Captain Marvel’s Brie Larson Wants To Lead The All-Female Avengers Team

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who are they trying to appeal to? chicks want naked thor & aquaman

A white woman leading poc doesn't seem kosher to me

They are trying to create outrage.

Seriously. The outrage market is huge these days.

They are appealing to their jew overlords who engage in social engineering.

>I want top billing in another movie
Woah...... powerful.

>who are they trying to appeal to
millenials (male) who want to virtue signal about how totally non-sexist and progressive they are


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Keep the Brie threads coming!! The onslaught will force everyone on Yea Forums into watching the film whether they want to or not!

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>Women who like marvel flicks:
Fat, narcissistic SJW cool wine aunt trash addicted to pandering, self-insertion, and a false feeling of power

>Women who like DC kino:
Stable, attractive marriage material attracted to brave, healthy men for breeding and protection purposes

Who would you rather date, Yea Forums?

>I mean, I feel like they have to elect me.
>Not just seizing leadership cause you're the best at the job

women will never be good leaders as long as their insecurity stands in the way. You don't sit and wait for someone to elect you. This is why women aren't in charge, you don't wait to be asked, you get up and get shit done. Wasp should lead, she doesn't wait for permission, she does it.

>who are they trying to appeal to?
Literally cucks and faggots

>hot girls doing cool things
I'm not a bitter virgin so that sounds good

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True (fpbp as always), but the social engineers want to push the narrative that the white male is no longer a necessary part of society (except as villians).

Women who like DCringe are daddy fetish whores who want to be Harley Quinn and wish Joker would rape them lmao.

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On the bright side, literally nobody is forcing me to watch it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Brie and the second from the left chick are obnoxious cunts. The rest are pretty damn cool.

Every last one of their characters was created by a white male, and one of them even appropriated a white character.


Yea, just don't have Carol lead them. Also bring back Sif

Youre wrong and this makes me angry i sure would love to watch a youtube video about it

wait wasn't this Tessa Thompsons idea from like 2017
white people stealing black peoples ideas yet again smdh

Only if Hulka leads

>Three different colored Black Widows, bad luck witch, bland lasers as a Avengers team.

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Trannie power!


All movies and television are essentially going to pander to women from here on out - because women are the only ones who really go see movies in theaters/pay for content.
Men are usually perfectly happy to wait a month and get that shit for free and watch it at home. Also women tend to want to see whatever is popular, so they can have something to talk with their friends about because they're all vapid cunts with no real interests.
Essentially women are dumb bitches so they're the better 'consumer' at this point. Therefore they're getting pandered to like the mindless children they are.

>White woman insists on being in charge of everyone else
Brie Larson is a disgusting racist

I think this is true. This whole charade is just a marketing ploy to get wimmins to shitpost on fagbook and shitter about the disney flicks.
They pretty much did the same about the nigger panther flick

Have the line up be...
> Captain Marvel
> Valkyrie or Sif
> Scarlet Witch
> Wasp
> Nebula
> Shuri

No Okoye, Valkyrie makes her redundant.
No Widow she is getting he own film & we have gotten plenty of her in previous team films & Nebula makes her redundant.

If Gamora returns from the dead & is used, she has this outfit, yes including the starfield at all times -

For Valkyrie's outfit, try and be more faithful to the comics. Give blonde hair. Go back go her black outfit but take the gold breast plates off the white outfit & place onto it - either remove the pants & extend the battle skirt like Wonder Woman despite Tessa's demand for pants, or make the pants tan/white/blue to contrast the rest of the suit.

Don't address it being a all female group.
Have them encounter different pieces of the big picture separately & come together like the cast in Infinity War did.
Like Shuri is visiting the remnants of Asgard & teams with Valkyrie. Captain Marvel teams with Nebula in space & such.

Not sure about a villain, don't want Amora unless she is properly sexualized which they won't do.

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I don't think it is; not after TLJ and Solo under-performing to where the entire SW franchise is under threat.

I think Larsen after just one movie has settled in and decided that she's running the show HER way now. And if her bullshit causes CM to underperform or dare I say it flop, she'll be the one who takes a hike.

She's just an actress that has yet to prove her worth in capeshit both in terms of audiences and in terms of economics. So she shouldn't make the mistakes TLJ did by constantly pushing because it will backfire on her.

I appreciate that the GotG girls and Evangeline Lilly clearly don't want to be part of this, and that Elizabeth Olsen just isn't even there.

>White woman insists on being in charge of everyone else
>Brie Larson is a disgusting racist

She's asked whether she'd like to lead an all female Avengers. She doesn't come up with the idea, the interviewer pitches it. She says 'sure', but she'd have to be voted in by the group, or maybe they wouldn't have a leader at all.
I get that you're probably being ironic, but the reason they call people who complain about Captain Marvel manbabies is exactly this reason.

She led an all female Avengers in the comics, so whatever

They are probably going to replace Brie after Endgame because she can't fucking shut up. Her mouth is causing people to boycott their movies.

Why would they want to appeal to rapists?

>phase 4 of Marvel will be all about the ladies
Remind me how that worked out for Star Wars.

Does anyone here watch tv or movies? I stick to jap vidya and books. West poz is too much.

Is Karen Gillan autistic?

And Ghost Busters. And Oceans.

I wouldn't watch this cringe bs. Maybe a gamora movie but thats it.


The one thing Disney loves more than shitting on the white male goy is the white male goy's money, and when you fuck with it, you're on a shit list. She's already made them lost SOME money judging by the numbers not interested in seeing it now, but how much? We'll soon find out.

And the great irony is that the very demographic she's whipping on will be the very same one she blames if it doesn't do so well.

>but she'd have to be voted in by the group

do women really think like this? Captain America leads the avengers cause he's the best at it, they didn't vote him. Thor has the combat experience, but it's different, he's not mortal. Tony has the leadership qualities, but he's not a team player. The right person took the job. You don't vote on this shit, war is not a time for a popularity contest.

Why the fuck do people bother so fucking much with this movie pre-release?

YouTube is so full of "HURPA DURPA CAPTAIN MARVEL LOST MARVEL BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ALREADY" bullshit it's ridiculous. The fucking thing is not even out yet.

Like, who the fuck cares? This "outrage" and SJW shit is nothing close to e.g. the Ghostbusters shit two years ago, yet it seems to be so much more present on YouTube.

We are not watching her movie, right, Yea Forums?

I like how she just assumes she gets to lead because she's white.

maybe im turning gay but the only attractive one is the one in the black dress
the rest look like kikes, are niggers or just straight mannish

>hot girls
>a nigger
>Brie Larson
>Scarlett after breast reduction
>another nigger
>one more nigger

Oh yeah, you are so non virgin, user.

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We're not gonna let a Ruskie lead, are we?

>That percent lowers everyday

I don't know either. Lego move 2 is eating the curb hard. That movie cost some 90m, means it neads 180m to break even and it hasn't done that. No one saw that coming it would bomb. I didn't see a plethora of people talking about how it would fail. Then movies like Jurassic World, even universal was shocked it made 200+m opening weekend. I didn't see anyone predict that. It exceeded numbers by some 40-50m. That's a huge error. People are buying into some weird ass up and down hype on this movie and not others. People are right a lot, but they're wrong a lot too.

The people always see the movies they wish to see, not who the studios and media predict or try to push them to see. In the end focus groups and demographics-pandering are not guaranteed ways to success.

Just look at how Avatar got one single trailer, yet made more than anything else.

Movies need more than double the budget to break even. Also, the Lego Batman movie was also a big success, being a spin-off of the Lego movie. I think the Lego movie was a one hit wonder. Not all successful movies need a sequel. In my opinion I partially blame the boring trailers.


>missing the point this hard

exactly. It's hard to know what people think is cool versus what they will spend a night and money doing when it comes out.

but those are all good things, not for you because youre a repulsive faggot no one wants to even have in their vicinity so you wouldnt get any benefit from this, but crazy girls are great fucks.

Okoye was created by Christopher Priest

good going guys
now normies have to see it or be labeled sexist


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Has the Avengers ever even had an all-male team before in order for her to feel the need to bring this up? It's not true for the movies and the comics has had an all-female avengers team plenty of times, but I can't for the life of me recall when there was an one with zero women.

I'd watch it, that sounds kino. Shuri when she took over the Black Panther mantle and had the suit would be ideal.

Avengers was 5 dudes 1 girl. So clearly they should do 5 girls one dude. Who should be the dude? I suggest Vision, we don't get enough of him

I just had 5 beers and a bowl of nachos and i'm blasting huge farts

Captain Foot Fungus is ready to dab on Billy the Kid.

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From left to right
>Oldest of the bunch, most familiar with fans but boring as fuck
>Charisma black hole
>Could actually lead a team and is a bit likeable
>QT as fuck, powerful but also incompetent

In summary, just have green alien and red witch in a buddy cop style movie.


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How would an all female avengers team do on a diplomacy mission in a place where culturally men don't talk to women like a middle eastern country?

Black Widow and the red one are so boring. They also have very forced romances in the franchise.

>the black girl and black widow are on the black side
Bravo Snyder

>DCuck panic intensifies

Okay. How about an all male team then?

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>Okay. How about an all male team then?
no need since male teams are not a fantasy.


Being into comicbook trash is a rock solid indicator of mental illness.

I would rather a blue pilled normie before them.

>but why are we teaming up?
>because we're all women!

Why would she get to lead? Should't she do something first?


Marvel fan here, Captain Marvel is the first MCU movie that I won't be seeing. Marvel is supposed to be about including everyone, not excluding groups just because of their characteristics. Stan would be disappointed. Fellow Marvel fans, spread this message far and wide! #BoycottCaptainMarvel #Excelsior

Gamora is shit. She might be worse than Captain Marvel.

Bitch has been in one film, fall back.

zero films as of this moment

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This. Captain Marvel is completely artificial. She's important because we're told she's important.

You guys know she will lead the avengers after Endgame either way.

Ironman and Cap are leaving, she will be the stronger avenger

Thanos: Listen lady, I do not want any trouble. I already got what I was looking for. There is no need to fight. I just want to stay here and farm. Just please leave me alone.
Captain Marvel: No need to fight? Do you know how many women are raped daily? How they're paid less than men for the SAME JOB? How they're constantly oppressed EVERY. SINGLE. DAY of their lives?
Thanos: I am not familiar with the issues of your planet.
Iron Man: Actually the wage gap's been debunked various times already. I know I pay my female employees at the same starting rate as my male employees.
Captain America: He's right, you know. It's the law.
Captain Marvel: SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UUUUUUUUP! *turns to Thanos* DIIIIIEEEEE!
>Captain Marvel shoots various energy blasts at Thanos, which he dodges but destroy his crops
Thanos: You have destroyed my crops... So many were depending on that food...
Captain Marvel: Yeah! Get angry! Come and get me!
Ant Man: Are you guys sure she's a good guy...?
Thanos: Enough of this. I am calling the police.

I would like to see storywise how they explain there has to be an all woman avengers team

should be Doctor Strange

>I am calling the police
Just turn her into bubbles lmao

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Why are this bitches who being for 3 or more movies, letting the new bitch act like she is the big deal? Fuck her, no respect for the ones who open the door to her.

why is Yea Forums addicted to all these lame captain marvel nontroversies?

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Which one

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milk truk

>sorry Spider-MAN but you're not allowed to help us save the city

I'd watch a Spider-Man vs. The femvengers flick. He'd have to be a real man for it to be realistic though.

>lame captain marvel nontroversies?
Disney probably changed tactics. Exposure at all costs. Even if it's toxic.

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What does she smell like tho

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like fungus

Holy moly Thor 3's costume design is amazeballs!

What a racist. Shouldn't a woman of color be leading, Brie?

like good fungus?

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Is that for sale?

if she didn't have black holes for eyes she'd be more colorful than all of them

Whats wrong with Karen's face

White women love to be in the lead. Otherwise they wopuldn't even bother with this. Its all about them.

>discord tranny Deadpool dresses like a girl and fools them

>meanwhile at DC

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>instead of spider-man pulling the "im black" line on JJJ he tells everyone he's a transwoman and being misgendered

Zoe will be to busy playing Neytiri (best Zoe) to do stupid capeshit!

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You're still doing these? That makes me happy for some reason. Unless you're a different user.


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Scarlett is way past her prime and should retire. The black girl is kind of cute and she sounds like she has a thing for white guys, so I wouldn't mind pumping her full of my colonizer seed. I like Zoe and the hot Olsen sister. Brie is grotesque and is going to sink MCU if they don't can her.

i already fantasize about clogging up the nostrils of her botched nose job

She's a complete void for me and I'll fuck just about anything. I don't think I've been more flaccid since I saw Jlaw trying to be sexy in Passengers.

Yeah, and they didn't have to go on a #killallmen crusade for it either.

This kind of shit makes me want to see Captain Marvel now. And i was just gonna see Shazam (because the premiere is in the day of my birthday and he's my favorite DC character, at the point of making me read all the things from the Fawcett era).
Everyone here whining about this movie because "muh SJWs" and "muh politics" makes me want to see the movie more and more, so at the end it seems i will be watching the 2 movies and supporting both companies.

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Do you think they're planning every single detail in advance for avatar 2? If theyre working on it this entire time it will actually live up to the hype

I fucking hate Tessa Thompsons face.

She probably hates yours too

>it is just a marketing ploy to get wimmins to shitpost on fagbook and shitter about the disney flicks
there's no way it isn't, this has 150M budget

Lol pathetic. Go back

You're just an actual (not the buzzword, I mean people encouraging swinging on reddit) cuckold and you were always going to see both.

they are trying to reinforce the idea that Marvel is progressive, because it shows strong women
nevermind that it reeks of toxic masculinity, especially the most attractive male actors
meanwhile, Paltrow is the only good/attractive female character

Left, easily.

they're filming avatar 2 and 3 right now, and when those movies become box office successes they'll make 4 and 5 too

I was just saying, there's no need to be sensitive

Look at those fucking BOOJANGAS

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But she's never seen it.

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There's literally one hot woman in that bunch and it's past the wall. Rest are potatos, ayy lmaos, martin lawrence without a moustache, atrocidads or very old hags no lifting can redeem.
Jesus christ, they did a number on standards of men about hollywood women.

that doesn't matter, incel

Her character in this last years was boring af and totally different from the Ms. Marvel i knew. They are pushing Carol too much, first in the comics, now with her movie, i was tired of her shit, i was just gonna watch Shazam and nothing more. But then all of this shit happened and now i want to support it by seeing it out of morbid curiosity. Believe me when i say that this "complains" against her movie are making more people want to watch it

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I dunno, I think it does.

based elizabeth olsen wouldn't be caught dead next to these hags.

no, if you don't agree with liberals, you're an ugly virgin
those are the rules

Only a toastie would reply like that. It sounded like something a teenage girl would type.

>Captain Marvel’s Brie Larson Wants To Lead The All-Female Avengers Team
NIce, so all of them will be out from the Avengers movies?

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It plays both sides right into their hands. I wish people got that this is their ploy. They don't care what you think of the movie, they just want you to think of it and talk about it.

Reminder Brie is attempting to redpill white men on capeshit. She wants them to stop watching trash and she wants to encourage minorities to further lobotomize themselves on it.

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>Batgirl front and center
y tho

missing Mera

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nice blogpost, bob iger

Batfamily privilege. The real question is why Supergirl also isn't in the front.

patrician poster
look up the pilotpriest remix that makes it synthwave/chillwave, its bretty good. more house structured than faster synthwave bpm.

You would think Wonderwoman would be front because she's not a female extension of a male character.

That's a cute Bumblebee

hiro clearly needs a capeshit board by now

Why? Dumb SJW.

Karen looks like she fucking wants out