Special Oscars

who's gonna win
who's gonna lose

>Oscar Fever 2019

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Who gives a flying fuck?

popcorn eaters care

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Antman will take home Oscar gold

>Black Panther made its way into a Best Picture nomination

It's dead, Jim.

Yet another nice thing white men made and had to be ruined by niggers and women.

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But Black Panther was created by a jew, you fucking wh*toid thief.
People who need 100% undiluted movie expertise.

Do you guys think #Raffy will rise up to the challenge?

Degenerate gamblers

Counted from secret Oscar ballots

Roma - 35
Green Book - 31
The Favourite - 26
Black Panther - 24
BlacKkKlansman - 17

The Jew pandering to his new niggerwoman target audience

Roma won't win, it's foreign and Netflix

As a Hobbithead, I look forward to the Oscar Special all year

it's like awards matter

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Marvel was literally bankrupt when the jew who created Black Panther died.

They snubbed IW so no they don't

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the best films go unacknowledged

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2019 is the year of the odd couple

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for those who missed out last year


Is Gregg right about the quality difference between Blu-Ray and VHS being debatable?

Idris Elba

Makes sense the first foreign winner would be one by a recent Best Director winner and shilled on Normieflix more than any foreign movie ever has

blu ray is dead before it attained greatness

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>Makes sense
but does it make cash money $$$

who cares

we do

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Dude, it's going to fucking win.

They definitely won't give it to Blackkklansman, or Vice. Bohemian is dead in the water thanks to the director. Green Book has backlash. They won't give it to Roma because it's a Netflix movie. Can't see it going to Star because they didn't nominate the director, so that leaves Black Panther and Favourite. It's literally down to those two.

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its all over lads, we lost, within 10 years 'eyo fuck whitey for real dis time' will be winning in the category of 'wokest shit'

do we hav a chat for watching the oscar awards

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dunno lol

stay tuned

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Best Picture
>Black Panther will win
>A Star Is Born should win

Best Director
>Alfonso Cuarón will win
>Paweł Pawlikowski should win

Best Actor
>Rami Malek will win
>Bradley Cooper should win

Best Actress
>Yalitzia Aparicio will win
>Lady Gaga should win

Best Suppporting Actor
>Mahershala Ali will win
>Sam Elliot should win

Best Supporting Actress
>Regina King will win
>Rachel Weisz should win

2019 is a great year to be Gregghead. Fuck you Tim, the show will finally be about real movie expertise with Turkington in full control.

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Best Picture
>Black Panther will win

Of course it will...

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it won't. it got its nod with the nom. in the end it's still a comic book movie.

the oscars may be canceled

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Someone redpill me on the Star Trek 2 controversy between Tim and Gregg, who ended up being right? I looked into it but I genuinely can't tell who is right and who said what.




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I watched that but then there's a follow up where Tim interviews the director of Star Trek 2 during the trial and I can't tell who ended up being right :S

>director of Star Trek 2 during the trial

I missed out on this



Wtf the oscars are tomorrow?

This trial is one of the highest order kinos I have ever seen. Faggots might complain about Tim's politics and whatever but this was the funniest thing I've seen in a while.


who's gonna break tomorrow?

is mark ok

>is mark ok


I hope so. I haven't heard from Mark in a while.

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do you think he's studying to start doing musical impressions as well?

Mark's the glue that keeps the show sticking every year

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Gregg should use the Delgado bucks to finance a Marx Bros. remake starring Gregg in every role.

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Mark's in the background of every role

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Mark cannot be the fall guy

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>>Oscar Fever 2019

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Proshk died? Damn

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If BP wins the Oscars will definitely be dead