I just saw Coppola's The Conversation. What was the point of this movie?

I just saw Coppola's The Conversation. What was the point of this movie?

Attached: Theconversation.jpg (220x336, 22K)

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dunno lol

me neither. it was boring and forgettable imo

>The Conversation.


Why would you ever ask what the "point" of a movie is?

was it autism?

Why not, n-word?

spotted the brainlet

Because asking the point of a film is so objective and not meant to be a criticism of art.

What's the point of 'Starry Night'? See how stupid that question is? What's the point of 'The Mona Lisa'?

to be unfiltered Kino

Paranoia can destroy you, is the msg I think.

I havrnt seen the film in years but I remember thinking it was vastly overrated

I think his appartment represents his life

this. him tearing apart his apartment at the end is the ultimate portrayal of his paranoia.

>no brainlet wojak
c'mon what do i look like?


>what is the singular le point of this mobie
Films are not fucking twitter posts you dumb ass mental midget

Congrats on having a big dick!!
You happy now?

I don't use twitter, tranny. Nice try.

>Paranoia can destroy you, is the msg I think.

well also karma or poetic justice when the master bugging expert gets bugged. Its not paranoia if they really are watching you.

It's about repetition, self-love, ritual and proficiency. It's about jacking off.

Isolation can fuck you over.