No Bad Films: The Franchise

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watching it right now on syfy

shit owns

I have some problems with how they portrayed Ron but other than that the movies were fine. I wish they took after the aesthetic of the first two more though.

Dull: The Franchise

Zoomer Queer: The Franchise

>'Perfect night in with my man! Pizza, wine and Harry Potter on ITV2! Bliss!'
>Browses social media all night

What about movies 4 through 7 part2?


>aesthetic of the first two
Im not a potter fan but I always assumed the increasing serious, grim and sexual/relationship issues were just a reflection of the books as the books were made for an audience starting at an age, following the characters grow up as you, the reader ages with them.
So, last movies being the most dark, serious and more adult, compared to the magical, mystery but bright wonder of the first movie.
I assume it was intentional

It's just everything looked so muted and dull. Kind of like the new Star Wars films.

harry potter was so comfy bros.



no good film either

HP is a millennial franchise, retard. Learn what zoomer means

>No Bad Films: The Franchise

All three Riddick films are kino of the highest order.

Attached: riddick35.webm (960x400, 2.97M)

Literally the second movie was bad.

*late millennial

It's more zoomer than millennial desu considering most millenials did not read them as children and the ones that did are borderline zoomers birthday wise

4 was shit.

> considering most millenials did not read them as children
What are you talking about, I'm a millennial and read them when I was a kid

this. Thank you for getting it. I instantly can tell someone has shit taste if they laugh when I talk about the Riddick kinos. Can't wait for Dune next year.


Every fucking second of the Harry Potter film franchise was gold.

What year were you born? The oldest person I've ever met that read them as a child was born in 1987. That's core late millennial.


Literally shit taste: the OP

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I see no lies.

fantastical wandshit: the unending dreck

>No Bad Films: The Franchise


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You're alright, user.

somebody post it already