So does nobody give a fuck about the remake?
So does nobody give a fuck about the remake?
No. They did one in the 80s that was the same shit, a modern reimagining of the old episodes.
The old episodes are still good, and being old only enhances their weird quality. This is a pointless reboot. Black Mirror exists. We don't need to see Adam Scott playing Shatner in the plane episode. How many god damn times are they gonna remake that shit
why is he doing the pepe face
If it has any nigger touching white women I won’t watch it
I loved the og twilight zone and the 80s. mixed on the 00s one
It'll be kino if it's made by Peele
>Low grade retard does unoriginal remake.
Hes playing the presenter role like Rod Serling. I dont think he actually wrote/directed
Peele has done nothing that approaches kino as a director, writer actor or producer. His shit is weak.
and don't come back
Shut up nigger lover get off my board
>video unavailable
>comments disabled
but why
no thanks
This guy is a great comedy writer and I'm sure it will translate well to more serious works like The Twilight Zone but I can't take his stupid fucking mug seriously. He looks retarded.
I also didn't like Get Out.
I don't like niggers
Kubrick was also good at comedy too.
>dat 3rd rock from the sun episode where Lithgow and Shatner talk about a monster being in the wing of their airplane
Comedy gold
holy fuck thats some bad photoshop
His black complexion may work in his favor. He already has more gravitas than (notorious woman beater and heroin addict) Rod Serling. Let it come.
Rod Serling had the gravitas to guide us into these things with a straight face. Has this Peele character done anything outside of the Sidney Poitier wannabe mold? Has he even acted in any deep drama or fantasy?
Also, both horror and humor work in the same way: as a shocked reaction to the upsetting of norms. Does any of our society live a "normal" enough life to explore the undoing of it?
only available for Sharia adopting countries
I'd say you are exaggerating but then I saw that it's from the official CBS. There is no excuse.
>CBS All Access
Why not just put it on regular TV?
Shoo child, the adults are talking here.
>that annoying guy from parks and rec
>that annoying black guy from 30 rock
>that annoying chink from walking dead
>that annoying indian from portlandia
What the fuck were they thinking
Nobody is watching this nigger shit.
And if I see you post about it again, we're gonna pour bleach on your ass.
This will be the entire show btw. They'll probably do episodes where interracial couples go back in time. Things were so crazy back then!
>Majority of the actors are comedians who are friends with Peele
>(notorious woman beater and heroin addict) Rod Serling
that shit comes from reddit. GTFO
I see you adding a not lot to the intellectual atmosphere
>The muslims are due on maple street.
You are out of your fucking mind, wifebeater and heroin addict...
>Fuck (You) and your bait, you cunt
>Black Mirror exists.
and it's shit
every episode is about tech and it misses more than it hits. twilight zone had all sorts of episodes, a true anthology show.
inside no. 9 has more in common with the twilight zone than black mirror
their 'Nightmare at 20,000 Feet' remake with Adam Scott seems like a very different take
I’d like to see Adam Scott doing something else though
I hope this is a reference to and not a remake of 'Nick of Time' which is my favourite episode
Too many people conflate The Twilight Zone with much lower quality anthology series like Tales from the Darkside and The Outer Limits because they're "weird." The Twilight Zone was weird, but it was grounded in simple fables and morals. None of the re-imagining since have captured that uncomplicated concept.
>all black remake of Time Enough at Last
>black guy only one left in the world
>picks up a book
This is going to be so bad.
Because Peele is a trash bag full of failure. He is doing a twilight zone remake. Obviously his career is at its end.
I wouldn't call Outer Limits lower quality.
>but it was grounded in simple fables and morals
You're pretty spot on here, though.
>but it was grounded in simple fables and morals
>dude ironic punishment lmao
>dude, dude lmao, lmao
the twist at the end of every episode is gonna be that all of the problems are caused by White Supremacy (TM)
It’s gonna be cringe.
it'll be the reddit zone redoing passe issues from 50 years ago. sure won't be an episode about giving a 4 year old hrt and calling him a girl.
the look, the way its shot, is all wrong but i will still watch it
I’m interested if its new original stories. I dont like Black Mirror because i hate the English.
Doesnt appear to be available in the UK but i’ll definitely be watching.
Some like Jordan Peele isnt what Twilight Zone needed.
If we take him as a real serious director, his source is from social commentary and the real world. Twilight Zone isnt that, Twilight Zone is weird, twisty, and quick.
David Lynch would be a better choice honestly. Could you even imagine the intro by him? They would be amazing. Im making myself sad just by thinking we wont ever get a Lynch led Twilight Zone reboot.
Gonna remakes some episodes, but make the twist different
>redditors gonna cum
>inside no. 9
>nigger host
yeah, i'm thinking it's gonna fail.
>Dude Communists are people too
>Dude blacks are people too
>Twilight Zone isn't social commentary on the real world
>As producer Dick Berg later explained, one of the main reasons science fiction had such an appeal for Serling was that "he had much on his mind politically and in terms of social condition, and science fiction – and 'Twilight Zone' specifically – gave him as much flexibility in developing those themes as he might have had anywhere else at that time."
Go fucking watch the Obsolete Man and tell me there isn't some social commentary there.
Death's Head Revisited is about the fucking Holocaust.
The Monsters are Due on Maple Street?
Come the fuck on.
the early 2000s Twilight Zone had a few good episodes. I liked their sequel to It's a Good Life with the same actors
Nah. Pass.
Looks like they're remaking It's A Good Life except the kid is the US President
kill yourself snowflake
>inside no 9
I'm unfamiliar with it. Can I get a rundown?
Way to address my arguments by telling me to go to a website I don't use
Was this the best twilight zone movie?
You sure showed him
Horror/mystery/comedy anthology from Bongland. Episodes range from really good to unadulterated kino.
I'll have to look. I adored the twilight zone horror episodes and the kind of bittersweet ones like Nothing in the Dark, so that might be cash money for me
“Anonymous” is not a username like on Reddit, Redditor. Not the same user
STD tier abomination that CBS themselves don't even trust to put on the air, incoming.
>we'll remake old episodes but this time all the protagonists are black women
>every episode is 'the ghost was a metaphor for his racism' or some shit
>purple-haired sky waitress comes by
>"Sir, you need to check your privilege."
>it's the episode with the old woman meeting death
>only this time she's black
>"uh uh I'm not lettin' no white devil touch my hand"
This one is seriously underrated
dubs confirm that filename
Please no, that's my favorite episode and it makes me cry like a bitch every time it's on since it reminds me of my grandpa
The guy is annoying and cringey to me so no I won't be watching. It's not even a black thing the dude legit is corny and can't be taken seriously.
Nah, it'll still be an old white woman except she's a 2nd wave feminist, and death (as usual) is a black man.
>Death does rolling play-doh hands, smacks lips
>"Ma'am, taint nuthin' to be 'fraid of. We's all one color heah."
>Twilight Zone twist: they actually go to hell
Rod Serling was a visionary whose aim was to terrify, inspire, puzzle, and ultimately entertain you, with brilliant short stories about the human condition. He never tried to push an agenda, he was just a great storyteller and a master of subtlety. Jordan Peele is a very, very poor substitute. He's got a chip on his shoulder the size of Brie Larson's ego, and he's guaranteed to appropriate Serling's magnum opus to cry about social justice bullshit. Hard pass.
at least it will probably be better than black mirror right?
wasn't it actually intended to be a part of the twilight zone movie but they decided to make it a full length movie?
>Called black mirror
>Literally what a screen is when turned off
>Wonder why it's all about tech
On a side note I had a phone in the mid 2000s whose screen was more like a traditional mirror and this was a selling point