>exceeding his expectations
Exceeding his expectations
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avatar was worth twice the cost to see the movie in theaters than what i paid
maybe more
Its going to make a billion dollars in a week. And maybe crack 4 billion worldwide
Jim 'I'm very literal about my underwater' Cameron.
>okay, you can devote a decade of your life to create something new or keep working on 8 sequels of a movie that didn't need a sequel, which will it be, sir?
>sequels then
Avatar wasn't that great though. Is this guy high?
It would be so funny if the first sequel bombs so fucking hard, but they have started to make the othersso carry on for 2 successive flops.
Avatar was ok, despite the obvious plot rip off, but it is just a pure CGI tier meh flick. I never know why it was so popular
Jimbo is a sneed poster.
Isn't Avatar his dream project though? He spent like 15 years on it.
I bet Jim baffles himself on the regular.
They will bomb just like Alita, just not as badly
the dream project is bs to hype up people into believing it's a passion project and not just another product made to earn billions
Will they bomb like Alita?
>muh SFX and 3D
Cameron is so far past his prime
What's Avatar some boomer movie?
thieving bastard
Was Jacksfilms right?
avatar only made any money because of its shiny new 3D gimmick.
that isnt happening for Avatar 2. wake the fuck up.
I don't fucking care about Avatar.
I want more Alita
It’s a cartoon show from Nickelodeon that was really good but then they made a shitty sequel called The Legend of Korra.
>avatar only made money because of X
it still made ungodly amounts of money and proved people go to the movies to be impressed and immersed in worlds even if the story is literally dances with wolves
If he manages to figure out glasses free 3d its over for you niggas
Even if he doesnt the movie will break records again.
>imagine making the highest grossing movie of all time by a wide margin and thinking your movie is great
haha what delusional man
it also proves that Cameron is a shit director that relies on technology
I saw it two times when I was in 8th grade....truly kino.
Will normies even remember Avatar by the time these get around to being released? A decade IRL is like 50 years in Hollywood.
Imagine your lifelong dream project was a remake of a dance with wolves except with blue people instead of red people, lmao
Avatar in 3D in a theater is amazing.
Avatar in 2D at home on my TV is OK.
its basically an Amusement park ride.
>Even if he doesnt the movie will break records again.
You said the same thing about Alita and look at that....
wow imagine if we just made movies without sound and color
these fucking hacks and their technology
>its basically an Amusement park ride
More like a bad XBox game with a boring story
Only with a video game you can skip the long boring cut scenes.
nobody said that
As long as the movie is good it doesn’t matter. Look at Mad Max Fury Road, word of mouth made that movie a success despite being a sequel to a old franchise.
well maybe his dream project is to make a series of products making billions
Every cameronfag on Yea Forums did. Only now you all are trying to memoryhole the incident because Alita bombed.
I know right, its not like some of the best films of all time are in black and white.
but yeah, 4D is the future.
>best films are in black and white
maybe if you have autism
Akira Kurosawa was a hackfraud, user. Did Seven Samurai have blue furries in space? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
>I dont listen to the dialog, I look at the pictures!
good news, avatar 4 is on smell-o-vision
He became a vegan because of Avatar. He clearly cares about the work he created, and it shows.
some people predicted it would better than it's doing but nobody predicted it would break records
a lot of people predicted it would do much worst as well (>it'll do worst than Mortal Engines!)
it's also looking to make 60-65 million in China first weekend
lmao god damn
Yeah, that’s why he sucked Ronald’s dick for extra shekels
I mean Avatar was before he went full vegan
That's just marketing and corporatism, standard stuff.
In other words hypocrisy and greed.
Based good spirited Neytiri-posters.
Fuck off evil Quaritch-posters.
>some literally who gook
who cares about some jap that isnt even making anime?
Ripley wasn't a "girl" but she definitely had feminine touches to her character. Sarah Connor also had strong motherly instincts, and at first before being institutionalized she was pretty feminine.
Vasquez is just a grunt and acts like it.
he made his choice but why would he deny others theirs?
>two characters are literally engaging in extreme maternal protection
>third character is a dyke marine
Whats the problem here? are marines supposed to be feminine?
bullshit, Ripley in Alien was a simple warrant officer. in Aliens she turned into Rambo. its ridiculous.
what was he doing at the coliseum
>she turns into rambo
>uses a gun maybe 3-4 times and uses a powerloader
Are you on crack? did we watch the same movie?
The only time she's "Rambo" is to save the girl she's emotionally adopted and after being shown how to use weapons in a crash course by a corporal of the United States Colonial Marine Corps.
Ripley killed 50 xenomorphs then the Alien Queen while simultaneously holding a flamethrower in one hand, and a kid in the other and an assault rifle in her third hand.
She killed about five or so, after the majority had been slaughtered by the machine gun turrets the humans had set up and killed in the final assault.
>highest grossing movie won't do well after nostalgia and expectation builds
Btw shit reviews will just mean expectations were too high
I saw an interview with him a couple of days ago where he said he never gets too attached to a project. He keeps it at a level where if it bombs then he walks away and doesn't care too much.
That's some defense mechanism if it's a recent post-Avatar interview. The fact he's making four sequels of Avatar shows how invested he is in the project.
>she killed 50
No she killed like 4 of them
>she had a flamethrower
that she duct taped to her rifle because she was weak and couldnt carry both seperately
did we watch the same movie?
Ripley in Alien was literally written as a gender-neutral character. They didn't have a male or female actor in mind. It could have been either.
so why is he making 4 Avatar movies then dropping dead?
It's a good thing we're talking about Ripley in Aliens then.
>she killed like 4 of them
He probably means eggs too
>Literally pushing the tech and the industry forward for decades now
I think you could give him a pass in the writing department
gib spezz ket
its kinda funny, kinda strange, kinda sad that the Avatar sequels are slowly becoming my most hyped movies coming out.
I'm only interseted in having my expectations subverted.
prepare yourself then
>avatar will have "dark family" tones
>"the thrill of watching your parents fight while hiding under the bed"
Not ready for that
Considering there's a lot of it that will be set underwater, i will be spending my money just to see what cameron has done. He is easily one of the most ambitious filmmakers out there
>>"the thrill of watching your parents fight while hiding under the bed"
That brings me back
Sam Worthington must be really excited to have work again after 10 years of waiting.
Holy shit.
Imagine if you were too dense to pick up on the subtext laid down in the first film.
I like how Cameron managed to make an eco-fable into the biggest hit ever, then get very little credit for it from pop culture in spite of the fact that its message is more relevant than ever.
fuck off hippie
Fucking great, isn't it? I have a feeling he's about to take that same message into epic territory and humble people with his conception of what being a good steward of the environment really is.
I was for the humans
Now that's what I like to see. Good work, son.
>Technology is bad mmmkay!
>We need to live in the woods and poop on the trees with no wiping mmmmkay!
>All natives that live in the woods are peaceful people mmmkay!
Brava, James. Brava.
Yeah, but what about when the "woods" *are* the technology? The Na'vi lived in "innocence" before the arrival of Man. They clung to their Mother Trees and the "network" that allows their ancestral memories/spirits to live on. But there is another tree, and partaking thereof is a path that can not be un-taken. It is the tree of knowledge. We are the serpent that tempts them to it, and for that, we will be cursed.
Mr. Bean is a na'vi?
If abatap starts posting again I will start a war with Russia.
released in the right generation, the generation where autism was just starting to flourish after the era of assburgers had ended, where furries, bronies and other degenerates began to roam in record numbers
the story, theme and setting channeled their core beliefs
it led to something truly horrifying
am I the only one who thought Avatar was unwatchable? I didn't get to an hour
this bodes well for more webms of Neytiri hissing in the future
>stopping right before they get to the na'vi parts and it becomes good
imagine not even having seen Neytiri in the film
>some bullshit called a Neytiri
>knowing what that is
yeah I don't care about that
You should stick to "entertainment" that is devoid of sci-fi and fantasy elements. Like romcoms maybe, that or "reality" tv.
lets hope the next one flops then and he does something more worthwhile with his time.
Who cares if abatap is here to tell us how great they are?
Does new Yea Forums even remember abatap?
absolutely not
go find your people here: reddit.com
wtf i love neoliberal space capitalism now
This but unironically
why is she making this face
>wow imagine if we just made movies without sound and color
so.. mimes?
Jake trying to ride a spacehorse IIRC
Dances with Wolves AND Military Bad
He even said Environment Good, it's a brilliant subversion.
i wish i could see avatar for the first time again
that being said I have 0 hype for the sequels
>>exceeding his expectations
Excuse me, white man. That is OUR story.
You are the thieves.
My suggestion to cameron is have avatar 2 feature VR.
Put the VR helmets in the movie theater.
>He became a vegan because of Avatar.
You know who else was a vegetarian?
People just don't understands Cameron's genius.