The movies was good but I didn't get the ending. Did the elites cover up his crimes?

The movies was good but I didn't get the ending. Did the elites cover up his crimes?

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The lawyer he phone thought it was a prank and all witnesses are dead. Not to mention a common theme is everyone is too interested in themselves than others.

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Yeah, it's why the estate agent (who cleaned the apartment) was acting so strange and why his lawyer was acting so shady when he tried to 'confess' to him. The lawyer had already covered it up, he couldn't understand why Bateman kept bringing it up in a public place. The idea that Bateman felt genuinely guilt and actually wanted to confess was alien to him.

It was all in his head

This is the most plebeian interpretation of the movie.

I guess the movies is a based of the real word. The elites are psycho cannibals that get away with everything.

Wow, we might have a serious thread about this film for the first time ever due to the lack of dubs. It’d be a real shame if someone messed that up...

if anything it's this one
everyone knows this interpretation. It's boring.

repeating numbers

No in the sense both the book and the movie didn't intend to have a clear ending, so it's all left for interpretations. So there isn't an answer, because the authors chose so.
Yes in the sense it's what I perceive every time I watch the movie.

>mfw it never actually showed him returning those alleged videotapes

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Yeah I was thinking that too when the cute lady went through his notebook. Maybe it was all in his head.

now THIS is the most plebeian interpretation of the movie. Even the director disliked this one, and insisted that SOME of the murders were real.

Hold up, I totally forgot about the videotapes. What was that about anyways?

>Even the director disliked this one, and insisted that SOME of the murders were real.
Then maybe he should've made it clear for fucks sake. What a fucking hack.

It's based from a novel
The story isn't realistic at all
Have you ever heard a main character like that, dancing and puting some New wave cds during a murdering...

do americans really feed cats to their ATMs?


It was all in his dubs

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It was just a stock excuse he'd use to leave situations

He's also clearly referring to pornographic tapes, and even in-world a few people may have suspected that, given what an odd excuse it is.

repeating digits

Only the real estate agent did. The rest of his peers simply didn't care

>SOME of the murders were real
Which ones? Murdering Allen wasn't real. Murdering the escort girls weren't real. Murdering that lady friend of his with the escort wasn't real. Murdering the model didn't seem real, but maybe it was since he had her hair in his chest pocket the following day. But then again, that could've been in his head as well. There's only one other killing left that could've been real and that was that random woman at the road crossing.

I'm pretty certain he killed the homeless guy.

Oh right. Maybe that was real. But even that is debatable since even I daydreamed about killing hobos.


It's wild, he wouldn't even need anybody to cover that one up. Some homeless guy gets stabbed in an alley? The last person in the universe they're going to suspect is somebody like Bateman. That one's just getting filed away somewhere.

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When I saw willem defoe I thought he would be part of a twist ending where he was a killer himself or he was the one doing the killings

the point is in capitalist consumerist culture everyone is replaceable/interchangeable and the only thing that matters is appearances and money. In the book he kills someone like every 10 pages, some of them are hallucinations like when he shoots at the cop cars and they explode

The director didn't have a clue what she was talking about. It was all in his head. He got the inspiration from the videos he watched (see Texas Chainsaw and the porn film). There is the additional idea that Bateman isn't even a real person

It's drawing attention to the videotapes, the key indicatir that everything happening is all his fantasies derived from the films he watches.

Bateman is actually Allen's alter ego.

>The elites are psycho cannibals that get away with everything.
That's not true. We're just not subject to the same laws as the poors; additionally, we have different crimes.

Here's an example. You kill a person in a car accident, you go to jail or something. If I did that, I wouldn't. However, if I were to make an embarrassing comment at a social gathering, I'd end up getting shunned from polite society and my life would basically be over.

nice larp

He (female)

>There is the additional idea that Bateman isn't even a real person
That's retarded.

wan't batman supposed to be crazy and never killed paul allen to begin with?

It really isn't. Bateman's secretary's diary had him meeting with others on the night of Allen's death, opening up a whole new can of worms about Bateman's sanity or even existence, or if Bateman is the embodiment of a few people or just and empty caricature of all the people he's around

the whole premise is everyone is so alike and so self absorbed that they explain everything away. The guy can't even fucking get arrested.

Sorry you're poor. Have you considered getting a job? That usually cures that condition.

In the late 70s/early 80s 'video nasties' (as they were referred to in the UK) were a new thing, shit like Texas Chainsaw, Driller Killer, I Spit on Your Grave etc.

Realising his life is mundane, soulless devoid and empty of any true meaning, Bateman concocts a fantasy reality for himself based on the violent scenes in the video nasties and extreme pornography that he obsessively rents from the local video store.

The movie charts his breakdown in sanity as his fantasy world begins to take over every waking moment of his life.

this thread is shit

This 'le real crazies are all around me', the real estate agent wasn't willing to reveal his crimes and let the property values take a big hit.

>'video nasties'

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