Why haven't you voted for Tulsi yet?
Why haven't you voted for Tulsi yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
she's anti war but crap on everything else
still best dem, but that isn't saying a whole lot.
I don't believe in women in politics
I would crawl on my belly through 100 yards of broken glass and barbed wire just to smell the tire tracks of the laundry truck that took away her panties.
I don't live in Hawaii and the primaries haven't started yet
The rest of y'all know
Yeah I agree, 30 to 40 thousand people must continue dying every year because they don't have access to basic healthcare, to own the libs and socialists
I like my tax cut thanks
Shes fake as fuck. Talks about being for the people and I've never seen her outside of the rich east part of the island. She only surfs close to home as well, the county side (literally every other part of oahu not in the city of honolulu) is conservative as fuck but majority of the population in honolulu is either old or brainwashed university students so the whole state is a glorified forever dem shithole.
I thought Obamacare was supposed to solve this?
>0.0009% of the population
unironically natural selection at work
>revamp the entire healthcare system and spend tens of trillions of dollars to implement it (along with killing off the entire private healthcare industry) just to save 30,000 people
i bet they were fat fucks
yeah dude a shitty neoliberal incrementalist healthcare policy that completely sucked the dick of the industry was actually made to help people and not to mainline federal cash to healthcare companies
I take it you have never met these people but believe me we are doing them a favor
And yet Bernie still voted for and openly supports it (same with Tulsi).
Funny how socialists claim that Obamacare is garbage while still wanting to keep it in place.
are you saying that bernie is a socialist or that i support obamacare? he's a demsoc... still an incrementalist, as you said same as tulsi
Bernie doesn't openly support ACA, he wants free medicare for all.
I love tulsimommy
Because there has not been an election yet.
Wow she’s so cool and laid back. She’s just like me! Got my vote.
Don't bother. Yea Forums has a redneck mentality where they can't support anything that will make their life easier if the melanin-enriched will benefit too.
>flawed bill that still gets millions more Americans covered, though done in the worst way possible
>or continue republican refusal to admit there is even any kind of problem
What really warms my heart though is that some of you guys who are so against poor people being alive, are going to get cancer and end up bankrupt even with insurance and good wages if this system doesn’t get fixed. Medical debt is a leading cause of bankruptcy, so I guess if you like the bankers it makes sense to support things as they are
>doesn't openly support ACA
Yes he does, he's run on it in every campaign he's run and supports expanding upon it before implementing his medicare for all bullshit (not to mention voted for the ACA in the first place).
>gets more people covered
>ends up jacking up heathcare costs even higher than previously predicted for most americans despite the whole point of the bill being to cut those costs down significantly
>muh poor people
Reminder medical care in this country didn't start getting so fucking expensive before the federal government started getting more involved with shit like Medicare and HMO's.
Literally on his website
>Sanders voted for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but he criticizes the law for continuing to leave millions of Americans without health coverage. “There is only one way that I know of that you can provide universal, cost effective and comprehensive health care for all of our people,” Sanders said in 2009 while ACA was being debated in the Senate. “That is a Medicare for all single-payer system.”
why should we incentivize degenerate and unhealthy lifestyles? I can guarantee you a lot of the people that died were the same people you see on My 600-lb Life
And again he still voted for it despite knowing it would give so much control of the market over to big healthcare companies
Voting for it as the best option available doesn't mean he supports it. Lieberman killed the public option, and Republicans were literally chanting for sick people to die (youtube.com
Isn't she a crazy hindu
She is an authoritarian socialist collectivist, it is the opposite of everything America stands for
>dumb namefag poster
>hates ron paul and loves federal bureaucracy
checks out
Ron Paul wasn't the one who shouted out you absolute retard.
This is unfortunately the main reason she doesn't stand a chance. Candidates have to at least pretend to be Christian.
Nice job cutting off the rest of Paul's response there nigger
Once again, the point was not Ron Paul. I don't care about Ron Paul. He's never been relevant.
I feel like you’re from Hawaii because I’ve never seen anyone reference another persons surfing preferences in all my years of shitposting.
>one faggot in the audience represents all republicans
>personal responsibility is a bad thing
Let me buy insurance with actual competition instead of being forced to pay half my income in taxes for shitty medicare.
define "basic healthcare" you drooling retard, and tell me why poor people are somehow prevented from using Medicaid or Medicare
>nobody will pay for muh $600k procedure
boohoo, there's a reason things cost money
>are you saying people should just die user?
yes, when treating them would be unsustainable and cause more harm in the long run. There's a marginally better MRI machine on the market, but it's 10X more expensive. Fuck it, let's buy it. Might catch one person's disease early and save a life, nevermind everyone's bills are higher now. After all it's not like we need to spend money on anything else
If you're satisfied with the current system, then fine. Don't vote on this issue. Most people are not satisfied with the current system, and will vote on whoever has a plan to fix it.
>not wanting shitty medicare for all means you support the current system in place
Thanks Bernie for voting to increase my insurance premiums and healthcare costs.
Ron Paul started the tea party movement you brainlet.
Why do brainlet leftists not understand that the government is the ONLY reason healthcare is so expensive in the USA.
It used to be cheap before the government took it over.
The solution is a free market so prices will drop down to a tiny fraction of what they are now and people can afford it.
Leftists destroy medical innovation and hold back human progress.
Ahem... NHS
People should vote to free the healthcare market instead and kill all socialists.
It used to be cheap before the government took it over.