dude what if we randomly killed half of all people
like resources man
Dude what if we randomly killed half of all people
Holy shit thats deeep
Can anyone explain why snapping down birthrates wouldn't work?
>is called The Mad Titan
>his plan to save the universe is madness
He was well educated in Mao Zedong Thought. Do you think a r*actionary like you is smarter than the wisest and greatest leader of all time?
Horrible writing. They really got stuck on half the life in the universe being killed from the comic when it was just sort of incidental to the story.
for a family a four there is 93% chance a member would die.
>American education
>order magic gauntlet
>amputate hands of only capable blacksmith of making said gauntlet
>halve population
>damaging gauntlet in process
>population doubles to original size and then some. then balloons indefinitely.
ok. yep.
* at least one member
there could be a population of 1 in america and he would still die of starvation LMAO
Why not just kill retired people and vagrants if you're so concerned about resources?
highly unlikely , you could expect half the population of any country to survive , and even if that happened there are probably enough noon perishables in the u.s to last him a lifetime.
uh it's families with kids who take up the most resources
do you really think retired people are eating all that much?
The Thanos shit is so stupid on so many levels. Anybody who unironically supports it should be gassed as they're too dumb to live.
>universe is infinite, so infinite space for infinite expansion
>magic gauntlet gives infinite resources
>could infinitely provide resources to support an infinitely-growing universe
this is why thanos is retarded
>"I will now vaporize half of all beings in the universe. Oh and the outcome will be chosen at "RANDOM" of course." *Makes air quotes with his hands while saying "Random" in a sarcastic manner
>*Winks at Spiderman*
>Everyone from Israel and Wakanda start vanishing
Jesus, came a bit out of left field.
Does he ever explain in the movie why he doesn’t wish for infinite resources? I don’t remember that part if he does
>they really got stuck on half the life in the universe being killed from the comic when it was just sort of incidental to the story.
what do you mean? I haven't read the comics of olde
Go on get comics. Info and DL the TPB (trade paperback) of the infinity arc. It's not very very long and (a lot) better.
No, he doesn't the film isnt well written at all.
It's retarded. We literally had half of the humans we did today back in the 70's. It would take like 40 years to return to our numbers and the problems would continue.
well it's piqued my interest so I'll do that. Cheers
this is the standard capeshit fans use for what a well written villain should be
he's right though you dumb nigger. Do you not have a basic grasp of statistics? It's actually slightly higher than 93%
.5^4 = the chance none die, so 1 - (.5^4) is the chance at least one dies (the compliment), which is .9375
He made his plan without infite power in mind. Only after loosing his home he started seeking the stones to give him the power to execute his plan. The mad/stupid part was to never rethink his strategy after gaining additional options.
Maybe he thought that 40 years would be enough to develop better technology to sustain higher populations. If we can build a fusion power plant before we run out of oil and coal everything works out. Reducing population is not the worst way to buy time. But killing half the scientists randomly is indeed... mad.
If he just made more stuff, no lessons about conservation would be learned in the universe. He is based.
The more I thought about this movie the more I began to see how lazy the writing is. There is absolutely no weight for the heroes' deaths because they will inevitable will return in the second movie. Thanos' halfassed reason (resources lol) for being a villain. but what annoyed me most of all was Dr. Strange not stopping Skylord by just teleporting him somewhere and leaving his meaning as "it's the only way" they would win. And Thanos telling Thor he should've went for the head... like how fucking lazy do you have to be to write a line like that? It's a fucking mess of a movie.
He actually didn't care about the universe at all.
He just believed he was right and wanted to execute his plan in as large a scale as he could.
He just wanted to be acknowledged and told "you are right. We were wrong"
That's all really.
It's as petty as that.
Why didn't he just use the infinity gauntlet to produce infinite resources?
Because stupid?
Yeah. It's got great art, paneling and iconic moments. Peak based.
it's a movie for kids user. you're not supposed to think about it
the whole "finite resources" meme doesn't make sense
Thanos wants to appease the goddess of death, because he is in love with her. He is literally insane, and he claims that he's doing a favor to the universe by wiping out half of the population because of resource-waste. Silver Surfer tells him that's retarded, but Thanos doesn't care because he wants his waifu to love him.
In Infinity War he is actually an eco-terrorist, but it's still weird enough and ambiguous enough for me to pretend he still secretly serves death in my headcanon.
What if you just killed the half of the population that had the lowest IQ? Or fuck it, if the Infinity gauntlet can do literally anything, then have it destroy all the evil and stupid people in the universe who are exacerbating the resource crisis and leave only the people dedicated to maintaining their environment
This is unironically going to happen. Why do you think they always toss this shit in Hollywood films? They're testing the appeal of such things with the youth. It's frightening how many normies unironically agree with Thanos. They're being programmed before our eyes. Fuck Hollywood and the CIA.