Sexual Assault of Men in Media
Really made me think.

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I only came here to save your platelet. I'm not watching your shitty youtube clip. Carry on.

Gee maybe all this sexual assault was also going on just being covered up by a toxic patriarchal culture which men without power suffer under too~

yeah no ones buying your poison anymore

>t-things were better before feminism were everyone got sexually assaulted equally and no one talked about, I wouldn't be the sexual assaultee!

you can tell the guy who made this is a giant s@yfag
only those types of people are so humorless

>haha rape is hilaaaaaarious

You're so reddit it's giving me radiation poisoning.

I was taking it seriously until he pulled up shows like Family Guy and Always Sunny as examples. Come on son those shows usually cross the line with their humour.

Same. On one hand it's an interesting look on how sexual assault or violence against men is viewed as laughable while sexual assault against women is viewed as extremely serious and a major issue, but on another some of these shows deliberately try and cross the line with humour as much as possible.
Don't think the guys who made these videos realized that at all.

Its irrelevant what the intent of the jokes were when the reality is that women are put on a pedestal

Fair point.

>28 minutes of this shit
If I could sage I would.


If can be, yes. Turns out that context in comedy matters.

Is this worth watching? It was in my recommendation box.

It’s going to be what you think it is, preachy rape joke compilation.

>plz gib vyous

The comments are fucking pathetic:
>This was hard to watch!
>Thank you for doing this!
>This video is so important!

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lmao I'm rewatching Euro Trip

well...yes, it can be.

>Watching kino with my dad
>Man starts getting raped
>Dad starts laughing then biting his lip

anything can be hilarious if you make it right, you fucking buzzkill

>b-but muh pstd

user... Did you just make a rape joke?... ugh...

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My dad also found male rape scenes hilarious. Knee slapping hilarious.

he wanted you to rape him user, geez learn how to take a hint

As a man who received threats of rape from a stranger while walking alone at night I think male rape jokes are hilarious.

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There's a discussion that can come from this but that video is not the best.