But why?

But why?

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No frens

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he was a small guy on a big mission

was it autism?

imagine the freedom

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at the mountains of madness

He was an incel

what was the name again?

because he's going to find Cthulhu and fuck. him. up.

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>But why?

because evolution. the same reason why some ape back in the day started to climb down from the trees and moved to the ground while others didn't. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work.

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Encounters at the End of the World I think? That might have been the comp of 5 mini docs, not too sure. It's a Werner Herzog one either way.

based maverick playing by his own rules. if there were more penguins like him maybe the'd have their own civilisation by now like humans

he was a free thinker

>the belief that human beings exist in a purposeless, chaotic universe.

my penguin was tarded

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See that mountain?

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Meatwad is ur fren

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He became self-aware and realized how pointless it is to follow everyone else, and decided to do what he wanted instead.


Sounds like logical, rational thinking

isnt it ironic how reality is called absurdism

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>t. Rick and Morty fan

To get laid and maybe save come chicks on the way back


He looks pretty swoll

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