Can we talk about this character

and why the books and movies were not just about her

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I would

this is her at her peak

I would hold her hand

I would give her a kiss under the mistletoe.

Looks like a potato

I bet if you fucked this character she wouldn't moan or make a sound just maintain eye contact the entire time then after you came she just says "that was nice"

>neville saves her and is a total badass in Deathly hollows 2
>confesses to her
>she marries some natuaralist literally who chad

rowling hates white male incels

that would own

>tfw no autistic gf

>maintain eye contact the entire time then after you came she just says "that was nice"


Film Luna was based on actress, Author couldn't imagine such quirk

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sometimes things just dont work out man

>retard that was abused by her potato niger of a dad
>worth talking about
The utter state of pedo fans of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though

The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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I'm getting real fucking tired of the shitty tat meme.

I didnt read the books i just showed up for the live action anime show

not in harry potter. It ended with all the first and secondary characters marrying each other

except for neville who got forced to marry a background character

What's the problem here?

porn has poisoned the minds of millions.

they want loud onboxious women moaning like sows instead of cute little fuck pouches who thank you politely after you coom

Zoom. Enhance. Pimple of the bottom left of her face (our left, her right). DROPPED!

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where did his chin go

He made a pact with the devil to give up his chin in exchange for the power to make kino

I've fucked a girl who didn't moan or make noises she just breathed heavy and i couldn't tell if she was enjoying it

>tfw there's a ton of sex fics about her and harry with a focus on foot fetish out there

Kinda based...

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harry sucks

Her toes, yeah

Harry's suck and ____?

she is a weird naturalists she probly doesnt wear socks and wears shoes made of natural materials you can bet her feet smell like a clown asshole

did Luna get raped when she was held prisoner? she made that comment about not being the same

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Why the books and movies were not just about this girl instead?

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You just know boy wizards would have leviosa'd her skirt

just looking at her face does it for me

Why would Hermoine be allowed at Hogwarts she's a mudblood. It really should only be pureblood wizards considering the whole point of the school is to hide in plain sight

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If only.

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i only care if her butt is muddy

>hide in plain sight
Hogwarts is literally invisible to muggle technological sensors and the wards prevents muggles walking anywhere near it.
All of the magical world is like this, they aren't hiding in plain sight they're straight up isolated, most wizards will never see a muggle.

This really. I got a lot of shit as 18-19 yo for lusting after this girl, but really she had already peaked so I was just being rational.

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>maintain eye contact the entire time
>even orgasm
honestly that would be pretty intense. i would love to bust inside a cute girl while she's looking at me.

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Then why bring in half non wizards into this world. It honestly should be a pureblood school if they are so determined on protecting their society

t. salazar slytherin

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To replenish their population after two large civil wars killed a lot of wizards.
To train their magic, the muggleborns would continue to perform accidental magic if not given a wand and trained, accidental magic has the potential to reveal their whole societty.

>Why would Hermoine be allowed at Hogwarts she's a mudblood. It really should only be pureblood wizards considering the whole point of the school is to hide in plain sight
Just the idea that the world governments, especially the intelligence arm of the UK government like MI5, would not know of the existence of a fucking castle full of wizards and a Cold War in the magic world, is faintly ridiculous.

IRL Hogwarts would be a modern business building in downtown London and there would be intelligence spooks in and out of the facility all day.

Imagine fucking prime luna, hermione, cho and ginny

Don't they just arrest you if you use magic outside of the wizarding world? Hell they could pull Hermoine's trick and erase their memory of ever being a wizard in the first place.

no way, Luna reminded me of Cassie from Skins, quiet and weird but crazy in bed

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>all of them gather around you as you engorgio your penis

>imagine being snape on sex catcher duty during the wizard ball and walking around finding wizards and witches doing all sorts of sex magic (water magic on girls buttholes no lube) and never having had sex yourself

pretty easy to see why he flipped to the dark lord

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The UK Government does know about wizards though. At the start of the Half Blood Prince the Minister of Magic just shows up in front of their new Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister does actually know about the existence of the magical world, I think the auror shacklebolt had a job to guard him during the 7th book, or at least inform him about voldemort.
You can erase their memories of doing magic, but they will still do accidental magic, there's no way to remove the magic from somebody.

Fuck lads, this thread made me want to play the first 2 games. I remember when they came out. They were so comfy.

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How lazy was Rowling's writing that every single year it was always the teacher for dark arts that was involved in the "yearly evil thing" or had to quit and be replaced?

I don't believe it. If the government knew about a class of people with supernatural (non-ordinary) abilities they would, at the very least, be running a recruitment satellite office out of Hogwarts.

his only crime was getting too cocky


Harry was unique because he spoke Parsil Tongue and did things out of his control because he was a Horcrux but outside of Harry I don't think kids or young adults perform magic without prior knowledge that they are in fact a witch or a wizard

she's still cute as hell, you guys are nuts

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She's not improving. She really peaked as a teenager.

Yeah but 20+ grannies are kinda meh

>that hairline

you could fry an egg on that forehead.

it's pottermore but there's a magical quill that writes down the names of every person that does accidental magic, which adds them to the hogwarts letter list. This is why squibs don't go to hogwarts and their families can't lie and pretend they are wizards. So everyone does do accidental magic, Harry probably did quite a bit more though because of the abuse very sad

Name one woman that didn't

Am I going to be disappointed? Will it be as good as it was when I was 10?

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She was too pretty for rowlings taste and she had an autistic fit and got her fired for a typical british girl instead.

Malfoy shouldve been a cute ice queen but again this went against rowlings autism. Nobody could stand against her self insert ginny, the oh so precocious and shy girl who cucks harry with half the school and becomes smarter than hermoine and funnier than ron and better at magic than both of them combined.

they crucio'd her g spot

who was this?

Fair point.

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Jesus christ imagine how pink those nips are

The only guys having sex during the Yule ball were the chads from durmstrang getting some Hogwarts on their penis from filthy brit girls. I'm sure karkaroff covered for them

Movies 1 to 3 are enjoyable flicks to watch
Then it rapidy goes downhill

based walt

Someone post the porno of her doppelbanger pls.


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Was Snape an incel? How did he not become a school shooter?

she's so pale just imagine if you slapped her butt it would just leave a deep red hand print haha would be kinda funny

i mean he literally shot the principle

im sure there's a deepfake out there

she would probly instantly start crying too haha

Isn’t the girl on Luna’s left the slytherin girl?

Haha if Luna surprised you at night and asked you to lick her feet that'd be funny


Genevive Gaunt, who was originally cast as Patty Parkinson but was literally too cute for the role as Rowling demanded, so instead they replaced her was a literal chimp mutt

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haha yeah man if you just smacked her soft, milky pale ass and then threw her on the bed and starting kissing her ivory tummy haha so funny

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ya she probly has a pink butthole and creamy white as milk skin without a single tan line haha

I'm sorry lad, they got to her

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This is the acttress rowling approved to replace the white qt. The ugliest thing rowling could envision was a mutt. She's secretly based

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>Patty Parkinson

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Haha and then she giggles as you start kissing her all over her body and then she puts her hand on your head and guides you towards her pussy

god I love her

jesus christ what were they thinking?

Jesus fucking christ, what is that?

she getting that Playboy $$$ now

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>barely a 5 even with the playboy treatment

its what happens when imbred anglo breeds with a brownie

that's my fetish

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>rivalry between Hermione, Ginny and Luna
>they force Harry to decide who of them has the cutest feet

Phone auto correct I'm sorry sir I'll leave forever now

I used to play the second one as a wee lad, was pretty fun. Didn't have a memory card, so I always had to play from the beginning, and would always try to get to the end. Only managed it a few times, but wee little me felt like a king those days

i wasnt making fun of the spelling i was making fun of the casting change

>Jesus fucking christ, what is that?

The future of the world. Wave bye to Mars! We traded conquering the solar system for ugly mutts

Naw man theres some kind of genetic fuckery at work there, I've seen Goblinas but her nose looks like a fucking birth defect

supremely based post

Dasha B
Don't know how I still remember her name. She's a fucking goddess.

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Oh. Well i should probably still leave anyways now that my secret is out

FAS you mong

I hope you know several Anons are fapping right now because of you.

Wow, imagine your porn look alike being hotter than you.

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wew lad

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Most actresses are uglier than porn stars though.

Her pussy is shockingly pristine. The first time I saw it, I felt like Columbus discovering America

That is literally the perfect ass...HNNNNNGGGG

Genuine question. Is considering her attractive a board meme? I never once thought she was attractive. She was on a similar spectrum as Ron's potato headed sister although I think she still had more character which increased her appeal. Anyway, I can't recall any HP ladies who I would outright call sexy. Even Hermione's attractiveness was hugely overstated. She had the body of a teenage boy and frankly, I never saw the appeal in that. Is this all simply a consequence of bong genes? By all means, show me a hot HP girl from the movies.

Is there anything better than barely-there blonde body hair on a tanned girl?

The actress is unapologetically Anglo, had a perfect voice and demeanor for every single incel on the planet to fall in love with her. I remember being smitten myself.

She doesn't have a killer body, but that hardly matters, for most of these movies everyone's under a fucking robe. With the total lack of sexuality, it's easy for the mind to fill the gaps.

she was a crazy loli and this is Yea Forums, do I have to spell it out for you?

>unapologetically Anglo
she's Irish

>unapologetically Anglo
That's not how you spell Celtic

Well I grew up during these movies and was the same age as these stars. I guess adolescent me had better taste than the loli obsessed plebs here.
>The actress is unapologetically Anglo

>14 years old
unironically too old for the cunnyfags


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>Anyway, I can't recall any HP ladies who I would outright call sexy

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>With the total lack of sexuality
You bring up a good point. What the fuck was the deal with Rowling's frigidness in this arena. You're tell me, a bunch of horny teenagers with magical powers aren't going to become sexual deviants? Fat chance!
And now this comes to light. This girl was removed for being too cute? Rowling has some serious issues. What are the odds that she hired ghost writers after her initial releases? I never read the books and I probably won't but I've heard her prose changes dramatically as if a different writer took over.

post links with foot fetish

in the goblet of fire they literally have sex at the dance in the carriages

They're childen's books. She's not gonna write about teenagers fucking like crazy in a book for kids who still think kissing is gross.

who is that? what's the story?

>You bring up a good point. What the fuck was the deal with Rowling's frigidness in this arena. You're tell me, a bunch of horny teenagers with magical powers aren't going to become sexual deviants? Fat chance!
her omitting that was probably the smartest move, because trying to be consistent or realistic here would have turned this into straight-up erotica

>they actually had sex this one time

read the thread before you ask for spoonfeeding

I thought they were YA or she was steering the series into that after the first couple books?

how do muggleborns work btw? i remember rowling saying there was an actual magic gene
do they all have one lost wizard in their family trees?

Same difference, I read the last book when it came out and I was only 11.
>inb4 zoomerposting

it probably is like the asian pedo gangs
they know about it but just try to not get in the way

You now realize that there are no english, writing, math, sports or other "normal" classes at hogwarts

Wizards must be pretty stupid. They can do magic but they can't write a normal sentence or do simple math.

It's like red hair. I think even a squib can carry on the magic genes.

she is starting to have that bulldog face british women get

squibs are capable of making magical children, even like third generation squibs.

how do you feel now?

bich dont u talk about ginny that way or my harry potter brand!!!!tm

Logan paul had long hair?

look at weasly father, and take into account that he has spent his career studying muggles
but wouldn't that make voldemort right? like, if the wizards are objectively superior to muggles, wouldn't it be better for them to stay separated or even dominate muggles?

ginny is ugly, shit and a coal burner

Probably a result of Rowling being bored in school and wanting to escape to a school where classes are interesting.

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I have never wanted this more

>I loathe Pansy Parkinson. I don't love Draco but I really dislike her. She's every girl who ever teased me at school. She's the Anti-Hermione. I loathe her.
Imagine seething so hard over a character you yourself wrote

For some reason, not everyone is into autistic girls.

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This chick looks like she has a stinky pussy

>tfw no qt autistic stinky hairy pussy gf

Gives me a chance to bathe her.

>mindrape your own parents
She is fucking evil, worse than Voldemort.

post links to Lovegood fanficts

Just google "harry potter luna foot fetish" or "harry luna footjob" etc.
There's a LOT of stories with this kind of thing.

Just imagine haha.

was asking you fine folks for hand picked fan ficts

maybe even get a chance to speak to the author of such a work

I believe in magic

She looks like she fucks imaginary men.

That's why they start school aged 11.
They read and maths at ~5th grade level


>Yea Forums the board of autists
>thinks this autistic character who does fuck all is interesting
The state

No one said she's interesting, just sexy

best girl
I want her to bully me

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>strong powerful women like hermoine are the best

spotted the faglord.

Why didn't Harry just give some of his millions of gold to Ron's family?


Did you like it?

does anyone know if wizard girls in harry potter shave their pussies?? very important

Luna is canonically bald there

I expect her to be bushy

That's hermione

>he doesn't want a qt autistic gf

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the filthy muggle lovers do. Proud pure bloods stick to tradition and let it grow

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do tell

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Keep in mind Luna's dad has sold her to many of his business partners over the years and she had to do horrible things


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High functioning autists are a great fuck, m8.
You only need to make sure they don't get derailed halfway through.

I take advantage of the fact that my sister is probably like that.
Even nowadays we spend the weekends watching movies and cuddling, it's comfy af.

I did not know I wanted this
I want this

she would blush and smile tho


can you imagine having to smell that
that would suuuuck haha

manlet cope

One of my favorite fanfics is where after Harry takes her to that fancy party, Harry finds out she has a penis and she makes him her girlfriend.

>her feet smell like a clown asshole

I keked and don't quite understand why

> I bet if you fucked this character she wouldn't moan or make a sound just maintain eye contact the entire time then after you came she just says "that was nice"
In my case it was more like "It kinda hurt"

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>White women in their 20s

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thats still a 9/10

British girls are always a bad investment.

Look at that lamb being all smug
You just know

I read one where Luna pulls him into a locker after the party and says she wants to thank him for the nice evening and begins to suck him off. Then later says she doesn't want to have normal sex yet but he could use her anus.

I prefer the 1000 pages long treatise on BDSM relationships.

There is literally nothing hotter than being balls deep in a hungry pussy with the girl never breaking eye contact and begging for your seed inside of her.

literally smirking
might as well be wearing a maga hat

she has the same hairline as me, a balding swedish man

That's british genes, sadly.

She's not even British...

She was a nubile young lass in the movies with an innocent voice. Now she is some grown up brit cunt.

That's even more unfortunate.

horrible start, never greentext at the beginning dude come on what are you doing?

is this proof that cunny is definitively anti-kike?

art evolves in time

Don't do this to me

If I pull that off, would ewe die?

she needs money

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>British girls are always a bad investment.
Irish slag

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Agreed. Butterfly tattoos in prison mean you're a whore


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>eye contact

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How does it feel to post the dullest copypasta in the history of copypastas? Seriously, each thread about the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains is now indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy rhetoric, the pasta’s only consistency has been its lack of humor and ineffective use of repetition, all to make trolling unfunny, to make shitposting seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when anons vetoed the idea of using a different image each time: they made sure the pasta would never be remixed or worked upon? just ridiculously profitable cross-thread pandering for (You)s. The Harry Potter copypasta might be anti-kino (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Banepost in its refusal of innovation, applicability and funniness. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>b-but it's board culture though
The writing is dreadful; the pasta is terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time it is posted, the user merely changes the first sentence.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was the only attempt made to contextualize it to the topic of the thread. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Yea Forums's mind is so governed by cliches and stale memes that it has no other style of shitposting. Later I read a lavish, loving review of the Harry Potter copypasta by a Redditor. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these anons are shitposting about Harry Potter on Yea Forums, then when they get older they will go on to make memes on Reddit. And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you use the "Harry Potter" copypasta you are, in fact, being trained to make Reddit memes

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The role was cursed
Voldy wanted the job before he went bad, and when dumbiedoor refused to give it to him, he cursed it.

Which is also why Dumbie would never allow Snape to have the role

damn she turned out ugly

i bet she could make you cum from prostate stimulation with her brainwave vibrations


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Can't tell if it's a 2 or a 3

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>mfw I am a 2 at 29

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>can we
Reddit out

Probably doesn't mean anything, that's just a mature hairlinee.

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Fapped to this like 300 times, pretty fucking based.

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you must choose

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>blonde hair
>blue eyes
confirmed 100% white

Also she was a virgin and 10mins into riding you said "we have to be careful" only sound she makes the whole time

i would hate fuck jk rowling for ruining harry potter
i would have fucked lynch in her prime

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