I'm Ryan Gosling, AMA

I'm Ryan Gosling, AMA

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did you fug emma stone

yes but it was nothing serious, just the normal between actors. we get lonely sometimes

What expression were you trying to convey here?

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rage+disappointment. I'm surprised that it became a meme amongst incels. wish you the best though, may you find a loving gf!

hey Ryan wassup ma man what do you think ios your best performance?

Did you bang Rice?please say yes.

Hey Rian. How can I sort my shit out?

Only God Forgives
yes (only because you wanted me to say so)

>we get lonely sometimes
and horny

get fit. I was always average looking but working out helped me to look attractive. whenever a girl isn't fully convinced I take my shirt off

Yo Ryan, why were you such an asshole when I said hello to you at the grocery store yesterday? I hope they bust your ass for trying to steal all those milky ways, man

Do you find it strange how a bunch of losers on an anime website have formed a cult around you with a projected personality and everything

huh? huh? huh?
no, it makes me happy actually. I work to inspire people.

can yuo sign


if you had to fuck a dead goat or a child which would you pick

It depends, why are we always bent on two-way choices? why not consider a third option? why is it always capitalism or socialism? I choose no-fap

do you drink coke or diet coke or coke zero?


what's your favorite movie

I think you're a great actor and i wish you to have a nice weekend.

Are you really not going to be in the new Dune film?

Rooney Mara clearly wants to bone your dick off, why havent you ravaged the Lego Queen?

coke zero when I'm cutting, normal coke otherwise
I'm more of a Chuck guy
Valhalla Rising
Thanks! hope you have a nice weekend too

I can't confirm nor deny. I'm officially on hiatus
I don't think she wants to, she's a sweet asexual girl. quite pure actually. Ravaging her would be wrong, you have to keep things pure

Hey, Ryan! Thanks a lot for doing the AMA. Just want to say I'm a huge fan of yours and I know a lot of other 4channel-ers are too.

anyway i always see you skinny girls, but you seem somehow... disinterested. made me think that maybe you're a patrician chubby chaser like myself. just want to hear your thoughts on this, Ryan. Thanks!

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When will you start directing kinos? I bet you would be great at it.

Was the Holocaust really your idea?

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Why am I a million times more handsome than you?

who has the original Drive jacket?

What do bags of sand feel like?


I did, have you seen Lost River? check it out!
I don't behave like in the movies, I'm quite passionate in real life. I don't mind body positive girls (chubby is kind of demeaning), but I'm happy with mommy Mendes right now
I don't know why people keep posting this image in relation to me, sure, I grew up with my mother alone but...
because you're a real human being
all film clothing gets returned to the studio. Refn kept one of those jackets for him though
like pusy

How often did you have unclean thoughts about Fran Drescher during the filming of The Nanny?

unclean? none. I respect women.

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And you are a clone ?

I'm not an incel. it seems like you're the one sprouting untruths. I'm quite appalled at reading these abrasive statements
no. I think Attack of the Clones is an underrated film though, my biggest regret is not working with George Lucas

thanks goose appreciate that

Are you Ryan Gosling?

>I respect women.

I look just like you

ask me anything

yes, Ryan Thomas Gosling. You know that I almost started my career as Thomas Gosling? my mum thought that it was more commercial (she likes Tom Cruise and thought Tom Gosling was kind of endearing) but I stood my ground