Jesus loves me this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but He is strong
Jesus loves me this I know
So when he's going to come back again?
Fun fact: Jesus is the most mentioned figure in the Quran.
Also Mary is the most mentioned female
Really? Absolutely obsessed.
soon. most of revelation has already happened (it's not meant to be taken literally)
great, but it's still heresy, as is so called "judaism"
Yeah this is the type of place you’d expect a pious individual to frequent.
Based and christpilled
Fun fact: Jesus hates americans.
Any minute now
Even Satan hates America
right on brother
St. Paul, I'm RCIA.
Jesus spoke with prostitues and tax collectors user
>Jesus rose on the 3rd day
>yfw you realize the Pharisees were jannies
christcucks are legit retarded
lmao ok
ban evading is a sin
Being a tranny is a sin
Begin is a sin
I thought atheists were shamed out of existence
>You die
>You see this
>"…And why would I want you?"
How do you respond?
They're not my sins
i dont know you are the one who created me, and offer me to enter heaven if i accept your son which i did, im also good at doing things, i would be a good aset to heaven please hire
don't worry, no torment for them
Weird assumption to make since 100% of people who post on Yea Forums are atheists
Jesus is a homeless pedo who lives under the overpass that the local door knocking cult keeps sending their teenage children out looking for.
>he doesn't know
Jesus is already here. He even says so himself. Where there are believers and where there is love there Jesus is as well.
false im a son of God born and raise with the teaching of Christ also there are a lot of muslims that are good people and God's people i love em
>I will pretend to be a christian so I can fit in with the other trumpanzees
> I will ghost rape my own mother and impregnate her with myself. I will then sacrifice myself to myself. To myself. For shit I myself caused.
In every "God" story if you remove the God the problem goes away.
you literally dont get it
Apu + Jesus combo is so wholesome and cute
If you're too dumb to understand a religion, can God still hold it against you?
It is you that "doesn't get it". It's ok, because your willful ignorance is profitable.
I've been thinking about going to a Quaker meeting. Should I go? they seem based
Reminder that most of revelations already has happened and each day Jesus is closer to coming back and taking His church
nono literally you don't get it
do you really believe life is a coincidence that every calculated clockwork part of life is a coincidence?
that natural laws are a coincidence?
Post yfw atheists admit they are apes
No, that doesn’t mean that there’s a bearded human living in the clouds who created the universe in seven days and a snake told some thot to eat an apple and that some thot had a “virgin birth” and some random jew was the son of God.
You’re an atheist
Blessed thread
No, I'm not 14 anymore
so you believe there is a God, but you dont know which one is it
but it's not mine cause it's too mainstream right?
Christianity has conquer the world, but it isnt true cause everyone follows it? religious hipsters?
>hurrrrr jeezus durrrr da bibol
I work for the missionary, the mass man
And yet you post on Yea Forums. You sin everyday on here. You don’t live piously, you live frivolously and selfishly. You don’t read the Bible, you don’t go to Church, you don’t even pray unless you want something. You only adopted Christianity to be contrarian and to “pwn the libturdz.”
You are the literal definition of a LARPer. You are an atheist in everything but name. And when you stand before God I will smile as he sends you to Hell.
first we need to preach the gospel
>14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
I wish he would hurry up.
So this is Bible according to atheists? Woah...
t. obsessed
Islam controls the great Christian city Constantinople and Judaism controls Jerusalem. Sounds like God doesn’t favour Christianity.
Hi Chris Pratt.
Based and agree.
judaism controls jerusalem due to the direct actions of christians
oh so I can fuck shit up, sin as much as I want, and as long as I believe jesus died for my sins I'll go to heaven anyway
no :)
So Christians could have controlled Jerusalem but they gave it to the Jews? So even Christians seem themselves as subservient to Jews?
God favors His people
muslims are God's people. warriors made by God (read hagar's blessing) and jews are his chosen
if Christians fight any of those we are fighting against God, same if they fight Christians
> points to the measuring cup as evidence that grains are nutritious.
Nice LARP. When was the last time you went to Church?
>You sin everyday
Everyone does
>You don’t live piously
Because I have a sinful body
>you live frivolously and selfishly
>You don’t read the Bible
I have read the bible two times and Have Bible studiums every Sunday
>you don’t go to Church
Because I live in atheist country without christian churches
>you don’t even pray unless you want something I pray daily
Keep trying
>And when you stand before God I will smile as he sends you to Hell
Want to know how I can tell you are a catholic?
>you're not perfect therefore you're a hypocrite and destined for damnation
do atheists really believe this?
I live in an “atheist” country and theres churches on every corner. Nice excuse fag LARPer. See you in Hell.
jesus is watching you fap
christmas :(
No thats what Christians believe.
>5 Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day.
My family is repented, we have church in our home. Cope cathokek
Based and christpilled
based jesus
>And when you stand before God I will smile as he sends you to Hell.
lol no you are the one who LARPs
the eternal anglo does, as do most protestants
Daily reminder that catholicism has nothing to do with Christianity
I have already returned.
reform this
>mfw God Himself calls the cucktholic church a prostitute and mother of harlots
You better leave that organization filled with sodomites and pedophiles while you still can
>he isn’t following the true Sabbath and going to church today
>life is a coincidence
One that is it looks like is more likely to happen than not given the right circumstances
>every calculated clockwork part of life is a coincidence?
Life itself is a graveyard of failure. Very few successes. Looking at the end result claiming the pathway was predetermined instead of the start point is lying to yourself
>that natural laws are a coincidence?
Oddly disingenuous turn of phrase. The "natural laws" are an observance.
I've been reading up on this Christ fellow, he seems like an alright dude
100% of 4channel is Mormon This isn't Yea Forums
nothing wrong with a little potpourri user
I would go, but there's literally no church around me who preaches the Bible, without adding anything or removing
He was dating a whore that was better at duping people into following her than he was. Evidence suggests she was the actual leader. They were probably bumping uglies. She was probably is the one who tought him what he knew.
reminder that god hates jews
>b-but Jesus was a jew
why do you think they killed him?
This tbqh it's literally a continuation of Roman paganism
More than Mohammed himself?
god loves everyone
The Seventh-Day Adventist Church, bro.
well, that's your opinion, but it don't say nothing about that in the bible I was reading
there was a period of time where the bible was constantly being added to and people still adhered to what teaching they had, looking for the most truth possible
theoretically it should work the same now
>you will kill all the babies and men and boys. Keep all the fuckable woman and shave their heads. Keep them for a week and marry them.
Biblical rapey murdery God shit.
>The Seventh-Day Adventist
No, I don't think Sabbath is obligatory, I'll pass
>22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know. We worship what we do know, because salvation is from the Jews.
Jesus was talking about himself, if you hate jews, you cant love Christ
some jews are bad as judas? yes, but not all
Isnt Trump?
The bible you are reading was cobbled together by a committee and has the name of a pedophile king on it.
But user, we have the new covenant. Why would you quote the old one?
book and verse
It’s literally the 4th Commandment.
observance of the sabbath as a day of rest from worldliness is one of the main ways to form a Godly life
Really well if that's the case i renounce Christ, what a shit
This, the life makes more sense hating jews than loving that faggot-ass jesus
Oh the new one? Ok. The one that is just copies of other works? Like the golden rule? Copied from Homer's works?
The new one? Where the red letters are contradictory? That one?
Father Bane?
>The one that is just copies of other works?
Big if true. Also
>source: my ass
How could anyone in this day and age not know king James was a pedophile?
I have sabbath everyday in my heart
Jews hate Christians with a passion
I didn't even know we had a king bro
>copies of other works?
>Like the golden rule? Copied from Homer's works?
>The new one? Where the red letters are contradictory?
Now THIS is projection. I'm not OP. I go to Church three times a week my friend. I have read the Bible cover to cover. I pray twice daily. You are wrong. You are unsaved and unclean. You are a tragedy. Repent and swear your heart to God.
you sound like one of those new age types; "I don't have to observe anything because I ~feel~ spiritually fufilled"
the Sabbath is not a weekly recharge, it's making sure you're still plugged in, so to speak
If Jesus was so cool how come they killed him checkmate atheists
So it's either
> I will ghost rape my own mother and impregnate her with myself. I will then sacrifice myself to myself. To myself. For shit I myself caused.
or you don't believe in a God. What is actually wrong with you? I'm curious to see how you live
ugh, imagine what evropa could of been if not for those damn christcucks forcing their sand nigger religion down everyone's throats
Is she the best girl of history?
No, I'm not the new age guy. Bible > spiritual experiences. But I believe that God can tell us something via some spiritual happening or dream, but that dream can't be different from what is written in the Bible. I know the purpose of sabbath, but in my opinion it's not obligatory anymore
>Pretending you don't know Jesus is based on Horus
>when the fedora is stricter than the church itself
Those priests fucked the shit out of her and used sexual torture devices on her.
Christianity's roots are in rape and pedophilia.
Out pls/ty
catholicism roots*
why do you think it was with sex? Jesus sacrifice wasnt for God, but for satan, for things we did, you dont get the Bible
have you read genesis? at least i think you know it, in eden humanity had the deeds of the world, accepting satan deals, and becoming like God, we gave it to satan
to get that deed back, the only way to get it back was with blood (why do you think every ancient civilisation had human and animal sacrifice? they were trying to get it) but the blood was never perfect, so God had to come and buy it himself, that's why at the end, the only one who can open the scroll is Christ, the one who bought it
>5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
Trial transcripts say she's a virgin after testing as had it said otherwise it would be used as evidence for a demonic pact done through ritual.
this ones for you jesus
Priests "testing" for virginity. Kek. This world needs you sick fucks gone.
Same roots. Same tree. Just one branch claiming it's not like the other.
>80% of the highest hierarchy of catholic church are pedophiles and homosexuals
Cathokeks explain to me how is your "church" the """true one"""
It wasn't carried out by Priests but the Duchess of Bedford, learn your history before you spew shit.
Iguess I’ll just reiterate: you can be not Christian and also not an atheist. That schizophrenic Semitic word diarrhea isn’t on.
drivel stated to sell books. I don't doubt there's a corruption in clergy that needs to be driven out, but numbers like that are too staggering to be probable.
maybe you're projecting something
No, it's not the same tree. Revelations openly says catholic church is not the church of Christ. Apostle Paul in Romans says that priest MUST be a husband of ONE wife and father of well-raised children. In other letter he says ( I don't remember which one) he says about religion which forbids men marrying. Entirety of the Bible is against roman catholic church
reminder that the jews are the true enemies of christianity, not the muslims
so what are you? are druid? a hindu? gnostic?
I live in Britanistan, I can assure you that the muslim is my enemy and the jew
>OP posts cute wholesome picture with uplifting message
>Fedora athiest neckbeards seethe and commence with the wailing and gnashing of teeth because Jesus is present
Every damn time
2033 the 2000th anniversary of the resurrection of Jesus
wrong and rudepilled
Paul is stating that clergy should be in good standing in the community and not given over to vice, there's no mandate for marriage present (even then, he wouldn't speak with authority on the matter).
Revelations is couched steeply in symbolism and does not openly state much of anything, much less what you're claiming.
/tv has been a christian board since tree of life came out though
well not protestants but amriburger protestants and deus vult larpers too
GOD told me to only speak the truth.
>Jesus was born year 1AD and died when he was 33
Nice apocryphal meme bro, that stuff is completely taken from later tradition just like those German names for the "three wise men"
Actualy I became Gnostic the moment Noah came out
>2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
>4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
>6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
>9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
>not vatican
Okay, whatever keeps you going
The tree of life fucking sucks and Yea Forums became insufferable when that movie came out.
Aren't images like this extremely heretical, considering that the creator is essentially LARPing as Jesus?
Not me.
I believe this Universe was crafted by design
If god loves all of his children then why does he hate trannies and the gays according to you larpers?
Not all people are His children, only those who accepted Jesus as their personal savior and lord.
Fun fact: People become fags as the result of denying Jesus
>16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
God so loved the WHOLE world, not Christians, not muslims, not jews, not his chosen, the whole WORLD
God loves you too
you can be saved right now through Christ, remember:
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
But what if they take the message of the Holy Spirit which speaks to all of us?
Where did the designer live
How can be certain that out of all the relgions humans have devised, Christianity is the correct one?
You can't be certain, hence the concept of "faith". You choose to believe
First it needs to be said that not homosexuals are fags because they denied God. One case is the sexuality is an illness, two God sends the madness on those, who consciously denied Christ's sacrifice. For those there is no hope I think, because they made a decision. For those who are ill, I believe God heals them if they truly repent and believe in Jesus
Jesus was a fag user
not all homosexuals are fags*
>Islam controls the great Christian city Constantinople and Judaism controls Jerusalem.
You're welcome!
You’re posting on Yea Forums too bitch
Why do people larp as Christians on a Bangladeshi sodomy subreddit?
the ill are the ones who need the medic
with me :3
Jesus is mentioned many more times than Muhammed in the Quran by name, but the most mentioned person is by far Moses - reason being because the Muslims are supposed to learn a lot from his experiences with the Jews, who were wicked and sinful, and prone to idolatry and immorality. The Christians failed to heed the warning, but at least so far, the Muslims have held out. May God guide us to His straight path, and may He protect us from idolatry and disbelief.
I once larped as Jesus on chatroulette back in the day.
I think I may have talked someone out of killing themselves.
Felt pretty good.
I think people only do it on here though because it's (you)s for free
show your penis, jesus
Yeah, but no one asked.
allah is proper akhbar, simple as
If you want to know when Jesus is coming back, observe the Israel and middle east in general. Pope already builds one, global religion with muslims and orders people to get into the arc of fraternity together with them. Now watch for the Jews rebuilding their temple and UN calling for the unification of the world and creating one, global, communist goverment.
hello Jack Chick
Can I have a taste of whatever you are on? Seems like great shit
I will never walk alone, he loves me so. I can feel his hand in mine, that's all I need to know.
>God so loved the WHOLE world, not Christians, not muslims, not jews, not his chosen, the whole WORLD
>but u still gotta be a christian, or else God will lovingly burn u for all eternity, lol
You honestly don't see the disconnect in what you said?
They don't like our valueless, hedonistic modern society and have decided to become reactionaries and mindlessly cling to its perceived opposites, including religion.
Also I think Trump's victory attracted to Yea Forums a large number of paranoid schizophrenics who are attracted to the supernatural element of religion, like
it's a prophecy, just watch, if you see it happening, remember first comes the anti Trinity, the beast, false prophet and the anti Christ, then comes Jesus to defeat them, that start is going to be rogh
God loves the whole world, died for you and wants to save you from hell, but you have free will and YOU have to decide if you love Him back or not
>"Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And then He will send forth the angels, and will gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven. Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. Even so, you too, when you see these things happening, recognize that He is near, right at the door. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place…"(Mark 13:26-30)
>"this generation will not pass away until all these things take place…"
Lazy kike already missed his deadline.
>king James was a pedophile?
Oh shit, that explains everything!
pope is the false prophet btw
He will come back but it could be 10,000 years from now for all we know. The times when he says these things will happen 'soon' or in the lifetimes of some of the people listening, he was referring to his coming in judgement with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Israel was the whore of Babylon and Nero was the beast.
I gave my sermon an urban kick
My rhymes are fly, my beats are sick
My crew is big and it keeps getting bigger
That's 'cause Jesus Christ is my
God give us the free salvation through Christ, if you want to do what Jesus already did for you, that is going through hell and back, for you, to be saved, try it, it's your choice
Crack, not even once
Yea Forums """""Christians"""" somehow find a way to be just as cringeworthy as reddit atheists
>Mfw everyone in this thread is probably going to end up in hell together.
Don't leave us hanging
>God loves the whole world
>died for you
>wants to save you from hell
Great, so He loves me, wants so save me, I get it (save me from what? Himself?). Does He love me enough to not burn me for what I believe? I'd say that's a pretty low bar, doesn't take much love to not burn someone.
>but you have free will and YOU have to decide if you love Him back or not
Yeah, nah, bullshit. I would dedicate my life to God, but I don't believe Jesus was anything more than a man, and I don't think he was resurrected - if God will burn me for all of eternity for this fact, along with billions of Muslims and others, then He doesn't love any of us at all.
Wish this girl I knew from church was mine, or someone like this
We're already there, my man.
Very soon motherfucker. Better get ready the rapture.
>someone like this
Any asian chick then
God is love, but most of people forgot that He's also a justice. He created the universe, He created you and He created the LAW. The punishment for breaking His law (commiting even 1 small sin breakes this law) is death. Christ died and paid the price for your sins instead of you
>attempting to apply logic to religion
user pls do not argue with the mentally incompetent people.
Any gadoligs or ordodogs here?
everyone except dubs
Not so fast. The lord demands more. Only triples can save your soul!
[Spoilers]Respond to this post or your mom goes to hell tonight. [/spoilers]
>The punishment for breaking His law (commiting even 1 small sin breakes this law) is death.
I don't mind death. Death would be great - non-existence isn't what bothers me. Being eternally punished by fire and smoke is not love, and anyone who burns people for small mistakes FOR EVER is not loving.
Fuck (((christcucks)))
>and of course, the heretic is the fiest one to get the dubs of paradise
le epic deus vult faggotry seems like an attempt to merge christianity and fedoras
you have the free card at your hand, you know about it, and you still reject it
when you face God dont say nobody told you
Paganism is next step after atheism, you literally can't prove me wrong
The christian god is a petty, vindictive, genuinely evil piece of shit who tortures billions.
I genuinely don't understand how you aren't getting this. What I believe and why isn't even the important part here. You claim God loves THE WORLD, He loves ALL PEOPLE. Yet, you claim that most people (most people aren't Christian) will be burned for all of eternity because they don't believe in stories written by a bunch of Jews two thousand years ago. God loves us all, He even died for us, but He will burn us FOREVER. This makes sense to you?
Its because, just like fedora atheists, christcucks aren't authentic. They're just following whatever is the perceived counter culture. They're like gags who complain about mainstream music and then tell you all about the garbage they listen to which makes them so cool.
They're actually an affront to God. Believing purely for vain reasons.
Yes, getting punished for breaking the law makes sense to me
fact: jesus was a jew.
Some will say that you chose to go there, and you'll actually like hell better if you're evil
But do you still claim He loves all of us, the majority of the human race, even while torturing us for all of eternity?
Your father loves you. Did he ever punish you for doing something bad?
i mean it's your choice, you have heard the gospel, you can reject God and salvation but you are going to pay for it, you know the payment, and it's up to you to take it or not
i know it's hard to give in and accept God but it's your eternity
do whatever you want, but again, dont say nobody told you
Yes of course. He never tortured me though.
Blessed image.
you choose to torture yourself, the path to non-torture is yours to take, you know what to do
Well, not by torturing me for all ETERNITY!
He never punished me by violence, or by beatings, or by BURNING ME FOR EVER. My father punished me so that I would not do bad things in the future, to teach me lessons - what lesson do you learn from being eternally punished? What love is there in eternal fire?
that you needed to make better choices in life
mfw I'm banned for posting a picture of an actress and yet this stays up for days
>He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
>Matthew 15:24
explain how you christians believe jesus cared about you?
you stole the jewish religion and made it your own, you revised the word of G-d, and you invented things which were never mentioned in the bible, such as the trinity.
t. talmudic Jew
not punishing sin is not love, punishing unjust people and sin is loving, if you arent saved, you are guilty of your sins, and you deserve hell
you are paying for it, we all have sinned
t. non-argument having wannabe jew
you christians don't even know your own religion lol, it's a complete joke
based and blessed
11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
>if you arent saved
are you a baptist?
im a Christian
I want to bury my face in Elle's neck and huff deeply.
You denied Jesus, so He sent apostles to pagans, but don't worry, He will save Jews too when pagans are saved
oh, you mean the book of contradictions?
so jesus upheld jewish laws, yet somehow christians believe they can create their own set of rules to follow?
care to explain that one?
anyone is free to do and believe whatever they want
So you guys would honestly claim that God loves the BILLIONS of people who don't believe in Jesus, who He will burn in a pit of fire for millions and millions and millions of years.
You believe that a father who burns his children can do so out of love, and still be loving.
You believe that simply rejecting the story of Jesus - a story written by the hands of men, with contradictions and inaccurasies - is enough to condemn a soul for eternity.
I guess I was hoping for better answers than these. It seems you Christians are incapable of seeing how twisted and evil your idea of God is. I wish you well, and I hope God will guide us all to Him in truth
reminder that jesus loves you and is always by your side
Wait, so was he a çunnylover?
Based Based and not going to hell pilled.
nobody cares, you're so obnoxious
unironically based
Jesus loves us all*
I'm only a seeker of God. If I offended you, I hope you can forgive me
pretty based
do go to church/attend mass though, it's important
>offers them a way of salvation
>2000 years teaching how to be saved
>people dont convert
>somewhat God's fault
Wake up and come to your senses. Islam is the final redpill.
the rapture isn't in the bible, it's protestant fanfiction
seethe harder
people who havent accepted Christ arent his sons
people who havent accepted Christ are filled with sin, and sin burns
you dont get God
Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earthwill mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other
>christians worship jesus more than G-d
>b-but they're the same thing! plus the holy spirit too!
lol always makes me laugh
why is he so perfect bros?
Doesn't say about people literally floating up to heaven out of sudden
>>b-but they're the same thing!
Because They are?
spotted the kike
What floating? It will be a matter of seconds, in the blink of an eye. 2 men will be on the field, one will be taken, 2nd will stay
>1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
>right wing
>brainlets think fascism and communism aren't the same shit
>there’s a bearded human living in the clouds
is this seriously how militant atheists understand Christian theology?
Gotta thank Bioshock 1 for getting this stuck in my head. Too bad 2 and Infinite are big piles of shit.
Wtf!? I love Christianity now!?
literally no one talked about that until some guy from 19th century came up with it
Must have been some sectarian
>bearded human living in the clouds
can the atheists come up with something new?
That's so beautiful user!
I love Jesus too!
Like I said, no Rapture. There's no mention if mass disapperences followed by a 7 year Tribulation or anything.
Before the 1800s the Rapture didn't exist. literally for 90% of Christianity's existence no Christian believed or had ever even heard of the concept. Since 1830 when the Rapture was made up spontaneously buy a bunch of degenerate protestants faggots like you have been blatently misreading Bible passages to fit a narrative that is not only not reflected in the passages, but literally didn't exist until 200 years ago. Why the flying fuck would anyone listen to such a stupid teaching when it was literally never a part of Christian teaching until basically yesterday?
Hello I am jesus prove me wrong.
Cool, now go into the arc of brotherhood with muslims as your communist pope ordered you
The passage about horse dongs and donkey semen is the best
Prove me wrong
lol so you admit you can't refute it, ok
lol buttmad
he'll be here soon.
Nope, I'm not going to waste my time arguing with cathokek because it's always the same shit about muh traditions and catechism
Will uncontacted tribes go to hell?
he never left
smiling at the thought of hell and suffering for others is not what Jesus wants. with that attitude you’ll be right there with him shortly
>spotted the brit
who are you to judge him though?