.

A really nice touch!

The "finest weapon" almost was killed with the chainsaw shit.

Anyone want to make a stab at writing a whole URM oath? It could be ultra-cringe, but could perhaps transcend into awesomeness.

not an argument

I am sure you would have stopped it with your bare hands, Superman! x'D

Are you legally retarded? Do you think a bunch of mentally handicapped children than live in literal dumpster can beat a state of the art war machine?

I second this motion.

>the chainsaw shit

Attached: st.jpg (444x246, 37K)

Did China save it?

>bunch of mentally handicapped children

She single handedly BTFO Vectors robot force.

... with a body built buy a doctor who lives on a scrap heap

her berserker body is a whole other story, as is pretty apparent in the movie

you are correct

This thread is literally cancer, they are equal to trump generals on /pol/
You should all kys as soon as possible if you really think this movie is good and worth watching.

>elite soldier who is peak war technology BTFO some cheap janitors that do it for FREE
Well, at least that confirms your retardation.

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>mentally handicapped
Hey Zapan is just dislexic !

I did but I got even bigger goosebumps when she said "you do not deserve such a weapon" i have no idea why but it was just so fucking badass. why can't they make female characters like this?

Not a very impressive force- just converted light infantry support robots.

That is why hunter-killers were used. The mechs weren't that useful, except for intimidating civilians.

and ends with Nova and Alita reaching Jeru, only to realize they were playing in the small pond the whole time.
Wait a minute. The people of Earth are kept in poverty, fighting for scraps, and run by the rich in a secret society engineering our fate. These elite globalist rulers of people live in the twin cities of Zalem and Jeru.
Jeru.. Zalem.
How the fuck did this film get made?!

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holy fuck i this is literally dark angel innit?!?1

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Is this true? I don't watch anime or any that weeb shit, and I wanted to go tomorrow to see it.

>why can't they make female characters like this?
But they just did.

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I had chills the first time I watched that scene. I was tearing up during the scene on my second viewing. I finally got my shit together on the third viewing because I was so focused on sucking in as many details as I could..

Yeah, the battle mechs are more a population control measure - they're too blunt an instument to actually police anything. You can't investigate crimes with a tank.

What kind of evil language is that

Please kill yourself


>legitimate criticism and discussion = shit up a thread with off topic diarrhoea and baseless accusations

Just came back from watching it a third time
I want to report that there were plenty of viewers at the end everyone liked it

Alright y0u fucks, what did I tell you? You can watch the box office in China live via Maoyan, so no more questions about if China saved us yet or anything. Currently, they're on track to, very much. In just 2 days, the film made 48.5 million US dollars. If this film is loved just as much as Ready Player One, which it is actually looking to open up higher than, we are saved. Follow all the highlights here:

Just use Google Translate via extension and the number to look for is the number under the film title. Translate the currency from ¥ to $ via the calculator.

Have fun! It's kind of entertaining, like a game.

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People of zalem aren't elite at all, it's just a grand dna experiment to create one of a kind brain chips to augment that one guy. Zalem is worthless, it's porpose is to create abnormally intelligent minds once in a while.

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I'm gonna see it a 4th time in imax tomorrow and I burst out luaghging when i went to reserve my seats. You fuckers better not RUIN my experience lmao.

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Well at least you don't have to watch it


A Star Wars Story

I'd say Viet Cong.

So what's the best scene in the movie and why is it the bar scene

Same bro, I watched it 3 times until now
I think I will watch it 2 times more
If it is on the next week I may watch it again

Just watched it 7th time. Get on my level faggots. I am planning to go 3 times more, there shouldn't be a lot of people there so I can fap in the dark.

I am not sure putting that in the general is such a good idea. It will just draw trolls like flies to shit. Maybe go through the threads and screencap all the retarded posts for a collage image. The trolls are posting the same cringey bait every time so its not hard to spot it. That collage image could just get tossed into the threads now and again by posters and linked back to as needed.

>Translate the currency from ¥ to $ via the calculator.
Isn't ¥ Japan's currency ?

>resolved on her quest to finish the mission she was made for
What was that exactly? Maybe I just missed it but I don’t remember her having a specific goal she had to complete


>get to the chocolate scene
>start fapping furiously
>as Alita says, "HMMMMM IT TASTES SO GOOD." take a huge bite of chocolate and blow your load

She's got no strings to hold her down
She stands up straight with her shoulders back
She uses a display of competence to move to the top of the dominance hierarchy
Then her father saves her from the underworld beneath the floor, and then she goes on to save her father from the underworld of Irontown

Both Aquaman and Alita are re-tellings of Pinoccio. Roughly speaking

i kinda wish alita was creepy like this

Both countries use it at currency symbol. Yen is actually written as 円.

Y-you too, user...

So, 1 USD = 6.71 yuan

Alita has so far made 2424 million yuan = 361 million USD

How do you get it to 48.5 million USD? What am i missing?

That you, Jordan?

All three matinees I have been to had similar number of persons and dispersion. lmao

Thank you, Roberto!

Let's get it to 450 million!

Wrong number. The smaller number. Right now it's at 325 million Yuan.

>ywn wake up and see Alita on your windowsill, staring at you adorably.
Fuck this noise.

>Alita needs $350 mil to break even and $500 mil to profit
How valid is this statement?

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Those journalists just want the film to fail. Outlets have been btfo by studios clarifying their films did break even or made money when news outlets said otherwise. The 350 million, is like bare minimum to call the film not a total flop. But, if it makes anything above 400 million, the movie is just fine. It did alright. 450 million the film made a little money.

its likely somewhere in between

>2424 million
That's 2424 tenthousands (2424万) which is 24,2 million yuan for today.

as said, the total is the number in smaller font

The statement is way off. Alita needs to clear close to $1.8 billion at the box office just to break even.

as a matter of fact i believe its 10 trillion

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So, what're your guys' predictions for China next weekend? My guess is it does 60% or so what it did this weekend, it should hold strong. The Chinese are really buying in to it and clearly they marketed the film so much better there. Just from the type of screenshots they used, the movie looks like a foreign film.

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Who the fuck bought J1 when there was plenty seats available ?
Also for 3D experience the best places are center 3rd/4th row.

We might see $1.5 million out of China this weekend. Tbqh its not doing so good in Asia right now.

Dude's probably going to masturbate in the corner to the sexy Alita scenes.

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Any source for "not doing so good in Asia right now?"

$1.5 mil is a little high for China for this weekend. It might get as high as $1.2 mil.

But that's what L1 and L26 are for

sunday matinee for me yee, i just didn't expect it to be THAT many singles. if there's a single women in that viewing i'll be shocked.

>tfw K2 knew it and wanted to take a peek

I heard that in later arcs enemy cyborgs are completely OP and blow her apart

Could it be a wheechair location that's always unavailable?

I wouldn't mind blowing her apart if you catch my drift

>not reserving all of AA and sitting in the center to have the full alita gf experience

Nah wheelchairs are right in the middle for fucking reasons (I mean how are they supposed to reach their places ?)

It's doing well everywhere except western europe where it's too "weird" and "uncanny valley" for normies.

Attached: alita international weekend gross.png (714x1610, 95K)

Actually it came out earloer in western europe, it did very well in france

Wheelchair people struggling to get to their seats is the pre-film entertainment

I watched it with some friends and we were all expecting it to be a shitshow because it's an anime adaptation, even seen it in 2d because why pay more for something that's gonna be shit
We came out of the theater and we were kinda confused, then a friend say 'uh so am I crazy? that was like, really really good' and we all agreed, it took us by surprise how good it was
I'm gonna watch it again in IMAX this monday!

And those numbers are second weekend numbers for a number of those countries, since it opened early for them. All in all, other foreign markets outside Japan and China should add another 40 to 50 million to the final gross.

>Mfw this film basically hands a waifu to everyone who buys the ticket and sees it.
>Normies who never had any experience with this are now infected for life.

It's a good feel.
Can't wait for the fanart to start appearing by the thousands.

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Didn't it came out in 14 February in both Europe and North America?
>europoor here


It's so weird how this film is doing. People are turned off initially, but the second they see it, they love it. Was it something with the marketing, guys?

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France here. wtf is Serial (bad) Weddings 2 ?

Hated how it wasn't self contained like the anime. It dropped the movies from a 6/10 to a 5/10 for me. Very good otherwise for the most part. She was the best part

And then when she had a real body and a real weapon (sword) she just lopped the grinder shit off.

The first time it was said in the memory was pretty good. The second time was unnecessary and ruined the vibe for me.

I hate to admit it, the only reason I'm so anal about the film doing well at the box office is I want a sequel because the story isn't done. If they ended with a possible set up, cool, but this was literally a direct continuation, like this is Kill Bill Vol. 1. Problem is, Volume 2 hasn't been made yet.

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is this me

She didn't have the sword iirc.

It's new. People don't know what to expect. For all the time the plebs knew they were eating French bread, when garlic bread came along they did not know what to do.

At least there's a manga. Also Nova is Edward Norton right?

I didn't even watch any trailers before going in. I was aware there was a live-action hollywood adaptation of Alita being made, but I haven't read the manga or seen the anime (though I'd heard about Alita and seen some pics before) but I seriously never gave it a thought about watching it because I was sure it was going to be shit, I almost even cancelled last minute because I was too lazy to go out.
After the movie, I've watched the first trailer and I think it wouldn't have made a difference, it looked kinda cheesy (and it was but it fit quite well in the story)

>we will not fade silently into the night
>we will not vanish without a fight
>we're going to live on
yeah, its that kind of feel


Hugo's "I'm with her" line in the trailer made it seem like a dog whistle to Hilary supporters and SJWs, but then I heard about Alita being the anti-Brie Larson and so I checked it out

>Using food analogies
Okay, but a better comparison is they're eating just straight up stale bread for their entire lives and then a waiter offers the most delicious cake imaginable

>She was the best part
Fuck yes !

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When his eyes were covered, I thought it was James Cameron

Wasn't Alita a terrorist?

I both thought the same things.

In the end her goal is to get Nova, before the conclusion she had more vague goals; such as learning who she is, helping Ido and Hugo, and stopping the guy who was killing women (Grewishka).

Same happened to me. Only at the very end when he lifts the glasses I realized it was Norton.

She had the sword and powered it with her plasma thingie

>this picture
Is this a different body?
It doesn't look like the Beserker
I noticed it today at my third viewing

It's just armor plating. Her body is still underneath.

>Hugo's "I'm with her" line in the trailer made it seem like a dog whistle to Hilary supporters and SJWs
No one outside US knows that slogan.

It's the Berserker body with armour plating

I think Ito made her light armor for the motorball tournament.

1st weekend it was packed so it was impossible to tell if people were singles (I was, but I was seated next to people).

yesterday it was also a packed house (went with friends though).

Today in IMAX it was pretty sparse, more than a few boomer folks, and I only saw one other solo viewer (also some kids with parents were down front surpisingly).

Motorball body. Since the beserker body was asspulled early you can assume she modified it with that "nanomachines, son" thing.

She's wearing her motorball gear

Some comments from the Chinese news site Maoyan (the biggest fucking China news and ticket site there). Chinks are really, really liking. 200 million is ALMOST guaranteed.

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i don't think thats the wettzug

The marketing of this movie was pretty bad. It didnt' distinguish itself from stuff like Jupiter Ascending, or Valeran and 1000 planets and YA junk like that. I wouldn't have gone to see it myself if some smaller youtube reviwers didn't mention how good it was.

>just bought a ticket for imax Alita
You fucks really did it, you memed me into watching this movie 3 times

I'd say the only good trailer was the first and second one. The third one sucked.

Yeah in Vector's office she has the sword.

Chinks love action, special effects and cute girls. Alita success is guaranteed there.

People in China want a sequel.

Attached: chinawantsasequel.png (792x759, 68K)

Just got back from seeing it. The action scenes were great but the pacing was all over. Alita herself was pretty good, but the romance subplot was cringy. Does he get cyborgized in the manga and then almost immediately killed anyway? Just seemed like they were dragging it out.

Also is there a sequel even lined up? This movie just straight up cuts to credits with no conclusion. Edward Norton may as well have looked directly into the camera and said “See you next time, faggots.”

You didn't get memed, it's just a great movie and deserves many viewings (I watched it 3 times too, may watch it 2 more at least)

This tbqh, WOM saved this movie. I just thought it would be a cringy anime adaptation, decided to give it a chance after seeing the great audience scores and was positively impressed
Would love to see more adaptations of stuff like this. Capeshit is pure garbage and needs to die.

The pacing is almost identical to the OVA. He gets fixed and dies within 5 to 10 minutes in the OVA. If the film makes 400 million to 450 million, a sequel will happen.

I thought you were refering to the scene where she escapes the motorball and send an opponent into a grinder.

>Edward Norton may as well have looked directly into the camera and said “See you next time, faggots.”
I'd be even cool with that if he do that while eating pudding.

I wish they put more New Divide in a trailer. But its hard for me to figure how to make a good trailer for the movie, I guess anime doesn't really translate to western style trailers very well.

You can't really put gold like "It happened 300 years ago, get over it" in a trailer

Well for me it was few reasons.
First of all movies in general have been just shit lately, so my expectations weren't exactly that high.
Second, this is an adaptation and we all know how well those have turned out in the past.
Third reason was that I felt like the overly large eyes were a weird ass gimmick some idiot in the marketing dept came up with to emulate anime or something and it did look a bit off when everyone else looked normal in the trailers.

The moment I saw Alita on the screen I didn't even think about her being CGI or anything being off about her face.
She looked adorable.
Now got to admit I went to see it because I started seeing people on youtube saying that the movie is actually good.
The marketing for this film for me flew completely under the radar.

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Oh yeah I'm not sure why they called that spike launcher thing a grinder (a bit confusing).

Also, why didn't we see Brad Pitt as Tyler talking about taking down the rich hovering above us?

>her goal is to get nova
okay i got that, just making sure there wasnt something extra i missed

>while eating pudding
It's a FLAN !

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$100 we see this next film.