All thats playing at my local theater is this or how to train your dragon. Which one should I take a girl to.
All thats playing at my local theater is this or how to train your dragon. Which one should I take a girl to
If she is over ten years old, Alita.
Definitely Alita.
Alita, you raging faggot
I have to make sure it doesn't have cringe anime dialogue, how normalfag friendly is it?
most normies are exposed to cheesy dialogue in anime these days. In a production like this it's a tiny bit jarring but desu most normies I spoke to loved or liked it.
how to train your dragon hasn't been good since the first movie
There's some cringe lines but they're actually so badly put together it doesn't come off as weeb at all, strange enough.
it has all been filtered through based boatman
Fuck off mouse
Just have fun. Its supposed to be cornball.
theres a fair amount of corny dialogue and characters, however, based on your initial impression after the seeing the film these can be overlooked
Alita is the mouse when they buy Fox :)
No, she isn't. James Cameron owns the screen rights to Alita, not Fox.
Memes aside Alita has a kissing scene that got the girls sitting near me really excited so maybe your girl can enjoy that
>watching BLACKED dragons with a girl
>blacked dragons
Don't actually listen to anybody here she probably won't enjoy something like Alita and most girls enjoy animated movies too.
Dragons make girls wet. Imagine black dragons fuggin white dragons.
You will be fucking your girl in no time.
>I-I-I hope you see my movie, user. I think you'll really like it.
Alita if you want to get some pussy later. She'll be juicy for you after all the romance and violence. Httyd3 or 4 or whatever is just some shitty sequel for babies anyway.
how to train your dragon
they essentially created a modern three colors tier trilogy