>Buying movies bad.
Buying movies bad
>Streaming company good. Streaming company knows what I should be able to watch.
>Buying movies good.
Shut the fuck up boomer.
The NPC meme is so shit
It's not bad, it's just a very stupid way to spend money.
>pirating good
NPC meme is good but it has the inherent weakness that you can use it on pretty much anything.
>y-you have all those DVDs still? y-you can just watch them on Netflix
>No results found, please try our Netflix Original Series
>Streaming company bad. Streaming company never knows what I should be able to watch.
Streaming is renting movies, not buying them you retard
For you
>NPC meme is good
No, its shit, forced cancer and forced not just here, but on normie sites by the discord zoomer faggots.
True cancer
It's fine, it's just pathetic the 4channel hivemind is unironically lost on it
Then it's like Blockbuster with a fraction of the selection.
Can’t you retards go five seconds without spouting memes like you’re some tourettes ridden autist? Fuck all of you. Fucking meme posters. You’re so mentally dead you need images and buzzwords to fill what could be original thoughts.
All of you memeposters? You are LITERALLY UNIRONICALLY NPCs. Actual automatons who see something and beep out an image or word you’ve said a million times.
Fuck YOU. You aren’t human. You aren’t even worth responding to, but here I am.
Kill yourselves.
It's a literal CIA psyop.
Y I K E S !
Hello, OP and others
I see that you have posted another one of these "threads", and I'm using the word thread very lightly here. Listen, I understand that a lot of other forums seem to make Yea Forums out as a place for 24/7 shitposting, every person new to this site believes that. However, if you take the time to lurk more, rather than trying to get upvotes on a site that has no upvotes, you will enjoy your time here more. Trust me. Go find a board with a hobby that you are genuinely interested in and try to create meaningful threads that attract people with similar interests. And I know that all anons always get that itch to make a bad one line thread every once and a while, fortunately we have and >>>/s4s . These boards are probably better suited for a thread like this.
Thank you for your time and I sincerely hope you take my advice of lurking more,
lmao you guys were sooooo proud of it. You thought it was a funny little inside joke you could use on others. Oh boy did you just play yourselves bahahahah
>all of these inane posts
I think I'll carry on living my life and torreting movies when I feel like it.
seconding this, but in a less rude manner.
good riddance and good luck
>You should always support the creators
Paying for brainwashing...
desu I just copypasted a thread I saw on Yea Forums and replaced "games" with "movies"
This is what /pol/tards actually believe, wy the fuck are you retards even here
>capitalism doesn't ruin art
>I need you to be brave for me, okay?
it's been fucking terrible since day one and it killed the better wojak variants (slojak and to intelligent)
Imagine giving money to Hollywood
yep, completely forced. I'll never understand how memes like that even catch on.
I watched all those, do I want to be in the military? Fuck no, just becaue a film portrays the military as good doesn't mean it "militarises" people. Next you'll probably say Mad Max motivates people to become barbarics or some shit lmao
Because reddit transplants have to latch on to easily comprehensible memes in a attempt to fit in. This is also why sneed meme turned very popular here.
Did I say anything about "wanting", roody poo. You're primed, framed, familiar. I'm saying that it's rather demonstrable
Literally the meme Iwas getting at, I just didnt want to utters reddit loves it and would probably (You) the shit out of me.
>implying we have any original thoughts
Watching a blu ray straight from the disc is far superior to some fuck making a "rip" and absolutely fucking up the bitrate. WebDLs are close but still not ideal
The fact of the matter is if you're willing to invest in your home set up, there's no reason you shouldn't have the literal pittance it takes to buy a movie
Not really, do you really think people who go to the military are only there because they looked cool in a film? If that were the case, they'd quit before they even went into battle because it was completely different than they thought. God /pol/tards actually have a single digit IQ, fucking hell.
You know remuxes and straight BDrips exist right? Is your only expierence with pirating YIFY or some shit?
Still not what I'm saying. Are underaged allowed on Yea Forums?
>you think people just buy things because they see ads?
This is you.
This. Theyre like a woody doll with how they respond to certain stimuli with a pre written meme response. Vermin.
Then what are you saying you braindead /pol/tard?
Sure, some would go to the military if the idea of going to the military interested them beforehand, someone is not going to watch Transformers and say "wtf I want to be a soldier now"
You're Chuck being programmed with the intersec (kek). You're Neo downloading the know-how of flying helicopter's. Figuratively, and somewhat literally (dude the future).
>nobody is going to go out and buy a new car because they saw a cool commercial. those marketing guys are so fucking dumb
Again, this is you.
The sure fire way to spot an npc: they get irrationally angry about it. It’s so weird.
>spending money good
>getting free stuff and being cheap bad
i haven't bought a movie since 2010
Google "mirror neurons"