Netflix adaptation when?

Netflix adaptation when?

Attached: Rem Lazar.jpg (480x360, 18K)

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Soon brother

Attached: rem_lezar_by_koku_chan_d3bdale-pre.jpg (756x1056, 103K)

I don't practice Santeria
I just worship Rem Lezar

Seriously how the fuck did Rich call the Twin Towers thing? He must have seen it before.

There is no god, only

Is Rem Lezar in league with the Reptilians?

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>talking about the meaning and associations of the words Rem Lazar for 10 minutes straight
>Mike doesn't mention the Jem Hadar

how do we fix Mike guys

Finn Wolfhard should play in the remake

Redlettermedia is known for laughing at this horrible tragedy

Is this gonna become a Yea Forums meme now just because the hacks watched it? Is Rem Lezar ruined now after all these years as a hidden gem?
I just wanted to have one obscure 80s movie to show people. Now I can't even have that.

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Rich has subconscious psychic abilities that cause for him to will things into existence, without him knowing. The rest of the gang is just there to make sure that it is contained to shitty vhs tapes.

Nah Just wait the next vídeo soo the RLM sluts start Talking about next thing their pimps Tell then to

I still won't be able to ever talk about Rem Lezar again. Because people will think I know it from RLM. Because they didn't start using the internet until 2013. It's so unfair...

Mike picking the fucking school bus video was complete and utter bullshit. I’ve been rewatching all the BOTWs and Jay was right: it’s most ENTERTAINING for whatever reason.

>this was drawn in 2011
Why? For what purpose?
Did Rem Lazar have some fucking cult following?

The twin towers are on the tape's cover.

surprisingly there are few memes with this

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I non-ironically like the idea of a wholesame superhero like Rem Lazar.
If it was made with a higher budget and had kids that could sing it could have been a classic.

>blue hair
>yellow headband
>brought about the destruction of the twin towers
The similarities are too great to ignore.

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I love when Mike chooses the worst video every time.

Yes. It's genuinely pretty well-known for what it is. I think it was on SA or something that one song became pretty popular.
fucking zoomers

Mike's alcoholism/dementia is actually happening for real and he will soon be a vegetable. Nothing can be done.

Rem Lezar has been known for years by the internet like Nukie.

Finding old VHS tapes to laugh at has been a thing since at least the dawn of MST3K which started in the late 80s.

Who would he be playing?

The was the best BOTW episode in a long time

stop posting the """joke""" from the RLM video 3 days ago
you're really making me hate them

There are people who think RLM invented watching old VHS tapes and uploading them online. These people don't even know what ebaumsworld and SA are.

Glad Im not the only one that though Rem looked like him.

really? I found it pretty boring

Who /everything is terrible/ here?

Attached: Everything-Is-Terrible-The-Great-Satan-Press-Photo-by-Jim-Newberry.jpg (1200x800, 370K)

Isn't EIT relatively new?

compared to RLM they have a few years I think

Started in 2000.

Doesn't really say anything.
>The website was launched in 2007

they're basically the new mst3k which ironically was one of the first ever friend simulators

rifftrax doesn't feel as organic as either likely due to them being in a recording booth so most videos especially newer ones are clunky and feel pretty forced. If they added in breaks for brief host segments I feel Rifftrax would improve a great deal however.

no idea what mst3k or rifftrax are

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I don't get the nine eleven jokes.

the cute cunny died a couple years ago

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Yeah you can really tell that mike, bill, and kevin record separately so the commentary feels really stilted. It also kind of feels like they're just tired. They've been doing this same gag for over 30 years now.

so did the former satanist turned priest (who after the video turned satanist again and then returned to christianity)


>he is too young to know

rip in piss
That guy's life's story is ridiculous

I'm not totally sure. One of the comments on the obituary mentions going to concerts with her "clean as could be" which sounds like a drug problem reference but who knows

Is that Ninja?

What's his name? I'd like to see what his deal was.

haha ninja also has blue hair!

I feel bad for the actor who plays Rem Lazar. He's got a pretty nice voice, and he probably just wanted to do some nice musical theater, but bills got in the way

He's also got an extremely similar facial structure though.

eric pryor

zoom zoom
He did plenty of other stuff.