Will this ever be released?

Will this ever be released?

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i hope so i love xmen and idc about basedboy reviews. The last movie wasnt even bad.

Hope so. It might be bad enough to kill all interest in XMen before Disney can even use the property

I'd rather see Woody's shelved movie

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Christ she is ugly. What terrible casting.

I hope they seal it in a vault

she looks like she's retaining water like there's a drought coming. Could they really not afford a diuretic?

Yes and it will do well in China. Seriously Dark Phoenix was top 3 in terms of most anticipated foreign releases.

>fox willingly tanking their own deal
They can’t be that stupid

The deal's already done

But they can be that incompetent.

>tfw no fat gf

There took me five minutes to fix her

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I refuse to believe New Mutants is a complete film and not just a series of shots to make a trailer.

>Dark Phoenix arc
>killed Emma Frost off-screen between movie 1 and 2
Fuck this shit.
Also, am I supposed to believe that this bitch and her negative charisma are a scary monster that can literally devour suns?

if emma was still alive, she'd be 60 anyways.

First Class was a mistake

Maybe on Netflix eventually, I doubt it will get a theatrical release

>Will this ever be released?

Why wouldn't it?

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She's a bit of a unit isnt she

how is this fat?

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Why diego luna
There are millions of spics andthy have to choose the one that i hate the most
Fuck woody andfuck elle

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Jude Law is playing her love interest

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Fat head.

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Based terrible taste in movies poster.

X-Men Apoc was straight to DVD trash

I just don’t get how you can fuck up the X Men this bad. It’s one of Marvel’s most recognized properties. It should’ve reached Avengers level of success. Shit, The Avengers are made of B level characters outside The Hulk.

they've made too many of them and they're very hit or miss

Because Fox FOX’D X-Men to make it more palatable for the normies back during the early 00’s. It worked for X1/2 but they went off the hinges and didn’t get back on track till First Class.

Now we live in a time where comic book accuracy is the norm and the X-Men movies just never got the memo.

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Fox X-men has always been cheap. Fox never had any faith in the franchise so they never put any real money into it. So you got cheap looking movies that were sometimes salvaged by good directors and actors.

It's all the booger sugar, Brit girls seem to fucking breath the shit more than air, just ask Daisy Ridley

this shit gonna flop so hard and you already know it

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Yep, they kept delaying it for this very reason.

it has to. Like Solo, the production is just so high from reshoots that there is no way it can NOT flop. They must be hoping Tencent will pay 100mil for distribution rights too at least turn a profit

Do what?

Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to let the writer of fucking X-Men 3 and F4nt4stic write and direct his own movie anyway?

No there's no fixing that hideous tree lady. She's fucking disgsuting.

is this real?

Yeah, it's coming out in June and New Mutants is out in August.

The fuck kind of question is this? It's a completed movie that's going to make millions of dollars. Of course it's going to be released. Just because Disney bought Fox doesn't mean they're going to shelve the whole thing.

Why are British “”””people”””” so fucking ugly. Should have helped the G*rmans wipe them out desu

Yeah I figure the old XMen movies came out before the capeshit fad got big so Fox didn't give much of a shit. They just let the director do what he wants as long as he pumped out passable movies.
Then capeshit got big and they wanted to capitalise on it so they tried too hard and started meddling. So they tried to force JLaw in it for star power, Turner/Williams for those GoTbucks, etc.

because fat and stupid was already taken

some are pretty

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>Diego Luna
Not for me

well this looks like its gonna fucking suck

I wish they would make a Logan spinoff about x-23 and the other kids

Hopefully not.

She needs more make up.

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They should just fucking dump Dark Phoenix on Hulu and release New Mutants instead.

Formerly Chucks up

why does this sentiment get repeated on here more than any other nation? Seems like it's more likely that jealousy and spite are involved than reason.

cope harder mutt

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