>God doesn't exist dude homosexual relations are totally healthy and normal lmao
God doesn't exist dude homosexual relations are totally healthy and normal lmao
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Quaaaid, start the reactor.."
Ironically being religious is an evolutionary benefit and being a faggot isn't.
Hey OP, I actually thought she was good in Green Lantern
You have finally been perfected...my fighting uruk-hai
thankfully all gays automatically go to hell. based God
Even gorillas have shown rudimentary signs of spirituality centered around food.
Define spirituality
gawd is my dawg
Did she really complain that Chris Pratt goes to church?
>tfw to intelegent for religion
>evidence of same sex relationships and sex found abundantly in nature and throughout human history.
>zero evidence of a gods existence.
Yes. reminder that leftardism is a mental illness and fucks up perfectly normal people
>September 11, 2001 + 18
>still denying the blatant evidence of God's existence
>evidence of cancer found abundantly in nature and throughout human history.
God doesn't exist.
Homossexual relations are healthy and normal.
The worst thing about homossexuality is how it's not accepted so it makes gays go out of their way to overstate their gayness and piss everyone off.
Faggotry in nature only exists when there is a lack of females. Even primatologists admit that homo behavior ends when a female member is introduced into a society. With humans, it is a choice.
>Religious ameridumbs
All the none of it.
>to intelegent
Why are you posting an image of Ellen next to Joseph Gordon-Levitt?
Except the most accepting places for homoexuals have them at their most degenerate they dont try to be normal they just get more disgusting the more of them that are around
Choice doesn't exist because free will doesn't exist (which also disproves God).
>this same old shit "if it happens in nature, it's natural"
Cool, so when are we going to start killing off the children of single mothers in order to force them to go into heat so they could be bred again?
Based sneedchad
Even if you believe in a higher being then there's no reason to support the entity of an organized religion because the benefits are purely on a micro scale and the problems such as corruption, abuse of power, use of absolute moral authority to evade accountability, and use of absolute moral authority to crush political opposition are on an international scale.
I can't tell which one looks more like me
>still denying the blatant evidence of God's existence
and what evidence would that be ?
desire for and reverence to a greater beyond that can perhaps (and God can) bestow gifts
The existence of the n-word.
They actually don't go to Hell, God just thinks they're gross. Like tattoos. Tattoos and homosexuality are on the same level in the Old Testament and then aren't brought up in the New as sinful actions.
Kek take my upboat :^)
Define spirituality as applicable to gorillas
the virgin lesbian vs the chad sneedposter
The N-word is too good to be true.
surprisingly decent shorthand explanation
gorillas also eat their own shit and are almost extinct, just like the religious ;)
>God doesn't exist.
>making fun of Yea Forums incels for being spiteful
>draws ellen's forehead and hair line like that
devilishly centrist
That would be based.
Also, people like to abuse the word "unnatural" when talking about homosexuality instead of abnormal.
stop eating meat
stop being straight
stop being conservative
stop believe in god
>oh look a banana but no banana tree
>give me another banana pls
Religious people are the only ones reproducing, you filthy degenerate.
He'll just cite Descartes' "evidence" that Kant already disproved.
Or even worse he'll cite Berkley's
You need proof for his existence, not for his non-existence.
But do they snip their children on behest of longnose monkeys?
You're not helping your cause buddy
In the new testament theyre mentioned in the same line and context as sorcerors and murderers:
>"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8
What kind of faggy cucked church do you guys go to
The most accepting places of religious worship (those that revolve entirely around spritiual worship, like the Witnesses of Jehova, or the Church of the Latter Day Saints, or the Children of God, or the State of the Vatican City) devolve into and then attract the highest of vice, because when you're only accountable to a cosmic power then there's no earthly consequence to heinous actions such as child abuse.
september is months away stupid
I guess anything outside of the observable universe doesn't exist then because we can't prove it exists. :^)
Why can't you just be agnostic on the subject?
>near death dyke
>big healthy straight boy
>t. smoothbrain
Honestly I could care less if you kids go to Hell - going with the human explanation of the universe when we literally have only ever sent one satellite out of our own galaxy without even studying up or researching for yourself just shows how stupid and gullible you are. Keep criticising the Bible while everyone else enjoys life, I'd rather you not be in Heaven.
[citation needed]
Just like me
Yea Forums will never recover
>"if it happens in nature, it's natural"
You are legitimately retarded. I'm sorry. Pick up your helmet on the way out.
I don't have a cause, I'm just pointing out that you're retarded.
Atheism is actually a genetic defect similar to autism or even Down Syndrome.
Nah he just btfoed you faggot
unmoved mover
The possibility of there being something outside the observable universe says nothing about the possibility of a specific entity existing, and that says nothing about that specific entity being a supreme moral authority rather than a deceiver.
We have come to return Ellen Page to her home planet.
If there is a god, I imagine they are unaware of our existence at all.
>Tattoos and homosexuality are on the same level in the Old Testament
>If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
>evidence of rape abundantly in nature and throughout human history.
>evidence of murder abundantly in nature and throughout human history.
>evidence of killing children abundantly in nature and throughout human history.
Just becuase it's natural doesn't make it ok
>The possibility of there being something outside the observable universe says nothing about the possibility of a specific entity existing,
I wasn't comparing these two things.
I was saying you should be agnostic on things you don't know. Especially big things like a potential creator of the universe.
"Toxic waste guy"s face from Robocop would work too.
It’s almost as if all sin is sin and God doesn’t have a ranking system of which sins are more bad than others.
I thought he meant in terms of the whole death sentence thing in the creation of the nation of israel. The lust and gluttony prevalent in the gay community are still degenerate as fuck and sinful as hell
>priests have same rate of child absue as the average person
>teachers and youth workers among the highest
NPC detected
The aids ridden demon vs The mountain sneedposter
>More hillbillies having children
Sexually immoral you idiot. That means any sex before marriage at all is seen as evil.
>there is zero evidence of God's existence
This is how you know you're talking to a brainlet.
>venial sin
>mortal sin
but I get your pont
Can I get a quick rundown? Where is this Ellen Page video? What did she say?
>extremely conservative
aka muslims, hope you're ready to praise Allah bucko
Source:Dude trust me
My personal belief is that your butthole is being rammed by 5th dimensional aliens and it’s possessed your brain to leave you unaware.
Can’t disprove it, guess you should be agnostic on the subject
Humans, apes, dogs, deer, dolphins. It's not even a rarity.
no, whitey
conservative whites breed more than any other ethnic group in the country
we're coming bucko
>because when you're only accountable to a cosmic power then there's no earthly consequence to heinous actions
That's completely untrue; why reply when you have no idea what you're talking about?
Those were a list of amongst the worst sins of all not just run of the mill things my euphoric and enlightened friend
>literally posting le flying spaghetti monster fallacy
What makes you think they're hillbillies?
Just look at South America and the middle east, you stupid fuck.
I mean, god probably doesn't exist regardless of homosexuality and hollywood culture
For anyone with IQ over 80, religion can be only a hobby.
Everyone that believes in God first and foremost WANTS to believe in God because they either think life and society work better that way or because it gives them personal confort
Well you city slickers and your fancy German cars certainly aren't having children.
>to a grinding halt as the majority of the country
>to a point of extreme poverty and slavery to the jewish elite
enjoy your future as worthless chattel
There is no evidence the universe was created. Everything suggests the opposite. Why would you remain open minded about a claim made based on know lies and deception? You can reasonably expect more of the same and should be extremely skeptical at that point.
>comparing some batshit insanity to something as simple as their being a creator of the universe
Why do you people do this and pretend to be intelligent?
Source? Sounds interesting
And yet you still not having proven that god exists
I wish that were true but unfortunately even the children of conservatives are brainwashed by far left propaganda from a very young age, unless you restrict their media consumption they are going to be growing up on a diet of buzzfeed and vice and so on
All the Bible has brought us in the last century is global pedophilia, Joel Osteen, Jim Bakker, Westboro Baptist, and the 100% Zionist religious right
So fuck you fags.
exactly, spirituality and religion are a thing for the hardly human, unintelligent trash
>liberals and SJWs not having kids
Just keep doing our work for us leave the baby making to the real men
>tfw to intelligent too be an (((Atheist)))
Everyone that doesn't believe in God first and foremost WANTS to not believe in God because they either think life and society work better that way or because it gives them personal confort
You don't know what that means
Yes if youre the average limp wristed weakling like the modern leftist male
>There is no evidence the universe was created.
Like the big bang?
>Everything suggests the opposite.
>desire for
>reverence to
So the target of it doesn't need to exist, got it.
Surely that's a transgender person
You don't.
>119 replies
>No proof of God's existence
hate to break it to you but lots of parents with 'conservative' values have liberal children
>Everything suggests the opposite.
Care to post examples?
>Why would you remain open minded about a claim made based on know lies and deception?
What lies and deception.
We're not talking about organized religion here, just the notion of there being some creator of the universe.
The only one worshipping allah will be you faggot liberals in the cities
She looks like she'd challenge me to a fight to the death with a bat'leth
anyone that believes in god is actively choosing to believe in a fictional literary concept because their parents want them to usually
Lack of belief is not a choice on the other hand, people do not lack belief because they think that makes society better, they lack belief because there is literally no evidence to bring about belief, its not an active choice, and it doesn't require deluding oneself or assuming motive
But not believing in God only leads to the belief in a bleak non-existence and has fueled most of the reflections on the value of life even back when God was a popular belief.
Rarely does someone that not believe in God WANT to not believe in God, but with believers that is often the case.
The entire universe is proof of God's existence, faggot. Even you.
>God doesn't like homosexuality, you'd better cut that out
>if he doesn't like it why doesn't he come down and punish me
>uhh uhh he's waiting to punish you
ok sure thing
don't worry your hill burrows will fall under sharia law as well
>Real Man
You're still living with your mother don't you?
thats literally just the passage of time
Hate to break it to you but not everyone is the same as your urban liberal city bubble
I believe in God, I believe that he sent his son Jesus Christ to save us by sacrificing himself in our place on the cross.
I feel a deep fulfillment with this faith. I know my place on this Earth, and I know that while my time here is only temporary, I will get to spend eternity with God in heaven.
Athiests will never understand this confidence.
Except it's not a lack of belief.
You claim to KNOW there is no god.
Agnostics make much more sense, they have no idea.
The Bible is batshit insanity. It’s a forceful moral tale upheld by people scared the invisible man is going to buttfuck then if they’re naughty. Whatever wisdom it contains, is bookended by fire and brimstone spookiness designed to make fearful people compliant.
You’re told to obey god, because somebody is always going to know his will, an you will de facto be obeying the current arbiter of God’s will. Monotheism is dictatorship advocacy and longing, and the people that feel the biggest need to cling to it are cowards possessed by fear willing to adopt absolute irrational measures to make themselves feel safe
Yeah, and those “worst” sins are still only on par with “lesser” sins.
All sin is sin.
You can be a mass murderer or simply a liar, both are weighed the same.
>But not believing in God only leads to the belief in a bleak non-existence
That doesn't make the bible true. Believing in a god because it feels good or is convenient is not true belief, its juts refusal to think things through
>homosexual relations are totally healthy and normal lmao
they are
>But not believing in God only leads to the belief in a bleak non-existence
No, it turns you into an edgy teenager. That's the main reason people don't believe in god, they want others to see how edgy they are.
2% at most. There are more gays than jews in the world.
[citation needed[ on the rest.
>Like the big bang?
It's the current best explanation for the incarnation of the universe as it is now, it doesn't mean the universe didn't exist before in another form. Thing is, we don't know, because as it is right now it's impossible to verify beyond that.
Retard intelligence: religious fundamentalist/creationist
Below-average intelligence: edgy fedora atheist
Average intelligence: nonobservant religious or agnostic
Above-average intelligence: “intellectual” atheist a la Hitchens
High intelligence: reasoned believers and theologians
>This is what the defeated self-hating leftist actually believes
please elaborate, how does existence prove a god, let alone a single god or the abrahamic god?
What about the big bang do you think suggests the universe was created by a "god"? The answer here is nothing.
Literally everything. Are you suggesting this "god" is an absolute failure in almost everything that it does?
>The Bible is batshit insanity.
What the fuck why are you doing this again?
I said something as simple as their being a creator of the universe.
Just because christianity is flawed doesn't mean the concept of there being a creator of the universe to be flawed.
Wrong. The bible makes multiple statements about varying degrees of sin.
Those two pictures were taken a week apart.
Obviously, are you a fucking idiot? Pagan gods and shit clearly aren't real.
but the one true God is real and in our hearts we desire to know Him and revere Him
You should at least have a basic grasp of these things before you posture so hard against them
>athiests still going "hurr you can't prove there's a god"
>not realizing that's the entire point of BELIEVING in God and not understanding what faith even is
Who's the real brainlet, here?
>the only way city slickers can win is by throwing their lot in with the barbarians
lmaoing at your fancy german cars
>it doesn't mean the universe didn't exist before in another form.
Now you're doing the same thing I'm doing.
You're claiming agnosticism on the subject of a universe existing before the big bang.
For you to be logically consistent you would have to say nothing existed before the big bang because there is no evidence.
>Thing is, we don't know, because as it is right now it's impossible to verify beyond that.
We also don't know if there is a creator of the universe lol
The suggestion that there is a creator comes from organized religion. Separating the claim from its original claimant and original source material is dishonest.
Very few people claim to know there is no god, the vast majority of atheists simply lack belief
Most atheists are agnostic, the vast majority of them in fact
The bladerunner poster. Both of them have valid points to me but you spam bladerunner, making your opinion worthless
>having false confidence in an afterlife instead of accepting the reality of mortality
>wasting every sunday morning you have with your limited time here going to church instead of sleeping in and watching football
Not a creation. All the matter and energy in the universe is balanced by dark energy- the sum total of existence is zero and because of this everything expanding out of nothingness does not violate laws of conservation of energy.
>What is redemption?
>retards claim absolute knowledge God exists
>retards claim absolute knowledge God doesn't exist
>The enlightened agnostic doesn't know, and knows there is no way to prove or disprove the concept
Feels good man.
>you claim to KNOW there is no god
That's a different subset of atheist.
Imagine you're in a room with just prison walls all around and no windows. White bricks. No bench, just ground on the floor. Nobody to talk to for hundreds of years. You just get to think about your life for that time. You don't age or die. Then one day, it feels different in the cell. Pepper spray coming out in pure gaseous form from little openings in the cell walls. Then the sides start to heat up, you hear a splash, and though you can't see it, your cell has been dipped in lava hotter than anything on earth. The sides of the cell start to reach hundreds of degrees, maybe thousands. Normally you and the cell would melt, but all that manages to happen is that your skin burns off. Your body regenerates fast to grow nerves enough to feel when you bring your sizzling feet back onto the ground. You're still getting peppered in the burnt flesh. This is the start of the next hundred years.
That's where you gay babies are going if you don't change your ways. Or, you can try going to church, say an earnest prayer that God show you love and give you a sign He exists, which He will, and if you decide church still isn't for you then go ahead and just stay atheist. I really don't like to try and use a fear motivator but I'm trying to save your souls and I don't think you hateful retards would understand anything but fear and wrath. Heaven is a lot better than Hell, pure bliss and never a moment of boredom or pain forever and ever.
I’ve met 3 gay people that have been somewhat in my life (neighbors/coworkers) and it’s 3/3 degenerate drug addicts. Maybe it’s only the ones who make sure you know they are flamers but it’s not looking good from here.
>He wants me to know him
>Doesn't give me any reason to
He's either an hypocritical fuck or a complete idiot. I see no reason to worship either of those.
Even if the truth is that I am too stupid or too closed minded to accept the proofs he intended to give me, the fact that he doesn't make me believe show that he doesn't want that all that much. There would be absolutely 0 downside to have me believe just like that.
>people don't believe in God because they wanna be edgy teenagers
I want you to read this again and reflect on all the non-edgy adult atheists (including the greatest composer of all times) and agnostics mankind has had through it's timespan and see if it still makes any sense
I think you misread the post you replied to .
holy fucking BASED
>What about the big bang do you think suggests the universe was created by a "god"?
Brainlet, all I was saying is there was a start to the universe.
We don't know if there was a creator or not.
It's you that claims to know something without evidence.
>Literally everything.
Oh so no actual proof then. I see.
>Are you suggesting this "god" is an absolute failure in almost everything that it does?
The laws of physics work pretty well.
Yes, I would rather spend one morning out of my week with a community of people who believe the same faith as me, and share the camaraderie of knowing we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
Have fun watching football.
and she's barely in her 30s, imagine what she'll look like in her 40s
oh, well then its just hollywood makeup
How does free will not existing disprove God?
I didn't mean gay people in specific, by the way, gays don't automatically go to Hell. I just meant gay baby as an insult.
Have you ever seen a good topee?
How would you know? If it wasn't good you wouldn't be able to tell.
I assure you, you've met more homos. 5% of the population is gay.
>Just because christianity is flawed doesn't mean the concept of there being a creator of the universe to be flawed.
Ok, but there still is no evidence for any god, christain or otherwise
You're the only one talking about the Bible, you fucking idiot.
This is why entertainers don't come out. It's 2019 and they still get ridiculed for it.
>he thinks God can’t be proven to exist
>he hasn’t read Anselm or Aquinas
she was never cute
why would you believe that which there is no evidence for?
You were actually correct the first time. I'm just shitposting for shitposting's sake.
He can't punish people if they aren't morally to blame for their actions (which they aren't) and therefore the whole (dumb) concept of a good-afterlife and a bad-afterlife makes no sense unless he is insane or evil.
>The suggestion that there is a creator comes from organized religion.
Just because it has historically doesn't mean there isn't a creator.
Man what a dumb fucking fallacy you are committing right now.
>Separating the claim from its original claimant
Holy shit. People have suggested this since forever, organized religion isn't the only source. Also it doesn't matter if organized religion was the only source. lol
>Very few people claim to know there is no god, the vast majority of atheists simply lack belief
Nope lol, then they would be agnostics.
>Most atheists are agnostic
Bull fucking shit lol. There are atheist atheists posting in this thread.
Why should I believe in your God?
But he can't be evil because he has no free will. :)
She was cute enough when sucking a hobo dick in Beyond: Two Souls.
So you have to be dumb as a gorilla to be religious? Makes sense
>High intelligence: reasoned believers and theologians
lol, why would you possibly believe this? There is a massive correlation between education and lack of religion
You might as well take Elon Musks simulation theory meme just as seriously, it’s literally more likely than religious god concepts.
And all of it’s a waste of time. God in present day is political activism with ghost stories. Nobody would give a shit about religion or god if the followers didn’t always try and make everyone else’s life suck. But they do.
>religious values encourage people to reproduce and create and maintain families
>atheist values lead people into doing the opposite
>mfw atheists get wiped out by the natural selection they love so much
>Not a creation.
Proof? How do you know?
You don't.
That's all atheists, including the faggot posting in this thread.
Pride hath led you lost, my son.
Because humans are spiritual creatures and faith is a cornerstone to human development and society as a whole.
ITT: i pretend to believe in god to trigger libtards
>There is a massive correlation between liberal propaganda centers and lack of religion
>education is intelligence
t. MFA who works at a Starbucks
Are her degraded looks a natural result of hitting of the wall or the result of abandoning Jesus for satan
What's your opinion on the state of Israel?
>He thinks Anselm or Aquinas' arguments prove God to exist
>actually taking the fucking Ontological Argument seriously after all the people that have raped it to shreds
>but there still is no evidence for any god
This doesn't mean a creator doesn't exist.
Man, we're going in circles.
>>retards claim absolute knowledge God doesn't exist
This is a strawman. Religious people claim a god exists but lack of belief is not the same thing as believing something to be impossible
shhh dont tell em
the highly intelligent is a small minority
How can something perpetually exist?
this is what being a lesbian, aging 10 years, and not wearing makeup does
stop trying to shill your conservitard propaganda on Yea Forums
The later one. Jesus is merciful, but his wrath is tremendous.
hell as a literal torture chamber is an analogy for those too stupid to understand christs message, which has more to do with psychology (not that he didn't believe in god, mind)
So he's either insane or doesn't punish people at all. See how it is?
>Points to the gap in knowledge and calls it the beginning of everything because it fits its narrative.
>points to the ruler and the measuring cup as examples of the success of corn and wheat.
I wouldn't call people brainlet if I were you. People may think it is your signature.
Hilariously wrong about both. God commanded the Jews to avoid tattoos to differentiate them. Along with combining linen and wool or planting two different types of seeds.
They do
>ripped it to shreds
Epic citations m80
That sounds more like a threat than a desire to save anyone.
Geopolitical opinions have no bearing on my salvation. I am ambivalent to the conflict in the Middle East.
I know three gay people too and all of them are normal, college educated people.
Literally every drug addict I know is a christain
>still trying to conflate organized religion with the possibility of there being a creator to the universe
Man this is sad.
I bet you had super christian parent that abused you lol
it's not really faith if you don't have doubts.
Both. The wall only happens to roasties
You’re the one choosing to believe in ghosts
Is spiritually forced americans to snip their babies to feed Big Pharma?
The punishment for sodomy is death in the OT. Sodom and Gomorrah were decimated for practicing it.
Meanwhile tattooing is about on the same level as avoiding non kosher foods.
thats what skinny people look like in their early thirties. Being super skinny ages people much faster
If there is no proof of the creator existence the creator does not exist
>epic citations
Like yours?
Anyway Kant disproved it
>>Points to the gap in knowledge and calls it the beginning of everything
I never once did this.
I said it's entirely possible and not far-fetched to exist.
Why are you people so retarded?
based fatquads
>God used to be full of wrath
>God used to kick ass
>had a son and mellowed the fuck out
Same old story.
A claim made without evidence falls to reasonable expectation, conformation bias, and source.
>enlightened agnostic
More like a coward who is afraid to be branded islamophobic and/or antisemitic.
Stop thinking of God as a human. We all know Christianity is horseshit.
>Nope lol, then they would be agnostics
Yeah, no, agnostics and atheists are not mutually exclusive, in fact they mostly overlap
Odd, I know 50 fags, and they all have GRIDS.
See how much these bullshit anecdotal arguments are worth?
Gif dis pepul eyah!!
There's no proof of life existing in the universe outside of earth, I guess it doesn't exist.
There's no proof of anything existing outside the observable universe, I guess nothing exists outside of what we can observe,
Kant was a fraud who not only stole ideas, but fallacious ideas at that.
>like yours?
I cited the authors, fucking dipshit.
>Kant disproved it
Females have checked out. They are no longer available. What we're seeing now is the logical conclusion to hypergamy: trans and buggery.
That's gonna be a big yikes from me
it's only faith if you have doubts
trust falls only work if you have faith in someone, but that faith is built on trust, not guarantee
>Because humans are spiritual creatures
What does this even mean?
> and faith is a cornerstone to human development
I would strongly disagree, faith is a cornerstone of primitive human behavior
Belive in god you vietnam shit
Damn bros...
They unironically are mutually exclusive and you are simply meming.
There is an atheist in this thread right now saying exactly what I am talking about.
>A claim made without evidence
Nobody made any claim though.
We simply don't know if there is a creator.
We can speculate but we just don't know.
You however claim to know because you're a retard.
>God is a humanoid who can reproduce
Jesus was a messenger of God, not his son. Why would an omnipresent spirit procreate? Fucking retards ITT.
misread, my bad
yeah liberal propaganda centers like Wisconsin. Face it, all of the whiteist most educated places like the upper midwest and New England are the least religious while the most diverse, least white places are most religious
Do you have sex or masturbate?
and does not exist until proven otherwise
>humans are social creatures
this means we are pulled towards a social dynamic and have a need for social interaction
>humans are spiritual creatures
A retard: what does this even mean?
>faith is a cornerstone of primitive human behavior
Now this is the true What does this even mean? Waht the fuck is "primitive" behavior? In line with nature? In line with your instincts?
There is evidence of life. There is evidence of what that life needs to thrive.
Pretty simple cunt. You are just a full on retard.
It's a threat, I don't think the average 4channer would understand anything short of that. If you try church but can't find the faith, maybe you're just not ready, but something has to start you out.
It may exist.
We just have to prove it one way or the other.
>This doesn't mean a creator doesn't exist.
No, but it means its rather silly to assume a creator does exist. Most atheists would gladly come around to a god if evidence became available but wasting your time with the trappings of religion and spirituality in the mean time just doesn't make sense
Mexicans are breeding like rabbits and they're mostly Catholics.
nuh uh
>Stop thinking of God as a human.
If it doesn't have humanity, then his act of "creation" is no more special than your mom shitting you out after being knocked up by dad.
You can worship Sun by the same logic, since it's technically your creator too.
I have no idea what you just said. Learn English. And yes, Hell is not exactly that, it's worse. But if I just said it is a place 'devoid of love' non religious people wouldn't care.
>There is evidence of what that life needs to thrive.
This doesn't mean there is life, you're just speculating.
Also you know know if there's anything beyond the observable universe lol
There's evidence for more matter beyond the observable universe. No evidence for the life on other planets so far though.
Both of those things can be proven through observation though. Can we prove the existence of God through observation?
??? What is your argument exactly? As far as religion go it's one of the best/the best so far. Much better than liberalism or global warming (now renamed climate change :rolleyes:) for example. All unscientific beliefs but at least the Christian beliefs lead to constructive societies.
>This doesn't mean a creator doesn't exist.
Why should it have to mean that for me to lack beleif?
What would possibly compel anyone to believe in a god, especially the batshit insane and inconsistent abrahamic one?
literally just go on youtube and type in ellen page
Does a God(s) exist?
Fuck mudslimes and fuck jews. Are you happy? Should I post it on my Facebook and wait till I get fired? You first, buddy.
>No, but it means its rather silly to assume a creator does exist.
This is literally only your opinion lol.
That's it.
You can't prove it either way.
>but wasting your time with the trappings of religion and spirituality in the mean time just doesn't make sense
I'm not doing this, agnostics don't do this.
You're just strawmanning hard like all atheists do.
there is literally no reason to believe that the "highly intelligent" are not overwhelmingly atheists today
The creation isn’t inherently special, but it’s the greatest scientific mystery so we assign value to the answer.
>For you to be logically consistent you would have to say nothing existed before the big bang because there is no evidence.
Wrong, as there is no possible way to verify that at this time. I can't possibly know. On that we agree.
But when it comes to God, there should be ways to know, evidences. It's what every religion claim. Unless the claim is that God is completely separated from human reality and doesn't intervene, in which case religion is about worshipping something that has 0 influence on our life whatsoever. And if so, you can't possibly have any good reason to believe since he doesn't interact with us in anyway.
You don't get to back a belief-system that rest on messages from God and miracles, but then say that the lack of proof doesn't mean anything.
A universe "before" the Big Bang is a "possibility" (meaning we can broadly conceive it at the very least, not that reality allows for that to happen). A God, as described in religion, is at best an asshole not worthy of anything, at worst impossible (contradictory). They aren't the same thing.
>I am ambivalent to the conflict in the Middle East.
The pope is shilling for globohomo, retard.
>We just have to prove it
Yeah until then is just imagination :^)
did you not see what I was responding to? That was exactly my point
Who cares about some unprovable hypothetical
Must be fucking crushing you retards to know that, one second before you die, you'll realize you didn't live your live to the fullest because you thought you'd go to "heaven" or some shit. Instead of actually enjoying your life because it's the only you'll have.
What if I went to church for years but came to the conclusion that God isn't real through my own thought process?
>There's evidence for more matter beyond the observable universe.
>No evidence for the life on other planets so far though.
I guess they don't exist according to atheists.
>Can we prove the existence of God through observation?
Not yet, this doesn't mean god doesn't exist.
holy shit you guys are religious fundies
>especially the batshit insane and inconsistent abrahamic one?
The fact you keep going back to this means you have a personal beef with christians. We aren't even talking about this.
We're talking about the possibility of there being a creator of the universe.
Why do women who hate men always wanna look like guys?
>Should I post it on my Facebook and wait till I get fired?
God will protect you from such treasonous act.
Are you not claiming it is a possibility that there is a creator? If yes, than that claim has no evidence, and is based in organized religions. Really it is a simple solution made by ignorant people to quench a thirst for knowledge later used as a control device.
The fact you are saying it is a possibility is in and of itself a claim. One made without evidence and originated from sources with a reputation for falsehood. There is no reason to entertain it.
This has literally never happened in the history of humanity. A Deities existence has always been the standard.
But there is evidence to suggest life outside earth is possible, unlike with god
Again, there is a difference between not believing in arbitrary concepts like god for which there is no evidence and believing that nothing for which we have yet to find direct evidence of exists
>You have to be a literal animal to be a faggot but only humans are religious
No we have speculation.
Hypothesizing about things is the basis of science.
Before they knew the earth was round the idea it was round was an unproven hypothetical.
Do I look like I'm religious you petty fuck? Have you even read the reply chain? That's why everyone hates atheists, even agnostic people.
religion is just a guide on how to live a productive happy life wrapped inside an idealistic and 'spiritually' satisfying wrapping that meets our ingrained psychological needs
edge teenage atheists think its a scientific statement on the existence or non-existence of a super entity
oh sweet summer children...they don't know....
she just talked about how trannies n fags n shit are so opressed in america blah blah, just typical bullcrap
That's a big Sneed.
They’ve checked out of losers who could only get laid with women being financially dependent on them.
>see this unsubstantiated claim I will pretend is fact
>It/s another /pol/fag
>as there is no possible way to verify that at this time.
There may be in the future.
Man you people are sad.
>A universe "before" the Big Bang is a "possibility" (meaning we can broadly conceive it at the very least
Oh look good you're on my side now.
Welcome to the agnostic team, I'm glad you left the atheists behind.
>Do I look like I'm religious you petty fuck?
So you don't believe in God of Israel?
Looks like you were lying about being agnostic...
By calculating its effects on the matter we can see. Similar to how we detect the gravitational waves of a black hole.
>I guess they don't exist according to atheists
For all intents and purposes, yes. We have no evidence of life on other planets, so we can't say that it exists.
>Not yet, this doesn't mean god doesn't exist
Wait, so you think we can actually find and observe God? How would we observe a being that exists outside of time and space?
>religions claim there is empirical evidence for Gods existence.
Nope. All existence for God/A God is purely logical.
>They unironically are mutually exclusive
No they aren't. They deal with different concepts
There is theism vs atheism, which is belief in religion vs lack of belief, and there is gnosticism vs agnosticism which is knowing with certainty that god exists or does not exist vs not claiming certainty
At that, most atheists do not claim to know with certainty that god does not exist, simply they lack belief that it exists which makes them agnostic
So like we said before in this thread, a lot of people argue for something because they believe it's better to believe in it while the rest want to know what is actually true and since they aren't on equal grounds the arguments are a waste of time
I side with the sneedfag on this one.
Not sure what you would have To renounce that would make such of a difference. Gay sex?
>thinks god is real
>thinks September is now
Equally retarded beliefs.
>than that claim has no evidence,
As of now yes, but many scientific claims in the past had no evidence until they did.
>and is based in organized religions
Holy fucking strawman.
Why do you fedora tippers constantly do this?
Do you know why you are universally hated?
>The fact you are saying it is a possibility is in and of itself a claim
A factual claim.
>originated from sources with a reputation for falsehood.
Here you go again, lying and making shit up.
>There is no reason to entertain it.
Like I entertained your mum last night m8
um, yes, not sure how that is related
Mate you just proved it
Without makeup, literally all women look like the right pic. Do you newfags not remember the MakeApp threads?
Even if there is a "god" there will never be a way for a human to prove it. We cannot even perceive all of the colors that exist or all of the dimensions that exist and you really think we can prove god is real? Human perception is too limited. I do not think it matters if a god exists or not because either way humans are able to function and enjoy their existence.
Do you think the universe was made from within itself?
No, I didnt. Nice try though.
What is it with dykes and dressing like henchmen from kids movies?
I don't know if Israel's God exists. Kill yourself.
there is a big difference between knowing and believing
religion is to believe even without any fact that supports its belief
It has nothing to do with my opinion. Believing in things for which there is no evidence is silly and arbitrary
>religion is just a guide on how to live a productive happy life wrapped inside an idealistic and 'spiritually' satisfying wrapping that meets our ingrained psychological needs
Does this guide include kissing some negro's feet?
I don't get it, what did Elaine Page say this time? Why is everyone so mad at her now? Did she say some gay sjw shit or something?
You are primitive.
That's quite atheist statement, aka antisemitism.
I think I'll report you to my mohel.
I think that's about as possible as it being created by a timeless being that exists apart from existence.
Religion is just one of many possible values that can lead to a happy life, and countless religions violate values that others find necessary to live a happy life.
>avoiding non kosher foods
You seem to know about this sort of shit so I have a question for you. I used to work at a bagel shop/deli that Jews always ate at. Everything was blessed by a rabbi and all that shit. Well I used to fuck my manager on the prep tables, then pull out and blow my load on the cutting tables. Would also slap my cock against the prep tables when losing my boner because of stim dick. Will I be seeing those Jews in hell one day because they didn't eat kosher?
Thousands of years pondering that hypothetical has produced cultural results through the Abrahmic faiths. 100 years of computer science has been more fruitful.
FWIW God is logically a guarantee. As humans we know that everything we have ever come in contact with has had a creator. Nothing has simply started being for necessities sake. The intellectually DISHONEST will say "well maybe not everything has a start/a creator" despite this spitting in the face of every fact they know about the world. A god (not necessarily Abrahamic) is necessary in theory for existence to exist. This only becomes false if you deny every previous moment in history, which was created by the preceding moment, down to the first created moment.
Atheist/Agnosticucks BTFO
>The fact you keep going back to this means you have a personal beef with christians.
Nah, christians are just the most relevant religious people in the english speaking world, and those most influential to wetserner's concepts of god. If you believe in a god, you are almost certainly influenced by their tradition
>We're talking about the possibility of there being a creator of the universe
Thats some real goalpost moving. Just because a creator is hypothetically possible does not make it true or worth believing in or even discussing
Do not @ me again. This board may be more fitting for your discourse level
And you're wrong.
No one's questioning how happy it can make you, they are questioning if it is true at all.
It's called faith for a reason. What the fuck is there to discuss about scientific or not lol. Christianity drove our civil and artistic scientific progress. Nowadays people have faith in unscientific concepts (global warming, there are a billion genders instead of 2, gay marriage is a logic concept, etc)which are far more unproductive and destructive
symbolic gestures towards equality and diversity helps reinforce the comforting belief that the universe isn't indifferent towards us and that everything is in cosmic balance thus sparing us from pointless unhappy thinking
So why would you rule out the latter simply because it can’t be detected
Mmm... nope.
>Even if there is a "god" there will never be a way for a human to prove it
Why not? Most likely if there were actually a god it would be provable. Its only not provable if you decide to assume its not provable because that makes your belief more palatable
That premise still relies on what you call the intellectually DISHONEST argument of "well maybe not everything has a start/a creator", the thing that doesn't have a creator being God.
So what created god? Another god? Your reasoning eventually becomes circular.
I am not @'ing you, you fucking braindead twitittor.
>countless religions violate values that others find necessary to live a happy life
this isn't unique to religion...look at political ideologies
>As humans we know that everything we have ever come in contact with has had a creator
Blatantly incorrect. Study quantum physics.
You can try arguing against it but there is no logical argument rooted in reality that denies what I said. Enjoy hell heathen.
My faith in God has allowed me to save lives as per my profession, climb literal mountains, and find the love of my life as well as form the strongest friendships I've ever had. You athiests equate living life as abusing your dopamine receptors like a petty addict. Its pathetic.
Hell, Christians are the only reason my life has gotten better, what the fuck are you talking about?
um, what?
Why wouldn’t it be circular?
The claim itself that there is a creator originates from religion. Religion has through it's written works and claims proven to be an unreliable source. There is nothing outside religion to suggest a creator exists. Nothing in nature supports a creator existing. Nothing about the earliest known point we measure, the beginning of known decay if you will, suggests the need for a creator. The claim, the claim that it is even a possibility is fucking retarded. Fuck off.
>hehe quantum physics bro
Show me one thing in quantum physics to have no creator, ill wait.
The trait of God is he is that which is the primacy. He is the ultimate creator all things extend from him. Logically ONE thing wont have a creator as all other things need to flow from it. Can either of you show me a single thing in the world that does not have a creator?
>It's called faith for a reason.
yeah, because it is believing in fake shit without any evidence
>why not?
For the reason I already stated. Human perception is too limited. To act like we have the ability to know and comprehend everything is arrogant. We do not even fully understand the universe or even our own brains.
Nobody is starting jihadi sex slave movements for their belief in global warming.
>Most likely if there were actually a god it would be provable
Not at all. If he reveals himself for instance, there is literally no logical way to say that it's him and not some dæmon trying to trick you (or that you're in a coma or whatever else).
t. Atheist that knows that not only does God """"probably"""" not exist but even if he did we'd never know and it's in fact better for His insterests never to show himself
Blessed and Saintpilled
human perception is limited but why are you assuming a god would be hard to perceive?
>Religion has through it's written works and claims proven to be an unreliable source.
Not really
>Nothing in nature supports a creator existing.
You've never bothered to look into the matter have you? Well if it helps, Albert Einstein (who I hate) came to believe in God towards the end of his life. Think about that for a second, maybe try to actually seek out God instead of say it's impossible?
>Enjoy hell heathen.
FUCKING LOL, imagine unironically using scare tactics. Absolutely pathetic, and so are you
We used to believe the earth was the center of the universe based on "evidence" and how did that turn out?
>We do not even fully understand the universe or even our own brains.
We don't have to to know that believing in a god is arbitrary
Like how does the fact that its not theoretically impossible for a limited imperceptible god to exist suggest a god exists?
Man on man sex in unsustainable your arse will betray you in the end
so now we have to not only believe in a god, but also demons?
Also using a non-keyboard character in a word that is perfectly understandable with normal modern english spelling is pretty autistic
It would be trying to explain the concept of "red" to a blind person or "music" to a deaf person. Some things cannot be explained without experiencing them.
It was a tongue in cheek retort and we can tell you've sucked on the teet of the ol' Dawkins
>We used to believe the earth was the center of the universe based on "evidence" and how did that turn out?
um, we tested it and improved our knowledge, so it ended pretty well
Christians are all like this and Atheists are all line that
Just shut the fuck up already you're trying so hard to put yourself in a place of superiority that is embarassing