Kinos with this feel?

Kinos with this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Blade Runner 2049


Blade Runner 2049

I love when they're fresh out of the shower. Nothing better. Then you fill her hoo-ha with goof-juice.

Yeah love that feel haha

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>Then you fill her hoo-ha with goof-juice.

This guy fucks

>no muscle definition
>no indicator that she even goes to the gym
yeah gonna be a big nope from me

asian good girl on PH

Blade Runner 2049

Thank you so much

Sneed’s Feed & Seed (Formerly Chuck’s)

does blasting their womb with baby batter piss them off?

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is that madeincanarias? I love this new kind of youtube channel porn watching. No nasty jewish middlemen trying to get you to be as addicted as possible.

>Then you fill her hoo-ha with goof-juice.

Not if they're on the pill and they actually care about you a lot. You both just hop back in the shower after then watch a movie.

Holy kek that video is unintentionally hilarious. Seeing K completely destroyed and done on the steps while that guy is getting some sex sent my sides into orbit

>*murders wife*

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I just want to have a family

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According to the pornhub comments she loves br2049. Do you think she understands it?

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everyone on /int/ keeps telling me nobody uses facebook in first world countries anymore but then images like this exist

>browsing /int/


>fill her hoo-ha with goof-juice
this isn't something people do is it

I just want to sleep and never wake up again to this existence of neverending torment

>first world

funny coming from the only board worse than Yea Forums

I think I know someone who could help you

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>Love my geek movies.
Yeah, no.

>I want to end
>here bro have some eternal life

frigg off eh

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/int/s the gayest below /lgbt/

Lmao. Yea Forums along with /g/ and /fit/ are the best boards on this site.

only the chosen ones

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Don't know about /g/ but /fit/ turned into /r9k/ about 2 years ago, fucking shameful

Fit will never be a part of the tv-pol covenant

I barely know how to use a computer and even I know /g/ is terrible.


die reddit-meme subhuman

my worst fear is being immortal. imagine being stuck on this garbage ass planet forever

Mega yikes, and not because of the actual politics part.
It's considerly a lot better since they actually get laid.

incorrect, Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /lgbt/

>the part where she gets on his dick to cream it with her grool and use it as lube
REALLY need a chinky gf damm

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>he's never ejaculated raw into a girl's vagina
you literally can't call yourself a man until you've done this. every one of your ancestors has done it
you fucking biological failures

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Imagine being incel for all eternity

>imagine being stuck on this garbage ass planet forever
But when Jesus kills the devil He will make another planet for us,, without all of this garbage we witness today. You have literally nothing to lose, but can only gain

>Yea Forums
Psued fuck, tell me about your 55th rereading of infinite jest

t. biological failure copecel with no kids

Do girls really do this?

>tfw coming into my extremely tight ex gf who did kegels every day and she'd squeeze as I did



I've had sex. It feels great but it's nothing tot loser your mind over. I'd prefer a loyal wife that shuts the fuck up, cooks, and lets me fuck her when i want.

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>But when Jesus kills the devil He will make another planet for us

Mormons OUT

Please describe in great detail what this feels like

never read it, I'll tell you about Finnegans Wake tho

I'm not a mormon, it's what Bible says in revelations

Based Normie Chad

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>falling for the breeding meme
>literally making up words to look cool on 4channel
>probably has 6 anime and reddit tabs open waiting for a notification that someone has responded to one of this posts because he has not other social interaction

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Why would anyone be a satanist if it's set in stone that he's gonna get his shit pushed in?

of course

You literally can't describe it unless you're currently in one. I tried recording my observations once while fucking but my voice kept fading off because I was overwhelmed in waves of pleasure

shit taste and fuck off

>ywn find an innocent naive qt and slowly corrupt her into a semen demon and convince her to start videotaping your s*x and start a pornhub community channel and climb the ranks and start taking weird commissions and clickbait videos

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Nutting inside raw really is the best, it just feels so much better than anything else.

>every one of your ancestors has done it
Yeah but they probably didn't have autism.

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based reddit

Idk, they just hate God I guess

>le i have le autismz that's why grillz dont touch me pp :(
grow the fuck up faggot

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I'm not the one posting anime reaction pics you copecel fuck

>"Wait, you mean the biological purpose was actually having kids that would themselves go on to have kids, not just spunking in a womb ravaged by the Pill??!?!"

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>tfw haven't gotten laid since highschool

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especially when she wraps her legs around you and holds you inside

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Go to the gym.

so... a woman?

You're too ugly for that

Ugly people never win

I honestly envy religious cucks. I wish I could be so easily deluded
>inb4 le big brain atheist
No it's like they set up an actual block to reason in their minds and just say GOD MADE IT HAPPEN DONT QUESTION then live generally full and rewarding lives. Most of the people I went to church with as a kid have great social lives and families. I tried getting back into church but it's just not for me.

Reminder you can pay some girls to have sex with you.

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This is the only type of porn I watch. It always looks so lovely.

>mocking posters for using anime/manga reaction images on a futaba imageboard specifically made for the discussion of anime/manga
I’ll never understand this. How much of a sub90 IQ redditor newfaggot do you have to be to unironically try to do this?

some damp whore getting in your face? The Ring.

>what is casual sex
Jfc you incels are fucking pathetic just fucking kill yourself my dude

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Close. I ejaculated raw into a girl's Volkswagen.

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Is it true that girls all have really soft skin? Does it actually feel different than your own?

I never thought of it that way, it's too obvious.

Yes. They're very soft. And their fingers are so tiny. And their hands and arms and most of them.

Depends on their age and how well they take care of their skins. But yeah in general their skin is generally softer

>We’ve been here before, haven’t we?

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You're a grown man watching cartoons for kids bro

>it's just not for me
God doesn't want you to go to hell. He came on earth in the flesh and died on the cross, so you don't have too. All you have to do is talk with Jesus, you have nothing to lose anyway. Also mfw I became a christian on Yea Forums out of all places

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>tfw I have tiny fingers too

you guys are going to hell if you have premarital sex. too bad you arent /volcel/

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and their bellies are so squishy too

What amazes me is that he complains about anime pics but then uses a wojak one instead.

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if we use our free will to turn from God then the Devil wins essentially and God has to denounce his creation.

Epic lolz

I want to feel a girls belly

You're a delusional copecel if you don't have kids.

Enjoy sharing your nonexistent genetic legacy with the incels bro

I don't even want sex
Cuddling would suffice

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Wew lad. TMI.

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keep spamming that word it'll definitely catch on
>if you don't have kids ur a loser!11!!!1!
I'll be enjoying my money, free time, and privacy until I kill myself in a few decades. Enjoy cleaning up diapers and getting cucked in the divorce tho

>if we use our free will to turn from God
too late

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Cuddling is reward enough. And sleeping next to her as she breathes on your chest. Oh God

>Yea Forums
>good boards
big laff user

Can confirm, girls are pretty soft unless they are super thin and/or work out a lot.

>it's a cuddle turns into massage turns into sex episode

>not cumming in her mouth

Absolute pleb, there is no greater feeling

>'ll be enjoying my money, free time, and privacy until I kill myself in a few decades

Based incel larping as a copecel

It's honestly one of the best feels, that and holding hands while walking around, looking like a couple

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I just can't convince myself some magic sky jew snapped everything into existence.
The most I can do is believe we are all characters/elements in some simulation or computer game and that "God" is the cuck that made it.


What the fuck are you even saying? Can you communicate without memes for literally 20 seconds?

If you're a capeshitter maybe.

Reminder that Yea Forums is the ONLY board where e-celeb threads not only get a pass from jannies but are accepted by the majority.

describe the feeling in detail

>Yea Forums
>one of the best boards
How is it possible to have an opinion this shitty?

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Girls not touching my dick is the least of my worries. Being a sperg isn't fun.

Based boomer

I agree with you, but I'm also really vanilla and love missionary and earlobe nibbling.

post sauce

Post favorites

my friend used to tell me she loves feeling my hot cum straight out of my dick into her mouth
some girls are crazy for cum and sucking dick btw, it turns them on immensely

There's no real difference between you and the incels if you don't have children, user.

Enjoy getting mercilessly abused by Somali nurses in the rest home because you're too much of a pussy to off yourself

Thank god for Vancouver

>holding hands

Head's better.

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>tfw could have sex 3 times with cute girls, but the antidepressants give me erectile dysfunction

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>when the girl is kissing your ear while her hands move down your chest, stomach, and lower..

Actually the best thing is fucking her and borking in her, then having her lick the swage off your diddle, then falling asleep, then doing this again repeatedly 3 or 4 times until she's desperately licking her own gross gringe and multiple carbs worth of spong from you and then you smack her ass and tell her to go take a shower.

It doesn't count if you pay for it

I guess it's kind of weird but when my ex was having period cramps she'd always put my hand on her lower belly (I have warm hands) because she said it was like a little heating pad that made it feel better. I miss that a lot.

Not that user but I have only come one from oral. I told my gf no girl has been able to do it and she was determined to be the first. It took almost 20 minutes and I had to fantasize to get it done.

As far as cums go it was not nearly as satisfying as the vagina.

what do femanons think about 5.5'' dinks? haha

>It doesn't count if

What are you, a woman?

where do i find these girls?

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god imagine the STDs


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How many layers of condoms do you need to be on for this?

Not only a dicklet but also a retard

>when she gives you a blowjob and you reach down to feel between her legs and she's soaking fucking wet

what's it like being with a female that doesn't wish she was somewhere else

everyone knows biz is the only good board

what about her chest

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Before I repented I was addicted to porn, hated everything and everyone and my mother had a heart attack because of me. I pretty much didn't care about anything and just wanted to wegetate through my life, but then I met Christ and everything changed. My personality and attitude changed, I have normal relations with my parent now, I even managed to convert them and I'm happy that we will see each other in heaven. I guess I can't prove anything to you, you need to open your heart and take it with faith. Talk to Jesus,acknowledge that you are a sinner who deserves nothing but hell and ask Jesus for forgiveness and eternal life. I guarantee you will see changes and get a goal in your life, if you don't have any

How much zinc do I need to take to nut like that dude


Do you normies ever feel disgusted at women for the degrading acts they let you do to them?

>only girl I ever had sex with "liked her space while sleeping"

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You just have to ask them, honestly it's a gamble

>it doesn't count
you're putting your penis in a vagina. if it's a gfe there's literally no difference, you can kiss them and lick their pussies, except you don't have to listen to her bullshit after.

You pay. That's the difference

I applaud your testament and determination user.
Pray for me too.

Oh I don't respect women especially not the ones I fuck. I always find it funny that people think only incels are misogynistic and that only gentlemen feminists get sex

>Le based jaded face
I want someone to love me user

problem is that you yourself recognise that you lived a shitty life, so of course you'll say that whatever got you out of that situation is the one true salvation. It's like an ex-drug addict telling a non user to go to rehab.

I work with a girl who looks like this chick. Right down to the heavy makeup.

You're paying regardless

>using leolist
I'm not even gonna tell you where the good ones post

Only what they've let others do to them before me.
I usually make them feel pretty bad about their pasts

>implying betas don't pay anyway
unless you're a sociopath you are going to pay. if you're a man of means it should matter about as much as grocery shopping.

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Here's your e-hug. Happy?

>keeps going on about having children
ok kid. enjoy having kids in this fucked up world lol. i'll be fucking and doing me

The little moments of intimacy that get posted in these threads are the hardest to take

unironically based

Keep coping bro

>nu-male basedboys talking badly about "paying for a woman" in a non-escort context, as if being a man providing for your woman was something bad

pathetic. I love taking care of my girl, and she loves taking care of me.

Stay incel

praise Jesus user!

This, also /m/

my ex did this with me too

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>first world

>reddit spacing

I'm gonna die like K, right? Alone and horny. Oh well, nothing to do about it

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>posting the jpg

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the guy is half memeing but this is true
>get addicted to drugs
>realize this
>get myself clean and start using only recreationally

based and christpilled

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haha sex with women is so fun and liberating its awesome, what a relief it is to release your cummies with a woman that loves you haha

>boards that never killed anyone are the best
You ain't cool til somebody dies.

I wonder if your autism about something so stupid has anything to do with why you don't get laid.

Nah, it just be the jews.

>there is no greater feeling
t. has never came inside a woman

I recognized it after Jesus saved me. Before repentance I've seen me lifestyle as normal and didn't have a single thought that I should change something. I knew who Jesus is, but I didn't think about Him and God at all, but when I heard the gospel I started crying and fell on my knees begging Christ for forgiveness, and He eventually forgave me and moved me from darkness to light. We live in post-modern world, where everyone has his own truth, but the real truth is that world is black and white. Black - everyone sinned and is short in the glory of God and deserves eternal punishment in hell, Light - God came on earth as Jesus Christ and died. God loves us so much that He preferred to die than let us go to damnation. The choice is yours, user

That's great, but a lot of guys wind up paying for girls that never sleep with them. They'll be friendly and chummy but trying to take that to it's logical conclusion results in rejection. Now you have a friend who is holding out on you.

Let's have a moment of silence for those poor souls.

I had one chance to be with a girl but she was a psycho and I had to drop her.

God bless

reddit spacing is a meme you retard

She posted this right after Valentine's day, should I kms?

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>what is a line break
read a book nigga

The thought of having to convert my family stresses me out.

when you see it...

why is this pic so good?


why? Are you an arab?

>insectoid poster is in

You do pay regardless though.

>eternal life

/fit/ is a cool board then

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And I'm happy too. Imagine not being willing to take care of and provide for a woman. Cringe.

le based "just fuck a prostitute bro haha"-man doesn't have an argument when the situation is given any depth at all.

Remember when you were a kid in love, anons? It just seemed so easy back then

girls get flowers from family, friends, etc

>i eat pussy

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>It's not easy to fulfill an Asian girl's fantasies. I was a virgin until I was 23 years old because I was so shy. I'm not shy anymore. I want to share myself with whoever is willing to watch. If you don't have an Asian girlfriend, you will want one soon! Watch my videos and tell me what you want to see. You may not have an Asian girlfriend to do dirty things to you now, but I'll make you feel like you do.

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You talking about if she’s laying next to you doing it or you literally sit up to feel her vag lol


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No, my family just isn't religious at all.

is that right?

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>redditors triggered by getting called out
this is how you line break
fucking retards

Based Jesus granting us eternal peace after death.

That wasn't me. I'm just here to make anons feel really lonely

I get my blowjobs laying on my bed and she always sits in a way where I can eventually get to her vag because she knows I like it :^)

Imagine not feeling how wet your cock makes her while she sucks on it.

Mine wasn't either. I just asked my mother if she wants to meet each other in heaven and that's it. My father, grandparents and aunt saw how she changed and they eventually believed in Christ too.

it's worse than Yea Forums and up there with /r9k/

Line breaks are a stylistic choice for emphasis in books. 99.99% of the time books follow proper paragraph format, writing a few sentences and then starting a new one. the only books with common "line breaks" are childrens stories, they space the sentences further apart for ease of reading for toddlers.

>christcuck larping

I usually head to the fox den for the pro stuff

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tfw im a part of that normiebook group

Only on girls you really like

You caught me. I'm a redditor

I will continue to fuck women

While you bitch about arbitrary typing methods on an imageboard

Why would any happy person post on Yea Forums?

which boards killed people? I can guess Yea Forums, /r9k/ and /pol/, but what else?

That's great man

upvoted my good sir where's the reddit gold button on here

I'm essentially an incel just one who's smart enough to realize that's repulsive to women, and smart enough to adapt my strategy to that fact. Also a ton of spare time to spend looking for a woman. It took a lot of time and effort but the alternative was being a whiny bitch and getting nothing, I made my choice.

Wrong site

>being this mad over being outed
wew lad

>being this new

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You dense newfag, don't make me post the screencap of moot "reddit spacing" back in the day.

I can imagine your ancestors whipping your incel ass as soon as they get the chance. You'll be lucky to get near the gates, the way they're talking about your faggoty ass.
You think you're getting in? Oh no, part of being in heaven is tossing fuckers like you to the bowels of hell where you belong.
Lazy fucking faggot.

If thinking that makes you feel better about never being with a woman

>i just want love
Try not to confuse the two then. You want loyalty and friendship + sex. That's hard to find. I get my friendship from my friends and my sex from professionals (and occasionally people i've met in a non-professional context).

If you want both, you need to be well-adjusted and consider attending church to find another well-adjusted person.



Most blow jobs I receive shes between my legs, but one girl im with rn sits next to me and give me a bj from there, so i can do what you’re talking about

She understands that Goose is cute, that's all.

Acts 16:31
>And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house
Keep praying and talking with them, don't give up. I'll pray for you

haha my word /r/Yea Forums really had me going when they said this board wasn't that funny but here I am

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Fb is popular still but not as insanely ingrained into people's lives

Patton really gone downhill

literally who

welcome to r/ihavesex

literally (you)

>”Look, daddy’s home!”

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>tfw can never have children because am crippled and it's hereditary

feels bad man. I will never raise up a little noob.

Absolutely not, there is nothing like finishing in the woman you love.

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Why is that tv so weird? What's that yellow thing on the wall? What country is this?

Jeeze man, is there nothing you can do?

when did you realize you would always be alone? i was 15.

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>breeding with brown haired subhuman

this is the most relatable post I've ever seen

then stop taking them

based god keeping you from propagating your family's shit mongoloid genes

explanation plz

my nigger
I have a belly fetish, I go crazy for their bellies desu. All the girls I've been with have gotten their bellies molested

Is it the experience of Christ, or is the ability to be humbled and forgiving which changes someone?

The last time I slept with a girl, we spooned while sleeping and she took my hand and just held it while she slept
Might be the best feeling I've ever experienced

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>reddit tier insults
what a surprise

>as compared to "You're from reddit!"

Yeah, I'll never recover.

What's your excuse? I'm tired of hearing people spend more effort bitching than it would take to get what they want

>being straight

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Not that guy but I literally have no motivation to do anything. No drive, no force to push me forward. I just exist and the suffering isn't enough to make me kill myself

We crashed a fucking plane, dumbass.

Can't imagine why no woman wants to be with you

Which vid is it?

>pretending fucking that is gay
sorry it's perfectly straight to kiss and fuck that

how do you go about molesting their bellies? i was really into my ex-gfs stomach but she would be really awkward whenever i tried to caress it, she wasn't even fat just self conscious

Women can't understand br2049

im in the same boat as you and i havent taken the advice myself yet but you know all the cookie cutter basic shit that people spew that is probably a good idea to follow, but i can feel it in my soul that they are right, ill follow through one day, but i have a feeling deep down that going out into nature will help to begin the process

>you reach a certain age you know who you are

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It's God who changes us, we as humans can't do anything ourselves. Once you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and savior, you become His property and entrust your life to him. He polishes you everyday, so you will become more and more like Him. Sometimes you may think it's painful, but you must remember that God loves you and He knows best what's good for you

Posting >tfw no gf takes about 5 seconds while sorting out someones life could take years.

Clean your room

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I'm just not buying it user.

I dunno I would just do it. I didn't care what they said.
My second gf knew about it though, since me and her were friends before we dated, I had told I had a belly fetish before, so when we started dating she let me indulge, even let me rub my peepee on it and finish on it, it was great
Fuck I miss that, I haven't been with a girl in 2 years
this video clip

>2 years
yeah man at the year mark I usually just throw down for a whore, there's no shame in this game

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Man, idk how to get to you. You have literally nothing to lose, you can only gain from this. All what is required is a little and honest talk with Jesus. If it's all false you lose nothing, but if it's true you gain God's love and the gift of eternal life, it's a good deal, isn't it? You can also pray to God and ask Him if he's real, and He will answer you so that you will have no doubts
He answered your prayer.

i think i always knew but around 17 is when i accepted it as fact

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