There should be a law stating that no show can go past 10 seasons. Just look at S11E05 of KOTH. It fucking sucks

There should be a law stating that no show can go past 10 seasons. Just look at S11E05 of KOTH. It fucking sucks.

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I do love a good Sneedpost, but when Lucky became a main character, the show nosedived in quality.

They should have let the characters age. Why is western animation afraid of having characters grow up?

3 seasons should be the max. i've never seen a show whose quality survived past the third season

I've dropped the show somewhere during S10. It wasn't offensively bad, just more and more formulaic and boring, I simply stopped caring.
Are there any episodes worth watching after that season?

The luane rape episode was pretty crazy

If they ever make a KOTH sequel I really hope Lucky has died from fentanyl overdose.

COPS has been going for over 30 years and it's still kino

Lucky was a terrible character.
Also anytime we "got to know" Dale or Boomhauer was terrible. They are excellent as caricatures, not so much as real people.

Well they have to write off him and Luanne somehow

Why Luanne?
Lucky should die from something mundane, like stepping on a rake.

Making characters age makes shows uncomfy.

Why would I want to watch Hank Hill slowly turn into a bag of dusty old bones? Full of green dust?

I have some sad news for you user

It reminds people of reality. That nothing is permanent. Everything changes. And the familiar slowly becomes unfamiliar.

>he hates Lucky and Peggy
Is this the biggest pleb filter in the world?

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The good things about a KOTH return (if it ever happens) are that the weakest aspect of later seasons (Luanne and Lucky) has a real life reason for being written off (both VAs are dead) and since Cotton was already killed off they get to avoid the whole "character revolves around a real life historic event" issue that happens with sliding timelines.

The Simpsons didn't get good until Season 3, and then started to decline hard after Season 8.

Yes, only tryhard plebs enjoy Lucky and Peggy.

Lucky is a shit character user.
No one that dumb survives childhood.

No. It was shit before you even knew it.

If they did bring it back, they should age up everyone.
Bobby & Connie & Joseph & GH should be the main characters.

>both VAs are dead

Holy shit, Brittany Murphy died 10 years ago. No wonder she wasnt in anything recently.

>so stupid and ignorant he's never met a lucky in his life
You should go out and meet people outside of your college campus. Not everybody is a philosophy major like you.

>Not liking a full scale parody of The Music Man

>no sn**d shitters in thread
Based. Is KOTH the cure?

Joseph should be on the college football team, and then there can be a 2-parter where Bobby tells Joseph about John Redcorn which causes him to go into a slump of depression and ruins the season.

>zoomers want to see Joseph and Dale find out about his father
You actively love to ruin things don't you?

Americans are afraid of change.

The Simpsons was great during its first two seasons. Sarcastic adult comedy instead of constant pop culture references

>why couldn't we see all the depressing stuff that goes along with aging gawl like why couldn't joseph know about his dad
Trash taste.

Stop being obsessed. No one likes change.

joseph and dale knowing the truth doesn't matter you brainlets did you not watch the show?

I'm on season 9 at the moment and it's so different from what it used to be.
>Luane is a complete braindead retard
>Connie is dropped completely
>Boomhauer doesn't even talk anymore, even in subplots involving him
>Fucking Lucky

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