What are your top ten films of 2018? here are mine

what are your top ten films of 2018? here are mine

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Fuckin kek

liking films doesn't mean I can't have fun too



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I don't watch too many modern films. My backlog takes priority.

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Haven't even seen ten movies from 2018 but An Elephant Sitting Still and The House That Jack Built. Burning. was good too. I still haven't seen Cold War nor Shoplifters.

OP here, Shoplifters barely missed my top 10 and I still haven't seen An Elephant Sitting Still. I guess I just have a bias against LVT because The House That Jack Built just doesn't really manage to appeal to me

I have 13 of those from last year releases ...

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man I really was bored of chappaquiddick, what did you like about it

>cape shitters

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When will Yea Forums do a top 10 for 2018

Not going to bother making one right now
>How to Talk to Girls at Parties
>Summer of 84
>The Man Who Killed Don Quixote
>The Favourite

it will just be capeshit

holy fucking onions

wow I forgot that existed

Of these 10 I reckon only First Man and Burning will join my "top 10 movies of the 21st century" list

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How so?

shit taste in all honesty

why do people like burning so much? i watched it the other day, it was pretty boring
am i missing something? as i understood, the plot is pretty straight forward, rich guy kills girls, this poor guy cares enough about one of them to find out about it and kill him
the acting is fine, atmosphere is fine, everything is kinda fine, but it was a boring watch
what did you guys like about the movie so much?

last year's movies fuck and sucked but if i had to pick a top 10 here they are in no particular order.

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1. drift
2. wieza. jasny dzien
3. what happens to a displaced ant
4. unsane
5. an elephant sitting still
6. zimna wojna
7. your face(ni de lian)
8. the house that jack built
9. le livre d'image
10. roiI soleil
isle of dogs, annihilation, eighth grade, hereditary, a quiet place, leave no trace, upgrade, arizona,
summer of 84, mandy, the predator, lazzaro felice, tully, await further instructions, halloween,
what still remains, knife + heart, day of the dead bloodline, the domestics, mid90s, the festival, gregoire

>4. unsane
almost tricked me into thinking you weren't a pleb until this

Holy shit, this is some abysmal "taste". The only actual worthwhile on there is Burning.

Also, anyone who doesn't list The Other Side of The Wind for 2018 is an automatic pleb.

Not him, but do you have an actual issues with Unsane?


>inb4 YWNRH is a 2017 movie

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ah, the definitive Soiboi List 2018

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I haven’t seen some of the movies being recommended in this thread, so my list will probably change after I see some of those, but my top ten in no particular order are:
>You Were Never Really Here
>The House That Jack Built
>Lean On Pete
>The Sisters Brothers
>The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
>The Rider

claire foy is an extremely unlikable actress and soderbergh's iphone phase is proving to be the creative nadir of his career.

>the plot is pretty straight forward, rich guy kills girls
that's why you don't enjoy the film

Climax is a 2019 movie.


Shit, I meant to put First Reformed instead of The Rider.

>The Other Side of the Wind
awful hollywood bait

are you 14

no it's not

>extremely unlikable actress
Why are you calling anyone a pleb when you think like this?

care to explain, please?
i really feel like i missed out

Even if you like Unsane you have to agree that having it at number 4 is a bit much.

It's not supposed to be completely ambiguous, obviously the film leans toward Ben being the killer, but it's more about how Jong-su pieces together everything in his mind about how he hates everything about Ben and uses the death of Hae-mi to justify killing him anyway

>Sicario II

A steaming pile of shit film. Doesn't even deserve to share the name of its predecessor

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Throw in The House That Jack Built as well. Saw it after I made this. Biggest disappointment was Suspiria.

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she's a black hole of charisma, user. unsane was like watching someone's home movie starring a cunty clerk from the DMV.

Paddington 2 was so good

i didn't see 10 movies from 2018 yet
Summer of 84
The Farm
Ant Man and Wasp
those are the four I saw

>unironically thinking the hipster jargon piece of shit under the silver lake has any artistic merit whatsoever
Pray tell what the purpose of the scene in pic related was, why have a closeup of a floating turd?

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What's the one in the middle and the top center?

>puts Burning in because Yea Forums loves it, he tried it, couldn't understand it, and then had to make a full top 10 post with "pleb" films just to hate on it
that's sad tbqh

Top Center is Gonjiam. Dead Center is The Endless.

You sound paranoid, get some help

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the turd obviously represents the film itself!

Was I the only one disappointed by The Endless, the film just felt really cheap to me

heh, i didnt get the feeling that he hates him at all, just that he suspected something and went out of his way to prove it to himself, and then decided to kill the guy
in any case, the films was pretty boring, at least for me, maybe because i went in expecting something similar to korean thrillers like yellow sea or memories of murder (basically i thought i'm in for a exciting story with clever twists) having read nothing about the movie

That's actually what I thought, because it's something so deliberate and pointless that the director decided to focus on that it can only be to spite the audience and nothing else.

also what is with this "film leaning toward something" stuff
are films really made to be ambiguous or the screenwriters/director know exactly whats up but simply dont tell anyone for whatever reason

Probably not. I think it's their best film yet, though.

>people in this thread like Annihilation

Are you guys memeing? That was utter dogshit.

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I think it's more that the director knows what people want to think and so generally gives that to the audience but that the "truth" isn't supposed to be what was important about the film

Jong-su's idyllic relationship with Hae-mi and his stark contrasts with Ben were

its a sequel

It's the best looking film of the decade.

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Annihilation was good m8, I don't know what problem you have with it

>interesting body horror
>cool sci-fi premise
>generally well acted

The only problem I have with it is that the existence of dopplegangers doesn't make sense given what we know about the biosphere

the best movies of 2018.

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i dont know man, i wasnt amazed at "rich guy is a dick, poor guy is a saint" narrative
i mean, its nothing new, i wasnt fullfilled after watching the movie, by anything
i felt like i wasted a couple of hours
oh well, at least there were tits, its always nice to see tits

>poor guy is a saint
A large part of why the ending is ambiguous is to dispel this notion

i keep seeing people say this. what was ambiguous about the ending?

jongsu has no real evidence that ben killed the girl and he is the one that baits ben into a place to murder him

How the fuck did the stalker manage to get a job at the hospital within hours of Sawyer getting committed?
>He knew where she was going beforehand
That doesn't make sense. He would have had to not only guess that she was going to have a breakdown and go to a hospital but guess the exact hospital she would end up in and guess that they were going to forcibly hold her there.
>That guy he killed (George) was a hospital employee and he took his identity.
In what universe would that work? That small staff isn't going to notice that some shady guy is claiming to be one of their former employees (who is now missing)?
>The dead guy wasn't an employee but some random guy who's identity he stole to get the hospital job (in one day.)
That's not how hiring works anywhere, save for maybe under the table jobs that illegal immigrants do. Even McDonald's will make you wait a few weeks while your paperwork gets processed.

if that's what the filmmakers were going for then i hate that movie now more than i already did. movie logic trumps "no real evidence" every time. ben killed the shit out that bitch.

I was really bored throughout

It was fun for a what it was, a fast paced action thriller.
Sicario 1. Is the better film bit also overrated in its own right

yeah this is my problem with the movie aswell. its bait us so hard into thinking glen from the walking killed the girl that it feels like if he didnt then the whole thing was pointless. ambiguity for the sake of ambiguity

Thoroughbreds, Zama, Marlina, and First Reformed are all from 2017.
Kind of defeats the purpose of a top ten yearly list if you arbitrarily throw in films from a different year.

Roma is trash, generic mainstream garbage

1. The Favourite
2. Burning
4.The Sisters Brothers
6. Isle of Dogs
7. Sorry to bother you
8. Blindspotting
9. Free Solo
10. Annihilation

Honourable mentions American Animals, Cloverfield Paradox, Old man with a gun, Shoplifting & Sicario 2.

they all released in the US in 2018

sorry you couldn't enjoy a film because other people also enjoyed it, that must be an incredibly boring way to live

the obvious choice

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>First Reformed is a 2017 American drama film written...
>Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts is a 2017 Indonesian drama film directed...

Doesn't change what year they're from. That's like counting some obscure foreign 60s film that only had an English release in 2018 as a 2018 film.

well I mean yeah, I would count it as a 2018 film if that is when it got the most recognition

Semantic nonsense, they count as 2018 releases

>premiered in a fucking film festival in 2017
you can seriously go fuck off

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no top films of the year thread is complete without release date pedantry i guess

Thoroughbreds is really underrated. That movie got under my skin and has an amazing script.

Ryuichi Sakamoto: Async at the Park Avenue Armory (Stephen Nomura Schible)
Communion Los Angeles (Adam R. Levine/Peter Bo Rappmund)
At the Horizon (Manuel Knapp/Makino Takashi)
Wishing Well (Sylvia Schedelbauer)
Fainting Spells (Sky Hopinka)
Closing Time (Nicole Vögele)
Spring Masks (Robert Todd)
In Fabric (Peter Strickland)
The Return (Malene Choi)
Calyx (Nathaniel Dorsky)

Der Haputman not being mentioned goes to show that you are all corporate americans, and will only watch films served to you on a silver platter.

>Der Haputman
Just call it The Captain, you pretentious fuck

Der Hauptman

Why the fuck should I? Calling a film by its title is pretensious? I find films best enjoyed in their original language, so ill use that title aswell. Nothing pretensious about that

1. The House that Jack Built
2. Burning
3. Vox Lux
4. An Elephant Sitting Still
5. The Favorite
6. Upgrade
7. First Reformed
8. Beautiful Boy
9. Mid90s
10. The Mule

This applies to Under the Silver Lake, Climax, and Dragged Across Concrete as well, right? Those movies premiered in 2018 at film festivals but get a wide release this year

kill yourself, kids


considering Climax is basically in no one's list in this thread and yet Yea Forums loves it, yeah id say so

I liked the green book a lot. Did tv like the green book?

I enjoyed watching it but objectively its generic schlocky 6/10 oscar bait

Rich guy never kill girls that's all the MC has fantasies he's jealous and filled with burning rage because the girl choose him over

1. A Star Is Born
2. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
3. Overlord
4. Solo
5. Blackkklansman
6. They Shall Not Grow Old
7. Searching
8. Annihilation
9. Bad Times at the El Royale
10. Sicario 2

Didn't realize I was posting among so many plebs.

1. First Man
2. Burning
3. Climax
4. A Star is Born
5. Blakkklansman
6. Thoroughbreds
7. Mid90s
8. The House That Jack Built
9. First Reformed
10. Roma

good list

all things considered, most of the lists in this thread are pretty much overlapping

The Captain
First Reformed
Cold War
Summer 1993

It was pretty cliched and predictable but it was also really charming and funny so I ended up liking it quite a lot. It's honestly my personal pick for Best Picture, in terms of pure enjoyment. I'm a sucker for stories about opposite personalities becoming friends, sort of like The Intouchables