What was his problem?

What was his problem?

Attached: tony.jpg (1000x563, 958K)

Not being able to explicitly agree on clear rules of engagement with his partner

cocaine, plus he was unstable to begin with

never underestimate the manlet rage.

Toxic masculinity

just couldn't pluck that chicken correctly

he was in love with his sister but normie society prohibited him from chasing the relationship so he started to abuse cocaine

He was an angry manlet who couldn't get his wife pregnant.

she couldn't get pregnant because she did cocaine too much retard


At first he was not addicted to cocaine, I think the problem is that Tony has the profile of a criminal himself, as his mother said. Why this? I do not know, maybe I was born poor, maybe without a father, I do not know. And still had that one fall for his sister (That can fuck the head of a person user).
+ Manlet

Attached: Snifffellsgoodmen.jpg (600x300, 22K)

I don't think he wanted to fuck his sister, but i think that to him she was a symbol of purity and he was unwilling to view her as an adult. He expressed genuine shock and regret when he realised that rather than simply defiling her and turning her into what he would consider a whore, that his friend had in fact married her and they were planning on revealing it to him.

Also he got high off his own supply.

angry and violent and poor cuban thug goes to miami and sees all the good life and the pussy the world can give to a man with money and power, and his boss happens to be a fucking chazzer

the thing with the sister is a catholic thing, you wouldn't understand

something about scarface i didnt notice before i how stupid attractive Manny is
maybe this place turned me into a fag, but watching the movie i cant help but imagine that a guy like him, with his amaizng hair and face, cuban, tanned, tall and jacked, also a criminal a succesful one a that, he must have been plowing like 15-20 women every day, straight up drowning in pussy

Funny thing is that the film makes it seem like he didn't have much luck wit the ladies.

fell for the normie meme about money, power, and roasties fixing all of your mental issues

nigga never had a father and his mom was a fiend


This, I thought it was meant to be a direct comparison. The manlet is never secure and content while the Chad finds happiness easily.

He was a fucking peasant.

He was a cowboy. Too much to prove.