ITT actors that physically repulse you

ITT actors that physically repulse you

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There's literally nothing wrong with Ed Helms.

go beer yourself, OP

Rami Malek, the bug eyed freak

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Any actor named Seth.

It's a known fact that Ed Helms browses Yea Forums and starts threads about himself

He's fucking annoying. 90% of his screen presence in the Office is annoying.

You posted him. I can't even begin to explain the irrational hatred I have for this faggot.

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But only because I don't like her humour. Blacks as a whole, are okay.

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Good actor tho, great even

Even Seth Green?

Stfu ed

>Blacks as a whole, are okay
Wtf kind of trying not to be racist racist shit is this, stfu fag

I'm fascinated by her face. If a skilfull writer described that in a book as one of its characters I'd think "Jesus, this guy really wants to convince me this person is borderline deformed". It would seem over the top. Yet there it is, in the flesh.

It's like contemplating that Kramer portrait from Seinfeld.

it's only when they tried to make him the lead that he became unbearable, otherwise he was ok

hes a chronic supporting actor, guy has no charisma as a leading actor.

>blacks as a whole are okay
I live in the deep south in a 70% back county. They are as a whole a broken and mislead "culture" and they shit up absolutely EVERYWHERE they go. They have no respect for anything whatsoever, whether that's their country, their city, their neighborhood, their schoold, or even their kids. Hell, don't get me started on their kids? Have you ever seen how black moms parent? They teach their kids with a smack to the back of the head and cuss them out when they ask for something in the store. I'm surprised matricide isn't more common in the black community.

This guy, it's like a Chad with 10% downs syndrome

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Especially Seth Green

t. Ed Helms.

At least his career is dead.

He gained "fame" for portraying the jock douche bag on Workaholics and he literally just rolled with it. As seen with Modern Family he can hold it back and I think he has range with the right director.

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he's a manlet

I’m surprisedhe was the one out of all the workaholics to be famous

I've only ever seen women like Ed helms.

Underrated post.

>You now remember the rumours that he was gonna be the new Frank Drebin in a Naked Gun reboot
thank fuck that seems to have been buried

he has deformed legs

who was the real boner champ?

brie larson

Ever since I saw her puke on a child in Room.

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He has a nice taint and hole

Is that "Dey here" women?

based and black motherpilled

he was in some garbage movie as a loser whose love interest was fucking Amanda Seyfried.

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>not liking based Sweenie Todd opposite
you fucked up sweetie

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Based and for-antspilled

>we need a strong black womyn™

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you've never seen the detectorists then, toby jones is great

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She might repulse me, but she's unironically one of if not the best at her niche

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His fucking donkey mouth for one thing

Great actor, and I think his eyebrows make him more unique. Almost everyone knows who this is when they say "That eyebrows kid actor"

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Why do 90% of black women look like guys in drag.

i want to punch him

High testosterone

Every bong one. I smell bad breath everytime I see them on the screen. They make me sick.

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plebs all of you

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Elle Fanning

I want to punch her in the face

OK that's a low hanging fruit, we didn't ask for races that repulse you

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not an actor but a youtuber

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>no one has posted this man yet
I actually despise him the most out of everyone in the world. James corden is second

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Who's he?

how do black people get stretch marks on their shoulders and arms?

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He was ok in Harold & Kumar Go To Guantanamo Bay actually


this made me laugh for some reason


He looks like a volcel


I can't think of anyone more repugnant... maybe Taylor Swift

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Him and Matthew McConaughey ruin every movie they're in for me. Can't stand them.

Fuck this guy

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World’s worst hobbit

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He killed his wife and got away with it (for now). I literally spend my weekends hunting for proof to bring him to justice. I’m getting close.

The guy from whiplash

Detectorist was kino from start to finish

Just bury child porn in his backyard and call the cops.

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Well you can't really have proof that he had the intention of killing his wife, just that he was plying her with drugs; leaving drugs openly laying around in the house with his daughter there

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>"ah luvs mah moms doe"

I smoked weed with this dude once. He's from Waterloo, IA but went to high school in Omaha. He was in town back in like 2012 and at a local club. This was like right after the 2nd season of Workaholics I think. My friend just went up to him and asked if he'd like to smoke a bowl, he was like "fuck yeah" or something like that. We went to the parking lot and hotboxed a blunt. He was cracking jokes making us laugh and is a really personable guy. I agree his humor and stand-up is gay but I guess he's just one of those guys who is better when not around a bunch of people.

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better be talking about the nigress, Goodman is creator-tier

He also played the loser in the Ted Kenendy movie

literally why? Seems like a nice guy

>blacks as a whole
Hey he just called blacks a-holes!

he was really good in Other People, his performance was the only thing that got me through the whole movie.

I don't mind him, but I also don't celebrities who try to roll with the "real-life meme" persona

delete this now

what's wrong with Jesse P. Lemons?

he was awesome on the Report, but he's gone full cuck since hosting late night

Something about his face

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picking cotton

It's funny, i feel like he could be part irish, OR part black.

This ugly motherfucker

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literally unironically and unbaitingly I think Andy was the best character in The Office. no other characters actually represented their stereotype in a realistic and relatable way like he did way. yeah Dwight and Jim pranks are *funny* but that stuff doesn't actually happen irl. As a wagecuck, I've known many Andys, and I also realise that I have been the Andy at times.

His last good show was Strangers With Candy

from carrying the ancestral weight of systemic racism and oppression

>"Woop-woop! That's the sound of da police!
>Woop-woop! That's the sound of the beast!"

>"I was in a convenience store one time buying something, and the guy just ahead of me was paying for something and he looked at me and he goes, 'Jesse Eisenberg?'
>I went, 'No.' Then he goes, 'Michael Cera?' I was pretty impressed he got it on the second try."

I can't help but remember to this story and laugh every time I see him.

nigga you gay

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his fake laugh makes me cringe
also jonah hill is a close second
also why is there a black person in every commercial? isnt that over representation for making up 13% of the population?

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You stfu about my boy Walton user
>this pre-op tranny on the other hand

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