/ABAG/ - Alita: Battle Angel General - #29 - Minimalist Edition

This is thread for general discussion of Alita: Battle Angel.
Post and discuss your thoughts on the movie, pics/gifs/webms related and relevant info/rumors/news.


Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 59% Audience 94%
IMDB - 7.6/10

Production Cost and Box Office Sales Numbers

Conversation Starters:
>Have you seen it?
>What did you think?
>Who is planning to see it?
>What do you expect?
>Who won't be seeing it?
>Why not?

Previous Thread:

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(G)Ally :3

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>the entire world economy is only worth $80 trillion
the mouse always wins


Oh no, we are doomed? No sequel for poor Alita!

Yeah man

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Chiren and grewshika were definitely fat. As they were only created because nova and makaku wouldn't fit in the OVA. The dead disabled daughter was also 100% fat. Street motorball, hugo's crew, that expedition to the crashed ship (that no one touched for 300 years), that motorball skirmish was most definitely fat. as well as the martian flashbacks.

They trimmed the "is ido a murderer" arc way the fuck down and reduced it to practically nothing. They introduce and resolve the plotline in about 60 seconds flat. They completely gutted nova's character for no good goddamn reason and fucked up massively when they showed chiren's brain, establishing the brain-replacement arc can't happen. As well as vector's character.

the movie was the result of barely competent butchery.

I liked her better in VHS

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based and alitapilled

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>she gets a pure nanotech body in LO
>she gets the ability to convert parts of it into the damascus blade
>the parts turn out to be her boobs

>get irritated at the constant Alitaposting on Yea Forums
>actually watch the movie
>like it
You aight, Alitaposters

do chiren and ido even have the forehead marks in the movie? Are they from zalem?

>Xperia Play
That phone was pretty awesome.

It is a conspiracy theory.
world economy is $ 5000000000000000000 trillion.

holy shit

you'll have to wait for the sequel to answer that

yes, they are from salem, chiren has the mark, ido tells alita that he had it but removed it.

Same manga snob, pissed Cameron and Rodriguez left the "Yuck! That's GROSS!" kiddie-pandering out of the film.

>listening to .flac-files

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For what purpose

You guys are cute, but the flop is in, and pretending to be morons won't stop people from pointing out the movie has already lost hundreds of millions.

>Alita has next to no advertising, is already starting to break even, with many people seeing it multiple times, almost exclusively on word of mouth.
it's a good feel and I think I today might be viewing no.4 for me.

There isn't going to be a sequel. Alita needed to gross at least $500,000,000,000 to break even. There is no way that it will gross that much. Its over. Alita: Battle Angel is all we are gonna get I am afraid.

>pretending to be morons
you, sir, underestimate us


So they're from zalem but they had a disabled daughter somehow?
Up until a few years ago I bought most alita merch including various re-issues of the manga.

>t. shill who isn't even pretending to have an argument

Acting like the movie is totally flawless is only causing people to notice the flaws. Kinda like the uncanny valley effect.

I mean, technically, it could be. It's easy to fudge numbers and make shit up when it's all electronically based.

It is not flopping, user. It will at least break even... enough to establish a new franchise, nowadays.

Hollywood can't survive just on Marvel.

Alita is for Nova only.

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which means they also removed the whole "completely controlled breeding" thing.

>captcha is the side of a road
>select all bicycles
>please try again

what's a flan?


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Where's the cheapest place to get the manga? I honestly don't care about special editions or anything, but it would have to be translated to English.

as of right now its about 200m away from breaking even.

you've caught the bug

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I wouldn't be surprised if they never even read last order.

nova like flan.

>Get to the theatre expecting Alita to be great
>Start watching the movie
>15 minutes in the burrito disappears
Cameron is a hack. No wonder this Alita flopped. I knew I should have watched the cam rip instead of spending money on this piece of shit movie.

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literally every "read manga online" site has gunnm, and there are hundreds.

Considering they started making the movie at the point in time that it wasn't released, you shouldn't be surprised.

who DID this to grewISHka

See it again this weekend if you want a chance at a sequel.

Yes, it’s on track for $400 million plus WW, but if it doesn’t get to 100M in the United States we can kiss sequel hopes goodbye.

Go TONIGHT! Tell/bring friends and family!

Alita deserves a sequel.

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I prefer to buy themI already know about those sites.

Yeah I really don't like the liberties they're taking with the material. Chiren shouldn't even be in the movie and they made even more backstory for her that is completely incompatible with the manga?
No idea I got my stuff off yahoo and ebay. The original viz books are better than the later ones though especially if you're not familiar with manga. They're left-to-right and larger than the later versions.
Having said that they may have issued a new larger size since I stopped collecting.

Where do I read regular books online

>$700 mi in China and Japan alone

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Well, I am satisfied with just this movie. It is the best if there is a sequel, but if they can not do it I will not complain.

Thank you, Cameron.
Thank you, Rodriguez.

see you everyone.
I'm going to bed.

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its pretty clear the people who made the movie only read cameron's production bible thing, and he wrote/compiled that when he licensed it, which happened within a year of the OVA being released, which meant, at the time, only three or four volumes of manga existed as well as the OVA. He probably tried to get in touch with kenshiro for further backstory and stuff, which gave him really vague broad strokes which he misinterpreted.

Thus the movie.

Alita has word of mouth.
Meanwhile Im trying to decide if i want to sneak in some sour patch kids for the 12:30 showing I'm going to

>alita puts the burrito outside of the frame
>that means it disappeared
Are you 3 months old?

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>reading Kafka to little children
Based fake mom lady.

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>tfw Alita is literally tumor

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And that's it for Alita. Dragon is opening big. Robot Girl will get pulled from the large theaters and the box office will dive.

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I guess with all the hype going on, you can say she grows on people.

So how long until the sequel? I'm thinking a max of 5 years, since they still have all the equipment used to film and when compared to other movies wasn't terribly expensive to produce. But that's assuming Cameron is going to ghost direct it, instead of taking over the reigns, in which case I would venture it would be a few decades after Avatar 2/3 get released.

they didn't start actually making the movie until 2016 at the earliest. Hell martian memory (PS1 vidya) was released in '98 and that had all the broad strokes of last order. So much so that people were complaining that last order was following martian memory to the letter. Which is probably what motivated the creation of the ZOTT abomination.

Mediocre launch for an animated kiddie movie. Completely different market, too.

Alita will start dropping screens next week since theaters have obligation only for 2 weeks.

They'd better hurry salazar was past her use-by date for the first one

They shouldn't have sequel baited this hard. If we don't get a sequel, that will be depressing as fuck.

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>Mediocre launch

Double Alita's......

I might downlaod the cam rip just to webm this part and prove you wrong

who cares when you've got CG?

What is the significance of the hot dog in this scene?

I mean it's higher than the previous 2 movies and also they are estimating 60+ million now.

>the ZOTT abomination.
trips of truth. Alita Quest was kino, the ZOTT was a gigantic plot tumor.

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Filming sure, but the script was made long before then. They can only make minor changes to scripts once filing actually starts, unless they plan on delaying the premiere.

I still have to listen to her. Nobody wants a cute heroine with the voice of a 40 year old beaner

Kuma Miko Hollywood adaptation when?

>this movie has a general thread
Another reason not to see it

>theaters have obligation only for 2 weeks
In what dictatorship do you live user ? Theatres have no obligation at all here.

The manga and the movie are two seperate things. Kishiro saw the movie 5 times and thinks its the best movie he's ever seen so it has his blessing. You can't expect a 2 hour movie to have the exact same plot points and beats as a manga. Its about as faithful as you can get in a condensed time frame that still has the spirit of the manga. Complaining about Chiren is like complaining that Arwen did things in LotR that she never did in the novel.

Lots of voice acting is done by actors older than you'd think

>not sneaking in an orange and a bar of chocolate

absolute pleb

>of last order
Martian chronicles too. Kishiro, the absolute madman, planned everything from the start, and only made slight adjustments to make the story even more exciting.

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(((Scott Mendelson))) with more bad news about the Friday numbers and the domestic weekend prospects.

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to play devils advocate, 95% of japs would never criticize something like this, they're too polite

Do you like your job, Vector?

Shit food. She liked orange and chocolate but gave the burrito to a dog...

A person's tonal range doesn't really get affected by age, user. As long as she's not smoking she'll still sound the same. Any differences can be easily be tweaked with audio processing.


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Clearly not enough Alita threads right now

My dear fellow redditors and discord friends enjoy this bump.

Alita's hair was way better in the original manga. I don't know why he changed the way she's drawn in LO.

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>You've made the biggest mistake of your life
>and what's that
>underestimating the power of the white race
Seriously Jimbo?

Moeblobs are popular now, so she’s a moeblob

this movie gave me existential dread and anxiety

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>why he changed the way she's drawn in LO
Huge hiatus.

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>sees movie 5 times
Pfft nothing personel, kid.


Knowing that the actor is way older than the kawaii uguu character they're trying to portray still ruins it for me. Even makes me a little angry. Just get a more age appropriate actress ffs why do this.

It made you believe in love and you saw how little of it there is in the world

>had everything planned
Eh, that gun was supposed to be in the first volume as the narrator or something. But then he made guns illegal for obvious reasons.


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she's over 300 years old, user

get a grip

The actress is one of the best parts of the movie

Hahaha, that's a classic!

It’s easier to make an actor look young than it is to teach a kid to act.

Based $700 mi poster


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alita has no defined age, she's a 300 year old adult woman who is reborn as a young girl in a cyborg body and then matures into an adult woman again through character development

From what I've seen it wouldn't be that hard to get a teen to act better than salazar

>numbering generals

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I see you are of patrician tastes.

Which country has this poster?

That's martian chronicle, not LO?

Calm your (nonexistent) tits, loli, it was just a joke.

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Mojo Friday numbers

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Keeping track for billing purposes.

Compare the reaction by the people behind GiTS when the hollywood adaptation came out. The author didn't want to be asked about it at all and Oshii just said that it looked ok. On the other hand, Kishiro thinks the same way about the movie as the rest of us. He's more than enthusiastic about it, which goes beyond his contractual obligation to shill the movie.

I think some people are too hung up on what they know and aren't thinking about what they got. Alita is the best kind of adaptation because it doesn't replace the original or is too redundant to be worthwhile. Nothing wrong with the movie doing its own thing and people complaining about it not having Last Order stuff when Jim wrote the screenplay in the 90s is beyond retarded.

I haven't seen this flick and I have no plans to do so, but I am interested in signing on as a shill to earn some extra money. Can you PM me with instructions on how to sign up and compensation? Thanks in advance.

>fighting with family

>he's a 300 year old adult woman
is this canonic? couldn't be a male?

>300 years old.
Stop spouting this line like she wasn't in suspended animation for 95% of that time

In the movie at least Ido tells Alita she has the brain of a healthy teenage girl "if there is such a thing".

Begin with a rope

I just binge watched Alita: Battle Angel in IMAX 3D. AMA.

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It was a limited release last week in 4 theaters and this weekend it expanded to 2500

no, her chromosomes are XX (trannies btfo)

Literally this. We have to report it to our shill bosses at DisFox.

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how do you binge watch a movie

Audience mood and reactions? Got any trailers? I got Hellboy, Captain Marvel and Endgame.

Oshi gushed about GitS the same way kenshiro is. Shirow wasn’t sought for comment because he’s a porn artist first and foremost and Hollywood didn’t want people to connect the movie with galgrease

Why aren't you watching it again?

In every way but physical, I am a battle cyborg.

>Chiren and grewshika were definitely fat. As they were only created because nova and makaku wouldn't fit in the OVA. The dead disabled daughter was also 100% fat.

Its a cultural change. You can't have Ido just building a girl robot body without it coming across as perverted to western audiences. Chiren being the mother to Ido's daughter continues this.

As for the brain chip aspect, I think thats reworked so that they can get around showing scenes of brain caps popping open and showing the insides. Just like Hugo's stealing was changed by biological spines to cybernetic parts. If we do get a sequel, the secret difference of Zalemites will probably be something brainrelated that they don't have to show full-on gore for.

How many times did you go watch it? Did you go alone or did you bring a friend?

You don't give shirow enough credit and it's kishiro not kenshiro


And then? If anyone can teach us the best way to tie a noose it's the folks who invested money into this schlock.

I always get Dark Phoenix.

Is it just me or was the arena anoucer the same guy who was in Phantom Menace announcing the pod racing scene?

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Ido came across as a huge weirdo in the source material too. So much so that gally thinks he’s a murderer. Alita thinking ido is a murderer doesn’t even fucking follow at all in the movie.

>Woah, looks like it's No Rules Tuesday!
favorite line in the whole movie

And how many times did they claim to see the movie? Probably not 5 freaking times.

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Because money isn't made out of trees... it's made out of cotton.

Would this shot count as gore? Aside from the sawed-through skull, it's more medical than violent, even though it's obvious high-grade body horror (those biological yet clearly fully invented organs supporting the brain chip are my favorite part).

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They at least paid lipservice to LO with Gelda being introduced. Though honestly I feel like the Mars stuff and even Nova were added in later tot he original which seems like it'd just be an adaptation of the OVA.

It’s funny that youre trying to argue that shilling is valid.

>lipservice to LO with Gelda being introduced
>turned her into an angry beaner
No thanks

Dude, spoilers.

Is the 3D IMAX worth it?

The 3D IMAX in this movie is fucking incredible. Its probably hands down the 2nd best way to see it other than 4DX

It's funny that you're trying to say that the movie has zero merit when the IP's creator clearly enjoys this retelling of his creation.

MC is fun.

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How are 3D movies this days, still need glasses?

the art is too bad these days

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No when you walk in, they make you go through a surgical procedure that upgrades your eyes with synthetic ones capable of perceiving televised three dimensional waves without the need for glasses. Make sure to get the non-invasive version, as the other option is known to cause temporary blindness in people.

All kishiro really wanted to see was motorball in live action. He said alita didn't even need to be in the movie so you can take his opinion with a grain of salt.

I blame the cleaning scripts that scanlators use. Old man is still drawing with traditional media, but cleaning makes it look like digital garbage.

nice post

I ain't got no friends and my family says IMAX 3D makes their eyes and ears hurt.

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No reactions. There are never any reactions in theaters where I live. It's a movie, not a Sports Ball game.

RIP the dog

My theatre had an "oh shit" reaction to the one-arm eye stab.

Wait so they are reverse cyborgs? What the fuck.

It is the best Michele Rodriguez has ever looked though.

But seriously, why are literally all shown martians spics.

>the one literally pants on head retarded kid

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>my family says IMAX 3D makes their eyes and ears hurt.
Do we tell him?

Man, if only the “kinoplex” threads had anything resembling that level of writing ability.


Yep. People on the ground value their humanity, people in the sky have it taken without their knowledge.

Ido is still a weirdo and becomes weirder after you find out he's a hunter-warrior. Alita is like 2 days old and she thinks Ido is a murderer because he's leaving at night, coming back hurt and knows more about the murders than he's telling her. I don't know how that isn't enough for you to make a basic connection. The fact that he tries to turn Alita into his daughter is supposed to be weird and Alita is initially repulsed by it.

I was more going for if you talked to anyone, but audience mood is interesting too.

Personally when I went to see it on Wednesday afternoon, there were a few laughs at the jokes, but the friday night crowd was more into it - noticably sniffling at some of the sad parts, laughing and gasping more at the surprising bits.

Thankfully I haven't experienced any talkers in theaters here, except one time in a family movie.

Talkin about the manga, yes. The movie tries to hit all these notes without any context. Hell, they don’t even talk about the murders in the movie, alita just immediately assumes ido is killing people.

Was there any dancing during the motorball scenes?

yes, and the city uses a combination of eugenics and subtle emotional surpression through the chips to ensure a stable society

in reality they're just a isolated breeding grounds for geniuses orchestrated by the space counterpart of the city, as well as collecting for a brain computing cluster for the space citizens to unconsciously tap into to ensure that their own much more powerful nanomachine social control system runs smoothly without violent glitches

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They do talk about the murders in the movie, when Ido is repairing the guy whose parts were taken - but that's after she's seen him sneak out at night and come back bloody.

>they don’t even talk about the murders in the movie
They do. Watch it one more time.

Only reason I go to theaters is because of the sound.

Anyone else only go for this reason too?

Right, how silly of me to forget the movie is literally flawless.

>Movie doing better than expected
>Manga sold out, a fucking 100 dollar deluxe edition
>people buying all of the old stock for other versions and even the spinoff and sequels

It's time for the OVA to be re-released. Getting that telecine remastered and released would be trivial.

Alita knows women are being murdered.
Ido returns late at night, injured and covered with blood.
Ido refuses to explain to her why when she asks.
Ido sneaks out at night again. Alita follows.
She sees him assemble a weapon, and start following a woman into an alley.
Ido sets up an ambush, right in the path of the woman he was following.

Gee, why would she be suspicious?

I doubt that, but I only saw the first two rows.

It's the nexus of the crisis
The origin of storms
Just the place to hopelessly
Encounter time and then came me
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Call me Desty nova, eternal light
These gravely digs of mine
Will surely prove a sight

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You forgot
>all of this happens in literally 30 seconds

>forgetting his dog, fixed and consequent
imaginos is a GOAT album

How much sex did he have with 11 and 12?

Not just that, but Alita picks up a poster about the murdered women before the talk in the clinic. She has plenty of reason to suspect Ido, especially since she only knows 3 people and is incredibly naive at that point.

*coughs on your experience*

It does follow the rule of every scene doing more than one thing - but it does move a bit fast. They certainly crammed in more plot than they probably should have. I totally got the "she suspects Ido of being a killer" thing though, even though I suspected that she was mistaken.

It just dawned on me. How the fuck does Chiren have a human brain?! She is from Zalem. Was that before the chips? I thougbt Ido had one.

Ido was not weird for wanting to adopt Alita. He lost his daughter, and his wife divorced him. He was lonely.

To be fair, he saw it 5 times because they invited him to 5 screenings

head pats only

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Go watch the movie again. The burrito clearly disappears abnormally.
Do it faggot. I could use a good laugh when you are proven wrong. No low rez bullshit either. We may have to wait for the BluRay really. Rips drop too many frames which would be against you. Doesn't matter anyway I guess. I soon as you review the scene you will realise you are wrong.

retarded hollywood writers. It's a fuckup form the anime that they adapted into the movie

what's the best reissue? legit curious. do they deteriorate with each reissue?

>decides to call her after his dead daughter
>nurse gives him a "really nigga" look
He went beyond trying to adopt her. When Alita asked if he ever found peace, he responds by saying he found her and its creepy because he's obviously projecting.


>It's a fuckup form the anime
I think when the OVA was released the manga wasn't that progressed. I'm too lazy to check publication dates.

They’re all kinda bad. The original translation over-localizes the writing to make more “palatable” and the later ones read like machine translations.

That he was invited? He saw the movie 5 times before the movie was out in Japan. He must have been invited. But from his statement it seems like he didn't have to go but went anyway because he legitimately enjoys the movie.

your loss

He was there on most of the stops during the pre-release tour.

the original comics are the largest english prints I have, the first run of viz graphic novels are significantly smaller, the next run was smaller again and switched to right-to-left layout. The first viz graphic novels are the best balance between size and convenience I have. There has been another re-issue since, a boxed set but I'm not familiar with those.

It's still a fuck up because they introduced a character that doesn't exist in the manga and showed her brain.

And because it meant he’d be flying around the world for free.

Remnder that you are a tasteless fag if you prefer the cheap Evey Reborn ripoff over MOTORBALL

He's Austrian, she's lucky she wasn't locked in the basement.


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No, he was fine. He doesn't think she is her daughter.

>Marvel has 9-12 threads up year round

So go pick some, nigger

So does Sneed. Your point?

>audibly reacting to a movie
Where do you live? I hope it's a prime nuclear weapon target.

>It's still a fuck up because they introduced a character that doesn't exist in the manga
Adaptations aren't "fuck ups", user. She was introduce to shorten the story.

>and showed her brain
Again, not a fuck up if they didn't know about the brains and Kishiro don't told them. Is a fuck up only in the new movie, and only assuming they'll release a sequels that includes the chip part.

>obvious shilling is okay because there’s so much of it

Pro tip: people stopped calling shill in marvel threads because disney shills just ignore it. Because they know they can’t convince people there are no shills here.

>warp technology will not be achieved for the next 1000
>the first person who will experience cybernetic immortality is likely already born
what a time to be alive

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This. I couldn't get into the movie after that point.

>F L A W L E S S !!!!!!!!!!

The point is it is a fuckup as it locks out a huge plot line, a ton of juxtaposition, and only serves to simplify the themes of the source material into total meaninglessness.

Your word isn't a verifiable source dingwits.

>hurr durr it's not a fuck up.
Get a load of this guy

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No. Nothing you said was true.

You forgot
>the first person to experience cybernetic immortality is likely Donald trump.


Lads I need help buying chocolate.

Where can I get a good thick bar like that one? Doesn't have to have the same design. Just needs to be nice and thick like that.

I wasn't even talking about the movie until the last post, you clown.

See above, dumb sataniaposter.

Whatever you say shill. I am sure all the trolls shouting shill don't know what they are talking about. They really all no shills calling anyone shill besides the shills right shill?

Disney pays Hiroshimoot to allow their shilling to go on. They then get pissed when random anons start talking about something Alita, because that takes attention away from them.

>kishiro being present at most premiers isn’t verifiable

The state of alita shills.

Of course it is easily retconned by saying that wasn't Chiren, just another harvested person, and Vector did find the chip instead of a brain. Vector isn't the most honest guy.

lmao that pile of lard is lucky if he survives another 15 years

No, he thinks she is a replacement for his daughter. He tries to control her as if she was his daughter and that's a major reason why Alita rebels like she does. This is pretty basic character stuff and you have 3 different characters, Alita, Chiren and the nurse all basically saying the same thing. Even the nurse found it creepy when Ido suggests Alita as a name. Watch the movie again, she clearly grimaces.

It wasn’t exactly a fuckup in the ova because it’s feesible the brain isn’t chiren’s. In the movie vector directly states the brain is chiren.

If vector found a chip instead of a brain he'd have bigger fish to fry than worrying about alita, like oh, I don't know, people with chips in their heads instead of brains running around.

Just buy a shit ton of bars, melt them down, make a mold of the iron city one, and recreate it. Buy some gold tinfoil and wrap it up.

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>wtf why isn't he believing everything he reads online?
The absolute state of Disney shills.

havent read manga or anything before yet the plot was so predictable I almost walked out of the kinoplex mid movie a couple of times

fuck that is one kino poster


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We don't deserve this timeline.

>action movie
>"is predictable"
user, the point of shitposting and baiting is making it at least a bit believable.

I'm usually able to predict all kinds of plots. But this one I had difficulty with.

[spoilers]I was certain Zapan would become a good guy. I was certain they'd get to Zalem during some point in the movie. I was certain Hugo would've survived. I was certain that Ido would die.[/spoilers]

But none of that happened and I was pleasantly surprised.

>]I was certain Zapan would become a good guy.
Me too, I don't know why. Turns out he's a sadistic bastard.

He doesn't try to control, her- just protect her from a dangerous world she knows nothing about.

And he was right... there was already contract out to strip her for parts.

Time to give up on these generals, this weeks drop shows it isn't attracting a broader audience despite the high audience score. Expect a further domestic box office trickle until it gets booted off most of its screens when CM opens.

Alita is dumb!


>sequel / trilogy ends with Alita defeating Nova
>she leaves him alive
>they find out about Jeru / Ketheres
>they go up
>this mother fucker was above them watching the whole time and just looks down at them in pity

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if we get a sequel then zapan stands a good chance at being one of the greatest movie antagonists of all time

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funny thing is I can see this being a thing in alitaverse

Just saw it in IMAX 3D. How's it doing so far money wise? Is there a chance for a sequel?

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Would actually fucking love that. I love conflicts of struggle where there's always somebody higher on the food chain.

Poor troll is losing! Alta will be fine. ; )

Do you not have a Whole Foods with its array of overpriced cholcolate from around the world? Praise be to the Bezos.

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Yes- it is doing well overseas, and Hollywood is running out of franchises.

it's guaranteed.

loved how everything spiralled out from alita simply humiliating him along with a bunch of other hunter warriors and him escalating the payback and losing every time

who would play him?

> It's doing not quite as well as John Carter.

> No.

Absolutely. It would be amazing. But they would NEED to show his history in flashbacks...the basic lack of Makaku/Grewshika backstory is my main peeve about the movie.

Zapan in movie 2, with Nova built up...then Nova as he main antag in film 3.

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It wouldn't even be seuqel bait. It would be just that. There's always a bigger fish.

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mahershala ali


Precisely. I wouldn't mind that at all. Not like bleach where the next villain is bigger and badder than the last and Ichigo is constantly kicking their asses and getting stronger. Like nigga just leave it ominous and to the imagination.

It only need 350 to break even, and it should be close to if not at that mark right now. The distributor should realize that if those numbers were just with mostly word of mouth, then it would be fairly safe to make a sequel but then do actual advertising for it.

I want to feed Rosa!

That's the thing. Even after they both aknowledge that Alita is more than capable of protecting herself, he still tries to stand in her way. He doesn't look at her and see her for what she is, he sees her as his daughter that needs protecting. In the end he gets over that and its that acceptance that brings Alita back.

Telling her she can't be a hunter warrior and refusing to reunite her with her body is controlling her. He's trying to make her his daughter even when she doesn't want to. If you don't see that then you're a brainlet.

the first half of the movie is the Zapans suffering viewed through Zapans eyes, the second part is viewed through Alitas eyes as she defeats him
wont happen but would be absolute kino

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He is a bounty hunter- that is pretty self-explanatory. No backstory is needed.

Does the dog need a backstory, too?

>mfw I saw this movie expecting anything else than pretty animations

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>He doesn't think she is her daughter.
he clearly does, even if he doesn't admit to himself. He accepts it later on obviously when she tells him 'I'm not your daughter'.
>Even the nurse found it creepy when Ido suggests Alita as a name. Watch the movie again, she clearly grimaces.
'creepy' might be harsh but she clearly is concerned about it.

>Me too, I don't know why
because the initial 'bad guy' changing sides happens all the time. I'm glad they kept him a sadistic dickhead.

Alta got literally shredded in her second fight, and Ito need to save her.

More than capable of protecting herself. :/

I fucking hope that the producers view dollars equally and give us a fucking sequel. I know China is worth about 1/4, but if this gets about 450 ww I’ll be pissed if we don’t get a continuation because at that level it deserves one from a monetary POV.

That’s a nice way of framing the story for a sequel...definitely need to get us into Zapans shoes before he turns into an unstoppable monstrosity..

it definitely isn't close to 350. it will probably be at 250 after this weekend

A sequel? lmao No there won't be any sequel. Alita needs $800 million to break even. There is no way this flop of a movie is going to get a sequel.

You want Ido to be weird. In the movie, he simply isn't.

Back to your magna you go....

backstory explains motivation which allows the audience to connect with the character, and villains you can relate to are the best villains

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It needs $20 billion to break even, user. ; )


$10 Trillion

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Bullshit. The best villains have some mystery to them... and only weirdoes relate to villains.

Lucas screwed up big time by giving Darth Vader three prequels worth of backstory.

Are you being intentionally obtuse? That's after Ido refused to put her in the berserker body.

where did anything I said indicate I want him to be weird?

as put by George Carlin - There's nothing mysterious about being an asshole.

That is true- I never found George Carlin mysterious.

Alita is LOVE.

Alita is true love.

Critics hate it and mainstream avoids it, and it's beloved by those who see it. I guess it's an instant cult classic.

he's confusing the backstory for the side story after his face and memory is destroyed

>mainstream avoids it
Yeah sure, that explains all the normies and chads with their girlfriends that I've seen going to it and enjoying it.

Yep! And cult classics get sequels. They will make one for Alita... after the normies have seen it on Netflix.

At this level of note for note copy between the trailer and Dario Marinelli track, it's probable that they just bought the rights.
They I can see Rodriguez using the trailer song as temp track for the motorball, and an uninspired Junkie XL hack being asked to write something similar.


its been a long time since i have witnessed this autism level in my Yea Forums

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several weeks i gather

That's an officially licensed bar of chocolate you dumbass.

cyberpupper a cute

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i cant remember the last time Yea Forums blew up like this over a movie

bladerunner 2049 maybe? the dark knight?

For all of you friends

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Blade Runner never got big. It was the Dark Knight pretty much, and even then there was far more interest in that movie then there is for this one.

bless arita. she so kind.

Give it time. The interest in Alita is just starting. After it becomes known by the masses how good Alita is its popularity will grow. Of course by then the movie will be out of theatres and all the contrarians shitting on it now will be kicking themselves for missing it in the theatres. It will be a long long time until Alita's popularity fades on Yea Forums.

BR2049 tanked in Asia. RIP.

>10 Captain Marvel threads up
>5 Sneed threads up

If the movie gets enough sequels, I'm looking forward to the discourse around Sachs.

The Captain Marvel threads aren't helping Marvel.

People liked Marvel largely for the lack of political messaging. Captain Marvel controversy is not helping their franchise.

Alita is a female brain

sachs is just a chip with Alitas fighting experience

Really hoping there are enough sequels to feature Sechs.

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>last avengers movie
>main interesting mcu timeline ends
>marvels movie relevancy is out of the water
>alita releases on netflix
>netflix fags come across it and watch it
>like it and demand a sequel
>alita, with no capeshit competition, gets a sequel 2020/2021
>movie makes 500 mil worldwide

Alita is fine

>old ass brain is reborn in a cybernetic body
>why gotta be female
How does it even matter?

Saw it and loved it bros. Why the fuck did it have to end on such a cliffhanger though?


it just keeps happening

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Not really a cliffhanger unless you're being funny about Hugo's end, more like hinting a sequel.

The story is done though. It's sequel bait that leaves all the characters and their arcs pretty much concluded at that point. Do you really need to know how Alita faces off against Nova when you know that it will happen? Its no less of a cliffhanger than The Matrix.

There was no cliffhanger ending, just a temporary stalemate.

Saving Private Ryan didn't have a cliffhanger ending just because WW2 wasn't over yet.

I was never worried about sales for that movie, because 2049 had a nice clear ending and all the plot threads were tied up. I was worried that if there was a sequel, that it would be utter shit and completely destroy the lore of the previous two films.

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