
>tfw picture related ruining Yea Forums ended up being true
how can leftists still blame /pol/ when their dogs openly admit it's them ruining Yea Forums?
can the upcoming /film/ save us from these redditers?

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Newsflash, every fucking poster posts on many boards. It used to be that every board had its own unique culture and memes. Now all of Yea Forums is a big frankensteinian mush of shitposting and low quality memes

back to /pol/

Elitism makes boards good. Almost nowhere else on the internet can you freely mock and deride posters for having shit taste

fuck off back to r/pol incel

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Video games are for degenerates.

Here come the Yea Forumsedditors to defend their shitposting.

Good thing we're on a website made for degenerates then

People have been saying this for years. The difference now is that they feel so welcome they openly admit it


go back to spamming blacked and crying about jews ruining your life

I just want to talk about movies.

I can still blame /pol/ because I still see garbage politics threads here everyday. It doesn't matter if it's a falseflag from your boogeyman or not, /pol/ is the beginning source of all of that cancer and should have never been brought back.

>browsing, defending, or otherwise identifying with /pol/

It's /pol/'s fault you're here too.

>/pol/ is the beginning source of all of that cancer
Don't kid yourself Yea Forumsedditor.

redditor normies ruined the entire website years ago, this is nothing new

It's better than doing the same with Yea Forums, the most populous and newfag friendly board on Yea Forums.

Pol exists as a containment board if it wasn't around you'd be shit posted into an earlier grave you oversensitive flower

It's hilarious you do this when it was Yea Forums that started the whole trend of posting twittercaps of random people

>caring about a shitposting board this much
How pathetic

>he's on this site so much he notices trends

This is how you spot a Redditor.
The whole "le Yea Forums is only for le shitposting, not actual discussion! xD" attitude didn't exist before the Reddit influx.
The fact that people usually add-on "serious discussion is for Reddit, Yea Forums is for shitposting! xD" to this opinion is just further proof that they are, in fact, from Reddit and are crossposting here because they think every Yea Forums board is Yea Forums, like the average newfriend.
The best part though? Next week when picture related opens he'll be crying for it to be closed because he does take it seriously

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>big frankensteinian mush of shitposting and low quality memes

Yeah, it is.

I love it.

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post-invisibro changes Yea Forums

>b-but muh serious discussion!
You Yea Forums bois are getting ass raped everyday by us reddit chads. Now your place

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This is true Only for Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and to a lesser extent /tg/, because the majority of posters on these boards are all dumb fuck vidya addicted weeb capeshitters with the same retarded taste. If chinkmoot created a retard board to throw all capeshit and sci fi and anime adaption threads into and viciously had mods purge any of those threads on here, Yea Forums would become good overnight. It's an open secret most of the shitposting that goes on in here is protest against the retards being given free license to shit this place up with their manchild garbage.

it’s also a disingenuous opinion. Yea Forums goes apeshit when their hentai threads get deleted or blacked spam starts there

this is what OP supports

ignore him

Actually I'll be sneedposting there.

>Yea Forums armband
>an armband of a board which is known to create reality show generals on Yea Forums because their janitor banned them from doing it now

>attitude didn't exist before the Reddit influx
Ahahahaha, in what kind of fucking dreamland are you living in?

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if you remove capeshit, sci fi and anime all that's left of Yea Forums is forced memes and dead discussion threads
>inb4 "good"
see related and then go back to r*ddit

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See picture related
Also written by the guy that wrote that. All capehsit and cartoons are from Yea Forumseddit cancer

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Remember it's /pol/s fault not Yea Forumss this board is the way it is

Don't care. I'm just here to shitpost.